SQL server : XML : Data Base Table Optimization - sql

I have a SQL server DB , which have a Table , which Log every Exceptions with details along with 2 XML's (1 for Request , 1 for Response).
These 2 XML's are Compressed.
Now as the Data volume is high , I need to clean the Table in every 3-4 month.
What are the Optimization technique , I can use to avoid Data Clean up's.

Create Indexes on all columns that require searching.
Run optimize table tablename (or similar according to your RDBMS) through cron job every day.

Probably the best thing you can look into is table partitioning, which will allow you to quickly remove data when it needs age out. Also, make sure that you cluster your index on a monotonically increasing value (either a surrogate identity value or a datetime column, like dateofreciept); this will reduce fragmentation on the clustered index.


Adding Column To Table In Sql Server Take Long Time

I want to add a new column to a Sql Server table with about 20,000 rows using this query
ALTER TABLE [db].[dbo].[table]
ADD entry_date date;
the query result still working, until now it takes 10 minute and still working, Is it normal !
10 minutes seems like a long time, but adding a column takes time.
Why? Adding a column (generally) requires changing the layout of the table on the pages where the data is stored. In your case, the entry date is 4 bytes, so every row needs to be expanded by 4 bytes -- and fit on one data page.
Adding columns generally requires rewriting all data.
Also note that while this is occurring, locks and transactions are also involved. So, if other activity on the server is accessing the table (particularly data changes), then that also affects performance.
Oh, did I mention that indexes are involved as well? Indexes care about the physical location of data.
All that said, 10 minutes seems like a long time for 20,000 rows. You might find that things go much faster if you do:
Create a new table with the columns you want -- but no indexes except for the primary key or clustered index.
Insert the data from the existing table.
Add whatever indexes and triggers you want.
Of course, you need to be careful if you have an identity column.

How do I etl big data between 2 SQL Server?

My primary datasource get 50M records per day. I need view record max delay about 5 minutes.
How I have best way to transfer data from primary SQL Server datasource to report SQL Server datasource.
At this time, I user merge join every 30seconds. But it seems effect to primary datasource performance.
The most common approach to minimize the load on your source server is to do periodic extracts using a timestamp, i.e. a simple SELECT ... WHERE timestamp > previous-max-timestamp-extracted.
The source table(s) need to provide a column that allows you to filter on un-extracted records. If that's completely impossible, you might extract e.g. the last hour's data into staging tables, and deduplicate with previously extracted records.
Yes, you could use CDC, but that's often more involved, and usually adds some restrictions.
Cheers, Kristian

SQL Server Time Series Modelling Huge datacollection

I have to implement data collection for replay for electrical parameters for 100-1000's of devices with at least 20 parameters to monitor. This amounts to huge data collection as it will be based very similar to time series.I have to support resolution for 1 second. thinking about 1 year [365*24*60*60*1000]=31536000000 rows.
I did my research but still have few questions
As data will be huge is it good to keep data in same table or should the tables be spitted. [data structure is same] or i should
rely on indexes?
Data inserts also will be very frequent but i can batch them still what is the best way? Is it directly writing to same database
or using a temporary database for write and sync with it?
Does SQL Server has a specific schema recommendation to do time series optimization for select,update and inserts? any out of box
helps for day average ? or specific common aggregate functions i can
write my own but just to know as this a standard problem so they
might have some best practices and samples out of box.**
please let me know any help is appreciated, thanks in advance
1) You probably want to explore the use of partitions. This will allow very effective inserts (its a meta operation if you do the partitioning correctly) and very fast (2). You may want to explore columnstore indexes because the data (once collected) will never change and you will have very large data sets. Partitioning and columnstore require a learning curve but its very doable. There are lots of code on the internet describing the use of date functions in SQL Server.
That is a big number but I would start with one table see if it hold up. If you split it in multiple tables it is still the same amount of data.
Do you ever need to search across devices? If not you can have a separate table for each device.
I have some audit tables that are not that big but still big and have not had any problems. If the data is loaded in time order then make date the first (or only) column of the clustered index.
If the the PK is date, device then fine but if you can get two reading in the same seconds you cannot do that. If this is the PK then if you can load the data by that sort. Even if you have to stage each second and load. You just cannot afford to fragment a table that big. If you cannot load by the sort then take a fill factor of 50%.
If you cannot have a PK then just use date as clustered index but not as PK and put a non clustered index on device.
I have some tables of 3,000,000,000 and I have the luxury of loading by PK with no other indexes. There is no measurable degradation in insert from row 1 to row 3,000,000,000.

