How do I open a worksheet in vba? - vba

Hilariously the following code only works if the worksheet is actually selected in the excel window. I really want to finish this macro soon but can't seem to work out how to select a specific worksheet so it is open in excel? Many thanks if someone knows how. I have to use range and so on.
sheet.Range(Cells(firstRow, 2).Address(False, False), Cells(lastRow, 50)).Select
With Selection
End With
sheet.Range(Cells(firstRow, 3).Address(False, False), Cells(lastRow, 51)).Select
With Selection
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
End With

You can activate the worksheet by name or by 1-based index (the number -- 1st workbook, 2nd, and so on). The syntax is the same, either way.
This will activate the 3rd worksheet:
This will activate the worksheet named stats:
Of course, you don't have to actually make the worksheet selected in the Excel window to work with it. Your code uses a variable called sheet, which I assume you've assigned to the active worksheet. Instead of doing that, you can set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("stats"), and then work with the sheet even if is not in view.

Workbooks(x).Worksheets(x).Activate ?


VBA Code to copy and paste active column with merged cells inside

I'm trying to copy the active column and paste it next to it but the code selects the entire worksheet because it has merged cells in.
Sub CopyPaste()
ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
End Sub
Could you please help me adding the missing code to ignore merged cells?
This is yet another reason to avoid using Select in VBA for Excel. Your selection will expand with the merged cells. You can try this:
ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).EntireColumn
And again, you should find some way to avoid counting on the ActiveCell in your code, and use some fully qualified range.

Copy/Paste variable dataset between workbooks without clipboard

I've been trying to optimize some of my coding and managed to cut and speed it up a lot. However there are some things that are still quite clunky (and me still a noob). Backstory is that my code is opening source and target files, copies a lot of data of variable length, closes source and then does a lot of operations and finally saves target file.
One of the things Id like is to do if possible is a direct copy of data without using clipboard, activating workbooks, selecting sheets (whatever of this is possible to pack into more efficient code that I am currently having)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Is it possible to do a selection (A2:AX10 and all the way down to last row) in SOURCE file-Data sheet and directly copy it to TARGET file-Data sheet cell A2 without using clipboard.
The reason why I use A2:AX10 and then selection down is because I have a lot of blank cells in the whole data set and this way I get entire data.
I would like to be able to to that selection and use it as a range in this line
Workbooks(“SOURCE”).Worksheets("Data").Range(“A2:AX10 & ALLTHEWAYDOWN”).Copy _Workbooks(“TARGET”).Worksheets("Data").Range(“A2")
I was trying to solve this but I dont end up with desired result. When I try doing selection and setting as range then both trying copy range with activitng workbooks and in the direct copy mode I get 1004 error.
Is it possible to optimize this chunk and make it work. It would improve a lot of my VBA.
You need something like this:
With Workbooks("SOURCE.xlsm").Sheets("Data")
.Range("A2:AX10", .Range("A2:AX10").End(xlDown)).Copy Workbooks("TARGET.xlsm").ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
End With
You could probably also use CurrentRegion rather than End(xlDown
You can set one range's values (the range where you would want to paste values) equal to a source range's values (the range which you would previously have copied).
Sub paste_values()
Dim wb_A As Workbook, ws_A As Worksheet
Dim wb_B As Workbook, ws_B As Worksheet
Dim last_row As Long
Set wb_A = ThisWorkbook
Set ws_A = wb_A.Sheets(1)
Set wb_B = Workbooks("WorkbookB")
Set ws_B = wb_B.Sheets(1)
With ws_A
last_row = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
End With
ws_B.Range("A2:AX" & last_row).Value = ws_A.Range("A2:AX" & last_row).Value
End Sub
This code is setting the new range's values equal to the original range. It prevents the need to activate sheets or workbooks, whilst also copying data to a range without filling the clipboard.
I would also recommend using last_row = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row to find the last row of your data. Although you do need to ensure you use this on a column which you know contains continuous data.

Can I set a cell in a sheet as the selected one, without activating the sheet?

