Need suggestions/ideas for easy-to-use but secure captchas [closed] - captcha

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Closed 10 years ago.
To start with, I am well aware of the security/usability trade-off associated with captchas and do not need any explanation on that.
I know that reCAPTCHA is the state-of-the-art in captcha technology but we just do not want to use it for our site because of the difficulty faced by users to read distorted words. Our site is a study portal for students offering live online classes, so the users will be students (leaving certificate level) and teachers.
I have been searching for different ideas and found some good ones like:-
The Sesame Street Solution as given in
Asking questions which are very easy for humans like "which one tastes better or ". But how many such questions do I need to store to be safe?
My purpose of asking this question is to get as many ideas as possible. I think there are still a lot of user-friendly but secure ways I could analyse before finalizing.
Please highlight the pros and cons of the method you suggest with reference to the way spam bots work. I am not much aware of many of their strengths and weaknesses.

Reading distorted words is one thing, but also asking legit users to enter things like this can get quite annoying. So it's important you don't burden the user with anti-spam measures.
Damien Katz has used a negative captcha to stop spam bots. This technique, also called honeypot field, is easy to implement and doesn't require the user to do anything.
A more complex honeypot implementation is described by Ned Batchelder. It involves randomized field names and hashed values to make sure bots haven't tampered with the form.
In his article he states the following:
Spammers don't make software that can post to any form, they make software that can post to many forms.
So it only takes a simple trick to confuse the majority of spam bots. A little bit more magic will take care of the remaining bots.
Regarding the Sesame Street solution, asking simple question or selecting the correct animal from a list: these are questions that are hard for spam bots to answer, but they can be difficult for users as well. Especially if your site has an international audience, people with a first language other than English may have trouble understanding the questions. It may not be an issue with your student audience, but it is something to keep in mind.

One a colleague of mine implemented was to present a series of random images of things like tea cups, boats, cats etc. with checkboxes and ask the user to tick all the cats (say), or perhaps the boat and the tree.
The images were fairly simple two colour icons really, though you could use real photos if necessary.
Just make sure that your image names aren't representative of their contents.

First, ASP.NET has a control that isn't truly a "captcha," but in fact quite the reverse - a very simple script which makes sure that the visiting program can evaluate JavaScript. This gets rid of all but the most complex scrapers, especially if the JavaScript test has a structure that changes (i.e. it isn't just var y = 2; var x=y+(random number from server); verify(x))
Google and Craigslist both use phone numbers, which mandate that a nasty bot at least have access to an SMS-capable number (or speech recognition + voice line)
My favorite captcha is clicking on something that a computer can't recognize, such as picking out a cat from a short list of animal pictures.
It's important to consider accessibility and ease of implementation, which reCAPTCHA does very well.


