Making a macro runs automatically in Outlook [closed] - vba

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I wrote a macro in VBA that does an action on some of the files that arrive to my inbox in Outlook. However, I will have to click a button or a shortkey to run this macro. Is there a way that this macro runs automatically whenever an email arrives to my inbox?
Please help,

You should be able use an Outlook rule to run a script. Have a look at "Rules and Alerts" and creating custom rules.

Maybe this contains an answer to your question:


is it possible to modify an existing email body content using office js through outlook addin? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Here I have implemented an email tracking system through inserting an image, tracking is working fine. Now i want to delete that image (to stop tracking) while replying on same email.Please help me.
It is not supported to modify existing item content through outlook add-ins api now. If you need it, you can put your request here. Also, you could check if the outlook mail rest api satisfies your requirement. Thanks

Execute two VBA macros simultaenously [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible that 2 macros can be executed simultaneously in VBA.
So there will be one macro which will take inputs from a database in access and will continue to show the data like a news strip. That code I have made.
Now there are other data and charts also on the same sheet. The problem is can the user execute the other macros for changing the data/Charts on the same worksheet by pressing command buttons or selecting radio buttons while side by side the film strip like data continues to flow on the screen.
No. VBA is single-threaded. Thus, one task must complete before another can run.
You can fool it by using Shell to launch an external process, but that's another story.

Importing CSV files to access using VB or Batch [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a bunch of excel files that need to imported into MS access tables everyday. I was looking for a way to automate this using Batch or VB. Is this possible using batch only? If not, how do i come about doing this with vb, i have no experience with vb and have no clue where to start. Can vb scripts be written on access only or requires any other programs?
VBA will best suited for this task. Every MS Offfice program have developer section on the ribbon (but you have to enable it), where you can enter VBA editor and wirte scripts there.

VBA errors not popping up when the code fails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know this is probably a little backwards but in this case I want the errors. I am working on a project and I am no longer getting pop up run time errors in VBA. The code just stops and I have to go step by step to find it. I must have done something to make it stop doing this but I have no idea what it was.
Any suggestions?
Best regards, CK
I can think of Three reasons
Close and reopen the excel file. Ensure that before you re-open there is no left over instance of Excel in task manager.
You are using On Error Resume Next
Incorrect Error Handling

2003 MS Access Visual Basic Workflow [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to program a database to function as a workflow? I would like it to identify the user as they open the database and then open up their 'queue' of work. Any ideas?
Read Remou's answer to this Stack Overflow question: How do I make an Access Form automatically open to a user's data?
It may help to describe your concept of a user's queue of work.