Objective-C memory management: do you need to release string literals? - objective-c

do you need to release something very simple this?
NSString *a = #"Hello";
//[a release]; ?
I come from a Java/C# world, and am confused about when things should be released/retained.

No. You only need to release objects you init/alloc yourself or your instance variables in your class dealloc method.

No, you do not need to release a constant NSString, though it doesn't cause any problems if you do. Constant strings are special case of the memory management system. Since their content is known at compile time, it is statically defined in the application binary itself, so it never has to be allocated or freed at runtime. For that reason, its retain and release methods are noops.
This is only true for constant NSStrings (strings that start with #), and their toll free bridged cousin, constant CFStrings (defined using the CFSTR() macro).


If you bridge a CFArrayRef of CFStringRefs to NSArray, can you treat the contents as NSStrings?

Suppose I have a CFArrayRef containing CFStringRefs inside it and I bridge it over to NSArray using CFBridgingRelease(). Can I now treat the contents of the array as regular NSString instances and call all of the usual NSString methods?
If so, does this mean toll-free bridging happens recursively throughout the object when it's bridged? E.g. if I had a CFArray of CFArrays of CFDictionaries or something, they'd all be transparently converted to NSArray, NSDictionary, etc?
Toll free bridging does not involve any conversion (or there would be a cost), so talking about doing it recursively does not make sense.
What toll free bridging does in your case is determine who is responsible for managing the lifetime of the object - the programmer for the CF array, ARC for the NS array.
Further whether an object internally uses manual memory management or ARC is not important to the user of that object - they can use either style.
Combine the above and you have your answer: once you've handed your CF array of strings over to ARC your job is done.
CRD's answer is good and I've given it a +1. Here's a bit more explanation:
First, type-casting is a purely compile-time thing. And it doesn't cost anything. It just tells the compiler not to complain.
Toll-free casting of Core Foundation types to Cocoa types is because those objects are, under the hood, the same thing. The cast is just necessary to inform the compiler of that fact. Such a cast doesn't "do" anything. For example, in non-ARC code:
CFStringRef cfstring = /* ... */;
NSString* nsstring = (NSString*)cfstring;
That assignment is still just an assignment. The pointer value from cfstring is still just copied verbatim into the storage of nsstring. Nothing else happens.
Depending on how you obtained the CFString that cfstring was pointing to, you may have had a responsibility to release it. Since this is non-ARC, you still have that responsibility after it has been assigned to nsstring, which you can discharge either by calling CFRelease(cfstring) or [nsstring release] or [nsstring autorelease] when you're done with it. Once you do that, the value in both variables must be considered unusable as dangling pointers.
The case with ARC is only slightly different. An ARC bridging cast is also a compile-time thing, but it affects what code the compiler emits for automatic memory management. Since it has emitted different code, that technically has implications for run-time, but they are not related to the type-cast as such. The bridging cast tells the compiler whether it should emit retains or releases (or neither) of the object which is the subject of the expression. That's all; just a question of retaining or releasing the object. So, it has no effect on, say, objects within an array because those objects are not the subject of the expression, the array is. And it doesn't even do anything to the array beyond potentially retaining or releasing it.
Let me try and take a simpler approach to an answer:
A CFArrayRef can be treated as an NSArray* and vice versa.
A CFStringRef can be treated as an NSString* and vice versa.
Thus, an CFArray of CFStrings is an NSArray of NSStrings. You just need to cast it. (In so doing with __bridge_*, you also transfer the memory management to ARC.)

Dealloc and ARC

I read that when using ARC in Objective-C programming in Xcode the dealloc method is called automatically by the compiler. Under what circumstances is it called?
In order to avoid having too many variable names, when I need to repeatedly use the same classes to do multiple operations (and resetting the variable each time) I often declare the variables, set them to nil, and then assign values to them as I go. This ends up looking like this:
MyClass mc;
mc = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[mc doThis:someOption]
mc = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[mc doThis:someOtherOption];
The method name alloc is short for "allocate" because it is the method where memory is allocated to the variable. Does the compiler automatically release the memory for sc every time I assign it a new value? I plan on using this method in a project of mine, and I don't want a lot of memory being allocated with all the times I call alloc to assign a new value to mc.
The compiler never calls dealloc. The compiler inserts retain, release and autorelease (more efficient equivalents, really) as necessary to follow the memory management rules.
When the compiler inserts said calls is up to the compiler and the details will change across different compiler versions and different optimization levels.
I.e. you shouldn't need to worry about it in general.
However, autorelease pressure can still be an issue, as can retain cycles. Thus, you should definitely poke about your app with the Allocations Instrument to both measure the high-water mark and make sure your app isn't leaking memory over time.
I read that when using ARC in Objective-C programming in Xcode the dealloc method is called automatically
In Objective-C, you never call -dealloc directly whether or not you're using ARC.
Under what circumstances is it called?
-dealloc is called when an object's retain count drops to zero. That is, it's called when all the objects that had previously asserted "ownership" of the object (by calling +alloc or -retain or -copy or +new) have renounced that ownership (by calling -release or -autorelease).
Does the compiler automatically release the memory for sc every time I assign it a new value?
If you're using ARC (and you should be), the compiler will insert appropriate calls to -retain, -release, etc. so that memory is managed appropriately. That said, you still need to understand how memory management works, and you should be familiar with the material in Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide.
Under ARC, your variable mc will hold a strong reference to only one instance of MyClass at a time, so when you allocate the second one and assign it to the variable, the first one should be getting deallocated, assuming your doThis: method doesn't do something that will create another strong reference to that instance, or that you're not doing anything else in your code that you've omitted that will keep a strong reference.
That being said, it would be a good idea for you to run your app with Instruments to see how much memory your app uses during this. Your instances shouldn't be getting autoreleased, so you shouldn't have to worry about them remaining around until the autorelease pool is drained, but I don't know what you might being doing when you init an instance of the class, or what you might be doing in your doThis: method, so if you're concerned, it's always a good idea to profile it with Instruments for memory allocations and leaks.