Will Design Patterns solve object communication? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been researching and looking for answers here to a problem that I suspect might be solved by a better understanding of design patterns. I think the problem is that I am a self-taught coder and people seem to tend to assume familiarity with a lot of esoteric terminology; I have ended up in Wikipedia spirals trying to determine what some phrases mean.
That said - on to the coding/structural problem.
Actually, just before I start, I should point out that I may well be making unknown presumptions in the way the code is structured in my question. If this is the case, could folks suggest alternatives to what I'm suggesting? I'd really appreciate learning how to better code as opposed to simply being told I'm doing it wrong.
Let's say we have a Room class, which has 4 Walls, a Ceiling and a Floor. These are instantiated 'inside' the Room. The Room also has a Table which has 4 TableLegs, again instantiated inside the Table, inside the Room. (This, I believe, is Composition, but please correct me if I've got that wrong!).
Finally, the problem:
If someone, somehow, pushes the Table, the TableLeg(s) will need to check the type of Floor they're standing on to trigger the appropriate sound. This, currently would be my solution:
The Table dispatches an event. The Room listens for that 'table pushed' event, quizes the Floor to determine its type, then passes that type to a method on Table, which in turn passes it to the TableLegs.
This, to me, seems fairly inelegant; hence my suspicion that knowledge of design patterns might be useful.
Is there something fundamentally wrong about the structure I've described that I'm not appreciating? If so, what is the alternative?
Finally, I have heard of the Gang of Four book. If that's my first port of call, is it written in an accessible style or will I have to have studied computer science to grasp it?
Sorry for the long, design-pattern-beginner's question.
The Floor could listen for objects Events. The Event interface could expose information about object geometry, material, etc. Then the Floor could check for collisions and play a sound.
I recommend the book Head First Design Patterns
I don't know if I can answer your question, but I can tell you something about the "Design Patterns" book.
It was an instant classic when it was published in 1994/1995. With examples in C++ and Smalltalk (there was no Java or C# back then), it listed solutions to 26 common problems in object-oriented programming. It provided a format for documenting forces and resolutions that was eagerly snapped up by academic conferences for years after. Lots of programmers, including myself, were studying it like holy writ in the hope that a single book could make them superstars.
Then reality set in.
Functional programmers said the patterns were work-arounds for flaws in OOP. What's the fuss? They could do these things without resorting to patterns.
The usual response on first reading the book is to try and fit as many patterns as you can into whatever code you happen to be writing at that moment.
You'll find yourself using the pattern names in design sessions: "I think we need a Chain of Responsibility here!"
Eventually you calm down and realize that patterns aren't the answers to your problems. The best way to use them is to think hard about your problems and solutions and suddenly realize that your answer happens to fall into a pattern.
As for your problem, I don't think you need a pattern. Have the Table send a message to the Floor to ask about its type before you generate the sound. That'll do it. Simplicity is a virtue.

Moving from Enterprise to World Wide Web [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am going to change my working sphere from Enterprise Web Applications written for concrete business process to Public Web Sites that will be accessible to all users around.
What is difference between this two spheres at the most top level? What specific characters I need to know about modern web sites development?
I suspect one could write books about this.
I suppose the first difference is the user base. With an enterprise, you can, at least partly, ensure the users are doing what they are supposed to - and if not you know who they are and where they live. Further, they can be fired for abuse. On a public web site, you almost have to assume that some part of your user base is not there for a positive reason. So be paranoid - if they're not attacking you yet, just wait.
A second related point is that users will find ways to use (abuse?) your site you never thought of. Plan for the worst, hope for better.
Third, language, culture and usage varies across the world. A form, for example, with "zip code" that accepts just 5 digits may make sense in the US but is useless in the UK. And asking for a state and restricting it to two characters likewise makes no sense say in Italy where Italy IS the "state". This also applies to actual content - that joke you think is so very funny may be offensive in other countries. And never under estimate the ability of some folks to be offended at anything.
Fourth - get a good bunch of beta tester and test your site, and updates, carefully and thoroughly.
Fith, have a plan for scalability - if you suddenly get "discovered" can your site take the traffic.
That's 5 things at least.
In an enterprise application, functionality and efficiency trump aesthetics every time. This is because you have a captive audience. The people who use your application are being paid to use it.
However, when opening an application up to the public, aesthetics becomes more important. There are always alternatives, and a given person will be more attracted to the application which looks better. Granted, functionality is still very important for repeat users, but you won't get people in the door if your application looks amateurish.
Browser agnosticism - In enterprise apps, it used to be that the developer would target the app at a specific browser, just for simplicity's sake.
In internet accessible apps, the developer must target the vast majority of browsers. While this has gotten easier in the last few years, it is still a issue that needs attention.
Scalability - its easier to scale an enterprise app, its easier to predict the growth of usage of the app, or simply design for access by all users in the org at once. This is not generally the case for internet sites. The day you get slashdotted, or dugg is the day that you learn this. Better to design scalability in from the start, rather than have to learn it at the time that your site starts to suffer.
In addition to Zack's answer, I would say that a web site/application that is open to the public needs to be constantly evolving/refreshed in order to grow your user base and keep them. Whereas on a more closed system, consistency and reliability are key priorities.
Depending on the nature of the application, if it has significant amounts of content Internationalization and presentation of content are hugely important.
As Zack mentions, public users have a lot less tolerance for poor UI than enterprise customers do. That said, public users are more tolerant of incremental change; you can upgrade a live site as you feel like it (as long as it works, of course!!) without having to go through endless feature-request prioritization committees and user-training requirements.
Public web sites needs to be easy to use. While it's important that they look somewhat polished, don't ever let polish get in the way of ease of use. For example many designers like fixed width layouts because they are more predictable, many users like fluid width layouts because they use the space more efficiently. Side with your users.
Enterprise users can be forced to deal with needlessly-complex systems (lord knows I am more than I'd like), the general public cannot.

