Using Timer in -

How can I use Timer in VB.Net? I want to repeat a statement after every 5 seconds but timer event offers only timer_tick() and timer_disposed()
In which event I can write my required code?

You could write your event in the timer_tick().
It's worth noting that your timer tick is in Milliseconds (ms) so you'll need to set its property to 5000 for 5 seconds.
You'll also need to start the timer (timer1.start) (you can do this on form load if you want the action to start from when the form is first loaded) and then put your loop in the timer_tick() section :)
Have a look here for a rudimentary explanation:

You will want to use the Tick event. When the Timer is enabled, it will be raised on the interval defined by the Interval property.

The timer_tick method is called in time-interval You set. Your code should go there.

You should handle the Timer's Tick Event and write in the required statement which should repeat every 5 seconds there. Have a look at the following example:


Seeking suggestion to count time inside the loop

I am trying to measure/count the time inside the while loop, I tried a couple of methods but couldn't find the solution yet.
Here is my current VI.
In short, I am trying to measure the time as long as the "Boolean is on/true" and once it's off/false the time must be displayed.
If something is not clear then please let me know.
I may be repeating Fourier's answer, but typing it in two different forms may be helpful to you since I note you haven't accepted that answer yet.
Remove the outer While Loop. It is superfluous.
Then do this:
In the "turn on" frame, you gather the current Tick Count and stash it in a shift register. In the "turn off" frame, you gather the Tick Count again and subtract. In all the other frames, make sure you wire the two tunnels together so you don't lose your Tick Count. Side note: you probably want Boolean to be an indicator, not a control, so your user cannot click on it and toggle it directly.
You can reach your goal with simpler code. You should use one while loop only with the Event Structure:
When List of Conditions changes, intercept the event (as you are already doing) and register the time when this event happen (with the VI Tick count for example).
in two shift registers,"save" the time you registers in the previous point and the status of your count (a boolean should be enough: counting/not counting).
Then, in the Timeout event you calculate in real time the time passed with the following operation current time (Vi Tick count) - event time (save in the shift register).
You should count time only if your boolean Counting/not counting is True.
When you detect another event List of Conditions Value Change, you should check if you should stop count time or not.
Finally, in the Timeout event or in the List of Conditions Value change event, evaluate the stop condition for your while loop. program to register time on multiple runners

I building a program to track the time of up to 60 runners. My idea is to use a DataGridView with columns for:
ID (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)
Name (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)
Start time (DataGridViewButtonColumn)
Stop time (DataGridViewButtonColumn)
Reset time (DataGridViewButtonColumn)
Finish time (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)
Adding columns 1-5 including functions is no problem, but I cannot wrap my head around how to display a stopwatch in column 6.
My idea was to add a timer and stopwatch function every time a new row I added, but do I need a timer for each row? If so how do I set the ID of that timer, so I can call the Tick event and display the time in column 6?
Also I assume that I need a stopwatch for each row? So how do I set the name of ID of each Stopwatch - can seem to find any property for that?
See below screen shot of what I am trying to accomplish.
Thanks in advance.
Screen shot

Count timer for a Quizz on VBA

I'm currently trying to install timer in VBA - I'm working on a quizz.
There are several questions to answer. What I would I like to know is the time that someone spends answering each question. So the timer should start every time someone clicks on question, then stop when someone clicks on question 2 and start again instantly.
OnClick events. Just use a DateDiff to calculate the time spent. Of course, they'd have to click a button to begin the exam, or open the form that contains the exam, so there's an initial reference point. But it should only take a few milliseconds to write that timestamp to a table and then calculate the difference each time the button is clicked.
You can use the Timer function. It will give you a precision up to 1/1000 of a second:
Dim myTime as variant
myTime = Timer
Debug.Print "Process duration", Timer - myTime

Timing a simulation in a control loop

I have a labview vi which is in a control loop with PID . I want to insert a timer for the simulation. It should display the time of the simulation and also use that time to make changes in the control loop.
It is just a simple timer but I am not sure which one and how to use them. please help me
The simplest option, if it does what you need, is probably the 'Elapsed Time' Express VI.
Alternatively you can use the Get Date/Time in Seconds function. Read this function at the start of your simulation and pass the value in to your control loop (or read it on the first loop iteration and store the value in a shift register). Inside the loop, read the same function and subtract the value from the start value; that'll give you the elapsed time in seconds. If you want a display of this value just wire it to a numeric indicator. You can set the display format of the indicator to 'relative time' if you want to show hours, minutes and seconds.
The most natural option would be to use a Timed-loop, this allows you to detect whether your code can run in the supplied time and select a hardware time clock.

Display time left when running

I have a form with a few buttons which execute code when pressed like running validations on the database.
Some code can run for a few minutes so is there any way to show the time remaining or a message to display the % of process completed?
Or pop out a message when code evaluation starts and the message should disappear once code running is completed?
What you are probably looking for is a "Progress Bar".
I've used the Microsoft ProgressBar control (you can find it under Insert->ActiveX Control), and it's not that hard to use. Just set the value of it to a percentage (as an integer, not a decimal).
'foo, being the ProgressBar = 70 '70%
There is some good info here on another method:
In order to do this the "normal" way, you'd need to run your validation in another thread and have it report its progress back to the UI thread. However, I don't believe VBA supports any kind of multithreading.
If your validation routines involve a loop, or even just many separate discrete operations, you can try inserting a DoEvents statement in between loop iterations (or operations), and then have your progress display updated periodically (say, in an Application_OnTime event handler).
I usually have a form I name frmProgress or whatever, with a cancel button and a label for displaying a status message. Then embedded in the form code I have a boolean called bCancel, and when you hit the cancel button it simply sets bCancel as true.
Also in this code I have a routine called ShowPercDone( Idx , NumIdc ) where Idx is the step the code is on, and NumIdc is the number of steps the code will take (assuming each step takes the same amount of time). This works well when I'm running through a for loop, but basically any time I want to display a status update I just call the routine in the form with my message, which I should add runs the doevents command for me.
So that's how the status form works. In the macro I run, I start out by just calling (0) so that it lets you click the cancel button. Then in my loop when I update the status message I then check frmProgress.bCancel and if it's true I exit out of the macro.
Hope that helps.
Finally to be simple i decided to use the method given here