Maven pom.xml - Project Aggregation - maven-2

We have a aggregation .pom set up to include several, individual modules, similar to the Maven documentation:
Is there a way to get the artifacts from the builds (.JAR files) from these two modules into a common 'dist' directory after building? I did not want to adjust to output directory for the individual modules from "my-module/target" since they can be built separately as well.
I'm a Maven new-comer, so I'm sure there's an easy way to do this I'm missing.

Is there a way to get the artifacts from the builds (.JAR files) from these two modules into a common 'dist' directory after building?
The Maven Assembly Plugin can do that, it is very powerful and flexible. But power and flexibility also mean that this is not the most trivial plugin to use. In your case, the idea would be to generate a dir distribution from a moduleSets and you'll have to create a custom assembly descriptor for that.
I suggest starting with chapter 8.2. Assembly Basics of the Maven book and to pay a special attention to the chapter 8.5.5. moduleSets Sections.

After reading more at the links from the other answers, here is what I'm going to try for now:
Not exactly pretty, but while researching the Assembly plug-in for a possible longer term solution, this will do.

i guess maven assembly plugin can do this

As #Pangea said assembly plugin will do it. Just run assembly:assembly goal with appropriately set outputDirectory parameter.
more info at


Maven Assembly Plugin is not setting the MainClass manifest setting

I have a maven project which generates a jar via the maven assembly plugin I want to run as a console app. However, the MainClass attribute is not being set in MANIFEST.MF. Here is my plugin configuration:
However, this does not get added to the MANIFEST.MF in the jar generated by mvn package. The manifest generated is below:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: zippy
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_25
What am I doing wrong?
I missed that you weren't generating your assembly on package. You have a jar project, so Maven will build a jar using the maven-jar-plugin. You don't have to have anything in your pom to tell it that. That's Maven's convention-over-configuration working for you. The jar it builds will have only your project classes and resources in it. If you want to add a Main-Class to the manifest in that jar, you should configure the jar plugin to do so. Basically, just move that archive configuration to the jar plugin.
However, if you actually want to assemble an executable fat jar--that is, a jar that includes all of your classes as well as the classes of all of your dependencies--then you have the setting in the right place, but you need to actually run the assembly plugin either using mvn assembly:single or by binding that goal to a lifecycle phase. To be clear, if you do this, then your project will output two jars: one that contains your project files and one that contains that plus the contents of all the libraries that your project depends on. The former is built by the jar plugin. That latter is built by the assembly plugin. Note that fat jars aren't commonly used, and you can run into unusual problems when you use them because they're rather outside the realm of normal Java stuff.
For copy&paste fans like me, assembled from above answer, and
If you happen to be using the maven shade plugin to build a fat jar (rather than or in addition to using the assembly plugin), it's worth noting that the shade plugin handles entires in the MANIFEST.MF file a bit differently; see the shade plugin's executable jar page.
You probably need to add the maven-jar-plugin configuration too and configure the MainClass there also. The assembly unpacks all JAR files (e.g. project jar and dependency jars) and I think that the last MANIFEST.MF found in the list of JAR files "overwrites" the expected/generated

Including maven built assemblies in another module

I have 2 maven modules. One module builds bunch of zip files using maven-assembly-plugin. Second module needs to include some of the zip files built by the first module in its package. What is the way to do this. Thank you.
The easiest thing would be to deploy the zips to a repository. For the local repository use install:install-file and for central repositories use deploy:deploy-file.
You can declare the zips as dependencies in your second module.
So someone else mentioned to deploy it to your repository. If you're already setup to deploy built artifacts to a repository this is easy, if not, check out
Next, you need to use a plugin to get the zip file checked out of the repository. You could use shade, or the maven-dependency-plugin. Let's assume maven-dependency-plugin
So add this to your maven pom file in the plugins section:
Obviously you need to change the specifics of the artifact. That will unzip your zip file into target/see. If you want the actual zip file (which seems like what you were asking for but it's not clear), just change the goal from "unpack" to "copy-dependencies". You might also have to remove the outputDirectory or change some other bit of the configuration. Just play with it to get it where you need it, and see the page on the maven-dependency-plugin I mentioned above for more details.
Hope that helps.

Which maven2 lifecycle-phase to choose?

