Scripts on non-standard ports - apache

How do you install scripts on non-standard ports (ports other than the default 80)
Like how cPanel uses port 2082

Use the Apache Listen or VHost directives to cause Apache to bind to additional ports.


Varnish and additional ports

How can I add another port to Apache, and keep Varnish listening on port 80 only? The other new port would have a different document root.
Using Apache's sites-available configuration files you can specify what port the configured name should resolve on.

How to Bind apache with two ports?

I am having to servers giving services in two different ports 8080, 2379
how to configure apache to listen to the above ports and forwards the request to available server?
To tell Apache it should listen on specific port(s) add the Listen directive in the configuration (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf). It can be specified multiple times, as in:
Listen 8080
Listen 2379
Details on this directive can be found here.
This will serve the content from DocumentRoot on these ports. If you want a different configuration on each port, you need to take a look at VirtualHost directive, which essentially allows you to host multiple websites on the same socket (IP/port).

how to access phpmyadmin only the port 8080 in apache

I've tried
vim /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
but I can not put a VirtualHost here.
I want to change this configuration to list only the port 8080, can anyone help?
thank you
what I want is: -> failure -> OK
I want to leave access to port 80 for the rest of the site.
You can change the Listen directive to 8080.
Search the apache configuration for Listen and change it from
Listen 80
Listen 8080
And restart the server. Bear in mind, this will be global to the whole apache server though. On centos or redhat, it'll be called "httpd.conf"
Usually the phpmayadmin configuration is included for all the Virtualhosts, that's a package installation behavior, and that's quite bad.
The file /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf is included from the main configuration (sometimes from a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf).
Thoe first thing you could do is remove this main-all-virtualhosts-inclusion and only include this file with the Include keyword in one Virtualhost.
This allows two things, first you could use a dedicated ServerName for this host. Second you can alter the Port of the Virtualhost (or you can just do one of theses things).
Check this previous answer about IP/Name Virtualhosts, it will help you figure how Virtualhosts works. The Solution for you is to:
forbid the phpmyadmin configuration inclusion on the main-general-shared configuration level
Listen on both port 80 and 8080
Declare two NameVirtualHost, one on *:80 one on *:8080
Use a Virtualhost *:80 for classical application/websites, ServerName:, ensure phpmyadmin configuration file is not included
Use a Virtualhost *:8080 including the phpmyadmin configuration, ServerName:

Wildcard SSL certificate for Tomcat and Apache which both on port 443

I have a wildcard ssl cert for domain "", which running on Apache and using port 80 for http & port 443 for https.
Now, I would like to add a new domain "", which running on Tomcat and using port 8080 for http & port 443 for https.
Is there any conflicts if I use both on port 443?
Many thanks.
Well, technically you can't have tomcat and apache listen on 443 at the same time. You could have Apache forward requests to tomcat and handle the encryption. Look up mod_jk, mod_proxy or mod_proxy_ajp for how to do this.
Once you do this, you can have multiple <VirtualHost> declarations for port 443 on Apache. If they all use the same wildcard certificate for * this will work fine.
With this scenario, tomat probably won't be configured to do ssl at all. I'm recommending to use the protocol ajp (not http) for the forwarding part, as this will forward all necessary information about the nature of the connection to tomcat.
Is there any conflicts if I use both on port 443?
yes, you can't set two or more applications to listen on a same port at the same time.

WAMP apache httpd.config and hosts - how to alias localhost to port 8080?

Ok so I configured my apache installation on Windows 7 such that it listens on port 8080 by changing the respective entry in httpd.config.
I was too stupid to realize that now I have to access localhost with :8080 at the end.
Question: is there a way to have my box automagically resolve localhost to ? I don't like haviog to type :8080, and NO I CANNOT change the port to 80, I need that one for firewall.
no. hostnames have nothing to do with ports. You'll have to specify the port yourself, or set up a proxy on the usual port 80 that will do the 8080 requests on your behalf. ... or bite the bullet and use port 80 directly and move your firewall elsewhere.