How to create source distribution with self sustainable maven build? - maven-2

What I want to do is to create source code distribution of my application with all dependencies and burn it on DVD. So that I could build it in 100 years (well, ok, you know what I mean...). No online dependencies on libraries or maven plugins!
I know that Ant would be better for this, but I'm using maven in my project. I'm not going to switch to Ant just for that, I'm asking how to do this with maven. Or, if there is a way how to generate self sustainable Ant build that I could put on DVD that would be great too.
(there is ant:ant plugin but it just generates Ant build.xml that points dependencies to local maven repo)
The approach I've taken is that I wanted to create special local repository that I can put on DVD and then build project with mvn -o -Dmaven.repo.local=repo/on/dvd. I was trying to make such repository with dependency:copy-dependencies anduseRepositoryLayout param set to true. But it doesn't copy freaking maven plugins that my build depends on...

The only way I can think of to include the plugins is to specify a different local repository for the build on the command line and ensure all the dependency sources etc are downloaded, then create an archive including the project's contents and the custom repository.
Here is a pom that downloads the sources and javadocs (it downloads them to the project's target directory, which we exclude from the archive because they will also be in the local repository). The assembly descriptor bundles the project's contents and the local repository into a single (pretty large) archive.
Note the processing is all in a profile because you really don't want this running on every build. If temporary local repository is in the target directory you can easily clean the mess up afterwards with a mvn clean.
To activate the profile do something like the following:
mvn package -Parchive -Dmaven.repo.local=.\target\repo
Here's the pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!--the target directory won't be included, but the sources will be in the repository-->
<classifier>javadoc</classifier> <failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>false</failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>
And here's the assembly:

Watch this:
Maven Assembly Plugin
Quote from the homepage:
Do you want to create a binary
distribution from a Maven project that
includes supporting scripts,
configuration files, and all runtime
dependencies? You need to use the
Assembly Plugin to create a
distribution for your project.
It's well configurable. I used it especially for making self-running demo versions of web-applications with an embedded jetty server and user documentation.

I don't have a complete answer. Last time I looked at this, I thought that cleaning out the localRepository at the start of the build (or using a separate one) and the running mvn dependency:go-offline.
If you're really keen, you'll also want to bundle maven itself and a JDK into the distribution. This likely takes it out of scope of a pure maven build.


Create a simple app with user-accessible config files using Maven

I need to produce a simple app for my customer configure and run at their site. I am using the Spring framework, so I have a number of config files that must be on the class path. I am using Maven2 with Netbeans as my IDE.
I am able to create and run my app using Netbeans/Maven and I am using the Application Assembler Maven plugin to generate the runnable application. All this works fine except that my Spring config files have to be placed in src/main/resources which means that they get packaged into the resulting JAR file.
I need my customer to be able to modify the config files to do their testing, but it's not reasonable to ask them to modify the copies that are packaged in the JAR.
There are perhaps a number of solutions, but it seems to me that the simplest would be to get Maven to not package the app and the config files into a JAR at all, just leaving them in something like a classes directory from which they can be run. This would allow the user to modify the config files easily. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to get Maven to "package" the app in this manner, or how to get the AppAssembler to generate the resulting runnable.
Here is an extract of my pom.xml that may help illustrate what I am trying to do:
... stuff deleted ...
<!-- Set the target configuration directory to be used in the bin scripts -->
<!-- Copy the contents from "/src/main/config" to the target
configuration directory in the assembled application -->
<!-- Include the target configuration directory in the beginning of
the classpath declaration in the bin scripts -->
Neither single packed jar file or bunch of unpacked classes files are good format for professional client delivery. Look at those brilliant apache apps like tomcat, ant and maven, they are shipped as a tar.gz or zip file, after download, simply extract them and you will get a nice and clean directory structure:
conf --> put config file like *.properties, logback.xml here
doc --> readme.txt, userguide.doc etc
lib --> put you core.jar with dependency jar file here
run.bat --> run script for Windows --> run script for Unix
We can do these kinds of stuff with Maven as well. Note that you should design and implement your core jar to read *.properties from the conf directory properly. then use maven-assembly-plugin pack you app into this classical directory structure.
Sample pom.xml for a command-line app:
<!-- Pack executable jar, dependencies and other resource into tar.gz -->
Sample binary-deployment.xml for a command-line app:
release package directory structure:
application jar
third party jar dependencies
If not misleading, I think you want to let the jar and config to be separated, with jar exposed for client's testing.
The following can do this for you using copy-maven-plugin, it can accomplish almost tasks what assembly-plugin would do ,ex: copy, dependency and much more - download, upload ,move ,... .
<!--copy your scripts to ${myOutPutPath}/bin-->
<!--copy your configs-->
Package main jar and put to your ${myOutPutPath}
<!-- The configuration of the plugin -->
<!-- Configuration of the archiver -->
<!-- Manifest specific configuration -->
<!-- Classpath is added to the manifest of the created jar file. -->
Configures the classpath prefix. This configuration option is
used to specify that all needed libraries are found under lib/
<!-- Specifies the main class of the application -->
<!-- you need to add some classpath by yourself, like conf here for client to use-->
then package the lib jar to lib directory under jar directory.

