Arguments by reference in Objective-C - objective-c

I'm trying to pass an NSString by reference but it doesn't work.
This is the function:
+(void)fileName:(NSString *) file
file = #"folder_b";
and this is the call:
NSString *file;
[function fileName:file];
nslog(#"%#",file); // and there is nothing in the string....
What I must do to pass my string by reference?

If you want to return a value, then return a value. Pass by reference in Cocoa/iOS is largely limited to NSError**.
+(void)fileName:(NSString *) file
Then do:
+(NSString *) fileName;
And be done with it.
If you need to return more than one value at a time, that begs for a structure or, more often, a class.
In Objective-C, pass by reference smells like you are doing it wrong.
Pass by reference in Objective-C is reserved largely for returning NSError* information about a recoverable failure, where the return value of the method itself indicates whether or not the requested task succeeded or failed (you can pass NULL as the NSError** argument to allow the method to optimize away creating said error metadata).
Pass by references is also used to retrieve interior state of objects where the return value is effectively a multi-value. I.e. methods from AppKit like the following. In these cases, the pass-by-reference arguments are typically either optional or are acting as secondary return values.
They are used quite sparingly across the API. There is certainly use for pass by reference, but -- as said above -- doing so should be quite rare and rarer still in application code. In many cases -- and in some of the cases below, potentially -- a better pattern would be to create a class that can encapsulate the state and then return an instance of said class instead of pass by reference.
NSWorkspace.h:- (BOOL)getInfoForFile:(NSString *)fullPath application:(NSString **)appName type:(NSString **)type;
NSTextView.h:- (void)smartInsertForString:(NSString *)pasteString replacingRange:(NSRange)charRangeToReplace beforeString:(NSString **)beforeString afterString:(NSString **)afterString;
NSAttributedString.h:- (BOOL)readFromURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary *)options documentAttributes:(NSDictionary **)dict;
NSNib.h:- (BOOL)instantiateWithOwner:(id)owner topLevelObjects:(NSArray **)topLevelObjects NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_8);
NSSpellChecker.h:- (NSRange)checkGrammarOfString:(NSString *)stringToCheck startingAt:(NSInteger)startingOffset language:(NSString *)language wrap:(BOOL)wrapFlag inSpellDocumentWithTag:(NSInteger)tag details:(NSArray **)details NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_5);

I believe you're looking for:
+ (void)fileName:(NSString **)file
*file = #"folder_b";
What's really done here is we're working with a pointer to a pointer to an object. Check C (yup, just plain C) guides for "pointer dereference" for further info.
(...But as has been pointed out repeatedly, in this particular example, there's no reason to pass by reference at all: just return a value.)

Passing a pointer to your object is the Objective C (and C) way of passing by reference.
I agree with 'bbum' that a perceived need to pass by reference is a signal to think about what you are doing; however, it is by no means the case that there are not legitimate reasons to pass by reference.
You should not create classes willy-nilly every time you have a function or method that needs to return more than one value. Consider why you are returning more than one value and if it makes sense to create a class for that then do so. Otherwise, just pass in pointers.
-Just my 2 cents

Try this
+(void)filename:(NSString **)file {
and send the file as &file like:
NSString *file;
[function fileName:&file];
hope this will work.

I suspect this is because NSString is immutable. Have you tried NSMutableString?


Are pointers to arguments in Objective C methods are const by default?

There are methods in Cocoa classes that accept an address of a pointer. Most commonly the argument is address of future NSError * object in CoreData validation methods (among others). This way it is possible to put custom or owned object into the place of the address that given argument points to.
My question is: why can't we do that with simple pointer arguments? E.g. let's say I have a method:
- (void)addObject:(id)someObject toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array;
I can easily pass the mutable array as second argument, call addObject: on it and after the method call the array will be modified. Why is this not done with NSError * objects? Are pointers passed to methods are defined as const by default? Is this to avoid accessing NULL?
Why is this not done with NSError * objects?
Because there's no such thing as an NSMutableError. Your example works because you can modify the contents of the array without modifying the pointer to the array itself. However, since NSError instances are immutable, you cannot modify an NSError. As such, you must necessarily create a new error object. And if you want to return that error object along with some other piece of data, at least one of those must be done via an out-parameter (such as an NSError **).
Are pointers passed to methods are defined as const by default?
Nope. Inside that method you're welcome to do this:
- (void)addObject:(id)someObject toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array {
someObject = somethingElse;
[array addObject:someObject];
What's important to remember here is that you're only changing a pointer in a slot in memory. The memory slot corresponding to someObject is just a space on the stack, and you're changing the contents of that space to have a value that points to a different allocated object than the one you were given.
Is this to avoid accessing NULL?
Any NULL protection you need must be done yourself.
It's because the NSError class does not define any way to modify instances after creation. The pointer itself is mutable, but an NSError is not.
They are all plain C pointers. They are not const unless you make them const. Const pointers are not a good thing to use in most situations in objective-C, or even often plain C. Const pointers are a subtle concept, and the complexities of the meaning and syntax don't mesh well with the Objective-C style of programming. Forgetting they exist is likely a good first approximation.
Example: NSArray and NSMutableArray - we would not need an NSArray class if const worked 'correctly' - but it can't due to the design of C.
** - For NSError, etc., the idea is to create an NSError, not alter the one you have passed in. In other words, you need a pointer to a pointer to be able to create an instance (i.e. change the actual object).

