I'm trying to make a method with a similar format to the setAutoresizingMask: method of NSView. I want to have someone be able to specify multiple values that i declared in my enum (NSHeightSizable | NSWidthSizable) like in autoresizing mask. How can I do this?
First, declare your flags in a header:
AZApple = (1 << 0),
AZBanana = (1 << 1),
AZClementine = (1 << 2),
AZDurian = (1 << 3)
typedef NSUInteger AZFruitFlags;
The (1 << 0) through to (1 << 3) represent single bits in an integer that you can “mask” in and out of an integer. For example, assuming NSUInteger is 32-bits, and someone has chosen both apple and durian, then the integer would look like this:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001
| |- Apple bit
|---- Durian bit
Typically your method needs to take an unsigned integer argument:
- (void) doSomethingWithFlags:(AZFruitFlags) flags
if (flags & AZApple)
// do something with apple
if (flags & AZClementine)
// this part only done if Apple AND Clementine chosen
if ((flags & AZBanana) || (flags & AZDurian))
// do something if either Banana or Durian was provided
You know in Cocoa there is this thing, for example you can create a UIView and do:
view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
I have a custom UIView with multiple states, which I have defined in an enum like this:
enum DownloadViewStatus {
For each created subview, I set its tag: subview1.tag = FileNotDownloaded;
Then, I have a custom setter for the view state which does the following:
for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
if (subview.tag == viewStatus)
subview.hidden = NO;
subview.hidden = YES;
But what I am trying to do, is to allow this:
subview1.tag = FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded;
So my subview1 shows up in two states of my view. Currently, it doesn't show up in any of those two states since the | operator seems to add the two enum values.
Is there a way to do that?
Declaring Bitmasks:
Alternatively to assigning absolute values (1, 2, 4, …) you can declare bitmasks (how these are called) like this:
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
FileNotDownloaded = (1 << 0), // => 00000001
FileDownloading = (1 << 1), // => 00000010
FileDownloaded = (1 << 2) // => 00000100
} DownloadViewStatus;
or using modern ObjC's NS_OPTIONS/NS_ENUM macros:
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, DownloadViewStatus) {
FileNotDownloaded = (1 << 0), // => 00000001
FileDownloading = (1 << 1), // => 00000010
FileDownloaded = (1 << 2) // => 00000100
(see Abizern's answer for more info on the latter)
The concept of bitmasks is to (usually) define each enum value with a single bit set.
Hence ORing two values does the following:
DownloadViewStatus status = FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded; // => 00000101
which is equivalent to:
00000001 // FileNotDownloaded
| 00000100 // FileDownloaded
= 00000101 // (FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded)
Comparing Bitmasks:
One thing to keep in mind when checking against bitmasks:
Checking for exact equality:
Let's assume that status is initialized like this:
DownloadViewStatus status = FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded; // => 00000101
If you want to check if status equals FileNotDownloaded, you can use:
BOOL equals = (status == FileNotDownloaded); // => false
which is equivalent to:
00000101 // (FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded)
== 00000100 // FileDownloaded
= 00000000 // false
Checking for "membership":
If you want to check if status merely contains FileNotDownloaded, you need to use:
BOOL contains = (status & FileNotDownloaded) != 0; // => true
00000101 // (FileNotDownloaded | FileDownloaded)
& 00000100 // FileDownloaded
= 00000100 // FileDownloaded
!= 00000000 // 0
= 00000001 // 1 => true
See the subtle difference (and why your current "if"-expression is probably wrong)?
While #Regexident has provided an excellent answer - I must mention the modern Objective-C way of declaring Enumerated options with NS_OPTIONS:
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, DownloadViewStatus) {
FileNotDownloaded = 0,
FileDownloading = 1 << 0,
FileDownloaded = 1 << 1
Further Reference:
I Am The Walrus
enum DownloadViewStatus {
FileNotDownloaded = 1,
FileDownloading = 2,
FileDowloaded = 4
This will let you perform bitwise OR's and AND's effectively.
Useful function you can use for bitmask checking to improve readability.
BOOL bitmaskContains(NSUInteger bitmask, NSUInteger contains) {
return (bitmask & contains) != 0;
I was looking at PSPDFkit sample code and saw this:
NSDictionary *options = #{kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationTypes :
#(PSPDFAnnotationTypeNone & ~PSPDFAnnotationTypeLink)
The constants PSPDFAnnotationTypeNone and PSPDFAnnotationTypeLink are defined below:
// Available keys for options. kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationDict in
// form of pageIndex -> annotations.
// ..
extern NSString *const kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationTypes;
// Annotations defined after the PDF standard.
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, PSPDFAnnotationType) {
PSPDFAnnotationTypeNone = 0,
PSPDFAnnotationTypeLink = 1 << 1, // Links and multimedia extensions
PSPDFAnnotationTypeHighlight = 1 << 2, // (Highlight, Underline, StrikeOut) -
PSPDFAnnotationTypeText = 1 << 3, // FreeText
PSPDFAnnotationTypeInk = 1 << 4,
PSPDFAnnotationTypeShape = 1 << 5, // Square, Circle
PSPDFAnnotationTypeLine = 1 << 6,
PSPDFAnnotationTypeNote = 1 << 7,
PSPDFAnnotationTypeStamp = 1 << 8,
PSPDFAnnotationTypeRichMedia = 1 << 10, // Embedded PDF videos
PSPDFAnnotationTypeScreen = 1 << 11, // Embedded PDF videos
PSPDFAnnotationTypeUndefined = 1 << 31, // any annotation whose type not recognized
PSPDFAnnotationTypeAll = UINT_MAX
I understand that ~ is the bitwise not operator and & the bitwise and operator, but what is the purpose of their application in this code?
