XCode 4: How do you add an existing framework? [duplicate] - objective-c

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to “add existing frameworks” in Xcode 4?
I know in previous version, you could right-click and go to Add > Existing Framework. I can't find a similar option in XCode 4.

In the Project Navigator
select your project,
select the target,
go to the 'build phases' tab,
open the 'Link binary with Libraries' disclosure triangle
Use the + to add the library you want
Here's a pic that probably summarizes the process much better!

If you have a developer account:

Old question but now you can also do it through File->Add Files and it automatically adds it.


Rider IDE - how to hide "usage" links above properties/methods [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I remove IntelliJ's blank line numbers?
(2 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
Updated to Rider version 2022.1, and above class properties or methods I have this link called "usages". How to turn them off, they are driving me crazy. I don't know how these things are called, so googling didn't give any results. Glanced through myriad of settings in Settings window - also no idea.
You can hide all metrics by disabling "Code Vision" (CTRL+SHIFT+ALL code vision for a quick access in the settings).
You can also hide specific metrics by right clicking on it.

IntelliJ IDEA - How to remove auto generated hints? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to disable parameter hints in IntelliJ IDEA?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Am trying out IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.3 (being an Eclipse user, there's been a lot of great nods to both Jetbrains and IntelliJ IDEA being sophisticated, so I have been fooling around with it all day and actually enjoying some features).
Wrote a simple unit test (which worked) but am noticing inside the editor that its auto-inserting my variable's value with a grey background following a colon ":" afterwards and also inside the assertEquals() method its adding a grey background for the word "expected:".
After placing my mouse cursor and clicking the second button, a dialog came up stating "Disable Hints" and I was able to get rid of them manually, but am wondering how to not have them appear by default.
Attached is a screenshot (a picture speaks a thousand words)! :)
How can I turn this off? Am using the macOS version of IntelliJ IDEA.
You can permanently disable them by go to Preferences.. > Editor > General > Appearance > Show parameter name hints (uncheck to disable)

Open other file in the same package [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Tracking file in Netbeans IDE Projects window
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've recently started using Netbeans for a java project and there are some things that I relly miss from Eclipse.
The thing that annoys me most, causing a great deal of frustration and loss of focus, is file navigation.
A very common task is to open another file in the same directory/package as the file I am currently editing. In Eclipse I use the little "Link with Editor" button in the project explorer so that the explorer is always focused on the current file, hence allowing easy access to other files in the same folder.
In Netbeans I constantly scroll up and down the project list, opening and closing folders, looking for the right place.
Is there a simple way to synchronize the project explorer with the editor in Netbeans?
I want to be able to choose the file from a list, because in many cases I don't know the file name by heart.
The easiest way for me is to use the Select in Projects feature, which takes the file explorer to the current file within the Project:
PS: I don't know eclipse very well, so let me know if i'm on track or not

IDE for Sencha Touch [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm new to Sencha touch 2. Is there any Sencha touch IDE(free one)? Basically what I want is when I write something like .. new Ext and just give space+cntrl so there should be list of all the methods and properties of it.
is there any way through which I can add sencha touch javascript libraries in eclipse ? Like we do with Komodo Editor. In komodo Editor you just need to add the javascript library and it will automatically fetch all the functions,methods,and properties that resides in that library file.
Thanks in Advance :)
Before we start please download the following files:
sencha-touch-2.0.0-gpl.zip or sencha-touch-2.0.0-commercial.zip
Aptana Studio 3
Extract sencha-touch-2.0.0-(gpl.zip/commercial.zip) to a place of
your liking (Note it will stay there for a long time)
SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3 and/or install it
open up the terminal or command prompt
cd into the folder of Sencha Touch SDK
write: sencha generate app APP_NAME APP_PATH
hit enter (return)
extract/install Aptana studio
Open up Aptana studio
Click the help menu
Choose Install New Software
A window will open click Add
Name it Spket IDE then enter the url http://www.agpad.com/update
Press OK
Choose everything then click Next
Click next
Read the license ( like everyone does, NOT!), and then accept if
you want, then press next
Wait for the install to complete (Restart if required)
Go to Preferences
Navigate to Spket then JavaScript Profiles
Click Add
Type Sencha
Press Ok
Highlight Sencha
Click Add Library, Select ExtJs
Highlight ExtJs then click Add file
Choose touch.jsb3 from the folder you extracted the Sencha Touch
SDK 2.0.0 in
Select all items in the tree
Highlight Sencha then click default
Press ok
File > New > Other > General > Project
uncheck the box that says to use the default location
Browse to the project you created earlier
Type the name of the project (preferably exactly the same name as
it’s folder)
Press finish
expand the view folder and open the Main.js
type Ext. if the auto complete doesn’t pop up type crtl + space
I have created a detailed tutorial with pictures for this specific reason, Please let me know what do you think and how it worked out :)
I use Netbeans (http://netbeans.org) it's free, but doesn't have the methods you want to auto complete & use, the best for that I found to be Aptana studio (http:www.aptana.com) but that is paid.
For netbeans you can modify the IDE so it does auto complete based on the libraries in Sencha :-
a) Right click on the SenchaApp application and select Properties from the drop down menu
b) Under the Libraries menu, choose “Add Libraries” and from the window that opens click “Create…”
c) Name the Library “Sencha_Touch” and choose “Class Library” from the drop down.
d) Under the “Classpath” tab, click on “Add JAR/Folder” and select the “touch” folder previously downloaded.
e) Click “OK” and choose the newly created “Sencha_Touch” library.
To check if you’ve added code completion correctly, create an app.js file in the app folder. Type Ext followed by a “.” — If the steps above were followed correctly, the code completion should work.
Or move over at http://techtalktone.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/using-netbeans-ide-with-sencha-touch/
TextMate with bundles from Ed Spencer: http://edspencer.net/tag/textmate
Sublime Text 2, I think you can use same bundles as for TextMate, not sure!
JetBrainsWebStorm3 is used by many
Aptana (eclipse based), there is a plugin for Sencha, but not touch I think.
But I think you might enjoy Sencha Designer 2: http://www.sencha.com/blog/sencha-designer-2-beta-announcement/
As Nag said: make use of the API's.
Check out Pocket Dev
It's pretty basic but works well
Try Sublime Text 2. It is the best i came across.
You can download it from this link by selecting your OS: http://www.sublimetext.com/2
Aptana Studio 3 is the best for Sencha 1.1 or Sencha 2.
Have you tried sencha architect???
+1 on JetBrains WebStorm 3 .. it has built in helpers/popups that know the Sencha language. And the way it auto-formats for you (when pressing return or pasting in code) is very intuitive to JS and helpful for the user. Just my to pennies.

Unable to find the Documentation in Xcode4 [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Finding documentation in XCode 4.5
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I was just getting along with XCode4. All of sudden i want to see some documentation. So i rightclicked the text it was not showing "Find Text in Documentation" option :(
I really found this option very useful in learning iOS from XCode 3. versions. All of sudden it is gone. I searched for it and couldnt find it.
So now each time i have to go to Apple Documentation Site and search for it.
Any solutions for that.
Open the Utility pane and click the Quick Help tab. Selecting text in the source editor shows quick help with hyperlinks to the docs. Alternatively, you can Option-click a symbol to see it in a popup/popover window and can click to open the full documentation from there as well.