SQLite multiple table INNER JOIN with USING (...) Errors - sql

I am trying to run a query on a SQLite database that INNER JOINs two additional tables:
usages.date AS date,
usages.data AS data,
stores.number AS store,
items.name AS item
FROM usages
INNER JOIN stores USING (store_id)
INNER JOIN items USING (item_id)
However, I get the error
SQL error: cannot join using column item_id - column not present in both tables
I know I can use the explicit INNER JOIN stores ON usages.store_id = stores.store_id (and it works), but:
why does the USING query throw an error in SQLite?
It doesn't on MySQL...
I should note:
This isn't a problem for me, as I am using the ON syntax, but I would like to know why this is happening.

So you have:
INNER JOIN items USING (item_id)
...and you get an error that says:
SQL error: cannot join using column item_id - column not present in both tables
That's got to be one of the least cryptic error messages I've seen.
What I don't like is that it's not clear to me what table is being compared to ITEMS.item_id - is it STORES or USAGES? Which is why I refrain from the USING or NATURAL join syntax...


SQL INNER JOIN duplicate columns

I am trying to return some columns from 2 tables which share an ID column using the following browser database query system, which reads from the tables shown on this webpage. I believe the way to do this is by using INNER JOIN (e.g. see this guide).
SELECT sami_dr2.DR2Sample.CATID,
FROM sami_dr2.DR2Sample INNER JOIN sami_dr2.StellarKinematics
ON sami_dr2.DR2Sample.CATID = sami_dr2.StellarKinematics.CATID;
However, when I run this query I get the error message:
sql: Duplicate columns are not supported. Try using an alias for those columns within the SELECT clause e.g., SELECT t1.CATAID, t2.CATAID becomes SELECT t1.CATAID as t1_CATAID, t2.CATAID as t2_CATAID
But as far as I'm aware the whole point of using the INNER JOIN is to remove duplications as I'm not returning sami_dr2.StellarKinematics.CATID in my output table, only sami_dr2.DR2Sample.CATID.
I've also found that using SELECT sami_dr2.DR2Sample.CATID as ID_1, sami_dr2.StellarKinematics.CATID as ID_2 in the selction doesn't fix the problem either.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

JOIN query to DBF via VBA

I apologize if this has been asked but i can't find where i'm going wrong here.
I need to query (2) dbf tables AP and VENDOR which contain vendors and payables. I need to get a list of all the payables entered between two specified dates. ap_vendor contains the vendor ID in the AP table and v_vendor contains the vendor ID in the vendor table.
I need to use a join to return the vendor name and the amount which are in separate tables.
This is my query:
SELECT a.ap_invamt, a.ap_invoice, b.v_name
ON a.ap_vendor = b.v_vendor
I need to add a WHERE clause as well but i cant even get this part to run.
Keep getting error: "Syntax error in FROM clause"
Unlike other SQL dialects, you cannot use just the word JOIN to specify an inner join in Access (JET) SQL. You have to use both keywords: a INNER JOIN b.
Interestingly enough, I just tested it and JET does allow for LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN, without the OUTER keyword.
Change your query to read FROM AP a INNER JOIN Vendor b and it should work.

