Translating a VHDL monitor into a PSL assertion - hardware

I have an interesting question about PSL assertion. Here is a VHDL monitor process. It is a process dedicated to an assertion, and thus a non-synthesizable one. This monitor checks the current FSM state and stores the values of two registers: "input1" and "reg136". Finally, it triggers an "assert" statement to compare the values of these registers.
process (clk)
variable var_a : signed(7 downto 0);
variable var_b : signed(7 downto 0);
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
case state is
when s0 =>
var_a := signed(input1);
when s22 =>
var_t34 := signed(reg136);
when s85 =>
assert (var_t34 < var_a)
report "Assertion xxx failed : (t34 < a)";
end case;
end if;
end process;
Question is: is there a way to translate this monitor into a PSL (Property Specification Language) assertion ?
IMPORTANT: the registers "input1" and "reg136" can only be read when the fsm state is at state s0 and s22 respectively. Otherwise, the data contained in these registers does not belong to the asserted variables "a" and "t34". As a result, a PSL statement wouls need a way to read and store the values on the right fsm states.
Thank you !

Actually, I think I found a way to do that using the prev PSL function.
assert always (state = s85) -> (prev(reg136, 85-22) < prev(input1, 85-0)) #rising_edge(clk)
It requires the fsm to increment its state register by one on each clock cycle or to know how many clock cycles are needed to go from state s0 or s22 to state s85.
Can someone confirm that this would work ? I do not have a PSL-ready simulator to check this...


Difference in timing while getting values from ROM or RAM

So I am having a hard time understanding the time it takes to get values from ram or rom in vhdl. To insert data into ram I know happens on the rising edge of the clock and takes one clock such as the example I have, but in terms of getting data out does it take one clock to get the data from memory and then get then another clock cycle to get the data to output meaning it takes 2 clock cycles to get data?
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
if(write_en = '1') then
mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))) <= incoming_data;--insert data
end if;
end if;
end process;
out_data <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))); -- takes 2 clock cycles to get data ?
No, it takes 1 clock cycle:
In your code you have two concurrent processes. One is explicit:
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
if(write_en = '1') then
mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))) <= incoming_data;--insert data
end if;
end if;
end process;
The other is implicit; it is a concurrent signal assignment:
out_data <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))); -- takes 2 clock cycles to get data ?
The concurrent signal assignment is exactly equivalent to this:
process(address, mem)
out_data <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))); -- takes 2 clock cycles to get data ?
end process;
In other words, it is equivalent to a process with address and mem in the sensitivity list. Any concurrent signal assignment is equivalent to a process with all the inputs in the sensitivity list. An input to a concurrent signal assignment is any signal on the right hand side of the signal assignment operator (<=). So, you get a sensitivity list for free and that is an advantage of using concurrent signal assignments: you cannot accidentally miss out a signal from the sensitivity list, because the compiler creates it for you.
So, lets consider what happens when each process is executed. The first process has just the signal clk in its sensitivity list, so the process executes whenever there is a change (an event) on clk. If this change is not a rising edge then the rising_edge function returns FALSE and the process immediately suspends. If this change is a rising edge then the rising_edge function returns TRUE and if the expression write_en = '1' is also TRUE then this line gets executed:
mem(to_integer(unsigned(address))) <= incoming_data;--insert data
The effect of this line is to put an event on the event queue to drive the correct value of mem on the next delta cycle (assuming there is some change to the signal mem as a result). The event queue is the simulator's "to do" list; a delta cycle is one iteration of the simulator; the next iteration will occur once all the processes that are executing in the current iteration suspend.
So, the next iteration cycle occurs and the signal mem gets its new value. The signal mem is in the implicit sensitivity list of the second (implicit) process (the concurrent signal assignment). So, this second process starts executing and the line with the signal assignment to out_data is executed and (as with the executing of any line containing a signal assignment) an event is put on the event queue to drive the target signal - out_data in this case - to a new value (again assuming the value should change).
So, the change to the signal out_data always occurs one delta cycle after a change on the signal mem. We've already established that the signal mem changes one delta cycle after any rising edge on the signal clk, so we can see that the signal out_data changes two delta cycles after any rising edge on the signal clk.
Whilst it is vital to be aware of delta cycles when writing VHDL, we don't usually need to worry about them if we adopt a good, conventional style. So, we can just say that the signal out_data changes on any rising edge of the signal clk or, in other words, there is a delay of one clock cycle between any changes on the signals write_en, incoming_data or address and any corresponding change on the signal out_data.