I have a Java EE-web-application and for using my project with oc4j application server it must be patched in my build-lifecycle to avoid several issues. Actually i do this via maven-antrun-plugin which works great. I have to remove, copy some special libraries into WEB-INF/lib and edit the web.xml, to avoid clashes with EL functions and classloading issues.
According to the maven lifecycle phases i chosed the phase prepare-package: this phase is executed before the war file is packaged, but unfortunately also before the (re-)sources are copied into the temporary working dir. I dislike working on the source folders because they're under version control and i don't want to have my coworkers to accidently commit them in cause the build-tool modified them.
So maven copies all the (re-)source stuff to target/__finalName__ where i want to fix the project for the use with oc4j. because this folder is temporary and will be packaged into the war file. Unfortunately the copying and packaging is isolated done in lifecycle package.
So how can i get between the copying of the sources and resources and the real packaging?
Example with prepare-package
This example doesn't work because the ${}/${build.finalName} doesn't exists and the ojdbc14.jar wasn't copied there in this phase.
<echo>Patching distribution for OC4J</echo>
<echo>Deleting the obsolete OJDBC library</echo>
<delete file="${}/${build.finalName}
/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc14.jar" />
[... more patching ...]
Couldn't you use a profile for this? Maybe something like this:
I have to remove, copy some special libraries into WEB-INF/lib and edit the web.xml, to avoid clashes with EL functions and classloading issues.
Sounds like you could, in part at least, do this with Build Profiles instead.. Your motivation for the problem above is a bit short, but if you elaborate we can judge this better..

Maven Assembly Plugin - install the created assembly

I have a project that simply consists of files. I want to package those files into a zip and store them in a maven repository. I have the assembly plugin configured to build the zip file and that part works just fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to install the zip file?
Also, if I want to use this assembly in another artifact, how would I do that? I am intending on calling dependency:unpack, but I don't have an artifact in the repository to unpack.
How can I get a zip file to be in my repository so that I may re-use it in another artifact?
parent pom
Child POM
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
<name>Virtual Host - ***</name>
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
I filtered the name out. Is this POM correct? I just want to bundle files for a particular virtual host together.
I have the assembly plugin configured to build the zip file and that part works just fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to install the zip file?
Well, the created assembly should get automatically attached to the project and then uploaded into the repository on an install and deploy goal. Can you show your pom?
Update: With your current configuration, I don't think that the assembly gets created as part of your build. You need to bind the single goal to a lifecycle phase, typically package:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<goal>single</goal> <!-- goals == mojos -->
And now it should get installed/deployed properly.
Also, if I want to use this assembly in another artifact, how would I do that? I am intending on calling dependency:unpack, but I don't have an artifact in the repository to unpack.
You can declare a dependency on an assembly (using the right classifier and type in your case) but since dependency are resolved through the repository, you'll need to solve the first step first. Then, declare something like this (where the classifier is the assembly's id):
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
I think assemblies are supposed to be automatically attached to the build, but if that doesn't work, the Maven Build Helper "attach-artifact" goal attaches a specified file to be installed in the repository. I've used this plugin for installing files created by an external process like Ant or NSIS.
I don't know wether this could be usefull for you, but as a JAR file is basically a ZIP file plus the META-INF information, you could create your project as a jar without sources and add the xip countents in src/main/resources without needing any plugin configuration.
If you want your content to be in a different location, you can always do something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
I f you want your artifact to be installed and being accessible in a repository you will need to set it up for the deploy phase:

How to create source distribution with self sustainable maven build?

What I want to do is to create source code distribution of my application with all dependencies and burn it on DVD. So that I could build it in 100 years (well, ok, you know what I mean...). No online dependencies on libraries or maven plugins!
I know that Ant would be better for this, but I'm using maven in my project. I'm not going to switch to Ant just for that, I'm asking how to do this with maven. Or, if there is a way how to generate self sustainable Ant build that I could put on DVD that would be great too.
(there is ant:ant plugin but it just generates Ant build.xml that points dependencies to local maven repo)
The approach I've taken is that I wanted to create special local repository that I can put on DVD and then build project with mvn -o -Dmaven.repo.local=repo/on/dvd. I was trying to make such repository with dependency:copy-dependencies anduseRepositoryLayout param set to true. But it doesn't copy freaking maven plugins that my build depends on...
The only way I can think of to include the plugins is to specify a different local repository for the build on the command line and ensure all the dependency sources etc are downloaded, then create an archive including the project's contents and the custom repository.
Here is a pom that downloads the sources and javadocs (it downloads them to the project's target directory, which we exclude from the archive because they will also be in the local repository). The assembly descriptor bundles the project's contents and the local repository into a single (pretty large) archive.
Note the processing is all in a profile because you really don't want this running on every build. If temporary local repository is in the target directory you can easily clean the mess up afterwards with a mvn clean.
To activate the profile do something like the following:
mvn package -Parchive -Dmaven.repo.local=.\target\repo
Here's the pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!--the target directory won't be included, but the sources will be in the repository-->
<classifier>javadoc</classifier> <failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>false</failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>
And here's the assembly:
Watch this:
Maven Assembly Plugin
Quote from the homepage:
Do you want to create a binary
distribution from a Maven project that
includes supporting scripts,
configuration files, and all runtime
dependencies? You need to use the
Assembly Plugin to create a
distribution for your project.
It's well configurable. I used it especially for making self-running demo versions of web-applications with an embedded jetty server and user documentation.
I don't have a complete answer. Last time I looked at this, I thought that cleaning out the localRepository at the start of the build (or using a separate one) and the running mvn dependency:go-offline.
If you're really keen, you'll also want to bundle maven itself and a JDK into the distribution. This likely takes it out of scope of a pure maven build.