MageUI.exe is not including a compatibleFrameworks element - .net-4.0

I've got a ClickOnce .NET 4 application deployed by Visual Studio 2010, via a UNC path. I open the .application file, change the startup location to use the HTTP address, sign, and close. The application then gives this error:
Application manifest does not accept specification of <compatibleFrameworks>.
How do I get MageUI.exe to include this needed element when I sign?
This is similar to Stack Overflow question Why does Mage.exe not generate a compatibleFrameworks attribute?.
I've tried opening MageUI from the location suggested, to no avail, and I'd really rather not have to use MSBuild. This is a simple application, and I'd much prefer Visual Studio's simple built-in deployment.
Also, in case anyone's wondering, I can't deploy via HTTP through Visual Studio, because that requires FrontPage extensions to be installed, among other reasons.

Try using the MageUI.exe version from the .NET 4 folder, which is in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools
By the way, you can set the publishing file location to the UNC share path and the installation URL to your HTTP address and THEN publish. It will put the files on the share, but the installation URL will be set. If that's all you're changing, that would be easier all the way around.
Also, just FYI, you can publish with FTP (publishing a file location is something like ftp://myserver/myfolder/) if you don't want (or can't) to install the FPSE.


How to repoint TeamCity to a different MsBuild

I am unfortunately stuck on TeamCity 9 but want to use C# 7 language features. This requires me to have the VS2017 tools available, but in TC 9 you can only select up to 2015. I have manually installed the VS2017 toolkit on the build server and it is all available in
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0
However in TC, the highest VS you can select to build with is 2015, which points to
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0
I want some way to override this so that by selecting VS2015 in TeamCity, it will actually be pointing to MsBuild in
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0
Is this possible?
Check you agent properties in TeamCity web interface. Search for your path: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0 and write somewhere all keys that have this path in it.
Then go to your agent installation directory and edit file: C:\Path\To\BuildAgent\conf\
Add all those keys with new path, something like (assuming you key is MSBuildTools14.0_x86_Path):
MSBuildTools14.0_x86_Path=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\15.0
(keep in mind escaping slash \\)
Restart your agent, and check again build agent properties. All paths should be replaced and you should be good to go.
This answer is based on comments from this issue:

Can Orchard 1.8.x be installed on a build server that does not have Visual Studio Installed?

I also asked this question on the Orchard forum but no joy there yet. So here it is again... Please read for a few more details.
IF the .NET 4/4.5 SDK came with a developer command prompt (like previous SDKs) then I would not be asking this question.
But since Orchard is build with .NET 4.5 I am getting build errors using the old SDK. It seems that my only option is to install Visual Studio Express on the build server.
I am doing that as we speak so at this point the question is purely academic but I am still curious.
STILL NO JOY. Even after installing VS 2013 Express Web the vcvarsall.bat that usually configure the build environment is still not present. So this is no longer a curiosity question. The Express edition also cannot create my build environment. Help.
Here is my answer...copied and pasted from the forum.
This is a late answer. Bottom line is that I did eventually get our build server to build orchard projects. I am not sure if this is a complete answer or not as I should have answered as soon as I had it done. But I pretty sure this will work.
One other thing to note...It is quite possible that not all of these steps are required. I tried a lot of different things and it might be in the end some of the steps were not needed. It might also reflect a problem on our build server...especially the fact that I had to manually add registry entries.
But here it is without details.
Install the .NET Framework SDK for Windows 7.1.
Install the .NET 4.5 Full
Install Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web
Install the Visual Studio 2013 Build Tools
Finally, even after didn't work until I added the following registry keys. I would attach the .reg file but I don't see how.
Save the lines between the lines into a fixBuild.reg file. Then double click...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"11.0"="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\"
"12.0"="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\"
Finally, to actually do the build, I created a batch file that does the build.
Save the lines between the lines into a doBuild.cmd file. Be sure to place this in the root of the source download...then double click to build...
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
msbuild /t:FastBuild Orchard.proj
The first line gets your environment ready. The second build the project using the FastBuild target in the Orchard.proj file. You can read that file if you want to try other build targets.
******* EDIT
There is one thing I forgot to mention. And that is that one thing you have to do to get this to work is that you have to edit some CSPROJ files because the command line build fails with errors like these...
\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\CKEditor\CKEditor.csproj(337,6): error : "None" element name for include "" should be "Content".
\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\Orchard.Tokens\Tests\Orchard.Tokens.Tests.csproj(82,6): error : "None" element name for include "app.config" sh
\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\TinyMceDeluxe\TinyMceDeluxe.csproj(377,6): error : "None" element name for include "app.config" should be "Cont
\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\Upgrade\Upgrade.csproj(156,6): error : "None" element name for include "app.config" should be "Content". [C:\Us
\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Themes\Themes.csproj(280,6): error : "None" element name for include "Upward\Views\Content-Story.Detail.cshtml" should
The fix is to do exactly what the error indicates. Open the csproj files and search/replace "
Also, some of the projects reference app.config files that do not exist in source. You also have to remove those references. I usually just delete the content node entirely or the group entirely.

