gradle - how to declare a dependency of a jar in a jar - ivy

Using gradle, I am consuming a build from an archiva repository. One of the jars (javax.jms_1.1.0.200810061358.jar) has the following content:
The jar I need is actually the jms.jar inside this javax.jms_1.1.0.200810061358.jar
The only way I've been able to consume this jar is by pulling jms.jar
out of the repository's javax.jms_1.1.0.200810081358.jar and saving it
to the file system and consuming it via:
repositories { flatDir: my_dir_with_jms.jar_in_it}
someone on the gradle list suggested using an Ivy packager resolver.
I looked at this link and was
left very confused. I do have other ivy resolvers set up like this:
addIvyPattern 'http://archivaserver:8080/archiva/repository/osgi-internal/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy_[revision].xml'
Anyone know of a good solution to this?

Resolving a dependency inside a dependency would require the use of the ivy packager resolver.
I've never configured the package resolver from within Gradle, but I think it would work something like the following (Referencing webpage)
repositories {
add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.packager.PackagerResolver()) {
name = 'local Ivy packagers'
buildRoot = file("${gradle.gradleUserHomeDir}/packager/build")
resourceCache = file("${gradle.gradleUserHomeDir}/packager/cache")
addIvyPattern "file:///${project.rootDir}/ivy/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml"
addArtifactPattern "file:///${project.rootDir}/ivy/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/packager.xml"
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.myorg', name: 'jms', version: ''
The resolver requires the following files for the declared dependency:
Describes the module and in this case declares what artifacts are published:
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="org.myorg" module="jms" revision="" status="release"/>
<artifact name="jms" type="jar"/>
Describes where the enclosing archive is located and instructions on how to extract jms.jar:
<packager-module version="1.0">
<resource dest="archive" url="http://archivaserver:8080/archiva/repository/??/javax.jms_1.1.0.200810061358.jar" sha1="????"/>
<move file="archive/jms.jar" tofile="artifacts/jars/jms.jar"/>
The content under the build tag is used to generate an ANT script. For more details read the "Packaging instructions" section of the ivy documentation


Why does Artifactory require an explicit artifact for some Ivy dependencies

I have an Artifactory server that I use to resolve Ivy dependencies. When I want to add a dependency to my ivy.xml, I sometimes have to add an explicit nested <artifact> tag, and I don't understand why.
Example A:
<dependency org="" name="guava" rev="[7,)" conf="compile,runtime" />
Example B
<dependency org="com.twelvemonkeys.common" name="common-image" rev="3.0.1" conf="compile,runtime">
<artifact name="common-image" ext="jar"/>
Looking at the cached dependencies in the Artifactory tree view, there's nothing that indicates that the last example should need extra info to resolve the dependency, but Artifactory suggests it itself, and the resolution doesn't work without out.
I'm using Ivy against a repository with Maven layout. My settings where generated by Artifactory and look something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings defaultResolver="main" />
<chain name="main">
root="" />
Why does Artifactory require an explicit artifact for some Ivy dependencies and not for others?
Edit 20151005: Added Ivy settings example
The tool performing the dependency resolution is the Ivy client and not Artifactory.
Based on the dependency deceleration the Ivy resolver decides which artifact to request from the repository (in your case it is Artifactory).
The artifact feature provides more control on a dependency for which you do not control its ivy file.
It enables to specify the artifacts required, if the dependency has no ivy file.
For more information about the artifact feature and when it should be used consult the Ivy documentation.

Download dependency of dependency using ivy

Am a beginner in Ant+Ivy . So any help is appreciated.
In my ivy.xml, I have listed the dependency section and the jar I need to build.
<dependency org="" name="abc" rev="1.0.0" transitive="false"/>
This downloads abc.jar. But the problem is abc.jar is dependent on 50 other jar files to work. So how can I download them all ?
You have set the transitive flag to false, telling ivy not to download dependencies.
Try this instead:
<dependency org="" name="abc" rev="1.0.0" conf="default"/>
See related answer:
Nexus Ivy Maven : Second Level Dependencies Ignores Transitive

Maven update jar before packaging in WAR

I have a project where I am packaging a WAR using simple maven-war-plugin. Along with all other dependencies one of the dependency say 'abc.jar' which is getting packaged in war contains a default spring configurations which I would like to update with the custom one before packaging. I have maven profile configured to be activated if following build command applied;
mvn clean install -DframeworkPacakging=XYZ
I am trying to use 'truezip-maven-plugin' to overwrite my custom spring configurations inside in 'abc.jar' present in 'target/aretfacts-id/WEB-INF/lib' but when maven-war-plugin finishes I loose my changes because war plugin takes the file from dependency definition. How can I solve this issue and what are my options?
P.S. Distributing configuration is not desirable as this setup would be used for Embedded Jetty Server running within Eclipse
to prevent inclusion of the original jar file, I would use go for approach suggested on:
Use <scope>provided</scope> for this dependency to keep it out of the
lib directory.
to include the repackaged one, I'd follow suggestion from: How to make Maven copy resource file into WEB-INF/lib directory?
Try changing the configuration of the maven war plugin to include a webResource:

Ivy Publishing multiple jars in Nexus with different version Number

How to publish multiple jar files having different version number in Nexus Sonatype Repository using ivy and ant.
How Can Write ivy.xml file ??
Suppose I have following two jar files
addressing-1.0.jar and
How Should I provide version number in ivy.xml as there are two different version number here(1.0 and 1.3) to publish these jar files in Nexus Sonatype Repository with appropriate
version numbers.
Thanking You
Looking for reply to this question.
All the files published by a build would be associated with the same release revision.
I suspect that what you need to do is upload dependencies? In which case the simplest way is to use the Nexus GUI or the following answer
Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven
The ivy file describes both the project dependencies and the files generated and published by the project.
So for example the following files lists the two files which ivy will upload into Nexus, a jar and a POM file:
<ivy-module version='2.0'>
<info organisation="com.myspotonontheweb" module="donaldduck"/>
<artifact name="donaldduck" type="jar"/>
<artifact name="donaldduck" type="pom"/>
The point is... All files published by this module would have the same version number.
And this is specified by the publish task (See pubrevision attribute):
<ivy:publish resolver="nexus" pubrevision="${publish.revision}" overwrite="true" publishivy="false" >
<artifacts pattern="${build.dir}/[artifact].[ext]"/>
The files in your example are looks like files available from Maven Central. This means they're automatically proxied by your Nexus server, and can be included in your project as dependencies:
<dependency org="net.sourceforge.addressing" name="addressing" rev="1.1.1"/>
<dependency org="org.codehaus.castor" name="castor" rev="1.2"/>

pack stuff other than target/classes with maven jar

I am using maven jar plugin to package the jar file. But it looks like maven jar plugin just only pack the stuff that stay inside target/classes. I am also want to pack all the classes in target/classes and (resource and class) files from many other directories. How can i do that with maven jar?
The resource files stays in another folder of project.
If you can't (or just don't want to) put them under src/main/resources, you can declare additional resource locations using the <resource> element:
<directory> [your folder here] </directory>
See Specifying resource directories.
The other classes are generated classes.
The convention with plugins generating sources it to generate them in target/generated-sources/<tool> and a well implemented plugin should add the specified path as a source directory (so that generated code would be compiled). When they don't, the Build Helper Maven Plugin can come to the rescue.
If you are generating classes, why don't you generate them in ${} (i.e. target/classes by default)? I don't think you can add a 2nd classes directory anyway.
If this doesn't help, please clarify your exact constraints and requirements.
Specifying resource directories