the setup failed to read IIsMimeMap table. The error code is -2147023550 - sql-server-2005

I'm trying to uninstall SQL Server from my machine so that I can install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.
I'm getting the following error message.
the setup failed to read IIsMimeMap
table. The error code is -2147023550
Thank in advance.

The solution is to stop IIS
c:> NET STOP "World Wide Web Publishing Service"

Stopping IIS/IIS Admin didn't help me, nor did searching for the error code. However, Microsoft has a solution. From the KB article:
This issue occurs because the uninstall program cannot run correctly
if the virtual directories for SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services are
not present.
To work around this issue, re-create the virtual directories for SQL
Server 2005 Reporting Services by using the Reporting Services
Configuration tool. After you re-create the virtual directories, you
can uninstall or repair the installation of SQL Server 2005 Reporting
Services successfully.
I had a bad Website in IIS. I removed it, used the tool to recreate both of the required Virtual Directories, and then uninstalled successfully.


SQL Server 'Connect to server' SQL service was not found under services.msc

So today I downloaded the latest version of SQL Server from this official website. I downloaded both setup the installer and the upgrade package.
I ran them both 'as administrator' on my machine. And the installation went successfully.
But after that when I run the SQL Server Management Studio for a very first time. It promotes me to connect to the server as expected.
But when I hit connect am getting following error message.
So I searched the internet for the same issue. From one of the question, I got the hint that to start SQL server service manually by going to services.msc app.
But there wasn't any service related to SQL Server. Weird.
So what I am supposed to do now?

SQL Server 2014 services are not visible

I've installed the SQL Server MgmtStudio 64BIT\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe . I tried to login in the SSMS but it throws an error specifying "Network Path Not Found.". After googling I found to start the services.
But, in my services I couldn't even find the list of SQL services as show in the below image.
I even checked the sql server configuration and everything is enabled.
This is my first time installation in Windows 10 64 bit.
Please provide if this might be a duplicate.
I think you installed only the management studio client. Please install the Server version of SQL Server

SQL server Login Fail for user 'ROMANCH9326/romanch'

I installed SQL server 2012 developer addition.
My windows is working on Parallel Access installed on MAC.
When I tried opening SQL server, It initiated a call to connect to server. And when I clicked on connect it gave me error.
I've never installed SQL server 2012 in my personal PC. WHen I was installing I chose Windows authentication mode and user ROMANCH9326 came out automatically.
Please help me, I'm clueless about this problem.
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to ROMANCH9326.
Login failed for user 'ROMANCH9326\romanch'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)
For help, click:
On Start > Search type "sql configuration"
Open SQL Configuration Manager
SQL Server Network Configuration >Protocols for [SQLINSTANCENAME]
Check if Named Pipes is enabled, enable it if not.
Restart your SQL Server Instance.
Well This is a pretty silly solution but when I tried repair function on SQL server it said that my Database Engine libraries were not installed properly somehow.
So I reinstalled the software and now it worked just fine. I was able to log in.
Thanks :)

sql server agent start disabled (grayed out)

I've just built a new dev machine and I can't get SQL Server Agent working. What I've done so far:
Install VS 2010 (I think this installed an express version of SQL Server)
Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer edition.
I'm not sure if I did something wrong in step 2. All I want is a fully working version of SQL Server with SQL Server Agent running and no limitation on the amount of data I can store (I will need more than 10GB).
Currently, in SSMS I have the following instance: ./SQLEXPRESS. I thought that during step 2, this would have been upgraded, but it doesn't seem so.
Can anyone help?
Note: I ended up resolving this by uninstalling everything that had "SQL Server" in it in Control Panel > Programs and Features. I then reinstalled from scratch.
Note: I ended up resolving this by uninstalling everything that had "SQL Server" in it in Control Panel > Programs and Features. I then reinstalled from scratch.
The agent account is disabled. If you aren't able to enable it through configuration manager, try enabling it through services. After its enabled, try starting the serivce. If you still have issues starting the agent, try changing the account the service is running under. There may also be an issue with the account that the SQL Server service is running under. Trying changing the SQL Server service account and restarting it. The agent should then start up successfully.
You have two installations, with two named instances. The Express named SQLEXPRESS and the developer edition named MSSQLSERVER (unless you changed this during install). connect to .\MSSQLSERVER and see, it should be there available to be started.
SQL Server Express does not ship with the SQL Server Agent.

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (x64) on Windows 2K8 -> CleanCurrentUserName() not found

I have installed SQL Server 2005 three times now on the same box. I cleaned up registry settings, files, you name it.
All along I have been trying to install SQL Server 2005 Database and Reporting Services (x64) on a Windows 2008 Server. I have also applied the SP3 patch. Installing and Restarting the Server at every point. Verified that the installation was 64bit. ASP.NET and IIS7 are both running under 64bit.
Also, I have installed multiple instances (SQLDEV64, SQLQA64, SQLSTAGE64) of the Database and Reporting Services.
I started to go through the Reporting Services Configuration manager, installing the Reporting Database along with setting up IIS. When I go test the website I get the following error and there lies my question. How can I get around this error?
Reporting Services Error
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError)
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.UserUtil.CleanCurrentUserName()'.
SQL Server Reporting Services
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I found the solution to my issue by pure chance. It looks like the SP3 upgrade only upgraded the last reporting services instance that was installed. So I had to manually copy the files under:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.9\Reporting Services\ReportServer
to the other instances. This seemed to fix the missing reference issue. I work with Microsoft products and defend them every day, but some of their developer tool install files are just wonky and ill packaged.