NSDictionary *options = #{kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationTypes :
#(PSPDFAnnotationTypeNone & ~PSPDFAnnotationTypeLink)
Based on comments below, the above could have been written simply as
NSDictionary *options = #{kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationTypes :#(PSPDFAnnotationTypeNone)};
Since it is the same as (0 & ~2) => 0. What's the point of adding the & ~PSPDFAnnotationTypeLink part?
"~" is the bitwise not-operator.
As "&" the bitwise and.
These are usually used for bitmask (like in your example) or other binary operations (as the name lets suggest). More info on wiki - Operators in C and C++.
They are in no relationship to literals.
First of all, I don't know obj-c, only C, but I guess the '&' is 'bitwise AND' and the '~' is bitwise NOT.
It's the bitwise NOT operator (same as many C-based languages), which inverts all bits in the underlying value.
So, for example, the eight bit value 0x57 (binary 0101 0111) becomes 1010 1000 or 0xa8.
See here for a more complete description of the various bitwise operators.
I am trying to implement the following typedef
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger, MyCellCorners) {
and correctly assign a value with
MyCellCorners cellCorners = (MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight);
when drawing my cell, how can I check which of the options match so I can correctly draw it.
Use bit masking:
typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger, MyCellCorners) {
MyCellCornerTopLeft = 1 << 0,
MyCellCornerTopRight = 1 << 1,
MyCellCornerBottomLeft = 1 << 2,
MyCellCornerBottomRight = 1 << 3,
MyCellCorners cellCorners = MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight;
if (cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) {
// top left corner set
if (etc...) {
The correct way to check for this value is to first bitwise AND the values and then check for equality to the required value.
MyCellCorners cellCorners = MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight;
if ((cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) == MyCellCornerTopLeft) {
// top left corner set
The following reference explains why this is correct and provides other insights into enumerated types.
Reference: checking-for-a-value-in-a-bit-mask
I agree with NSWill. I recently had a similar issue with wrong comparison.
The right if statement should be:
if ((cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) == MyCellCornerTopLeft){
So in my my travelings i've alwasys seen enums defines like this (when a bit map is desired)
enum {
UIControlStateNormal = 0,
UIControlStateHighlighted = 1 << 0, // used when UIControl isHighlighted is set
UIControlStateDisabled = 1 << 1,
UIControlStateSelected = 1 << 2, // flag usable by app (see below)
However, I've just recently looked at the NSJSONSerilization class to come across an enum defined as so
enum {
NSJSONReadingMutableContainers = (1UL << 0),
NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves = (1UL << 1),
NSJSONReadingAllowFragments = (1UL << 2)
typedef NSUInteger NSJSONReadingOptions;
So I guess my question is what does the UL do. What is the difference between 1 << 1 and 1UL << 1
In C++, UL just means the literal is an unsigned long integer type. The default integer literal is int.
There's no difference between 1 << 1 and 1UL << 1, but there can be a difference between 1 << 33 and 1UL << 33. Depending on platform, and unsigned long can get bigger than an int, so if the enum has lots of values, an int might not be safe to use.
Practically, there is no difference in your code.
The type of 1 in the first is int, and the type of 1UL in the second is unsigned long.
The code will work the same, there is no real difference.
However, type of 1 in the first code is int, while the type of 1UL in the second code is unsigned long.
I've got 5 states in my app, and I use BOOL flags to mark them. But it isn't straightforward, because I have to write 5 lines to change all flags when I want to change state.
Can you write some ideas or simple code to solve this problem?
//need to choose second state
flag1 = false;
flag2 = true;
flag3 = false;
flag4 = false;
flag5 = false;
Also, it's to bad because I can choose 2 states one time.
I found modern and more Apple-way. Answer below.
Use typedef enum to define all possible states using bitmasks.
Note this will give you a maximum of up to 64 different states (on most platforms). If you need more possible states, this solution will not work.
Handling this scheme will require you to fully understand and safely handle boolean algebra.
//define all possible states
typedef enum
stateOne = 1 << 0, // = 1
stateTwo = 1 << 1, // = 2
stateThree = 1 << 2, // = 4
stateFour = 1 << 3, // = 8
stateFive = 1 << 4 // = 16
} FiveStateMask;
//declare a state
FiveStateMask state;
//select single state
state = stateOne; // = 1
//select a mixture of two states
state = stateTwo | stateFive; // 16 | 2 = 18
//add a state
state |= stateOne; // 18 | 1 = 19
//remove stateTwo from our state (if set)
if ((state & stateTwo) == stateTwo)
state ^= stateTwo; // 19 ^ 2 = 17
//check for a single state (while others might also be selected)
if ((state & stateOne) == stateOne)
//stateOne is selected, do something
//check for a combination of states (while others might also be selected)
if ((state & (stateOne | stateTwo)) == stateOne | stateTwo)
//stateOne and stateTwo are selected, do something
//the previous check is a lot nicer to read when using a mask (again)
FiveStateMask checkMask = stateOne | stateTwo;
if ((state & checkMask) == checkMask)
//stateOne and stateTwo are selected, do something
You can always use a byte (unsigned char) size variable using its' bits
as flags (each bit acts as one BOOL flag).
Good instructions to set/clear/toggle/check a bit is here.
Offcourse you'd want to set kind of human readable names for this
flags, i.e.:
#define flag1 1
#define flag2 2
#define flag3 4
#define flag4 8
#define flag5 16
Nowadays we have got another option for flags. It is NS_ENUM.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UITableViewCellStyle) {
First arg for type and second for name.