What is the SQL MODE in MYSQL (or any RDBMS)? - sql

What is the SQL MODE in MYSQL (or any RDBMS)? Also what is the best option to have for the SQL MODE and Why?
If i could have a layman explanation with a example it would be great!
Thank you in advance ;-)

The SQL mode affects how MySQL behaves in certain situations. For example, it affects what happens if you try to insert overlong content into a text type column. Let's say you have a column like CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, and you try to insert 'abcdef abcdef'. That's 13 characters, which is too long. If the current SQL mode includes STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES, MySQL will not insert the value but will give you an error message. If neither of these is on, then MySQL will truncate the string to 10 characters, i.e. 'abcdef abc', and insert that.
There are lots of other behaviours that are affected by the SQL mode. That was just an example.
I personally use TRADITIONAL, which is shorthand for, well, the link given by dcp will tell you. Basically, it makes MySQL less forgiving when you send it invalid input, which I find preferable because if I send MySQL something that's not valid I'd rather know about it, rather than have MySQL fudge it and not tell me it's done so.

It's always best to refer to the official documentation.
You can also use the FAQ.
In simple terms, it basically controls the type of SQL syntax MySQL should support. As far as what is "best", that depends on your specific needs. For example, lets say you are porting an existing Oracle application to MySQL. You could consider using the Oracle mode to help ease this transition.
In general, it's usually a good idea to use the default settings of the database unless you have good reason not to. When you start tweaking things and get into non-standard configurations, then that's one more thing you (or your DBA's) have to remember to do when you put your application into production. With that said, there are also plenty of reasons to fully exploit the features of your database. After all, with many RDBMS systems, you pay a lot of money for them, so why not use them fully?


Is this a good approach for avoiding SQL injection?

Here in the company I work, we have a support tool that, among other things, provides a page that allows the user to run SELECT queries. It should prevent the user from running UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, DROP, etc. Besides that, every select statement is accepted.
The way it works is by executing
SELECT * FROM (<query>)
so any statement besides a SELECT should fail due to a syntax error.
In my opinion, this approach is not enough to prevent an attack since anything could change the out-query and break the security. I affirmed that along with that solution it should also check the syntax of the inside query. My colleagues asked me to prove that the current solution is unsafe.
To test it, I tried to write something like
SELECT * from dual); DROP table users --
But it failed because of the ; character that is not accepted by the SQL connector.
So, is there any way to append a modification statement in a query like that?
By the way, it is Oracle SQL.
Just to put it more clear: I know this is not a good approach. But I must prove it to my colleagues to justify a code modification. Theoretical answers are good, but I think a real injection would be more efficient.
The protection is based on the idea/assumption that "update queries" are never going to produce a result table (which is what it would take to make it a valid sub-expression to your SELECT FROM (...) ).
Proprietary engines with proprietary language extensions might undermine that assumption. And although admittedly it still seems unlikely, in the world of proprietary extensions there really is some crazy stuff flying around so don't assume too lightly.
Maybe also beware of expression compilers that coerce "does not return a table" into "an empty table of some kind". You know. Because any system must do anything it can to make the user action succeed instead of fail/crash/...
And maybe also consider that if "query whatever you like" is really the function that is needed, then your DBMS most likely already has some tool or component that actually allows that ... (and is even designed specifically for the purpose).
I'm going to assume that it's deemed acceptable for users to see any data accessible from that account (as that is what this seems designed to do).
It's also fairly trivial to perform a Denial of Service with this, either with an inefficient query, or with select for update, which could be used to lock critical tables.
Oracle is a feature rich DB, and that means there is likely a variety of ways to run DML from within a query. You would need to find an inline PL/SQL function that allow you to perform DML or have other side effects. It will depend on the specific schema as to what packages are available - the XML DB packages have some mechanisms to run arbitrary SQL, the UTL_HTTP packages can often be used to launch network attacks, and the java functionality is quite powerful.
The correct way to protect against this is to use the DB security mechanisms - run this against a read-only schema (one with query privs only on the tables).

SQL Compatibility Chart (esp data types)

So...happens I'm working on some code which...will end up being used on different sql servers at the same time.
Although the SQL code is different depending on the server, the data types and columns are not.
Therefor, I need to know which are the data types common to (at least most) sql server types.
As a starting point, I have the following types:
byte, char, float, int, text, varchar, blob
Please note that spelling is quite important, since the data type name will end in the query as is (eg: although both int and integer are supported, I need the common one).
So, the question is, does anyone know of a chart comparing compatibility between sql servers? Or perhaps someone which did some research in the field?
As far as bias goes, I'm obviously biased to a particular RDBMS, so no need for answers on which RDBMS happens to be better. Let's keep this focused and on topic, ok?
I think you will end up writing specific, casy by case SQL statements for each type of database server. Certainly I did.
I've been in your situation, including having the intention to write database agnostic code, but in the long run it just does not work. One database will not, for example, handle multi-byte strings while another will demand them (ie, SQL Server CE), this will force you to use either Varchar vs NVarchar on columns, for example. Some databses will support multi byte strings, but with awful performance. One will use VARCHAR2 (Oracle), and everyone else will use VARCHAR. One will handle BLOBs one way while another will do so differently. Don't get me started on date data types, either.
Rather than find the magic subset of the SQL language and data types that works in all databases, you would be wiser to look for a data access method/library that can hide the differences for you (maybe some ORM library that lets you create DB objects as well as access them?)
Like I said, I have been (and still am) in your situation of having to support multiple databases and the best solution for me is to write optimal code for each database, rather that trying to find SQL data types and code that works in all of them (I wasn't able to, not to a satisfactory level).
Also, you will be able to squeeze more performance out of each DB if you create separate SQL text for each database (ie, the performance-related parameters you can specify while creating an Oracle table that do not apply at all when creating a table in any other database).
I say, do not fight the syntax differences in the different databases, you will not win. It's a better idea to put up with and use those differences to your advantage as much as possible.
I'd look into the SQL ANSI standard specification and use the data types specified there. A book like this may help you.
They all have good documentation, so I would just read up on their data types. Would probably have all the info you need. The only other information I could find before is pretty old.
Hope that helps.
Edit: Just another thought... you could use the strategy pattern for your SQL, that way it wouldn't matter if it was different, you could use the more advanced features. Though this way you'd have more work to do and more to maintain :/