When deciding on a feature, what do you do? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Do you primarily think of reasons TO implement it, or reasons NOT TO implement it? What are the advantages of each?
This fine Joel Spolsky post basically says:
Make a list of possible features.
Vote to filter out the worst features.
Assign a cost for each feature.
Allot a limited feature budget to each participant.
Find out which features are popular when allocating the budgets.
I usually do a cost benefit analysis. How much is this going to cost to implement (in money or time) and how much is the benefit worth (again money or time).
If the benefits outweigh the costs by enough of a margin, it gets done.
The measure is usually money for paid work, time for personal stuff although there's sometimes a crossover. I won't sacrifice too much quality time with the kids no matter how much money's on the table.
I think first about the stakeholder (the client).
Will that feature help him ? Is it indeed a functional feature that brings value?
Then I think about technical implications and the resulting complexity, in order to evaluate the trade off between implementation cost vs. not having that feature.
Based on those two first elements of reflexions, I can begin to know if I must implement it or not.
I guess there is no clear cut between reasons to or not not implement it.
I think that it is important to consider both pros and cons, with the end result being a cost benefit analysis.
The landscape of that analysis can shift a lot depending on the sort of product the new feature is proposed for. A lot of my work is on big complicated applications that have evolved over time and are core to the business of my customers.
Consequently a lot of analysis of a new feature focuses on why not to implement a feature; I will largely concentrate on risk:
How well architected is the area where the new feature is to be introduced?
What is the level of unit testing already implemented?
Is the new feature being implemented right at the heart of the application?
What happens if we miss something and a bug gets out into the wild, could it bring the system down (either literally or by effectively making the system unfit for its purpose)
At the end of the day, it is the customer's decision on whether or not a new feature is devloped. As professional software developers it is our responsibility to inform them of possible costs that may not be visible to them beyond the bare dollars and time.
The happy flip side is that we also have the responsibility to propose new features that they may not have thought even possible!
A lot of the time we're asked to put in a certain feature. Part of my job is being able to interpret this in the context of users who think they know what to include all the time. Sure, they know what they want, but you can bet someone else wants something slightly different. Its important in my world that we can think one step ahead and deliver more. We're paid to think how the business works and provide for them.
Thus, i come up with the strategy of adding something a bit more powerful, and then also delivering what the user wants as well. Thus, when someone else asks for something, its already there. This can save a lot on costly delivery cycles.
Unfortunately, this is not always available or practical, but if possible, i like to do it. I like to run with the motto that coding should be proactive rather than reactive.
The customer gets to decide on features. If I think of something I run it by the customer. Together we figure out how to get the customer's most important features implemented soonest.
Fantasy decision-making question: Does feature improve product's ability to do what it is particularly suited to do? If yes, implement feature, else don't.
Reality decision-making question: Do we have enough money to justify implementing feature? No? Crap.
It should be the client/customer/stakeholder/consumer that should drive what feature needs to be there. The client can be a real world user (single company or individual you are delivering) or not (a market you are making a product for). But either way, it has to come from an end-user.
We call all our new features "user stories".
What you certainly need to do is to understand why the user wants that feature - what is the problem that the user is trying to solve or advantage it wants to gain. You need to get the 'why' part from the user before you get to 'how'.
Implement a feature if it will help the user complete a certain quicker or complete it with more knowledge. If it will help the user, implement it, if it makes your app look better but doesn't really help the user around the application (just looks good) then don't implement it.