Trouble getting started with maven assembly plugin

I'm sorry to sound ignorant here, but I'm new to Maven, and have been banging my head against something that I'm sure is quite simple.
The docs say:
[...] a project could produce a ZIP assembly which contains a project's JAR artifact in the root directory, the runtime dependencies in a lib/ directory, and a shell script to launch a stand-alone application.
which is exactly what I want to do! But I can't seem to make it happen.
My POM is as follows:
and the referenced dist.xml looks like this:
This achieves the layout I want in the zip file (though I'm quite sure I'm not getting there in the correct way) but I get two jars in target/ (one in the zip archive, the other in the root), and neither of them includes my mainClass entry in the resultant MANIFEST.MF.
If I change the project.packaging to "pom", which I thought might be correct, of course the extra jar (in the root of target/ goes away, but I get these warning:
[WARNING] Cannot include project artifact: com.anearalone:myapp:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT; it doesn't have an associated file or directory.
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter:
o 'com.anearalone:myapp'
... and indeed my artifact is not in the archive, and there are still no entries added to MANIFEST.MF.
Anyone have time to help out a beginner?
If I understand your problem correctly, your ZIP is correctly created, but the my-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT contained in it (as well as the JAR directly located in target/ directory) does not include your main class in the MANIFEST.MF file?
In fact, the assembly plugin is not dedicated to execute such a task. This is the task of the JAR plugin, which provides a way to indicates, in the MANIFEST.MF the main class of your project. You simply must add this configuration in your current pom.xml:
Regarding your try to change the packaging of the project to a pom packaging: it was a bad idea ;) Indeed, the pom packaging is used for project without any other resources than the pom.xml itself. It is really useful for pom.xml that are defined as the parent of others projects, or to aggregate multiples modules.

Is there any maven goal that is similar to 'dist'?

I'm working on a project that used ant. I had a target dist that would basically do jar first, and then install the application into a directory.
This means, it would create directories like bin/, lib/ and config/ in the installation directory, and then copy the relevant files into each of these directories.
My question is two-fold:
Is there any maven goal that does this kind of thing?
If not, I want to do maven dist and make this happen. How would you suggest I accomplish this using Maven?
If I can't have my own "target" (like dist), then what would be the best way?
Bottom line: I want to do all this, but don't want to alter the behavior of the default "targets" like compile and package etc.
PS: I'm using maven version 2.2.21
I don't know what would go in config, but lib and bin is easy.
To copy all dependencies to a folder just do this:
To output your jar to a bin folder do this (reference page):
Ah, there are additional requirements:
Bottom line: I want to do all this, but don't want to alter the behavior of the default "targets" like compile and package etc.
In this case I'd use a profile to turn this on:
<!-- insert stuff from above here -->
Now you would do mvn clean package -Pdist to get your dist directory and if you don't add the profile, you get default behaviour.
Basically, things work differently in maven from the way they do in ant. There are no targets, there are only lifecycle phases and plugin goals.
You can either execute a lifecycle phase, which will call all maven plugin goals that are bound to all phases up to this one (e.g. if you do mvn compile, the following phases will be executed: validate, initialize, generate-sources, process-sources, generate-resources, process-resources, compile). But there is no (easy) way to define a lifecycle phase named dist.
Or you can execute a specific plugin goal (you can actually execute multiple phases and / or plugin goals). E.g. you could write your own dist plugin and call it using mvn dist:dist, but I wouldn't recommend that because you are using existing functionality and the profile solution should be a pretty good fit.
You could try writing an assembly descriptor for the assembly plugin (or search google for a suitable one).
Something like this
will create a ${project.artifactId} inside your target directory. The zip file will be laid out like
It looks like the assembly plugin will only create compressed files, it won't just copy them to a dist folder.
Seans answer is good and I almost went for it until I found out about the appassembler plugin
See here for an example
It is called as part of the package lifecycle.
<extraJvmArguments>-Xms512m -Xmx1024m</extraJvmArguments>
The descriptors it references are fairly straigtforward and it also creates a batch and shell script for you to run your application!
You cannot have maven dist, with NetBeans (and other IDEs I believe) you can create a custom action dist which executes as mvn install -Pdist (or mvn clean package -Pdist, as suggested by Sean).