Accessor that returns value vs accessor that returns reference?

From my understanding both of the following getter methods reference the actual object.
So what is the difference between the two?
When and why would you want to use the second getter method?
- (MyObject *)myObject
return _myObject;
- (void)getMyObject:(MyObject **)myObject
if (!myObject)
*myObject = _myObject;
You would not use the second one.
Unless you like confusing people/yourself at a later date by not following the standard conventions.
It would make more sense if there was another piece of data that could also be returned for example look at NSManagedObjectContext
- (BOOL)save:(NSError **)error
The important result of the method is YES/NO did it save, but then we can also get an NSError object to inspect if there was an error.
In Objective C, an "object" is a C pointer, so an object value is actually already the same as a structure reference (an opaque structure with hidden fields if you want the code to be portable between Objective C runtimes).
So there is no "versus".
YouR first example is both.
There are special situations when an algorithm needs a reference to a reference, or a pointer to a pointer, but not very commonly. That would be your second example.

Should I be casting when returning id from an objective-c method or not?

For the Objective-C gurus:
Suppose I have a simple method like so:
-(id)getValue{ return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:5.0]; }
Now, suppose within some other method I call the (id)getValue method like so:
NSNumber* myValue = [self getValue];
or what if I call it like this instead:
NSNumber* myValue = (NSNumber*)[self getValue];
The question is: Obviously these lines are equivalent but one of them utilizes an explicit cast. So what is the correct or best-practice way of doing this. It seams to me the cast is unnecessary since when it is placed in the pointer myValue, it will be type-safe at this point anyways (which is something I want) so the cast is basically pointless.
Let me just add that I'm sure people will point out: Why don't you just return (NSNumber*) from the getValue method but in my case I want to have the flexibility to return whatever I want much like the built in NSDictionary class returns id when you call: objectForKey because it allows you to place any type of NSObject or subclass inside of it. In other words my getValue method will not always be returning an NSNumber. Also consider this example is contrived because I am just concerned about whether to cast or not.
Thank you in advance,
The only reason to cast objects is to make the compiler happy. (Sometimes it also helps readability.) For example, you have to cast when making a property access directly on an object you're getting out of an array or dictionary:
((Foo *)[myArray objectAtIndex:0]).bar;
If you don't do the cast, the compiler can't do the property lookup, and will complain.
When you're getting an object from a method that returns id, it's impossible for the compiler to know what its actual type is. There isn't really any "type-safety", because id is a generic pointer; all the compiler can and will enforce is that the method says it returns some Objective-C object. It is perfectly happy to assign a generic pointer to any typed pointer.* (This is actually an advantage for containers, obviously.) Since the type of the variable to which you're assigning already documents the actual return type, I'd say there's no need for the cast.
As an aside, you shouldn't be calling your method getX. That has a specific meaning in Cocoa; methods which "get" something pass in a pointer to a pointer, which is then filled by the method. See -[NSArray getObjects:range:] as an example.
*The type will be enforced at run-time, of course, in the sense that sending messages to which the object does not respond will cause an error.