SQL Table causes slow running Queries

I have a sql table that has approximately 6,000 records with 17 columns each. If I do a basic search on the table (i.e. Select * from table_Orders)... it takes 1.5 minutes to return all the records! Any query that I run using this table is also very slow. I have reindexed the table so fragmentation is not an issue. This table has 2 nvarchar(max) columns in it that is storing xml data. Returning the table without these columns is extremely fast (less than 1 second). So, i'm guessing it's the xml data that is bogging down the queries. Is there anything I can do to speed up performance of queries that utilize columns with xml in them? Any insight will be greatly appreciated. I don't typically work with xml within sql, so I don't even know where to start.
This sounds like network speed and NOT search times. Even a table scan of 6000 rows only takes a fraction of a second - to search all the rows. Returning those rows to a client though... you're downloading all that data, so you're going to see a difference when you retrieve a lot of it. This has nothing to do with "query performance" and there isn't anything you can do about it unless you can make the network faster or deliver less data.
You can test this by issuing queries searching for a key in your clustered index. Assuming you have a clustered index on RowID...
select RowId, NonXmlColumn where RowId = 3 -- or some other reasonable key
select RowId, XmlColumn where RowId = 3
The search time for those queries will be the same. So, any difference in speed can be attributed to the network.
I would not store that data in a table. I would not store in VARCHAR if I did. Not to sound like a jerk.
SQL Server has a xml datatype: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh403385.aspx
It says there is limitations. You should see what applies to your scenario.
If you need to preserve the XML - stick it somewhere else and pull from it what ever fields you'll need to search on.