Maven 2 assembly with dependencies: jar under scope "system" not included

I am using maven-assembly plugin to create a jar of my application, including its dependencies as follows:
(I omitted some other stuff that is not related to the question)
So far this has worked fine because it creates a lib directory with all dependencies. However, I recently added a new dependency whose scope is system, and it does not copy it to the lib output directory. i must be missing something basic here, so I call for help.
The dependency that I just added is:
The only way I was able to include this dependency was by adding the following to the assembly element:
However, this forces me to change the pom and the assembly file whenever this jar is renamed, if ever. Also, it seems just wrong.
I have tried with <scope>runtime</scope> in the dependencySets and <include>sourceforge.jchart2d:jchart2d</include> with no luck.
So how do you include a system scoped jar to your assembly file in maven 2?
Thanks a lot
I'm not surprised that system scope dependencies are not added (after all, dependencies with a system scope must be explicitly provided by definition). Actually, if you really don't want to put that dependency in your local repository (for example because you want to distribute it as part of your project), this is what I would do:
I would put the dependency in a "file system repository" local to the project.
I would declare that repository in my pom.xml like this:
I would just declare the artifact without the system scope, this is just a source of troubles:
I'm not 100% sure this will suit your needs but I think it's a better solution than using the system scope.
Update: I should have mentioned that in my original answer and I'm fixing it now. To install a third party library in the file-based repository, use install:install-file with the localRepositoryPath parameter:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> \
-DgroupId=<myGroup> \
-DartifactId=<myArtifactId> \
-Dversion=<myVersion> \
-Dpackaging=<myPackaging> \
You can paste this as is in a *nix shell. On windows, remove the "\" and put everything on a single line.
Btw you can automate it and make it a part of your maven build. The following will install your jar into your local repository before compilation:
I find easy solution in case you creating jar
You can also handle this via adding a supplemental dependencySet in your dependencySets.
The best thing would be to use a Repository Manager (like Nexus, Artifactory, Archiva) and install this kind of dependency in a particular repository. After that you can use such things as a simple dependency. This will simplify your life.
Edited: Sorry that i didn't realize alx also mentioned about the clean life cycle workaround.
Base on the solution provided by alx, you can execute the install file step at clean phase. but since the clean phase is not in the default life cycle, you have to execute mvn clean at the first time to ensure the jar is ready in the local repo.
ex: mvn clean; mvn package
A simple solution for this is to add it into local maven repository
One way to do is via mvn install commands as suggested in previous post .
Another easy way is ,
1) In your eclipse ide right click on project select Maven option .
2) Select Install or deploy an artifact to a maven repository option and click on next.
3)Click on browse next to the Artifact file checkbox & select your jar file
4)Enter the GroupId and ArtifactId and version ensure generate pom & create checksum are checked & packaging is jar
Click on finish and that's it ! Your job is done the jar is added in your local repository which you can define in setting.xml or m2 directory
Now just add the simple maven dependency as per the GroupId,ArtifactId & jar version that you have entered as per the import and that's it your external jar will be packaged by maven.
it has worked in a easier way on my solution :
remove from your dependency :
Then add the maven-install-plugin in the pom.xml as well.

Building a WAR project with unzipped JAR dependency?

I have two projects, my-lib and my-webapp. The first project is a dependency of my-webapp. Thus, when ask Maven2 to build my WAR, the my-lib JAR is added in the WEB-INF/lib/ directory of the web application.
However, I want to have the my-lib JAR unzipped directly in the WEB-INF/classes directory, exactly as if the my-lib sources were contained in the project my-webapp.
In others words, instead of having the following WAR content:
... (others third libraries)
I want to have that:
my-lib files
... (others third libraries)
Is there a way to configure the my-webapp or the Maven2 war plugin to achieve that?
As blaufish's answer says, you can use the maven-dependency-plugin's unpack mojo to unpack an artifact. However to avoid the jar appearing in WEB-INF/lib, you need to not specify it as a dependency, and instead configure the plugin to unpack specific artifacts.
The following configuration will unpack the contents of into target/classes during the process-resources phase, even if the artifact is not defined as a dependency. Be careful when doing this though as there is potential to clobber your actual content, this can cause much debugging.
You can configure the maven-dependency-plugin to just do that, unpack instead of copying a jar as explained here.
The unpack mojo seems to be close to what you are aiming for. Not sure how to complete the entire flow you are proposing though.
(btw, I am doubtful if this a good idea. utility classes should go into jars, and the jars are put either in the WAR or io the EAR. Unpacking utility jars seems wrong)
I was able to use the unpack mojo as described above, plus I marked the dependency itself as "provided" (scope) to avoid duplicating the jar contents under WEB-INF/lib.
[Oops, just realized that you were using Maven. I don't delete this answer because it may come to the rescue of some Ant user. So there's no need to mod me down...]
How many times to I have to mention that Jar, War and Ear Ant tasks are subtasks of the Zip one? :-) If I remember correctly, something like this would do the trick:
<war dist="my-webapp.war">
<zipgroupfileset dir="libs" includes="*.jar" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
Also worth a trial is with src="mylib.jar" but I haven't tested this option.