Inner Join Ambiguous Syntax

I'm not super familiar with SQL but I know the basics. I was recently trying to replicate some logic form reports to SQL Server 2012. I started with the custom query from Webi (a reporting tool) and was trying to make a view from it in SQL.
Here is what the query look like:
sum(factSalesTblVw.globalSalesValue) AS 'Global Sales Value',
SUM(factSalesTblVw.salesUnitQuantity*GlobalFiles.dimCurrentGTINTbl.unitQty) AS 'Sales Unit Quantity'
dimGlobalCookCompaniesTbl INNER JOIN factSalesTblVw ON
INNER JOIN dimGlobalHistProductTbl ON (dimGlobalHistProductTbl.globalHistProductID=factSalesTblVw.globalHistProductID)
INNER JOIN dimGlobalCurrentProductTbl ON (dimGlobalHistProductTbl.globalCurrentProductID=dimGlobalCurrentProductTbl.globalCurrentProductID)
INNER JOIN dimGlobalHistShipCustomerTbl ON (factSalesTblVw.globalHistShipCustomerID=dimGlobalHistShipCustomerTbl.globalHistShipCustomerID)
INNER JOIN dimGlobalCurrentShipCustomerTbl ON (dimGlobalHistShipCustomerTbl.shipCustomerID=dimGlobalCurrentShipCustomerTbl.globalCurrentShipCustomerID)
***INNER JOIN dimGlobalCountryTbl dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl ON (dimGlobalCurrentShipCustomerTbl.shipDestCountryDesc=dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl.countryCode)***
INNER JOIN dimGlobalSalesAnalysisTbl ON (factSalesTblVw.globalSalesAnalysisID=dimGlobalSalesAnalysisTbl.globalSalesAnalysisID)
INNER JOIN dimGlobalShipDateVw ON (dimGlobalShipDateVw.shipJulianDate=factSalesTblVw.shipDateID)
INNER JOIN GlobalFiles.dimCurrentGTINTbl ON (GlobalFiles.dimCurrentGTINTbl.curGtinId=factSalesTblVw.GtinID)
dimGlobalShipDateVw.shipYearNumber IN (DATEPART(yy,GETDATE())-1)
IN ( 'JPC000222-3','CNC000012-1' )
dimGlobalSalesAnalysisTbl.globalSalesAnalysisDesc = 'Return Credits'
This particular query runs on the production system if ran in the relevant database. When trying to make a view of this query in a different database, I precede the objects by [database_name].[schema/dbo] name.
On running the query, I get the error:
Invalid object name 'WWS.dbo.dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl'
I try to find this particular table on the database, but it isn't there, though hovering over the table name in the query give a table definition but no script.
This table is present in an weird looking inner join (6th inner join) syntax like this:
INNER JOIN dimGlobalCountryTbl dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl ON
Two questions:
1. Can someone please explain this query syntax for inner join ?
2. This is pretty stupid but any ideas on how to look into possibly hidden table definitions ?
Two questions: 1. Can someone please explain this query syntax for inner join ?
The inner join in this case is nothing more than a table alias. The creator of the query thought aliasing the table would be easier to understand this name instead of the actual table name, or the same table is referenced twice and one would have to have an alias.
2. This is pretty stupid but any ideas on how to look into possibly hidden table definitions ?
Why? I think you just have a syntax error on your SQL when you added the database_name.schema syntax.
Think of the table alias like a column alias.... but and just like columns, you can omit the 'AS' keyword...
dimGlobalCountryTbl dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl is the same as
dimGlobalCountryTbl AS dimGlobalShipDestinationCountryTbl

Combining data from multiple tables issue Oracle 11g

Customer // Company
Stock // Description
Manufact // Manu_Name
Items // Quantity, total_price
I am using Oracle 11g Application Express. I need to display a list of each stock ordered for EACH CUSTOMER. I need to display the Manufacturer, quantity ordered, and total price paid.
When I run this query within my SQL*PLUS command prompt, it endlessly displays results from the tables mentioned until I force-quit (ctrl+c) the application. This is incredibly frustrating - I've tried joining tables, using the EXISTS clause, I just don't know what the hell to do. Any insight would be wonderful - not looking for someone to simply solve this for me, more-so just guide me.
SELECT c.company, s.description, m.manu_name, i.quantity, i.total_price
FROM db1.customer c JOIN db1.orders o USING (customer_num), db1.stock s, db1.manufact m, db1.items i
WHERE o.order_num = i.order_num;
This causes a never-ending display of what seems like the same results, over, and over, and over.
Essentially, I need to display the required information for EACH ORDER of stock. However, I don't need the order_num in my output display of columns, so I thought I needed to use the order_num (in db1.orders o & db1.items i) to essentially tell Oracle, "For each order_num (an order can't exist without an order_num), display (results)...
I am incredibly lost - I've tried outer joins, I've tried using an EXIST operator, I am just stumped and I feel like it's something easy that I'm overlooking.
EDIT: So, it seems I finally found it, after an enormous amount of pondering.
This is how I did it, in case anyone else runs into this issue:
SELECT c.company, s.description, m.manu_name, i.quantity, i.total_price
FROM db1.customer c JOIN db1.orders o USING (customer_num)
JOIN db1.items i USING (order_num)
JOIN db1.stock USING (stock_num)
JOIN db1.manufact m ON m.manu_code = s.manu_code
ORDER BY c.company, s.description;
If you JOIN db1.manufact m USING (manu_code), you get an ambiguously defined column error from Oracle - this is because I already joined the other tables and that column was in one of them (It was the db1.stock table). You can still join them, but you have to use JOIN ON instead.
This displayed the results I needed. Thanks anyways, and cheers if this helped anybody out!
You've only provided two joins (one USING and one in the WHERE) between 5 tables - in this case, you will get the cartesian product of all other rows in all other tables, hence the large number of rows.
(Edit, by implication you need to join all tables together, whether by USING or JOIN)
In order to use the USING join sugar, the same column must be present on the immediate lhs and rhs tables. For multiple joins, into a hierarchy, you may need to nest the USINGs like so:
SELECT c.company, s.description, m.manu_name, i.quantity, i.total_price
FROM customer c
JOIN orders o
JOIN stock s
JOIN items i
JOIN manufact m USING(manid)
USING (stockid)
USING (customer_num);
There where join isn't needed since we already have the USING join
I've assumed some columns and relationships between your table in this fiddle here:
You can also drop the USING and use explicit JOIN syntax, which will allow you to avoid the nesting (this is also more portable across the ANSI world):
SELECT c.company, s.description, m.manu_name, i.quantity, i.total_price
FROM customer c
INNER JOIN orders o on c.customer_num = o.customer_num
INNER JOIN stock s on o.stockid = s.stockid
INNER JOIN items i on i.itemid = s.itemid
INNER JOIN manufact m on m.manid = i.manid;
As OP has demonstrated, no requirement to nest the USING joins, provided that the join ordering is sensible, and provided that the FK JOIN column isn't duplicated across multiple tables.

