About the fate of malloc()ed arrays of arrays - objective-c

my first question on Stackoverflow.
Let me start with a bit of code. It's a bit repetitive so I'm going to cut out the parts I repeat for different arrays (feel free to ask for the others). However, please ignore the code in preference to answering the Qs at the bottom. Firstly: thank you to answerers in advance. Secondly: the freeing of data.
#implementation ES1Renderer
GLfloat **helixVertices;
GLushort **helixIndices;
GLubyte **helixColors;
- (void)freeEverything
if (helixVertices != NULL)
for (int i=0; i < alphasToFree / 30 + 1; i++)
if (helixIndices != NULL)
for (int i=0; i < alphasToFree / 30 + 1; i++)
if (helixColors != NULL)
for (int i=0; i < alphasToFree / 30 + 1; i++)
(I will get to the calling of this in a moment). Now for where I malloc() the arrays.
- (void)askForVertexInformation
int nrows = self.helper.numberOfAtoms / 300;
int mrows = [self.helper.bonds count] / 300;
int alphaCarbonRows = [self.helper.alphaCarbons count] / 30;
helixVertices = malloc(alphaCarbonRows * sizeof(GLfloat *) + 1);
helixIndices = malloc(alphaCarbonRows * sizeof(GLfloat *) + 1);
helixColors = malloc(alphaCarbonRows * sizeof(GLfloat *) + 1);
for (int i=0; i < alphaCarbonRows + 1; i++)
helixVertices[i] = malloc(sizeof(helixVertices) * HELIX_VERTEX_COUNT * 3 * 33);
helixIndices[i] = malloc(sizeof(helixIndices) * HELIX_INDEX_COUNT * 2 * 3 * 33);
helixColors[i] = malloc(sizeof(helixColors) * HELIX_VERTEX_COUNT * 4 * 33);
[self.helper recolourVerticesInAtomRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self.helper.alphaCarbons count]) withColouringType:CMolColouringTypeCartoonBlue forMasterColorArray:helixColors forNumberOfVertices:HELIX_VERTEX_COUNT difference:30];
self.atomsToFree = self.helper.numberOfAtoms;
self.bondsToFree = [self.helper.bonds count];
self.alphasToFree = [self.helper.alphaCarbons count];
Finally, the bit which calls everything (this is a separate class.)
- (void)loadPDB:(NSString *)pdbToLoad
if (!self.loading)
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(stopAnimation) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
[self.renderer freeEverything];
[renderer release];
ES1Renderer *newRenderer = [[ES1Renderer alloc] init];
renderer = [newRenderer retain];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(stopAnimation) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; // need to stop the new renderer animating too!
[self.renderer setDelegate:self];
[self.renderer setupCamera];
self.renderer.pdb = nil;
[renderer resizeFromLayer:(CAEAGLLayer*)self.layer];
[newRenderer release];
NSInvocationOperation *invocationOperation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(setup:) object:pdbToLoad];
[self.queue addOperation:invocationOperation];
[invocationOperation release];
- (void)setup:(NSString *)pdbToLoad
self.loading = YES;
[helper release];
[renderer.helper release];
PDBHelper *aHelper = [[PDBHelper alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:pdbToLoad];
helper = [aHelper retain];
renderer.helper = [aHelper retain];
[aHelper release];
if (!resized)
[self.helper resizeVertices:11];
resized = YES;
self.renderer.helper = self.helper;
[self.helper setUpAtoms];
[self.helper setUpBonds];
if (self.helper.numberOfAtoms > 0)
[self.renderer askForVertexInformation];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(removeProgressBar) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(startAnimation) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
self.renderer.pdb = pdbToLoad;
self.loading = NO;
What I'm doing here is loading a molecule from a PDB file into memory and displaying it on an OpenGL view window. The second time I load a molecule (which will run loadPDB: above) I get the Giant Triangle Syndrome and Related Effects... I will see large triangles over my molecule.
However, I am releasing and reallocating my PDBHelper and ES1Renderer every time I load a new molecule. Hence I was wondering:
1. whether the helixVertices, helixIndices and helixColors which I have declared as class-wide variables are actually re-used in this instance. Do they point to the same objects?
2. Should I be setting all my variables to NULL after freeing? I plan to do this anyway, to pick up any bugs by getting a segfault, but haven't got round to incorporating it.
3. Am I even right to malloc() a class variable? Is there a better way of achieving this? I have no other known way of giving this information to the renderer otherwise.