Good tool to collect issues, improvements, ideas [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I need a tool for collecting feedback and new ideas inside our company regarding our internal IS product. The problem is the acceptance level for such a tool.
Most of our colleagues are not IT oriented, so a solution like BugZilla or Jira is way to complicated for them to use. You need to create an account, take care of a lot of parameters before submission, new ideas about new software doesn't really fit well in these tools, etc...
So, here are my requirements:
No login need, or optional.
Few fields to enter.
If possible a WYSIWYG editor for the main description field.
Web based or E-mail based (we use outlook internaly).
Free (as a beer).
Not too chaotic (a Wiki is not an option)
I've take a look at uservoice (of course), it's really a nice tool for experienced people, but too complex for my target users.
Is the feedback you are seeking possible to collect through a questionnaire? There are many free solutions that provide you with questionnaire forms very easy to use, and if none apply it is also something relatively easy to implement.
I also do not understand why a wiki will not be a good solution, but regarding the Outlook, you have the possibility of doing simple votes (approve/reject) (yes/no):
If the barrier to actually use the tool should be minimal, then perhaps the best way to collect the feedback is to use an e-mail address. Everybody knows how to use the system, so there is practically no barrier. And the feedback that is provided has to be processed by developers / management anyway, in order to decide what concrete actions are going to be taken. The developers can then use whatever system suits them best in order to keep track of bugs, immediately required functionality, nice-to-have features that can be implemented later, etc.
Some "defect tracking tools" handle this.
Don't vote down because of "defect tracking". Some of the tools are enterprise and handle incidents, requents, requirements, etc. And, you can go to one place for bugs and enhancement requests.
Microsoft's Exchange server has support for Public Folders, email lists/groups. This may be an easy introduction to collaboration for your environment, using tools that are familiar. From the Microsoft Help on Public Folders:
Public folders are an easy and
effective way to collect, organize,
and share information with other
people in your workgroup or
organization. You can use public
folders to share files or post
information on an electronic bulletin
I'm not sure how effective the tools for managing those "lists" are - I'm not sure if you can mark responses such that all users see the mark, for example.
But it is probably a good start. As people start to see the value of collaboration, something along the lines of a Wiki becomes more appealing.
I've got to say that Confluence, especially now that editing with Open Office or Microsoft Office tools is possible really deserves a look. Not free (as in beer).
I would think a locally hosted php-bb (or other...) forum would be a good choice, as you could moderate it and have a FAQ and history that people could check before duplicating suggestions. So, that's the advantage over a simple email address, and it has a simple, known interface.
What's too complex about Uservoice? The main UI is a single question ("I suggest you ..."). Your users can be anonymous, one field to enter, web based, free for small users. Seems to tick all the boxes except the visual editor. Even administering it is not terribly tricky. (I use it for my iPhone app.)
It looks like you're facing a very standard tradeoff - you want your feedback to be structured, but you don't want any impositions upon your users.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Why is a wiki off the table? Wikis were designed to balance this kind of tradeoff.
You could use Google Documents to create a shared spreadsheet. Your uses will need Google accounts, but they only need to log in once and a cookie will remember them for next time.
Hum, I've found that we've also InfoPath as part of our toolset. I've never use it, but maybe that it could do the job.
How about using for example Google groups? I've found a mailing list works quite well for this kind of purpose.
Edit: or how about

