Creating BizTalk 2006 adapters programmatically - scripting

I'm writing a configuration script for a BizTalk server I need to create a few adapters.
In the "BizTalk Server Administration" application this is done by going to Biztalk Server Group / Platform Settings / Adapters and choosing New / Adapter from the right-click menu.
I'd like to automate this process somehow, using a Powershell script or a SQL script. I tried to use the adm_Adapter_Create stored procedure in teh Biztalk DB but it doesn't work all the way as no send / recieve handlers get configured.
Is there any way to automate this adapter creation?

You need to use WMI for this with the MSBTS_AdapterSetting class. There's some example code for this here.

Part of a Powershell script I wrote to solve this:
$adapterClass = [WMIClass] "root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer:MSBTS_AdapterSetting"
$adapter = $adapterclass.CreateInstance()
$adapter.Name = $
$adapter.Comment = $adapterXml.comment
$adapter.Constraints = $adapterXml.constraints
$adapter.MgmtCLSID = $adapterXml.MgmtCLSID
$adapter.put() | Out-Null


How to read/fetch data from Oracle SQL database using PowerShell Core?

I have been researching on this for a couple of days but have been going in circles here.
I need to write a script that fetches the data from Oracle db and do something with the data. In my script I will have to fetch data multiple times.
My machine has the SQLDeveloper-21.4.3 which I got from installing InstantClient-Basic-Windows-21.3.0. I use the SQL Developer to connect to the db which is on another machine; this is how I can look into tables, views etc. of the db.
Secondly, this script will be hosted on another server that runs Windows-Server-2012-R2. I am just using my machine to write the script because I cannot use the server to do this. Therefore, I am looking for a solution that requires minimum amount of installing.
Thirdly, we do not have Oracle commercial license. This Oracle db I am trying to access is on the machine installed by a third party that installed some instruments. This company uses Oracle as they collect data on the instruments installed.
I was hoping the solution would be something similar to invoking connection to MS SQL where I downloaded module that gave cmdlets to connect to the MS SQL.
Oracle does have Oracle Modules for PowerShell but neither have I found information on how to use them nor have I understood the little information provided by Oracle on this. For this to work one of the requirement is:
A configuration file and key pair used for signing API requests, with
the public key uploaded to Oracle Cloud using Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Console. Only the user calling the API should possess
the private key.
I don't know the heck Oracle is talking about here. Like, what is this configuration file, where is it? Where would I get the key pair from for signing API request. What is Oracle Infrastructure Console, where do I get it from? You get the idea.
Therefore, I went the .DLL route.
This is what I have done so far:
I installed Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core -Version 3.21.61 from NuGet.
Unzipped the package and moved the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll to the location of my script.
The code is:
$OracleDLLPath = "C:\Users\Desktop\CNC_File_Transfer_VSCode\Fastems_NicNet\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll"
$datasource = " (DESCRIPTION =
(HOST = = 1521))
(RETRIES = 180)
(DELAY = 5))))"
$username = "username"
$password = "password"
#Load Required Types and modules
Add-Type -Path $OracleDLLPath
Import-Module SqlServer
Write-Host $queryStatment
#Create the connection string
$connectionstring = 'User Id=' + $username + ';Password=' + $password + ';Data Source=' + $datasource
#Creates a data adapter for the command
$da = New-Object Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter($cmd);
#The Data adapter will fill this DataTable
$resultSet = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
#Only here the query is sent and executed in Oracle
#Close the connection
WRITE-HOST $resultSet
This gives an error though:
Add-Type : Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve
the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
I am new to programming in general. I would really appreciate if someone could provide detailed steps on resolving this. Thanks in advance.

Adding a TFS server group to access levels via command line

I am creating a group of users within TFS 2013 and I want to add them to the none default access level (ex. the full access group) but I noticed I am only able to do this through the web interface by adding a TFS Group under that certain level. I am wondering if there is a way to do this via the developer tool (command line) as everything I am doing is being done in a batch script.
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Create 3 TFS server groups; add these groups to the different access levels (e.g. TFS_ACCESS_LEVEL_(NONE|STANDARD|FULL)). Now use the TFSSecurity commandline tool to add groups to these existing and mapped groups(tfssecurity /g+ TFS_ACCESS_LEVEL_NONE GroupYouWantToHaveThisAccessLevel). There is no other way to directly add people to the access levels, except probably through the Object Model using C#.
For the record, tfssecurity may require the URI, which can be obtained via API. This is easy to do in Powershell, here is how to create a TFS group
[psobject] $tfs = get-tfs -serverName $collection
$projectUri = ($tfs.CSS.ListAllProjects() | where { $_.Name -eq $project }).Uri
& $TFSSecurity /gc $projectUri $groupName $groupDescription /collection:$collection
Full script at TfsSecurity wrapper.

Unable to resolve symbol 'ExecutionInfo'

I'm getting this error when trying to use ReportingService2010:
Unable to resolve symbol 'ExecutionInfo'
ExecutionInfo and ExecutionHeader worked in ReportingService2005. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, VB.Net, and ReportingServices2010. I can connect to the server and do things like rs.ListChildren.
Any Ideas?
I found the answer to my question. Hopefully this helps others.
There are two main type of endpoints in the Report Server web service, one for Management and one for execution.
The management endpoints are: ReportService2005, ReportService2006, ReportService2010
The execution endpoint is: ReportExecution2005
Therefore you can get report names, paths, data sets, etc. from ReportService2010, but to execute a report you must use ReportService2005.
So here's how you do it:
Add a web reference to the 2005 wsdl of your server, not 2010. So do this: http://<your server>/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx Not this: http://<your server>/reportserver/ReportExecution2010.asmx
Import the referenc
Create an instance of ReportExecutionService: Dim rs As New ReportExecutionService. That is the 2005 executation service that has the ExecutionInfo and ExecutionHeader methods.