I can't answer your general questions. There's too much stuff in there. However, this caught my eye:
[helper release];
[renderer.helper release];
PDBHelper *aHelper = [[PDBHelper alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:pdbToLoad];
helper = [aHelper retain];
renderer.helper = [aHelper retain];
[aHelper release];
I think this stuff possibly leaks. It doesn't make sense anyway.
If renderer.helper is a retain or copy property, do not release it. It already has code that releases old values when it is assigned new values. Also do not retain objects you assign to it.
You have alloc'd aHelper, so there's no need to retain it again. The above code should be rewritten something like:
[helper release];
helper = [[PDBHelper alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:pdbToLoad];
renderer.helper = helper;
Also, I think your helix malloced arrays should probably be instance variables. As things stand, if you have more than one ES1Renderer, they are sharing those variables.


How to create/end run loop to properly deallocate memory?

In my ARC iOS app I am running a for loop that ends up with a large memory allocation overhead. I want to somehow end my for loop with minimal/no extra memory allocated. In this instance I am using the SSKeychain library which lets me fetch things from a keychain. I usually just use autorelease pools and get my memory removed properly but here I don't know what is wrong because I end up with 70 mb + of memory allocated at the end of the loop. I have been told that I should start/end a run loop to properly deal with this. Thoughts?
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
#autoreleasepool {
NSError * error2 = nil;
SSKeychainQuery* query2 = [[SSKeychainQuery alloc] init];
query2.service = #"Eko";
query2.account = #"loginPINForAccountID-2";
query2.password = nil;
[query2 fetch:&error2];
What are you using to measure memory usage?
Results of a very simple test...
Running in the simulator, measure only resident memory before and after.
Without autoreleasepool...
Started with 27254784, ended with 30212096, used 2957312
With autoreleasepool...
Started with 27316224, ended with 27443200, used 126976
Obviously, the autoreleasepool is preventing memory from growing too bad, and I don't see anything close to 70MB being used under any circumstance.
You should run instruments and get some good readings on the behavior.
Here is the code I hacked and ran...
The memchecker
static NSUInteger available_memory(void) {
NSUInteger result = 0;
struct task_basic_info info;
mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(info);
if (task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&info, &size) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
result = info.resident_size;
return result;
And the code...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSUInteger beginMemory = available_memory();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
NSError * error2 = nil;
SSKeychainQuery* query2 = [[SSKeychainQuery alloc] init];
query2.service = #"Eko";
query2.account = #"loginPINForAccountID-2";
query2.password = nil;
[query2 fetch:&error2];
NSUInteger endMemory = available_memory();
NSLog(#"Started with %u, ended with %u, used %u", beginMemory, endMemory, endMemory-beginMemory);
return YES;

