How to serialize SubSonic generated class? - wcf

I'm trying to use SubSonic with WCF. I can get data into List but I can't return that data to client side, its error is
The socket connection has been disposed. Object name:
I try to send and retrieve data to/from WCF by POCO object and it working but when I try to use generated class from SubSonic it don't work anymore, so I think its has some problem.

I would assume that this is not the "real" exception. I am not familiar with WCF but maybe you find something in the logs.
Here is an article about debugging WCF
Most likely WCF is trying to serialize a SubSonic class with nullable properties.
Properties of SubSonic classes are marked as XMLAttribute, which throws an error if you want to serialize a nullable type. Nullables can only be serialized as XMLElements.
Try if it works with a SubSonic generated class that has no nullable property.

After I've downloaded source code of SubSonic and debug into it SubSonic.Core, I found that it error because GetBody<> will create instance of that class, and inside its constructor is trying to connect to database which it can't; client has no access to database.
Now I'm working on create mapping class with SubSonic and return POCO instead.


Why this EntityManagerSaveException?

I am using Silverlight 4 and DevForce
I have some POCO classes that implement EntityAspect.
When changes are saved via EntityManager.SaveChanges; DevForce does not save these POCO entities to the server, because these POCO entities are not part of EF.
Instead I send them to a webservice via WebClient.UploadStringAsync.
This works, expect when I am saving more than one entity of the same type. Then I get this exception:
EntityManagerSaveException: An entity with this key: PocoMyClass: 0,0
already exists in this entityManager
I have checked the cache, and there is no entity with that key.
The WebClient.UploadStringAsync still sends the data and everything gets saved, but the exception does not look good to customers.
How do I work around this exception?
The poco entities that I am having problems with are only supposed to live on the client, not the DevForce server. The reason is that only the client can access these on the local network.
So I am using WebClient.OpenReadAsync to read the data in and create the poco entities on the client. And then I use WebClient.UploadStringAsync when saving the poco entities.
When creating the poco entity and adding it to the entitymanager, I do like this:
var pocoEntity = new PocoMyClass();
pocoEntity.keyId = some integer;
After doing this I see that the properties for EntityVersion.Original of the poco entity only contains empty stuff (NULL´s and zero’s).
Is this the reason for the exception when saving?
How can I manipulate EntityVersion.Original when the entity does not come from the DevForce server?

Entity Framework T4 POCO objects raising exception in WCF

These objects have collections of type ICollection<>
If I pass an object graph from client to server it throws the following exception:
System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code
Message=Collection was of a fixed size.
Which is occurs in the fixup code the T4 template has generated. It seems the collections are being deserialized on the server as arrays and so can't be modified. Is there a way to specify the type the serializer should use?
I would strongly recommend that you don't use the POCO classes on your service boundary. Create a separate set of classes to model the data you want to send and receive across the wire (Data Transfer Objects - DTOs) and use a tool like automapper to move data between the DTOs and your POCO classes
Essentially you end up tying the consumers of your service to your service's internal conceptual model which means you become constrained in changing your implementation because you need to avoid breaking your clients
Try using the following attribute
If that doesn't work, perhaps try using IList<T> if that is possible in your situation

WCF service method parameter with null properties

I have a WCF service method that takes a complex parameter, which in turn has complex properties. The problem is that this parameter once it arrives at the server contains null for some of the properties.
I have checked using WCF tracing and Fiddler and the data is definitely going over the wire. Seems to be when the XML is deserialized into .net objects something goes wrong and some properties get set to null.
I've tried rebuilding the proxy in case some mismatch there.
EDIT: OK all fixed now. The data objects were POCO's generated from the EF T4 template and which have a separate field for the foreign key id's. I was forgetting to set this on the client, as soon as I did I started to get the complex properties returned on the server. Not exactly sure why though.
Have you used DataMember on these properties? and if the type is class, you should use DataContract on these types too.
Actually, when you use WCF tracing, you can see the xml.

Passing Object as a parameter to a WCF Service

I have a method AddEntity(object o). I am figuring out which entity type it is on the server side using reflection and such and adding it to the database. I am using Self Tracking entities. However this is the error I am getting.
"Element contains data from a type that maps to the name . The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name."
This is a lie. I have the entity on the server side, and I have the entity on the client side as a proxy. I am just passing it as an object because I have generalized the AddEntity method.
I am using object because generics are not serializable. So I cannot do something like this:
AddObject(T entity)
Any suggestions are most welcome.
No. This is not how the WCF works. WCF serializes entity to wire format and deserializes the entity on the other side. Deserialization process needs to know what type have to be deserialized - such information is not part of serialized data. This type is resolved from operation parameter or return type. Object is not allowed.

ADO.NET Data Services with Linq-to-SQL

I am encountering a weird error when using linq-to-sql with data services. I have a simple silverlight application that connects to a remote database. I first added the linq-to-sql class and dragged a table onto the designer. Then I added a ADO.NET Data Service, updated the DataService reference to point to the L2S Data context.
Compiled with no problems.
When I open the service in IE I immediately get an error so I add the following attribute to the data service:
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
This brings up the detailed error message:
The exception message is 'On data context type 'DataClasses1DataContext', there is a top IQueryable property 'table1' whose element type is not an entity type. Make sure that the IQueryable property is of entity type or specify the IgnoreProperties attribute on the data context type to ignore this property
this happens to any database table I use in the L2S designer!
What is this error and why am I getting it?
You'll need to decorate your classes with the DataServiceKey attribute.
More details on Marc's blog here, and an MSDN blog here (the latter talks about many to many relationships, but it covers the DatServiceKey attribute).