Are you human? (or How to prevent spam) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What mechanisms do you know that prevent your site from being abused by anonymous spammers.
For example, let's say that I have a site where people can vote something. But I don't want someone to spam something all the way to the top. So I found (a) creating an account and only allowed to vote once and (b) CAPTCHA to decrease spam. What other methods do you know and how good do they work?
From xkcd
The big thing I've noticed is that whatever you do, you want your system to be unique. You want an attacker to have to tailor their automation program for your specific site, rather than just throw a pre-existing script at it that will work almost anywhere. It doesn't even have to be cryptographically secure; it just has to make your site a little different from the norm.
This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't use something like a pre-built captcha widget. Absolutely do use one of those as a staring point! It just means you have to customize it somewhere so that something extra happens that is outside the norm and will break any pre-existing script that could normally defeat it.
If your site gets big enough that you have attackers targeting it specifically, then your simple little customization probably won't hold up anymore and you might have do something a little more special and think about real cryptography and all that. But that's one of those things that's a "good" problem to have.
For a CAPTCHA system, I heartily recommend reCAPTCHA.
Traditional computer-generated CAPTCHAs will eventually be broken by developing a sufficiently intelligent system. For instance, here's someone who claims to break the Google CAPTCHA, formerly considered unbreakable, with a 30% hit rate. reCAPTCHA, by definition, shows you only images that cannot be recognized by optical character recognition.
And at the same time, your users' effort will be directed towards the common good - they help digitize books by recognizing words that cannot be recognized automatically.
See here for further explanation and to try it out.
From Quantum Random Bit Generator Service, via MNeylon
Limit the number of votes per IP address per time
Block anonymizing proxies.
For voting: How about shuffling the value that has to be returned by the form on a "per session basis". Once "1" means the first item, "2" means the second. Then "77" means the first item, "812" means the second, ... could be some simple maths behind the scene, but it prevents users from just sending the same HTTP query over and over again.
What's worked for me very well: Use AJAX forms, not simple HTTP forms. Technically it's not much more complicated to fake votes, but I have written a simple blog software and it's only SPAM protection mechanism is to submit the comments via AJAX - no SPAM so far.
I'm a fan of the "hidden field" CAPTCHA. I don't remember where I read about it, but the idea is this:
create your form as normal
add an extra field but hide it (i.e. style="display:none" on the surrounding div or table row)
after submission, if the field is blank, do the appropriate action (eg send an email); if the field has been filled in, then it's a robot submitter
The only case where this falls down is if the user's browser doesn't handle CSS (or they have it switched off), which is very rare.
Charge for votes, like they do on some television "talent" shows, and get spammed all the way to the bank!
Seriously, this is a really tough problem, and someday (maybe soon, if you listen to Ray Kurzweil), computers will do testing to screen out humans. The answers I'm adding to the list have obvious drawbacks, but just for the sake of enumeration: moderation (have humans do the testing), and IP-based tracking (limit the number of votes from a host).
stackoverflow has a few features that help with this; I think the single most useful step you can take is disabling the ability of anonymous users and new accounts to vote. This way, no one can sign up for hundreds of accounts and use their one vote to overpower other users. I'd say requiring a few posts or membership for a certain period of time are both decent options.
Some would say you could allow one vote per IP address to help address this, but I've played plenty of games where malicious users with a nigh-infinite number of proxies defied IP address-based security. It's a deterrent, but a savvy user will get around it easily.
This is the study area of Human Computation.
there is an excellent video from Luis von Ahn here:
There's a few ideas in the answers to the Best non-image based CAPTCHA? question if you haven't seen it already.
I normally use a combination of the two: anonmous user is free to browse everything, but if he wants to vote, then he has to register.
In the registration process, depending on the situation, I use an optin thru mail (to complete registration and confirm that at least the mailbox exists) and/or a CAPTCHA.
From that point on you can decide if the user can vonte more than once, or any other rule.
Btw I'm not a fan of the IP-based constraints: there are a lot of situation in which big organization's network use few IP for all their users, so the risk to block users that could vote is high.