dispatch_apply gives incorrect output data

I have two arrays: array1 and array2. Each object of arrays is an array too (2D arrays). In this way I multiple them. So how I have big arrays I use dispatch_apply. Every time i receive different results include a right result. Maybe somebody knows how to fix it?
dispatch_apply([array2 count], queue, ^(size_t j)
k = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < [[array1 objectAtIndex:0] count]; l++) {
k += [[[array1 objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:l] intValue] *
[[[array2 objectAtIndex:j] objectAtIndex:l] intValue];
kNSNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:k];
[multipliedArrayInto replaceObjectAtIndex:j withObject:kNSNumber];
[resulArray insertObject:multipliedArrayInto atIndex:i];
There's two things, I can suggest, and I bet one of them (or both) is the overarching solution to your problem.
First, I would declare k local to the block, so there would be no question that you are overwriting it or not. You likely have the same problem with kNSNumber inside the block. If you are just using that NSNumber instance to slam into the multipliedArrayInto accumulator, you may as well remove kNSNumber, and use #(k) in it's place (if only to be more readable). Similarly, make sure multipliedArrayInto is declared just before the dispatch_apply, in what looks like an outer for loop (where ever i is coming from). And finally, make sure resulArray is instantiated, or otherwise readied just before that outer for loop.
Second, is queue a concurrent or serial queue? If you are using dispatch_apply like a parallel-executing for/enumeration -- which is likely, I think, so you are taking about handling "big arrays" efficiently -- then you are practically guaranteeing that k is being overwritten. If you change it to serial, it may work as designed. If you want it to be parallel, you will need to move the declaration of your k accumulator inside the block, and make sure the declaration of other variables makes sense, too.
Update to reflect question updates:
#antonytonies ideally, your followup answer on this thread should be moved into the question itself, so that people can follow this thread easier.
So, it looks like what I described is exactly your problem.
The global queues are all concurrent queues, which means that (hypothetically) all the dispatch blocks are executing at once, and the contents of k and other variables are getting blown away depending on how the order of the blocks executes.
I've taken your update (in the "answer" you added), and modified it to probably work:
// I renamed your method, because nameless parameters pain me. This is cosmetic, and doesn't
// matter for the problem at hand.
- (NSMutableArray *)multiplicationArrays:(NSMutableArray *)array vector:(NSMutableArray *)vector
// IMHO, you want to set resultArray to nil here. Another option is to set it to nil in the
// else case, below. Properties in Objective-C are initalized to nil,0,false,etc; you can
// rely on ARC to initialize pointer to objc objects on the stack, too. However, someone
// reading this code may or may not know that. IMHO, using the explicitly assignement makes it
// clear that you're going to be returning `nil` or an instance of `NSMutableArray`.
NSMutableArray *resultArray = nil;
if ([[array objectAtIndex:0] count] == [vector count]) {
// Nicely done w/ pre-allocating the result array here, so that there's no question
// of the indexes matches the results later on.
resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[array count]];
for (int i=0; i < [array count]; i++) {
[resultArray insertObject:[NSNull null] atIndex:i];
// 'queue' here is a concurrent queue. This means that you are proclaiming to the runtime
// that the blocks being executed are able to operate correctly w/o interference from each
// other. This is also thought of in terms of parallel execution: all these blocks may run
// **at once**. This *also* means, that you must not share storage between them.
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_apply([array count], queue, ^(size_t j) {
// Moved 'result' inside the block.
NSInteger result = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < [[array objectAtIndex:0] count]; l++) {
// These array reads are **NOT** thread safe. They probably don't cause must trouble in
// practice, but you may want to reconfigure this.
result += [[[array objectAtIndex:j] objectAtIndex:l] intValue] * [[vector objectAtIndex:l] intValue];
// The replace of the object into resultArray is **NOT** thread-safe.
// This probably hasn't caused you much trouble, since you can guarantee that
// you aren't writing at the same index. However, I would strongly suggest to
// change this to be thread-safe.
[resultArray replaceObjectAtIndex:j withObject:#(result)];
else {
NSLog(#"matrix count isn't correspond");
return resultArray;
Finally: consider just using Apple's Accelerate framework for this sort of problem solving. It's available on OSX and iOS, so you should have all of your bases covered.
it's the same thing if I multiple 2D-array and vector
-(NSMutableArray*)multiplicationArraysWithVector:(NSMutableArray *)array :(NSMutableArray *)vector
NSMutableArray* resultArray;
if ([[array objectAtIndex:0] count] == [vector count])
resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[array count]];
for (int i=0; i < [array count]; i++) {
[resultArray insertObject:[NSNull null] atIndex:i];
__block NSInteger result;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_apply([array count], queue, ^(size_t j)
result = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < [[array objectAtIndex:0] count]; l++) {
result += [[[array objectAtIndex:j] objectAtIndex:l] intValue] * [[vector objectAtIndex:l]intValue];
[resultArray replaceObjectAtIndex:j withObject:#(result)];
NSLog(#"matrix count isn't correspond");
return resultArray;
In this case I can get a right or wrong data result.