Combinational Logic Timing

I am currently trying to implement a data path, which calculates the following, in one clock cycle.
Takes input A and B and add them.
Shift the result of addition, one bit to right. (Dividing by 2)
Subtract the shifted result from another input C.
The behavioral architecture of the entity is simply shown below.
signal sum_out : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal shift_out : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
process (clock, data_in_a, data_in_b, data_in_c)
if clock'event and clock = '1' then
sum_out <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(data_in_a) + unsigned(data_in_b));
shift_out <= '0' & sum_out(7 downto 1);
data_out <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(data_in_c) - unsigned(shift_out));
end if;
end process;
When I simulate the above code, I do get the result I expect to get. However, I get the result, after 3 clock cycles, instead 1 as I wish. The simulation wave form is shown below.
I am not yet familiar with implementing designs with timing concerns. I was wondering, if there are ways to achieve above calculations, in one clock cycle. If there are, how can I implement them?
Do do this with signals simply register only the last element in the chain (data_out). This analyzes, I didn't write a test bench to verify simulation.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity signal_single_clock is
port (
signal clock: in std_logic;
signal data_in_a: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_in_b: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_in_c: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture behave of signal_single_clock is
signal sum_out : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal shift_out : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
sum_out <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(data_in_a) + unsigned(data_in_b));
shift_out <= '0' & sum_out(7 downto 1);
process (clock)
if clock'event and clock = '1' then
data_out <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(data_in_c) - unsigned(shift_out));
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
When you assign a new value to a signal inside a process, this new value will be available only after the process finishes execution. Therefore, anytime you read the signal's value you will be using the original value from when the process started executing.
On the other hand, assignments to varibles take place immediately, and the new value can be used in the subsequent statements if you wish.
So, to solve you problem, simply implement sum_out, shift_out, and data_out using variables, instead of signals. Then simply copy the value of data_out to an output port of your entity.
Without using variables:
sum <= in_a + in_b;
process (clock)
if rising_edge(clock) then
data_out <= in_c - ('0' & sum(7 downto 1));
end if;
end process;
All declarations except clock are unsigned(7 downto 0); why make it more complicated than that?
The original, pipelined to 3 cycles, will probably work at higher clock rates.
EDIT following comment:
I wanted to demonstrate that VHDL doesn't really have to be that verbose.
However there seem to be a lot of people "teaching" VHDL who are focussing on trivial elements and missing the big picture entirely, so I'll say a little bit about that.
VHDL is a strongly typed language, to prevent mistakes that creep in when types are mistaken for each other and (e.g.) you add two large numbers and get a negative result.
It does NOT follow from that, that you need type conversions all over the place.
Indeed, if you need a lot of type conversions, it's a sign that your design is probably wrong, and it's time to rethink that instead of ploughing ahead down the wrong path.
Code - in ANY language - should be as clean and simple as possible.
Otherwise it's hard to read, and there are probably bugs in it.
The big difference between a C-like language and VHDL is this:
In C, using the correct data types you can write sum = in_a + in_b;
and it will work. Using the wrong data types you can also write sum = in_a + in_b;
and it will compile just fine; what it actually does is another matter! The bugs are hidden : it is up to you to determine the correct types, and if you get it wrong there is very little you can do except keep on testing.
in VHDL, using the right types you can write sum <= in_a + in_b;
and using the wrong types, the compiler forces you to write something like sum <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(in_a) + unsigned(in_b)); which is damn ugly, but will (probably: see note 1) still work correctly.
So to answer the question : how do I decide to use unsigned or std_logic_vector?
I see that I need three inputs and an output. I could just make them std_logic_vectorbut I stop and ask: what do they represent?
Can they be negative? Not according to my reading of the specification (your question).
So, unsigned numbers... (Note 1)
Do I need non-arithmetic operations on them? Yes there's a shift.(Note 2)
So, numeric_std.unsigned which is related to std_logic_vector instead of natural which is just an integer.
Now you can't avoid type conversions altogether. Coding standards may impose restrictions such as "all top level ports must be std_logic_vector" and you must implement the external entity specification you are asked to; intermediate signals for type conversions are sometimes cleaner than the alternatives, e.g. in_a <= unsigned(data_in_a);
Or if you are getting instructions, characters and the numbers above from the same memory, for example, you might decide the memory contents must be std_logic_vector because it doesn't just contain numbers. But pick the correct place to convert type and you will find maybe 90% of the type conversions disappear. Take that as a design guideline.
(Note 1 : but what happens if C < (A+B)/2 ? Should data_out be signed? Even thinking along these lines has surfaced a likely bug that std_logic_vector left hidden...
The right answer depends on unknowns including the purpose of data_out : if it is really supposed to be unsigned, e.g. a memory address, you may want to flag an error instead of making it signed)
(Note 2 : there isn't a synthesis tool left alive that won't translate
signal a : natural; ... x <= a/2 into a shift right, so natural would also work, unless there were other reasons to choose unsigned. A lot of people seem to still be taught that integers aren't synthesisable, and that's just wrong.)

