Can I simultaneously declare and assign a variable in VBA? - vba

Can I convert the following declaration and assignment into one line:
Dim clientToTest As String
clientToTest = clientsToTest(i)
Dim clientString As Variant
clientString = Split(clientToTest)

There is no shorthand in VBA unfortunately, The closest you will get is a purely visual thing using the : continuation character if you want it on one line for readability;
Dim clientToTest As String: clientToTest = clientsToTest(i)
Dim clientString As Variant: clientString = Split(clientToTest)
Hint (summary of other answers/comments): Works with objects too (Excel 2010):
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim ws2 As New Worksheet: ws2.Name = "test"

You can sort-of do that with objects, as in the following.
Dim w As New Widget
But not with strings or variants.

You can define and assign a value in one line, as shown below. I have given an example of two variables declared and assigned in a single line. If the data type of multiple variables are the same:
Dim recordStart, recordEnd As Integer: recordStart = 935: recordEnd = 946

in fact, you can, but not that way.
Sub MySub( Optional Byval Counter as Long=1 , Optional Byval Events as Boolean= True)
End Sub
And you can set the variables differently when calling the sub, or let them at their default values.

In some cases the whole need for declaring a variable can be avoided by using With statement.
For example,
Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
If fd.Show Then
'use fd.SelectedItems(1)
End If
this can be rewritten as
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
If .Show Then
'use .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With


Passing 2 range variables to a Sub - Object required/ByRef argument Type mismatch error

I am trying to copy range from 1 worksheet with conditional formatting rules and paste in another workbook using the exact formatting but deleting the conditional rules.
I am passing 2 range objects to my sub and when calling the macro I am getting the error. Please help me.
Sub Create()
Dim rgFrom, rgTo As Range
oldBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set rgFrom = Workbooks("Daily Flow Template.xlsm").Worksheets("DailyFlow").Range("A1:BZ110")
Set rgTo = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:BZ110")
PasteFormattedRange (rgFrom), rgTo ----- Error Object Required
End Sub
Sub PasteFormattedRange(ByRef rgFrom As Range, ByRef rgTo As Range)
Dim S As String
Dim rgStart As Range
Dim i As Long, CF_Format As Long
Dim SaveDisplayAlerts As Boolean, SaveScreenUpdating As Boolean
Dim HTMLInClipBoard As Boolean
Dim Handle As Long, Ptr As Long, FileName As String
Set rgStart = Selection
'Enumerate the clipboard formats
If OpenClipboard(0) Then
CF_Format = EnumClipboardFormats(0&)
Do While CF_Format <> 0
S = String(255, vbNullChar)
i = GetClipboardFormatName(CF_Format, S, 255)
S = Left(S, i)
HTMLInClipBoard = InStr(1, S, "HTML Format", vbTextCompare) > 0
If HTMLInClipBoard Then
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Goto rgTo
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML"
Application.Goto rgStart
Exit Do
End If
CF_Format = EnumClipboardFormats(CF_Format)
End If
End Sub
ByRef argument type mismatch
This answer from "ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA" might help explain this error a bit clearer than I can.
The basic gist of it is:
Unless you need to, pass arguments ByVal instead of ByRef.
If you use ByRef make sure to declare your statements explicitly rather than delcaring with the default data type (Variant) that way you will be passing a Range where a Range is expected.
This answer on my question on CodeReview also touches on passing arguments ByVal opposed to ByRef.
Object required (Error 424)
If you are not returning a value, you don't need to include parentheses ( ) - You can read about it on Using parentheses in code(VBA).
The below edit to your problem line will execute without the Object Required error:
PasteFormattedRange rgFrom, rgTo
When using parentheses for a Sub, Function or any other Method or Property, you would need to encapsulate all arguments within the parentheses rather than just one if the parentheses are actually required.
If you are assigning a value, you would need the parentheses, like so:
Sub Foo()
x = MyFunction(Argument1, Argument2)
End Sub
If you are not assigning a value, you don't include the parentheses, like so:
Sub Foo()
MySub Argument1, Argument2
End Sub

VBA Run-time error 450 from function returning a collection

Context: I am writing a function which returns words/numbers present in a string which are enclosed by parenthesis.
Example: Calling ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.") should return a collection containing two items, should and doesnt.
Error: The error I receive from the code below is
Run-time error '450': Wrong number of arguments or invalid property
It doesn't appear on a particular line and I just receive an error message with "OK" and "Help" as options.
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As New Collection
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
For i = 0 To (Matches.count - 1)
Output.Add Matches(i).submatches(0)
Next i
Set ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function
It works exactly the way you want it for me:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myColl As New Collection
Set myColl = ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")
Debug.Print myColl(1)
Debug.Print myColl(2)
End Sub
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As New Collection
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
For i = 0 To (Matches.Count - 1)
Output.Add Matches(i).submatches(0)
Next i
Set ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function
I receive "should" and "doesnt" on the immediate window (Ctrl+G). Probably you are not aware that you are returning a collection. It should be used with the Set keyword.
To run it from the immediate window, try like this:
?ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")(1)
?ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")(2)
From what I understand of your comment to Vityatas answer you mean you want to run it as a worksheet function - running it directly
The changes I've made to your code will let you use it as a function:
In A1:B1 this will work: {=ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")}
In A1:A2 use it like this: {=TRANSPOSE(ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}."))}
NB: The curly brackets are added by Excel when you enter the formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than Enter on its own.
The one problem with the code is that you must select the correct number of cells first - if it should return three words, but you've only selected two then you'll only see the first two.
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As Variant
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
ReDim Output(1 To Matches.Count)
For i = 1 To (Matches.Count)
Output(i) = Matches(i - 1).submatches(0)
Next i
ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function