Appropriate query and indexes for a logging table in SQL

Assume a table named 'log', there are huge records in it.
The application usually retrieves data by simple SQL:
FROM log
WHERE logLevel=2 AND (creationData BETWEEN ? AND ?)
logLevel and creationData have indexes, but the number of records makes it take longer to retrieve data.
How do we fix this?
Look at your execution plan / "EXPLAIN PLAN" result - if you are retrieving large amounts of data then there is very little that you can do to improve performance - you could try changing your SELECT statement to only include columns you are interested in, however it won't change the number of logical reads that you are doing and so I suspect it will only have a neglible effect on performance.
If you are only retrieving small numbers of records then an index of LogLevel and an index on CreationDate should do the trick.
UPDATE: SQL server is mostly geared around querying small subsets of massive databases (e.g. returning a single customer record out of a database of millions). Its not really geared up for returning truly large data sets. If the amount of data that you are returning is genuinely large then there is only a certain amount that you will be able to do and so I'd have to ask:
What is it that you are actually trying to achieve?
If you are displaying log messages to a user, then they are only going to be interested in a small subset at a time, and so you might also want to look into efficient methods of paging SQL data - if you are only returning even say 500 or so records at a time it should still be very fast.
If you are trying to do some sort of statistical analysis then you might want to replicate your data into a data store more suited to statistical analysis. (Not sure what however, that isn't my area of expertise)
1: Never use Select *
2: make sure your indexes are correct, and your statistics are up-to-date
3: (Optional) If you find you're not looking at log data past a certain time (in my experience, if it happened more than a week ago, I'm probably not going to need the log for it) set up a job to archive that to some back-up, and then remove unused records. That will keep the table size down reducing the amount of time it takes search the table.
Depending on what kinda of SQL database you're using, you might look into Horizaontal Partitioning. Oftentimes, this can be done entirely on the database side of things so you won't need to change your code.
Do you need all columns? First step should be to select only those you actually need to retrieve.
Another aspect is what you do with the data after it arrives to your application (populate a data set/read it sequentially/?).
There can be some potential for improvement on the side of the processing application.
You should answer yourself these questions:
Do you need to hold all the returned data in memory at once? How much memory do you allocate per row on the retrieving side? How much memory do you need at once? Can you reuse some memory?
A couple of things
do you need all the columns, people usually do SELECT * because they are too lazy to list 5 columns of the 15 that the table has.
Get more RAM, themore RAM you have the more data can live in cache which is 1000 times faster than reading from disk
For me there are two things that you can do,
Partition the table horizontally based on the date column
Use the concept of pre-aggregation.
In preagg you would have a "logs" table, "logs_temp" table, a "logs_summary" table and a "logs_archive" table. The structure of logs and logs_temp table is identical. The flow of application would be in this way, all logs are logged in the logs table, then every hour a cron job runs that does the following things:
a. Copy the data from the logs table to "logs_temp" table and empty the logs table. This can be done using the Shadow Table trick.
b. Aggregate the logs for that particular hour from the logs_temp table
c. Save the aggregated results in the summary table
d. Copy the records from the logs_temp table to the logs_archive table and then empty the logs_temp table.
This way results are pre-aggregated in the summary table.
Whenever you wish to select the result, you would select it from the summary table.
This way the selects are very fast, because the number of records are far less as the data has been pre-aggregated per hour. You could even increase the threshold from an hour to a day. It all depends on your needs.
Now the inserts would be fast too, because the amount of data is not much in the logs table as it holds the data only for the last hour, so index regeneration on inserts would take very less time as compared to very large data-set hence making the inserts fast.
You can read more about Shadow Table trick here
I employed the pre-aggregation method in a news website built on wordpress. I had to develop a plugin for the news website that would show recently popular (popular during the last 3 days) news items, and there are like 100K hits per day, and this pre-aggregation thing has really helped us a lot. The query time came down from more than 2 secs to under a second. I intend on making the plugin publically available soon.
As per other answers, do not use 'select *' unless you really need all the fields.
logLevel and creationData have indexes
You need a single index with both values, what order you put them in will affect performance, but assuming you have a small number of possible loglevel values (and the data is not skewed) you'll get better performance putting creationData first.
Note that optimally an index will reduce the cost of a query to log(N) i.e. it will still get slower as the number of records increases.
I really hope that by creationData you mean creationDate.
First of all, it is not enough to have indexes on logLevel and creationData. If you have 2 separate indexes, Oracle will only be able to use 1.
What you need is a single index on both fields:
CREATE INDEX i_log_1 ON log (creationData, logLevel);
Note that I put creationData first. This way, if you only put that field in the WHERE clause, it will still be able to use the index. (Filtering on just date seems more likely scenario that on just log level).
Then, make sure the table is populated with data (as much data as you will use in production) and refresh the statistics on the table.
If the table is large (at least few hundred thousand rows), use the following code to refresh the statistics:
l_ownname VARCHAR2(255) := 'owner'; -- Owner (schema) of table to analyze
l_tabname VARCHAR2(255) := 'log'; -- Table to analyze
l_estimate_percent NUMBER(3) := 5; -- Percentage of rows to estimate (NULL means compute)
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (
ownname => l_ownname ,
tabname => l_tabname,
estimate_percent => l_estimate_percent,
method_opt => 'FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS',
cascade => TRUE
Otherwise, if the table is small, use
Additionally, if the table grows large, you shoud consider to partition it by range on creationDate column. See these links for the details:
Oracle Documentation: Range Partitioning
OraFAQ: Range partitions
How to Create and Manage Partition Tables in Oracle