Eclipse Plugin development: How to get the targetID for a viewerContribution - eclipse-plugin

I want to contribute a popup menu action to an existing editor which is provided by a 3rd party plugin. Inside my viewerContribution I need to specify targetID of the editor I want to add the menu entry to - but how do I get to that ID?
The sample code I found so far only contributes to self made editors but never to something that's already there.
This is pre Eclipse 3.5 so I use the "old" org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point.

See Plug-in Spy.
Hit Alt + Shift + F1 on an editor to see its ID and contributers.
Plug-in Menu Spy
Press Alt + Shift + F2 will change the mouse cursor to spy mode. Now select an menu entry. It will reveal the menu ID and its contributers. can not get ID for some platform contributed menu items because they don't have one.

You can find the interface summary and class summary of all the Eclipse IDE contents here.


IntelliJ Idea + Dart classes - how do I view documentation comments for a particular class

In VSCode you can hover over a dart class name and it will give you the documentation comments. How do you achieve this in IntelliJ?
I'm using the community edition.
I have tried the cmd + mouse hover but it doesn't give me the comments
it was an option that isn't automatically selected
Automatically show quick documentation #
In the Settings/Preferences dialog (⌃⌥S), go to Editor | General.
In the Other area, select the Show quick documentation on mouse move checkbox and specify the delay in milliseconds after which the
popup should appear.

How to make IntelliJ display the Javadoc of autocompletion suggestions?

IntelliJ display Java code auto-completion suggestions in a drop-down menu after pressing CtrlSpace. All other IDEs manage to display the corresponding Javadoc if available. How to get IntelliJ to do that?
How to see JavaDoc in IntelliJ IDEA? refers to displaying it on a mouse hover event whereas I'm missing the Javadoc from code-completion suggestions.
Once you put a dot and the suggestions appear, press F1 (which is the default shortcut for "Quick Documentation" in most keymaps). The documentation for the currently selected method then appears as a card as show in the image. Then you can either use the up/down arrow keys or start typing the method name to select it. The documentation card will reflect accordingly.
You can also click on the pin icon on top right of the documentation card to expand it if required.

Keyboard shortcut to navigate between IntelliJ views

In IntelliJ, there are some underlined numbers on the side menus :
1: Project
7: Structure
Like below :
So there is probably a keyboard shortcut which allows to navigate from one view to another by just entering the view number.
I tried the different digits with Ctrl, Ctrl+Shift, Ctrl+Alt etc but could not find the right shortcut.
How can I easily navigate between those views?
The shortcut is Alt + [number]
ps. There's a plugin force-shortcuts if you wanna replace your mouse click actions with shortcuts ( It's super annoying but you learn really fast. And by the way here are such plugins to most editors and IDEs.
ALT+F1 opens a window where you can choose one of the views by pressing the corresponding number.
Info: It actually opens the selected file in the selected view - which is not that bad maybe - but not 100% what you want?
Also there are cool things like pressing C to open a file chosen in Project Explorer directly in Explorer for example.

Pop-up menu is not fully visible in IntelliJ IDEA

I am just evaluating IntelliJ IDEA. Installed it with default procedures.
I created a simple Spring project and when I right click on the project, not able to see the the bottom part of the pop up menu. The issue is because of my laptop screen's height is less and could not fit the entire set of pop-up menu items.
In eclipse there is a drop down arrow, so that I can scroll to the menu items, which do not fit in the screen. How can I get the similar eclipse functionality in IntelliJ?
Well, you are only missing one useful feature (Genereate Java code from wsdl). I would ignore it unless you need to generate such code.
If you want to run this generation you can do this with Ctrl + Shift + A (and start typing feature name)
//btw, it is better to make code generation in maven anyway

How do I create a new class in IntelliJ without using the mouse?

Is there a way to create a new class in a desired location without using the mouse in IntelliJ?
I understand there is no keyboard binding in the default keymap.
If you are already in the Project View, press Alt+Insert (New) | Class. Project View can be activated via Alt+1.
To create a new class in the same directory as the current one use Ctrl+Alt+Insert (New...).
You can also do it from the Navigation Bar, press Alt+Home, then choose package with arrow keys, then press Alt+Insert.
Another useful shortcut is View | Select In (Alt+F1), Project (1), then Alt+Insert to create a class near the existing one or use arrow keys to navigate through the packages.
And yet another way is to just type the class name in the existing code where you want to use it, IDEA will highlight it in red as it doesn't exist yet, then press Alt+Enter for the Intention Actions pop-up, choose Create Class.
You can also use: ctrl+alt+insert
With Esc and Command + 1 you can navigate between project view and editor area - back and forward, in this way you can select the folder/location you need
With Control +Option + N you can trigger New file menu and select whatever you need, class, interface, file, etc. This works in editor as well in project view and it relates to the current selected location
// please consider that this is working with standard key mapping
For Mac Os, command + 1 , then press control + return
On Mac OS 10.14.5, Idea Intellij 2019.1.3 - Press command + 1 to navigate to project files then press control + n
On Mac you can navigate to the location in Project view where you want to create your class and then use ⌘N followed by Enter.
I do this a lot, and I don't have an insert key on my laptop, so I made my own keybinding for it. You can do this by opening Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap and navigating to Main menu > File > New... (I would recommend typing "new" into the search box - that will narrow it down considerably).
Then you can add a new keyboard shortcut for it by double clicking on that item and selecting Add Keyboard Shortcut.
Alt-Home until you're in Packages view
Down-arrow until package is highlighted
Enter X 2
Type name
If you use Mac, you are in luck. One can change the keymap for Intellij as Mac OS X, then you can use option+C.
In my (linux mint) system I can not get working combination alt+insert so I do the next steps:
alt+1 (navigate to "tree") --> "context button - analog right mouse click" (between right alt and ctrl) -- then with arrows (up or down) desired choice (create new class or package or ...)
Hope it helps some "mint" owners )).
I also searched this answer. Equivalent of command+N on Mac OS for Windows is ctr + alt + insert which #manyways already answered. If you searching this in settings it is in Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap, Other > New ...
If the difficulty is in finding the option that makes .java or .class files (Like me), then simply,
click on the folder you want to create file on. select new, and type file's name along with extension.
For example, instead of, helloWorld type or any file extension you desire.