Use of pass by reference in Objective-C

Looking at the JSON-Framework source, it makes heavy use of pass by reference in many of the parser method signatures. i.e.
#interface SBJsonParser ()
- (BOOL)scanValue:(NSObject **)o;
- (BOOL)scanRestOfArray:(NSMutableArray **)o;
- (BOOL)scanRestOfDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary **)o;
This ends up being used something like this:
id o;
[self scanValue:&o];
// Do something with o
- (BOOL)scanValue:(NSObject **)o {
// Cut down for brevity
return [self scanRestOfDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary **)o];
- (BOOL)scanRestOfDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary **)o {
// Cut down for brevity
*o = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:7];
[*o setObject:#"value" forKey:#"key"];
return YES;
What are the benefits to this approach?
EDIT: I'm asking more from a design point of view. I understand what pass by reference is, I'm just wondering when it's appropriate to use it. The design used in SBJsonParser is similar to the API used in NSScanner:
- (BOOL)scanUpToString:(NSString *)stopString intoString:(NSString **)stringValue;
To me, this implies that the string which was scanned is secondary to needing to know if something was scanned. This is in contrast to the API used by NSString:
+ (id)stringWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc error:(NSError **)error;
In that API, the contents of the file is the primary concern, and the NSError reference is used to pass back an error in the event that something goes wrong.
Just after some general thoughts on which API is most appropriate, when.
Those are "output" parameters. They allow the called method to assign a value to your local variable "o". In other words, you're not passing in a reference to an object, but a reference to a local variable.
In your case, the methods return a BOOL to indicate success or failure; therefore, they use output parameters to return other values and objects.
It's really just a style question. It should be consistent across an entire API.
On the one hand, you've got a style where the status code of the call is always returned and output of the call is in the parameter list.
Benefits? You can always check the call result for success. You can easily have multiple return values without changing the style.
Drawbacks? Can't just drop in calls in place of parameters. Harder to chain.
On the other hand, you've got a style where the primary data is returned from the call and any error codes are done through out parameters.
The benefits and drawbacks are essentially inverted.
To be fair, there's a third style: no results are passed out or returned. Instead, exceptions are used.
Benefits? Cleaner looking code.
Drawbacks? Works well for errors, but not so well for status codes that may go along with valid return codes.

Selectors in Objective-C?

First, I'm not sure I really understand what a selector is. From my understanding, it's the name of a method, and you can assign it to a class of type 'SEL' and then run methods such as respondToSelector to see if the receiver implements that method. Can someone offer up a better explanation?
Secondly, to this point, I have the following code:
NSString *thing = #"Hello, this is Craig";
SEL sel = #selector(lowercaseString:);
NSString *lower = (([thing respondsToSelector:sel]) ? #"YES" : #"NO");
NSLog (#"Responds to lowercaseString: %#", lower);
if ([thing respondsToSelector:sel]) //(lower == #"YES")
NSLog(#"lowercaseString is: %#", [thing lowercaseString]);
However, even though thing is clearly a kind of NSString, and should respond to lowercaseString, I cannot get the 'respondsToSelector' conditional to return "YES"...
You have to be very careful about the method names. In this case, the method name is just "lowercaseString", not "lowercaseString:" (note the absence of the colon). That's why you're getting NO returned, because NSString objects respond to the lowercaseString message but not the lowercaseString: message.
How do you know when to add a colon? You add a colon to the message name if you would add a colon when calling it, which happens if it takes one argument. If it takes zero arguments (as is the case with lowercaseString), then there is no colon. If it takes more than one argument, you have to add the extra argument names along with their colons, as in compare:options:range:locale:.
You can also look at the documentation and note the presence or absence of a trailing colon.
Selectors are an efficient way to reference methods directly in compiled code - the compiler is what actually assigns the value to a SEL.
Other have already covered the second part of your q, the ':' at the end matches a different signature than what you're looking for (in this case that signature doesn't exist).
That's because you want #selector(lowercaseString), not #selector(lowercaseString:). There's a subtle difference: the second one implies a parameter (note the colon at the end), but - [NSString lowercaseString] does not take a parameter.
In this case, the name of the selector is wrong. The colon here is part of the method signature; it means that the method takes one argument. I believe that you want
SEL sel = #selector(lowercaseString);
NSString's method is lowercaseString (0 arguments), not lowercaseString: (1 argument).
Don't think of the colon as part of the function name, think of it as a separator, if you don't have anything to separate (no value to go with the function) then you don't need it.
I'm not sure why but all this OO stuff seems to be foreign to Apple developers. I would strongly suggest grabbing Visual Studio Express and playing around with that too. Not because one is better than the other, just it's a good way to look at the design issues and ways of thinking.
introspection = reflection
+ before functions/properties = static
- = instance level
It's always good to look at a problem in different ways and programming is the ultimate puzzle.
From my understanding of the Apple documentation, a selector represents the name of the method that you want to call. The nice thing about selectors is you can use them in cases where the exact method to be called varies. As a simple example, you can do something like:
SEL selec;
if (a == b) {
selec = #selector(method1)
selec = #selector(method2)
[self performSelector:selec];
As per apple docs:
A selector is the name used to select a method to execute for an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled. A selector by itself doesn’t do anything. It simply identifies a method. The only thing that makes the selector method name different from a plain string is that the compiler makes sure that selectors are unique. What makes a selector useful is that (in conjunction with the runtime) it acts like a dynamic function pointer that, for a given name, automatically points to the implementation of a method appropriate for whichever class it’s used with. Suppose you had a selector for the method run, and classes Dog, Athlete, and ComputerSimulation (each of which implemented a method run). The selector could be used with an instance of each of the classes to invoke its run method—even though the implementation might be different for each.
(lldb) breakpoint --set selector viewDidLoad
This will set a breakpoint on all viewDidLoad implementations in your app.
So selector is kind of a global identifier for a method.