Copy SQL Server MDF and LDF files while server is in use

I am using the following code to copy files from one folder to another...
Public Shared Sub CopyFlashScriptFile(ByVal SourceDirectory As String, ByVal DestinationDirectory As String)
Dim f() As String = Directory.GetFiles(SourceDirectory)
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(f)
File.Copy(f(i), DestinationDirectory & "\" & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f(i)),True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
The files I am copying are database files, .mdf and .ldf. Which are being used by the application. Now the problem is when I try to copy the files it throws an error
file is being used by another process
Can anyone help me with this?
Is there anyway I can programmatically stop SQL Server and copy the files, then start the server again?
To expand on my comment - I would build a .sql file with the T-SQL command to backup the database to another location, and then I can use sqlcmd from the command line in order to run the backup .sql file.
So to build the .sql file I would go through the process of backing up the database via SQL Server Management Studio. Here is a tutorial on how to do this:
Then, before clicking OK to perform the backup, click on the "Script" button on the backup window and choose "Script Action To New Query Window". This will generate the SQL of your settings from the backup database window. Save that SQL into a file and you're done.
Next is to use sqlcmd.exe to execute the .sql file to backup the database whenver you want. There is a very good example of using sqlcmd.exe from C# code here:
I always prefer doing stuff like this without affecting the running SQL Server (unless it's one running on my dev machine, where I'll happily stop/start the service). You just never what might happen if you stop a production SQL Server service to copy some files. Could be very costly, so better to be safe.
Depending on which version of SQL you are using you could make use of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.Service objects to Start and Stop the Service that runs the SQL instance.
After doing this you should be able to simply copy the files as needed.
For SQL Server 2008
//Declare and create an instance of the ManagedComputer
//object that represents the WMI Provider services.
ManagedComputer mc;
mc = new ManagedComputer();
//Iterate through each service registered with the WMI Provider.
foreach (Service svc in mc.Services)
//Reference the Microsoft SQL Server service.
Service Mysvc = mc.Services["MSSQLSERVER"];
//Stop the service if it is running and report on the status
// continuously until it has stopped.
if (Mysvc.ServiceState == ServiceState.Running) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", Mysvc.Name, Mysvc.ServiceState));
while (!(string.Format("{0}", Mysvc.ServiceState) == "Stopped")) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", Mysvc.ServiceState));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", Mysvc.Name, Mysvc.ServiceState));
//Start the service and report on the status continuously
//until it has started.
while (!(string.Format("{0}", Mysvc.ServiceState) == "Running")) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", Mysvc.ServiceState));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} service state is {1}", Mysvc.Name, Mysvc.ServiceState));
else {
Console.WriteLine("SQL Server service is not running.");
From msdn
I am using the .mdf file in my case of a system crash or format the user is going to loose the if the user copies the data(.mdf) to some other drive ..he/she can replace the new .mdf file with the old one which has all there data...correct me if i am wrong...thanks.
That's exactly what "normal" backups are for.
As you noticed yourself, you can backup a SQL Server database by simply copying the .mdf and .ldf files, but the downside is that you can only do this when the SQL Server service is not running.
And stopping the SQL Server service just to backup the database is not a good idea, because your users can't access the database while the service is stopped.
Taking a "normal" backup (usually a .bak file) can be done while the database is running, so there's no need to stop SQL Server every time you want to make a backup.
There are several ways how to do a backup:
a) Manually in SQL Server Management Studio:
see the first link in Jason Evans' answer
b) If you want to take a backup regularly (say, once a day) you need to use sqlcmd.
Jason Evans described this in his answer as well, but IMO there's an easier way - you need only two files with one line each. See How to create jobs in SQL Server Express edition.
(if you were using a full SQL Server edition and not only Express, you could set up a Maintenance Task in Management Studio instead, but that's not possible in SQL Server Express, so you have to do it manually like described above).

WebSharingAppDemo-CEProviderEndToEnd Queries peerProvider for NeedsScope before any files are batched to the server. This seems out of order?

I'm building an application based on the WebSharingAppDemo-CEProviderEndToEnd. When I deploy the server portion on a server, the code gives the error "The path is not valid. Check the directory for the database." during the call to NeedsScope() in the CeWebSyncService.cs file.
Obviously the server can't access the client's sdf but what is supposed to happen to make this work? The app uses batching to send the data and the batches have to be marshalled across to the temp directory but this problem is occurring before any files have been batched over. There is nothing for the server to look at to determine whether the peerProivider needs scope. What am I missing?
public bool NeedsScope()
Log("NeedsSchema: {0}", this.peerProvider.Connection.ConnectionString);
SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning prov = new SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning();
return !prov.ScopeExists(this.peerProvider.ScopeName, (SqlCeConnection)this.peerProvider.Connection);
I noticed that the sample was making use of a proxy to speak w/ the CE file but a provider (not a proxy) to speak w/ the sql server.
I switched it so there is a proxy to reach the SQL server and a provider to access the CE file.
That seems to work for me.
stats = synchronizationHelper.SynchronizeProviders(srcProvider, destinationProxy);
SyncOperationStatistics stats = syncHelper.SynchronizeProviders(srcProxy, destinationProvider);