Can SystemVerilog represent a flip-flop with asynchronous set and reset without adding unsynthesizable code?

I'm coming from a Verilog-95 background, and I'm trying to figure out what Verilog-95 hoops I don't have to jump through anymore.
The obvious way to write a flip flop with async set and reset in Verilog-95 is:
always #(posedge clk or negedge resetb or negedge setb) begin
if (!resetb) q <= 0;
else if (!setb) q <= 1;
else q <= d;
This works in synthesis. But, this doesn't work in simulation if we ever assert both resetb and setb, and then de-assert resetb before de-asserting setb, since there's no posedge trigger for either of those signals. We need to add the following (which varies depending on your synthesis tool), to get simulation to match synthesis:
// synopsys translate_off
always #(resetb or setb)
if (resetb && !setb) force q = 1;
else release q;
// synopsys translate_on
Is there a SystemVerilog construct that will let you do this without this extra junk? Better yet, is there a straightforward way to do it in Verilog-95?
Flip-flops with multiple asynchronous controls are best avoided. The timing checks necessary to ensure they function properly are complex and easy to mess up. If you really need to use them, then it's probably best to instantiate them by hand where needed. If you let your synthesis tool infer them, it may use them in places you don't intend, which increases the risk that the timing checks don't get done properly.
One final aside, there is a similar simulation-synthesis mismatch issue with all asynchronous flops, if the active edge of reset is at time zero and is simulated before the flop is initialized to x, and the clock isn't running in reset. I believe some simulators have special cases to ensure the logic is not initialized in this order.
That said, I had luck moving the priority logic outside the sequential always block. Note I'm using active-high signals for simplicity.
assign s_int = s && !c;
always #(posedge clk or posedge s_int or posedge c) begin
if (c)
q <= 1'b0;
else if (s_int)
q <= 1'b1;
q <= d;
This is something I wish SystemVerilog had improved. If you want to allow both being low at the same time, then stick with the current method.
The other option is to create a design rule stating the asynchronous signals can not be active at the same time and enforce the rule with an assertion. Assertions are suppose to be ignored by synthesizers, so translate_off/on should not be be necessary.
Here is an example using an inline assertion:
always_ff #(posedge clk, negedge resetb, negedge setb) begin : dff_asyncRbSb
if (!resetb) q <= 0;
else if (!setb) q <= 1;
else q <= d;
asrt_setrst : assert(resetb||setb)
else $error("resetb and setb can not be low at the same time.");
end : dff_asyncRbSb
I don't know any SV, so this isn't an answer, but the issue here is that
Verilog (and, I think, SV) event expressions are basically broken. The problem
is that, when you have multiple conditions in an event expression:
event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression
then there's no bullet-proof way to determine which expression caused the
event, since the only thing you can do is to check the current state of the
expression. So, if you've got #(posedge clk, posedge rst), for example, you
look at the current levels of clk and rst and hope this is sufficient to do
the job. In general, it isn't, but your example is the only practical case (I
think) that causes a problem.
VHDL handles this by having signal attributes, which let you determine whether
a signal has caused an event. In VHDL, you get an event when any signal in
your sensitivity list changes, and you then check their 'event attribute to
determine whether they fired the process. No confusion, no posedge or negedge,
and it all works.
I've just had a quick look at the SV LRM, and SV attributes appear to be the
same as Verilog attributes, so I think you're out of luck.
with no edge defined, the assertion and de-assertion of reset and set signals should be able to trigger this code in simulation.
always_ff should be able to create a flop at synthesis.
Below code is compilation clean using synopsys VCS tool.
always_ff #(posedge clk, resetb, setb) begin
if (!resetb) q <= 0;
else if (!setb) q <= 1;
else q <= d;
Try this:
always_ff #(posedge clk or negedge resetb or negedge setb)
systemverilog uses always_ff for clock triggered logic and always_comb for combo logic

