Railo: won't find default at http://domain.com - apache

I'm having an issue with Railo 3.1.0 running under Apache on Windows Server 2003.
When going to http://www.domain.com it defaults to index.cfm.
When going to http://domain.com it doesn't find index.cfm. http://domain.com/index.cfm works fine.
Anyone know where I can configure this?

Looks like Apache virtual host misconfiguration, not Railo. Re-check DirectoryIndex setting for domain.com site config (in sites-available), it should contain index.cfm on first place.


Domain Name cannot be changed in Apache on CentOS 7

I have set up a server with a wiki and Wordpress and Nextcloud on a new Domain, let's say it's testing.com. When I was finished, I wanted to change the Domain from testing.com to realdomain.com.
The server is running CentOS 7 with httpd (apache), so I changed the ServerName in /etc/httpd/conf/ to "realdomain.com". Then I changed the VirtualHosts in all the files in /etc/httpd/conf.d.
I added the new Domain to the trusted Domains of the Wordpress, Nextcloud and wiki. I restarted the httpd service and the server itself.
Yet, when I open realdomain.com in browser, it shows me my websites, but it puts testing.com in the address field.
I tried using mod_rewrite to change the URL, but then my webbrowser tells me that the site doesnt redirect correctly and that the redirects never stop.
I tried those rewrite rules in the .conf files and in the .htaccess (not simultaneously)- no success.
I removed all my files in conf.d and created a new DocumentRoot with a simple helloWorld.html - The Url still gets rewritten to testing.com.
Are there any other locations that could have rewrite rules? Did I miss anything?
Thank you so much in advance, this is killing me!

Cannot disable apache http->https redirection

I'm managing a Centos 7.7 server with apache 2.4 working fine so far. I hace SSL configured and running, and all my pages are served without problem (all of them through https).
Now I have to run a site which is badly coded and doesn't show correctly through https, because mixed content errors block css. The problem is that http is not working, there is a 301 Redirect to https that I'm unable to find in the configuration files. There are no Rewrites, Redirects or ProxyPass in the configuration files (grep -r Rewrite or Redirect in apache directory couldn't find anything), except this ones:
ProxyPassMatch ^/foo/(.*.php)$ fcgi://$1
ProxyPassMatch ^/foo2/(.*.php)$ fcgi://
for using php7 only for this sites.
I have a default:443 and a default:80 VirtualHost and I cannot see anything strange.
Also I checked firewalld in case there is a Port redirection, whith no luck.
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
I solved it by myself. It turns out that firefox was doing nasty things, and clearing site preferences as pointed in
Firefox redirects to https
solved the issue.

How to configure phabricator with a bare domain url?

I'm trying to run phabricator on my home server. The last thing I struggle with is to use phabricator with a bare url. I've set up a virtual host (apache 2.4) using a seperate port for phabricator and added the required rewrite rules:
<VirtualHost *:81>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/phabricator/phabricator/webroot
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?__path__=$1 [B,L,QSA]
<Directory "/var/www/html/phabricator/phabricator/webroot">
Require all granted
Unfortunately, phabricator demands a non-root url. Any ideas?
I get the following error message:
User moodboom found a solution but did not post the answer at how-to-configure-phabricator-with-a-non-root-url.
It doesn't look like it demands a non-root URL from the post you pointed to. It looks like the reverse, it demands a root URL. As quoted in the answer you mentioned:
You can either install Phabricator on a subdomain (like
phabricator.example.com) or an entire domain, but you can not install
it in some subdirectory of an existing website.
Since there wasn't any easy way to solve this, I hat to set up a local DNS server (dnsmasq) to get rid of this problem. Manually changing the host file on every single client is possible but too tedious and error prone. Dnsmasq on the other hand was easy to setup on ubuntu 16.04 and will keep my local network a bit more organized.

How do I find out where my root URL is being served from in Apache?

I've recently got a VPS server and it came installed with CentOS, WHM and cPanel. I'm trying to find where the physical folder location the root URL of the server IP is being served. When I go to the root IP in a browser, I get a redirect to "/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" with "SORRY!" and some error resolve details.
The server has a web-site running under "/cPanel" and also WHM runs on ":2083".
I'm trying take control of the content served directly at the /, and replace that defaultwebpage.cgi with an index.html.
I've tried httpd -V to check where the httpd.conf, is and then spotted a <VirtualHost *> in that config file, which points to a DocumentRoot of /use/local/apache/htdocs . But if I place index.html in this folder and try to hit it via /index.html, I still get routed to that defaultwebpage.cgi. Can anyone help me understand why its rerouting and not picking up that index.html?
You may want to try /var/www/html, at least that's in Ubuntu
If it's not it, then try going to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and find the DocumentRoot option.
Hope this helps!

Apache webserver rewrite all URL's excluding some

I'm using apache httpd v2.2 server as a frontend proxy for our actual tomcat web server which hosts the Java web application.
I want to forward all urls received by apache webserver other than those having the prefix /product to tomcat.
I've tried the following set up in httpd.conf but it' doesn't seem to work
<VirtualHost *:6111>
ServerName localhost
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule !^(/product($|/)) http://localhost:1234/$1
Alias /product /opt/productdoc
I tried to follow Redirect site with .htaccess but exclude one folder but was not successful
Basically all http://localhost:6111/product urls should serve from hard drive (using alias)
Any other url should be forwarded to http://localhost:1234/<original-path>
You probably want to use something like mod_jk http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html.
There are a ton of examples and tutorials and it should be pretty simple to setup and install. Now that you know the name of the connection technology, you should probably be able to find more information.
Using modjk also allows you to secure your tomcat server and keep the public off of it.