Replace SQLite with SQL Server?

Does anyone know if it's good solution to use SQLite in multi-thread environment.
I want to replace SQL Server with more simple and built-in database as there is no need to feed such big server DB. The supposed max size of DB would be 4 gigabyte after 4-5 years of usage. Is it normal for built-in DB? Could it affect performance?
It depends on the type of queries you would use. If the queries are simple selects with plain joins, then SQLite could do fine but I think you would still be better off with e. g. Firebird 2.5 when the stable release gets out (RC3 is available now). You would have somewhat richer SQL to work with. I don't know how much bulk loads are important for you, but neither SQLite nor Firebird are very strong in this area. If you need good bulk insert performance and low cost, then you should look at PostgreSQL or MySQL. There is also a very interesting looking database I happened to stumble upon recently called CUBRID. I have only installed it so far, so I can't tell how good or bad it is but it certainly seems worth a look.
You might also want to look at this wikipedia article:
I don't know which distro you're talking about here. I've only used SQLite.NET and I know it works well on multithreaded applications.
It can also be deployed on client-server systems so you need not worry at all.
Considering Vinko's statement of 'real' databases, you can ignore him. SQLite is really worth it's salt.
If you're working with .NET, you might find this link useful:
According to the documentation SQLite is thread safe but there are caveats.
You can use SQLite in a multithreaded environment, but if and only if you build a special version of it (and find out if the library you'll be using it supports it and tweak it if it doesn't.) So, assuming your library supports multithreaded SQLite, if you really need a high level of concurrency to the database you may prefer to use a 'real' database. Be it MSSQL or any other falls out of the scope of the question.
Consider MySQL and SQL Server Express, for example.
If your concurrency level is low, SQLite can cope with it.
I would also suggest you to take a look at the CUBRID database. It has nice optimizations for Web applications and it is easy to learn.

Storing SQL in MySQL: Insert as Text?

Working in a team environment, each one of us has put together our own list of SQL statements that we use to help with our day to day job functions. As the case often is, there may be some redundancy with this, and we are often in need of each other's statements. To circumvent this, I'm looking to put together a small app that can be used to store and search for these SQL statements.
To begin with, I'm keeping it basic, just storing and searching the statements. This may build out to be the actual execution at some point in the future, but I'm not concerning myself with this at the time.
This will be built with PHP and MySQL - Should I store the SQL as text, or is there something that I need to be concerned with?
text should be fine.
you will also want a name (label) and possibly a descriptive field to let people know what it does in plain english.
Any particular reason these aren't just stored in the database as stored procedures?
Or in your version control system as scripts?

Migrating from MySQL to arbitrary standards-compliant SQL2003 server

Is there an incantation of mysqldump or a similar tool that will produce a piece of SQL2003 code to create and fill the same databases in an arbitrary SQL2003 compliant RDBMS?
(The one I'm trying right now is MonetDB)
DDL statements are inherently database-vendor specific. Although they have the same basic structure, each vendor has their own take on how to define types, indexes, constraints, etc.
DML statements on the other hand are fairly portable. Therefore I suggest:
Dump the database without any data (mysqldump --no-data) to get the schema
Make necessary changes to get the schema loaded on the other DB - these need to be done by hand (but some search/replace may be possible)
Dump the data with extended inserts off and no create table (--extended-insert=0 --no-create-info)
Run the resulting script against the other DB.
This should do what you want.
However, when porting an application to a different database vendor, many other things will be required; moving the schema and data is the easy bit. Checking for bugs introduced, different behaviour and performance testing is the hard bit.
At the very least test every single query in your application for validity on the new database. Ideally do a lot more.
This one is kind of tough. Unless you've got a very simple DB structure with vanilla types (varchar, integer, etc), you're probably going to get the best results writing a migration tool. In a language like Perl (via the DBI), this is pretty straight-forward. The program is basically an echo loop that reads from one database and inserts into the other. There are examples of this sort of code that Google knows about.
Aside from the obvious problem of moving the data is the more subtle problem of how some datatypes are represented. For instance, MS SQL's datetime field is not in the same format as MySQL's. Other datatypes like BLOBs may have a different capacity in one RDBMs than in another. You should make sure that you understand the datatype definitions of the target DB system very well before porting.
The last problem, of course, is getting application-level SQL statements to work against the new system. In my work, that's by far the hardest part. Date math seems especially DB-specific, while annoying things like quoting rules are a constant source of irritation.
Good luck with your project.
From SQL Server 2000 or 2005 you can have it generate scripts for your objects, but I am not sure how well they will transfer to other RDBMS.
The generate script option is probably the easiest way to go. You'll undoubtedly have to do some search/replace on a few data types though.