Group by in SQL Server giving wrong count

I have a query which works, goes like this:
count(InsuranceOrderLine.AntallPotensiale) as potensiale,
COUNT(InsuranceOrderLine.AntallSolgt) as Solgt,
InsuranceProductCategory.Name as Kategori
InsuranceOrderLine, InsuranceProduct, InsuranceProductCategory
InsuranceOrderLine.FKInsuranceProductId = InsuranceProduct.InsuranceProductID
and InsuranceProduct.FKInsuranceProductCategory = InsuranceProductCategory.InsuranceProductCategoryID
Group by
InsuranceProduct.name, InsuranceProductCategory.Name
This query over returns what I need, but when I try to add more table (InsuranceOrder) to be able to get the regardingUser column, then all the count values are way high.
count(InsuranceOrderLine.AntallPotensiale) as Potensiale,
COUNT(InsuranceOrderLine.AntallSolgt) as Solgt,
InsuranceProductCategory.Name as Kategori,
InsuranceOrderLine, InsuranceProduct, InsuranceProductCategory, InsuranceSalesLead
InsuranceOrderLine.FKInsuranceProductId = InsuranceProduct.InsuranceProductID
and InsuranceProduct.FKInsuranceProductCategory = InsuranceProductCategory.InsuranceProductCategoryID
Group by
InsuranceProduct.name, InsuranceProductCategory.Name,RegardingUser
Thanks in advance
You're adding one more table to your FROM statement, but you don't specify any JOIN condition for that table - so your previous result set will do a FULL OUTER JOIN (cartesian product) with your new table! Of course you'll get duplication of data....
That's one of the reasons that I'm recommending never to use that old, legacy style JOIN - do not simply list a comma-separated bunch of tables in your FROM statement.
Always use the new ANSI standard JOIN syntax with INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN and so on:
count(iol.AntallPotensiale) as Potensiale,
COUNT(iol.AntallSolgt) as Solgt,
ipc.Name as Kategori,
dbo.InsuranceOrderLine iol
dbo.InsuranceProduct ip ON iol.FKInsuranceProductId = ip.InsuranceProductID
dbo.InsuranceProductCategory ipc ON ip.FKInsuranceProductCategory = ipc.InsuranceProductCategoryID
dbo.InsuranceSalesLead isl ON ???????? -- JOIN condition missing here !!
When you do this, you first of all see right away that you're missing a JOIN condition here - how is this new table InsuranceSalesLead linked to any of the other tables already used in this SQL statement??
And secondly, your intent is much clearer, since the JOIN conditions linking the tables are where they belong - right with the JOIN - and don't clutter up your WHERE clauses ...
It looks like you added the table join which slightly multiplies count of rows - make sure, that you properly joining the table. And be careful with aggregate functions over several joined tables - joins very often lead to duplicates