iOS adding object to an array from another array base on 3rd array value

EDIT: All array used in my project are NSMutableArray class
An overview of what I want to do is from my selectClueView, user can select a number from 3-10. Which represent the number of clue they will play. It will then generate list of random number between 0 and the objectArray.count and add the NSNumber into another array known as dataArray. Everything is working fine including prepareForSegue which transfer SelectClueViewController.dataArray to GamePageViewController.clueToSelect
However, I am stuck with loading data into the new array ds, from an array that hold all the object allDataObject. I am fairly new to iOS and because I had a working function in c#, I tried to replicate it in objective-C, unfortunately it seems that I can't replicate it fully.
In short, I'm trying to add data from allDataObject array into ds array with NSNumber values from cluesToSelect array.
Below are the coding which are used. Any help to fix the issue would be much appreciated. If there are any more information that I should give, please let me know.
- (IBAction)onGoPress:(id)sender {
[self chooseNumber];
NSLog(#"Array got %d numbers",dataArray.count);
[dataArray removeAllObjects];
maxCount = [numberOfClues.text intValue];
int count = 0;
do {
NSInteger rdmNumber = arc4random()%objectArray.count;
if (![dataArray containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:rdmNumber]])
NSNumber* number = [NSNumber numberWithInt:rdmNumber];
[dataArray addObject:number];
NSLog(#"random no - %d",rdmNumber);
} while (count < maxCount);
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{
if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:#"sendNumber"]) {
GamePageViewController *gpViewController = [segue destinationViewController];
gpViewController.cluesToSelect = self.dataArray;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
daoDS = [[ClueDataDAO alloc]init];
self.allDataObject = daoDS.PopulateDataSource;
[self fillDataSample];
//for keyboard
self.answer.delegate = self;
int count = 0;
do {
// [self.ds addObject:[allDataObject objectAtIndex:[[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count]intValue] ]];
ds = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
currentClueData = [[ClueData alloc]init];
int firstIndex = [[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count]intValue];
currentClueData = [allDataObject objectAtIndex:firstIndex];
[ds addObject:currentClueData];
} while (count < cluesToSelect.count);
NSLog(#"ds got %d object",ds.count);
I am now able to make it add in object into the ds array, unfortunately it only add once. Can someone look at my fillDataSample function?
In the line you point at at the beginning :
[self.ds addObject:[allDataObject objectAtIndex:[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count]]];
Just a wild guess, but [cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count] returns an object. You're trying to pass that to another objectAtIndex:, which takes an int as argument. I'm guessing the error could come from that. You could try using .intValue if it's a number.
Edit :
Here's something more readable, considering cluesToSelect and allDataObject contain only NSNumbers :
int firstIndex = [[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count] intValue];
int secondIndex = [[allDataObject objectAtIndex: firstIndex] intValue];
[self.ds addObject:secondIndex];
As per our discussion,
Kindly check this one:
[self.ds addObject:[allDataObject objectAtIndex:[[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count] intValue]]];
will do your work.
The reason as to why it didn't work for my new method of loading object from allClueData to a class object currentClueData to ds was because I did not nil and alloc init the class object after adding it to ds. The object were unable to overwrite their own value like they do in other language. (which was probably why I'm wrecking my brain for doing it in objective C) But after adding in nil the object and casting alloc and init, its working great now. thanks all :)
int count = 0;
currentClueData = [[ClueData alloc]init];
ds = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
do {
// [self.ds addObject:[allDataObject objectAtIndex:[[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count]intValue] ]];
int firstIndex = [[cluesToSelect objectAtIndex:count]intValue];
currentClueData = [allDataObject objectAtIndex:firstIndex];
[ds addObject:currentClueData];
currentClueData =nil;
currentClueData = [[ClueData alloc]init];
} while (count < cluesToSelect.count);
NSLog(#"ds got %d object",ds.count);