How to pass a table name to a function in Excel

I have various settings tables in Excel, each with two column headings Parameter and Value.
I want to pass a specific table's name to a function getParameter that looks up a specific parameter's name in that table, returns the associated parameter's value, and performs all error handling, e.g. with the following code segment:
Function getParameter(....
Dim paramterValue as Variant
With Application
parameterValue = .Index([tableName[Value], .Match("parameterName", [tableName[Parameter], 0))
If Not IsError(parameterValue) then
End If
End With
End Function
How do I define the appropriate function arguments and call the function?
Tables are in VBA selectable as ListObject Object. But those objects are on worksheet scope only. So we must know the worksheet on which the table is placed on to get it using wrksht.ListObjects(tableName).
To be more flexible, we could using Evaluate to evaluate the structured references:
Public Function getParameter(tableName As String, parameterName As Variant) as Variant
Dim parameterValue As Variant
Dim oRangeTValues As Range
Dim oRangeTParameters As Range
Set oRangeTValues = Evaluate("" & tableName & "[Value]")
Set oRangeTParameters = Evaluate("" & tableName & "[Parameter]")
With Application
parameterValue = .Index(oRangeTValues, .Match(parameterName, oRangeTParameters, 0))
If Not IsError(parameterValue) Then
getParameter = parameterValue
getParameter = CStr(parameterValue)
End If
End With
End Function
This will be usable on all worksheets since the table names are on workbook scope in reality.
This is supposed to be used as User Defined Function using a cell formula like =getParameter("TableName","Parameter").
I'll try like this, identifying the sheet and the ListObject corresponding to your TableName :
Function getParameter(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal parameterName As String) As Variant
Dim parameterValue As Variant
Dim RgVal As Range
Dim wS As Worksheet
Dim LOTable As ListObject
Set wS = Evaluate(tableName).Parent
Set LOTable = wS.ListObjects(tableName)
Set RgVal = LOTable.DataBodyRange
With Application.WorksheetFunction
parameterValue = .Index(RgVal.Columns(2), .Match(parameterName, RgVal.Columns(1), 0))
End With 'Application.WorksheetFunction
If Not IsError(parameterValue) Then
getParameter = parameterValue
getParameter = CStr(parameterValue)
End If
End Function
Call in VBA :
Sub test_GetParameter()
Debug.Print getParameter("Table1", "testParam")
End Sub
Call in Excel :
= getParameter("Table1", "testParam")
#R3uk Axel Richter's code is sufficient, but yours also works.

Passing array of sheet controls to modify their properties

I'd like to pass an array of (sheet) controls to another sub to modify their properties:
Dim collChk(0 To 2) As ? ' Tried Variant, OLEObject, Control...
collChk(0) = chk0
collChk(1) = chk1
collChk(2) = chk2
Sub SetFalse(ByRef controls As ?)
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(controls) To UBound(controls)
controls(i) = False
Next i
End Sub
But I keep getting: ByRef Argument Type mismatch or other errors
It could also be a Collection, that doesn't matter, but I have not been able to set that up too. I'm a bit lost what works how. Originally, the idea was to pass it as ParamArray, but errors popped out too.
(What would be great is simply to have a function that would work both with Sheet and UserForm controls but I want them specify manually and without duplication.)
For CheckBoxes:
Dim collChk(0 To 2) As MSForms.CheckBox
Set collChk(0) = Chk0
Set collChk(1) = Chk1
Set collChk(2) = Chk2
Note you need to use Set as they are objects. Then:
Sub SetFalse(ByRef controls() As MSForms.CheckBox)
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(controls) To UBound(controls)
controls(i) = False
Next i
End Sub

Using a variable as a sheet name

I am getting a RunTime 13 error when trying to use a variable for a sheetname as per below:
Sub inputdata()
Set asheet1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("input").Range("D12")
Set rangeDate = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("input").Range("inputdate")
It is erroring on the line Sheets(asheet1).Select
Any help would be great thanks!
The asheet1 is not a string, you are asigning a range object to it . You should declare asheet1 as string and the change this line to
Dim asheet1 as string
asheet1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("input").Range("D12").Value
That should make it work!
removed the Set keyword from the string var.
Option Explicit
Sub inputdata()
dim inputSheet as WorkSheet
dim aCellOnInputSheet as Range
dim inputDateCell as Range
dim userSheetName as String
Set inputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("input")
Set aCellOnInputSheet = inputSheet.Range("D12")
userSheetName = aCellOnInputSheet.Value
Set inputDateCell = inputSheet.Range("inputdate")
End Sub
EDIT: A couple of points
1) Option Explicit is a must.
2) Define variables and name it appropriately. i.e. define variable which refers to a cell/Range with the name range instead of aSheet - it confuses the reader