__bridge_transfer and performSelector:withObject:

I have a CFDictionaryRef that doesn't retain/release its objects. When I add an item in it, I take care of retaining it, and later :
NSMutableArray *array = (__bridge_transfer NSMutableArray *)CFDictionaryGetValue(...)
[self performSelector:someSelector withObject:array];
Where someSelector is a variable holding a selector I know about. Now, that second line makes Xcode tell the notorious warning:
PerformSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown
Does that mean I should worry about ARC not knowing how to manage memory for the array variable of which I just transferred ownership?
From a comment to the accepted answer of this question, it appears that somebody at Apple has confirmed this hypothesis (citing the answer itself):
In fact, there are times when memory management is tied to the name of the method by a specific convention. Specifically, I am thinking of convenience constructors versus make methods; the former return by convention an autoreleased object; the latter a retained object. The convention is based on the names of the selector, so if the compiler does not know the selector, then it cannot enforce the proper memory management rule.
Thus, it has nothing to do with a possible leak of arguments passed to the performSelector: call, but rather to its returned value, for which Objective-C has no way of knowing if it was autoreleased or not. This is also what Martin R from the comments was assuming.

Objective C: Memory Allocation on stack vs. heap

I am somewhat confused about when things are allocated on the heap (and I need to release them) and when they are allocated on the stack (and I don't need to relese them).
Is there a rule of thumb?
I think in C++ the rule of thumb is that if you use the new keyword they are on the heap. What is the rule with objective c? How can I tell when something is allocated on the stack?
Will this line of code be allocated on the stack?
NSString *user = #"DEFAULT";
Objective-C is easy in this regard.
All Objective-C Objects Are Always Allocated On The Heap.
Or, at the least, should be treated as if they are on the heap.
NSString *user = #"DEFAULT";
The string object is not technically in the heap, but might as well be. Namely, it is generated by the compiler and is a part of your app's binary. It doesn't need to be retained and released because the class (NSCFConstantString, IIRC) overrides retain/release/autorelease to effectively do nothing.
As for when you do and don't release objects, you should read (and re-read) the Objective-C memory management guide.
(There is one other exception, but it is a rather esoteric detail; blocks start on the stack and you can Block_copy() them to the heap. Blocks also happen to be Objective-C objects, but that is rarely exposed in use.)
In Objective-C, it's easy: all objects are allocated on the heap.
The rule is, if you call a method with alloc or new or copy in the name (or you call retain), you own that object, and you must release it at some point later when you are done with it. There has been plenty written on the subject.
The example you give is a special case: that's a static string, I believe it is actually located in the program's data segment (on the heap), but it's static so you don't need to worry about releasing it.
There are no stack allocations of objects in Objective-C (Blocks are a different case that I'm not going to get into here)
NSString *user = #"DEFAULT";
That allocates a NSConstantString object in constant memory, not on the stack.
In Objective-C (and many other languages), an object is simply a contiguous blob of memory with a particular layout. Objects are usually created on the heap. The storage for the object pointer variable itself is on the stack
but the object it points to is in the heap.

Object release behavior in iPhone

If I release mainPath in following example the program gives an error (because I’m releasing an object with zero counter)
NSString *mainPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/Documents/downloadFile.plist",NSHomeDirectory()];
NSLog(#"address is = %#",mainPath);
[mainPath release]; //Program failed here
But the following code works fine.
NSString *aa=#"hiiiii";
[aa release];
Can anyone explain this?
Actually I’m not clear about the pointer concept (give a suitable link to clear it)
Constant NSStrings are a special case. They are allocated statically at compile time and can't be deallocated. You can send release to a constant string as many times as you like, it'll never get deallocated. This is achieved in the current implementation by setting the retain count to INT_MAX which is treated as a special value meaning "don't decrement me on release".
You should read the Cocoa Memory Management Guide or at least the Objective-C Tutorial by Scott Stevenson. (Really. Do it, you’ll save a lot of time in the long run.) The difference is that the first string is autoreleased, you do not own it and should not release it. The second string is special, I think it’s not allocated on the heap at all and the release is essentially a no-op here.
String with format is a convenience method that autoreleases the string so in this case you are likely to be sending a release message to an already deallocated object.
In your second example, you are creating the string statically so retain counts don't apply.
You don't need to release your objects in either of those cases.
As a rule of thumb, if you didn't use init (or initWithFoo:) to create the object, and didn't deliberately use retain to retain the object (plus couple of other rarer cases), you don't need to use release.