VBA Code to copy and paste active column with merged cells inside - vba

I'm trying to copy the active column and paste it next to it but the code selects the entire worksheet because it has merged cells in.
Sub CopyPaste()
ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
End Sub
Could you please help me adding the missing code to ignore merged cells?

This is yet another reason to avoid using Select in VBA for Excel. Your selection will expand with the merged cells. You can try this:
ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).EntireColumn
And again, you should find some way to avoid counting on the ActiveCell in your code, and use some fully qualified range.


VBA Paste function throwing error after VBA Clear function

I have an advanced filter that is being used to sort a large data set.
The filter is dropping the filtered data into a separate sheet.
I have a VBA Macro that allows me to highlight the portions of the filter that I want to use and paste it into a range adjacent to the filter table.
Currently I am using very simple VBA.
The copy of the active selection and paste into the next open row after a specified Cell. The cell is a row of headers that corresponds to the headers of the table that the copy selection is being made from.
Sub CopyPaste()
ActiveSheet.Range("J6").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
The clear is very simple.
Sub ClearTable()
End Sub
After the clear is run, I receive an error.
Get Run Time error '1004, Application-defined or object defined error.
EDIT: Clarification. .clear and .clearcontents both lead to the errored state If I attempt to paste after I clear the range.
With J7:O100 cleared, select J6 and tap [ctrl]+[down arrow]. Try and go one more row further down. That is where you are trying to paste and if you follow my directions the problem should be perfectly obvious.
Selection.Copy Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
This looks from the bottom up and selects 1 row down not from the top down (which seems to be J1048576 and cannot be moved down a row let alone having room for the paste).

How do I freeze the active row in excel with VBA?

Like the title says, I need to write a VBA code that copies the entire row i selected and pastes only the values so the results cannot be changed afterwards.
I have already managed to do this for the ActiveCell in the last file I worked on, but I only had to change one cell then. This is the code I used:
Sub Freeze()
ActiveCell.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub
However, for this new file I have to copy the entire row and i don't want to select each individual cell. When I use this in the new file, it only works on the first cell. How can I make it work for the entire row?
Use the simple code below (try to avoid Selecting cells, and active cells if possible):
Sub Test()
Call Freeze(3, 7)
Call Freeze(4, 8)
End Sub
Sub Freeze(rowsource As Long, rowdest As Long)
Rows(rowdest).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub
You do not need to copy paste values unless you are trying to copy formats as well.
Try this. Replace the sheet names with the relevant sheet names. Also Replace X,Y with the relevant row numbers. If you are using multiple rows then change Rows(X) to Range("X:X") and similarly Range("Y:Y")
Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(X).Value = _

Copy and paste values and not formulas

Writing macro for the first time, I have to copy only cell values to another and which I got it working, however, I am not sure, how to copy entire column without specifying range since range may be different every time. Here, I am trying with a range which is working, but I want it to check values of cell for that column and until it finds a value copy/paste to the another column.
Here is the code I have so far:
Sub CopyingCellValues()
Range("C2:C7").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
Simple Columns copy will be...
Sheets("Sheet Name").Columns(1).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet Name").Columns(2)
Helpful info at MSDN on Getting Started with VBA in Excel 2010
With out the formula, Try
Sub CopyingCellValues()
Range("E:E").Value = _
End Sub
Sub ValueToValue()
[E:E].Value = [C:C].Value
End Sub

How to paste value of a sheet using VBA?

I have always used following to make a sheet to contain only values:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:= xlPasteValues
But this is not safe, if someone/event change the selection, the program runs into random behaviour. How can can I get rid of this pattern?
Well, for one thing, you can avoid selecting the cells, just directly copy them:
Cells(1,1).PasteSpecial Paste:= xlPasteValues
Although this might not be the fastest way, depending on your sheet/actual problem.
You should always avoid using select method, beacuse it is not reliable. The sub below is a sample to copy data from a worksheet and paste only values to another one. This sample sub assumes you are running this macro from your target workbook if not change ThisWorkbook to your target workbook.
Sub copy_paste_only_values()
'will copy all cells in your tab that contain data
'will paste only values to your target worksheet
PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
'empty the clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Run time Error - 438

I have the following code in which I am trying to copy data from one sheet to another in same workbook. When I run the code I get Runtime error -438
Sub Copy()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Try the following code. You should not rely on Activate and Select.
Sub ZCopy()
Sheets("Sheet1").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("E1")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Interesting Reads
How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros
Do you have a particular need for copy and paste? This can be slow and inefficient. If you're just copying data from one sheet to another, you can set the values of one range equal to the values of another range and avoid the whole thing.
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("E1:H20").Value = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D20").Value
This will set the range from cells E1:H20 on Sheet2 to the same values as those in the range A1:D20 on Sheet1, which is effectively a copy and paste. I should add that this will work only for the values themselves.
If there is specific formatting (or formulas) that you need copied and pasted, this method won't work.