In a workbook I am creating I have created a procedure which loops through several worksheets clearing out some ranges++, preparing the workbook for a new year. However, I wanted to set a given cell in the sheet, e.g. F5 as the active one before moving on to the next sheet, as that's where it's most likely the users will start inputting data when they move to the sheet.
However, trying to put both .Select and .Activate into line 5 of the code below fails with Select / Activate method of Range class failed.
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If InStr(1, ws.CodeName, "Veke_", vbTextCompare) > 0 And Len(ws.CodeName) = 7 Then
Call lås_opp_ark(ws)
Call oppdater_ark_for_nytt_år(ws, førsteSkiftIVeka(dato))
Call lås_ark(ws)
End If
Next ws
Trying to figure out why this didn't work I eventually came across this documentation-page from Microsoft which states that:
Before you can use the Selection property successfully, you must activate a workbook, activate or select a sheet, and then select a range (or other object) using the Select method.
Which I take to mean that using Select on anything but the active worksheet won't work. The page doesn't explicitly state anything about Activate, but I assume the reasons for the errors I'm getting to be the same.
Now, my question is this - is there any way to set the active cell in a nonactive worksheet without activating it first? If not, would activating each sheet in the workbook to set the active cell be very resource intensive? I guess I could check the latter myself, but any input would be interesting too.
No need to select the cell, instead activate it. Try this:
with this:
Application.Goto ws.Cells(1), 1 'This activates ws and scrolls to place cell `A1` at the top of the window
Application.Goto ws.Range("F5") 'This selects Cell `F5`
see Application.Goto Method (Excel)

Excel to replace formulas with values

I have an Excel workbook (1) with around 9 sheets that is pulling in and manipulating data from a second workbook (2).
After pulling in the data from workbook (2) I need to be able to replace the formulas in workbook (1) to the resulting values that the formulas have produced, from here I will then save the workbook (1) with the results.
Is there a macro that can do this for me?
On your new workbook some basic code such as:
Sub Value()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
ws.UsedRange.Value = ws.UsedRange.Value
End Sub
While the OP is dated, I want to make note of a non-loop method that is useful. In certain scenarios, loops can really slow down the code execution. To replace formulas in a cell --without a loop-- try:
With Sheets("example").Range("A1:C1000")
.value = .value
End With
You can revise the reference as necessary, but the execution is seamless, fast, and as a bonus - prevents range highlighting that cannot be cleared if you pursued the .copy + .pastespecial xlPasteValues approach.
What seems to work for me is to use concatenate()
So, for example, the formula I have referencing a cell from another sheet is:
=arrayformula(iferror(index('To Be Processed'!X:X,small(if($A$1='To Be
Processed'!$Y2,row('To Be Processed'!X:X)),row((2:2))),"")))
and if I change to the formula to:
=concatenate(arrayformula(iferror(index('To Be
Processed'!X:X,small(if($A$1='To Be Processed'!$Y2,row('To Be
and it puts in the text value from the reference cell into my second sheet.
Which may or may not be helpful depending on how you populate your sheets--I'm not very good with VBA, though, which means I do more things manually :)

excel click object stores value from one cell to another

I'm trying to work on something in excel VBA but I can't seem to make it work fine.
Here's how it should work:
I need to copy and paste value of "J21" cell from one sheet to another. BUT, value of J21 keeps on changing every week. So I thought what if I create a code where I'll just press an object (say "STORE!") and it copies the value of "J21" from Sheet1 to "C3" Sheet 2. Then when the value of J21 changes, I just press "STORE!" again and it will copy the value of J21 and paste it on "C4" Sheet 2 without changing the previous value on "C3" Sheet 2.
Here's my latest attempt:
Dim myCell As Range, myRange As Range, i As Long
i = 3
Set myRange = Sheets("Summary").Range("C3")
Set myRange = Range(myRange, myRange.End(xlDown))
Cells(i, 3).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
i = i + 1
myCell and myRange were used for my previous attempts, but it always go on an infinite copy-paste.
Selection and copy-paste in VBA is usually not needed. If you want to modify the value of a cell it is better to just directly use the value property of a range object. You seem to want to establish a reference to the first blank cell below C2 on Sheet2. The problem with your code is that Range(myRange, myRange.End(xlDown)) selects an entire block of cells (above the cell you want) rather than a single cell. While it would be possible to use .End(xlDown) appropriately to get to the cell you want, it is somewhat tricky to get right since it behaves differently depending on whether or not the cell underneath the current cell is blank. A while loop is one way to go. Something like:
Sub store()
Dim target As Range, source As Range
Set source = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J21")
Set target = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C3")
Do While Not IsEmpty(target.Value)
Set target = target.Offset(1)
target.Value = source.Value
End Sub
Chip's suggestion that you learn the basics of VBA is a good one. If you are someone (like me) who learns through books better than with online tutorials, I would recommend almost anything by John Walkenbach -- I first learned to program Excel by reading an early edition of his "Excel VBA Programming for Dummies."