Problems sending messages to NSMutableArrays within C-Arrays

I'm currently trying to implement a pooling system, I have all the code, I just dont understand why a certain part of it doesn't work.
I have a c-array of NSMutable array made like this:
NSMutableArray *poolArray[xSize][ySize];
for (int n = 0; n < xSize; n++)
for (int m = 0; m < ySize; m++)
poolArray[n][m] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
And whilst trying to access it I get the x and y coordinate of the pool and object is in and try to add it like this:
[poolArray[x][y] addObject:object]; //This raises a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error
I am totally open to editing how I write this - I am aware that I could declare a NSMutableArray and use indexes of ((y * width) + x) and I may have to rewite the code like that. But preferably I dont want to have to do that as I only want to actually create the arrays I'm using so something like this:
if (poolArray[x][y] == nil) poolArray[x][y] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[poolArray[x][y] addObject:object];
This is so that it can have 'holes' so I dont have to make anything at poolArray[2][3] for example if there is nothing there.
I don't know if there is anyway that I could rewrite that with objective-c types, but if I do I'm forced to keep creating a NSMutableArray at every space, the reason I dont want to do that is because I want to get every little bit of performance I can out of the system.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any response is appreciated :)
This works for me:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#define xSize 10
#define ySize 10
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *poolArray[xSize][ySize];
for (int n = 0; n < xSize; n++)
for (int m = 0; m < ySize; m++)
poolArray[n][m] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[poolArray[2][3] addObject: #"Hello"];
[poolArray[2][3] addObject: #"world!"];
NSLog(#"poolArray[2][3] objects: %# %#",
[poolArray[2][3] objectAtIndex: 0],
[poolArray[2][3] objectAtIndex: 1]);
[pool drain];
return 0;
(Yes, I know, I should release all NSMutableArray instances. Left out for brevity).
So there are a few things you should check:
Is object a valid object, i.e. was it initialized? The NSMutableArray will try to retain the object, and if it was never initialized, that will fail miserably, or if it was dealloc-ed already, it will fail too.
are x and y valid? You can easily go over the boundaries and not notice it.
Can't see anything wrong with the code you've provided, although a couple of ideas:
In the case where your checking poolArray[x][y] == nil have you actually reset all the values to nil when you initialize the array?
An alternative that should work, is to store the array on the heap. You could use calloc (which will initialize the memory to 0), or malloc and memset.
The following should work:
NSMutableArray ***poolArray = calloc(xSize * ySize, sizeof(NSMutableArray *));
if (poolArray[x][y] == nil) poolArray[x][y] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[poolArray[x][y] addObject:object];

Label display not instant with iPhone app

I am developing an application for the iPhone. The question I have is how to display a new label with a different text every .5 seconds. For example, it would display Blue, Red, Green, Orange and Purple; one right after one another. Right now I am doing this:
results = aDictionary;
NSArray *myKeys = [results allKeys];
NSArray *sortedKeys = [myKey sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];
int keyCount = [sortedKeys count];
while (flag == NO) {
NSTimeInterval timeMS = [startDate timeIntervalSinceNow] * -10000.0;
if (timeMS >= i) {
i += 1000;
NSLog(#"endDate = %f", timeMS);
int randomNumber = rand() % keyCount + 1;
lblResult.text = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(randomNumber - 1)]];
result = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(randomNumber - 1)]];
lblResult.text = result;
if (ii > 25) {
flag = YES;
lblResult.text = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(sortedKeys.count - 1)]];
this function is called at the viewDidAppear Function and currently isn't displaying the new labels. It only displays the one at the end. Am I doing anything wrong? What would be the best method to approach this?
The problem is that you're not giving the run loop a chance to run (and therefore, drawing to happen). You'll want to use an NSTimer that fires periodically and sets the next text (you could remember in an instance variable where you currently are).
Or use something like this (assuming that items is an NSArray holding your strings):
- (void)updateText:(NSNumber *)num
NSUInteger index = [num unsignedInteger];
[label setText:[items objectAtIndex:index]];
// to loop, add
// if (index == [items count]) { index = 0; }
if (index < [items count]) {
[self performSelector:#selector(updateText:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:index] afterDelay:0.5];
At the beginning (e.g. in viewDidAppear:), you could then call
[self updateText:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:0]];
to trigger the initial update.
You'd of course need to ensure that the performs are not continuing when your view disappears, you could do this by canceling the performSelector, or if you're using a timer, by simply invalidating it, or using a boolean, or ...
And if you want to get really fancy, use GCD :)