TFS Build dropping extra files including csproj in target folder

I have an automated build process set up to run from a build definition in TFS, which publishes a web application and generates/executes a database project script successfully via publish profiles that are passed as msbuild arguments in the build process definition. Everything is now running as expected except that several unnecessary files are being deployed to the target folder, including the .csproj file, all of the config transforms, and the properties folder which contains all of my publish profiles.
This is strange because 1. It's definitely not including ALL files/folders and mostly appears to be including ones used by the publish profile like transforms, while applying the transform correctly and excluding any explicitly excluded file (as defined in the pubxml), and 2. The process works perfectly if I do it by publishing from the project in Visual Studio 2013. I have the profile configured to only include files needed by the application, and I've confirmed in the csproj file that this property is there.
I tried excluding the properties folder from deployment in the pubxml file, but this causes the build to crash because it can't find the assembly file. What I've gathered is that the process is keeping all files it needs to complete the build, and dropping all of those files in my destination folder. FWIW, I'm using the "file system" method and I'm not sure yet if web deploy will make a difference. I haven't been able yet to connect to the target server with web deploy, but that's a separate problem to solve. Is there something in the build that I can configure so that my destination folder has only the files it needs to run the application, and not the files needed to BUILD the application?
FYI I also have not been using a drop folder, I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not but that might be the only thing I haven't tested as it doesn't seem necessary since I'm using a publishprofile and don't want to use the default tfs build configuration.
I found a solution that works well enough, after reading this:
This was a little uglier solution than I wanted, since it requires hard-coding the names of excluded files, but it does the trick and only requires identifying the files and folders in one location instead of altering a publish profile for each target environment. I created a wpp.targets file and used the ExcludeFromPackageFolders and ExcludeFromPackageFiles elements to identify the extra files. Ironically, if I don't also name the wpp.targets file in the exclude element, THAT file is included in my package. It's possible MSDeploy doesn't have the same issues with TFS as filesystem, but after spending half a day trying to work through a different set of issues and permissions workarounds, we decided that file system is a cleaner publishing method.

What parameters does TeamCity pass to MSBuild under the covers?

I just downloaded TeamCity 7 today and decided to get it up and running for my Azure solution. I am not trying to do anything fancy (yet) and started with a very basic command line build:
msbuild /t:Publish /p:Configuration=Release;TargetProfile=Production;PublishDir=S:\HoursTracker\Deployments
This builds successfully and produces a package that looks like this*:
I then attempted to configure TeamCity in an identical fashion:
This builds successfully and produces a package that looks like this*:
What I don't understand is why there is such a huge discrepancy in the size of the MVC project. Publishing directly from Visual Studio produces the exact same result as my MSBuild command so I'm convinced that TeamCity is the odd man out. Since I assume TeamCity is not broken, can someone please educate me on how to properly configure it so that I get the expected output?
*I have renamed the package files with .zip so that the details were viewable for this post.
Ming's answer helped me solve the mystery. After inspecting the contents of the zip files, I discovered the difference was that my MSBuild package contained bin and obj folders and the TeamCity package did not.
After making this discovery, I realized that I could specify multiple targets to MSBuild and prepended "Clean" to my targets switch like so:
msbuild /t:Clean;Publish /p:Configuration=Release;TargetProfile=Production;PublishDir=S:\HoursTracker\Deployments
As expected, this removed those folders. So apparently, TeamCity specifies "Clean" implicitly for you. Mystery solved.
Windows Azure packages may be larger than we expect. You can rename the cssx file to zip and you will find out what’s inside the package. In addition to the web application’s usual files, there’re a bunch of Windows Azure files. For example, if you enable diagnostics, you will see a diagnostics folder, where you’ll find files used by Windows Azure diagnostics runtime.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Why you specified x64 for msbuild runner? Try selecting tools version as well. You have not specified /p:Platform parameter. Does publish task involve rebuild?
TeamCity starts msbuild with number of /p: parameters taken from " properties and environment variables " section, plus some well-known parameters like configuration name or project name.

Output directory when building a WCF project in Visual Studio

I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution that is set to build in Debug x86. Visual Studio therefore sets the output path to \bin\x86\Debug, which seems logical enough.
The solution contains about 50 projects; the start-up project is a WCF project.
When I do a build, I would expect all output dlls to go to \bin\x86\Debug, as that is what is set in the project settings. But weirdly, I see dlls being created in bin\x86\Debug and in \bin. Why would Visual Studio put any dll in \bin if the output path is not set to that directory? It seems that all dlls go to \bin\x86\Debug, and all dlls except for the start-up project go into \bin. Any idea why it would do that? (We have other solutions that don't use WCF, and they don't have this problem.)
The other annoyance is if I run the service from Visual Studio and then try to access my service in a web browser, by going to http://localhost:1240/MyService.svc, it doesn't work, because the start-up project dll is missing from /bin. I therefore have to manually copy this one dll from \bin\x86\Debug to \bin, so that all dlls are found and the service runs normally. (We could of course add a custom post-build step that does the copy, but you'd think there'd be a better way!)
To those of you working on WCF projects, do you leave the output path at \bin\x86\Debug? (Perhaps there is a way to configure the service, eg in the web.config or .svc file, so that it knows the binaries are in \bin\x86\Debug instead of \bin?) Or do you change the output path to \bin so that you can run your service straight from Visual Studio?
If you open the property page of you WCF Hosting project and goto tab Build, under the Output section of this tag there is a textbox that contains the location of the output binaries.
For a WCF project the binaries should go to bin directory irrespective of the build type (suc as Debug, Release). Make sure this value has been configured correctly.
The value needs to be configured for each build type\configuration.
If you need, for whatever reason, different outputs from different build configurations in different folders you could specify them like you did first and use a post build event command line that copies from your specified output folder to bin.
- untested code -
COPY/Y "$(OutDir)\*.*" "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)\bin\"
- untested code -