"unsigned" type conversion demands input in sequential process sensitivity list

I have an address counter in a VHDL sequential process. Its idle value is set in a configuration register to a certain max value; afterwards, anytime it enters a certain state it should increment by one.
To get the maximum value, I declare a subset of an input std_logic_vector as an alias.
I declared address_int as an unsigned variable. I then defined a sequential process with a clk and a reset in the sensitivity list. When the reset is asserted, the address counter is set to the alias value. After reset is released, the counter is rolled over/incremented on rising edges when in a certain state.
The synthesis tool gives me this message:
*WARNING:Xst:819 line 134: The following signals are missing in the process sensitivity list: DL_CADU_SIZE*
And all the address lines have become asynchronous signals! What is going on here? Is there some strange behavior with unsigned that doesn't occur with integers? I usually use integers here, but the conversion seemed more straightforward from unsigned for purposes of code maintenance. I have tried ditching the alias and doing the straight conversion, but it didn't help.
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.a
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- entity declaration, ports, architecture, etc.
signal address_int : unsigned(8 downto 0);
alias aMaxWords : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) is DL_CADU_SIZE(10 downto 2);
WADDR <= std_logic_vector(address_int);
if RST_N_CORE = '0' then
address_int <= unsigned(aMaxWords);
elsif rising_edge(CLK_CORE) then
if next_state = WRITE_WORD then
if address_int = unsigned(aMaxWords) then
address_int <= (others => '0');
address_int <= address_int + 1;
end if;
end if; -- WRITE_WORD
end if; -- rising_edge
end process OUT_PROC;
end RTL;
if RST_N_CORE = '0' then
address_int <= unsigned(aMaxWords)
describes an async reset - therefore aMaxWords will be treated as asynchronous by the synthesiser irrespective of whether it is or not.
What the synthesiser interprets your code as is "while rst_n_core is low, copy the value of aMaxWords to address_int" so if aMaxWords changes during reset, the value must be copied across. The lack of that signal in your sensitivity list means that the synthesiser is making a circuit which behaves differently to what the language says it should, hence the warning.
It really shouldn't do this: without the signal in the sensitivity list, it ought to capture the signal on the falling edge of the reset line. But as that's not how most chips work, the synthesiser designers (in their infinite wisdom) decided many years ago to assume the designer intended to have that signal in the sensitivity list, and issue a warning, rather than saying "this can't work, fix it". So then you get code which works differently in simulation and synthesis. End rant.
Your reset code:
if RST_N_CORE = '0' then
address_int <= unsigned(aMaxWords);
is wrong. The definition of reset is set your circuit to known-state. But your code assign it to a signal. You should assign it as all 0 or all 1 for reset, or your aMaxWords must be constant (note that your synthesizer may be not enough intellegent for known it, then should assign it as constant) :
if RST_N_CORE = '0' then
address_int <= (others => '0');
if RST_N_CORE = '0' then
address_int <= (others => '1');

signal vs variable

VHDL provides two major object types to hold data, namel signal and variable, but I can't find anywhere that is clear on when to use one data-type over the other. Can anyone shed some light on their strengths/limitations/scope/synthesis/situations in which using one would be better than the other?
Signals can be used to communicate values between processes. Variables cannot. There are shared variables which can in older compilers, but you really are asking for problems (with race conditions) if you do that - unless you use protected types which are a bit like classes. Then they are same to use for communication, but not (as far as I know) synthesisable.
This fundamental restriction on communication comes from the way updates on signals and variables work.
The big distinction comes because variables update immediately they are assigned to (with the := operator). Signals have an update scheduled when assigned to (with the <= operator) but the value that anyone sees when they read the signal will not change until some time passes.
(Aside: That amount of time could be as small as a delta cycle, which is the smallest amount of time in a VHDL simuator - no "real" time passes. Something like wait for 0 ps; causes the simulator to wait for the next delta cycle before continuing.)
If you need the same logic to feed into multiple flipflops a variable is a good way of factoring that logic into a single point, rather than copying/pasting code.
In terms of logic, within a clocked process, signals always infer a flipflop. Variables can be used for both combinatorial logic and inferring a flipflop. Sometimes both for the same variable. Some think this confusing, personally, I think it's fine:
process (clk)
variable something : std_logic;
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
something := '0';
output_b <= something or input c; -- using the previous clock's value of 'something' infers a register
something := input_a and input_b; -- comb. logic for a new value
output_a <= something or input_c; -- which is used immediately, not registered here
end if;
end if;
end process;
One thing to watch using variables is that because if they are read after they are written, no register output is used, you can get long chains of logic which can lead to missing your fmax target
One thing to watch using signals (in clocked processes) is that they always infer a register, and hence leads to latency.
As others have said signals get updated with their new value at the end of the time slice, but variables are updated immediately.
// inside some process
// varA = sigA = 0. sigB = 2
varA := sigB + 1; // varA is now 3
sigC <= varA + 1; // sigC will be 4
sigA <= sigB + 1; // sigA will be 3
sigD <= sigA + 1; // sigD will be 1 (original sigA + 1)
For hardware design, I use variables very infrequently. It's normally when I'm hacking in some feature that really needs the code to be re-factored, but I'm on a deadline. I avoid them because I find the mental model of working with signals and variables too different to live nicely in one piece of code. That's not to say it can't be done, but I think most RTL engineers avoid mixing... and you can't avoid signals.
Other points:
Signals have entity scoping. Variables are local to the process.
Both synthesize