Maven 2, Liquibase and dbDoc - maven-2

I'd like to generate liquibase's dbdoc as part of my maven site build, but I cannot figure out how to do this. My thoughts were to add maven-antrun-plugin to the reporting section of the pom, but I cannot have an node under plugin in the reporting section. Any ideas?

This is not supported by the Maven LiquiBase Plugin so either create your own report plugin or use the dbDoc Ant Task and the Maven AntRun Plugin to generate the documentation under target/site/.
In the later case, bind the plugin on one of the phases of the Site Lifecycle (this will require some testing but I think that pre-site, site or post-site would be ok) and add an entry in the left menu in the site descriptor.

You can create your own reports plugin, more information here:


avoid instantiating maven dependency plugin

I would like to use the "deploy"-phase of maven to deploy some files to my appliance (using a custom maven plugin), but I don't need the maven-deploy-plugin.
There are several answers on stackoverflow and the rest of the web on how to avoid a plugin being run, for example:
maven exclude plugin defined in parent pom
Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM
I have tried setting <phase>none, <skip>true and <inherited>false. However, the plugin is still configured, which fails with message:
failed to configure plugin parameters for org.apache.maven.plugins maven-deploy-plugin 2.4
because there is no distributionManagement-element in my pom.
Is there a way to completely remove the dependency-plugin from the maven lifecycle?
In my opinion, this is unlikely to work even with those workarounds simply because the maven-deploy-plugin is a core plugin, like it or not.
Therefore, here's another hack:
Create a profile.
Define your plugin in it and attach it to the install phase.
Trigger the deployment, by invoking your profile.
Not as fancy as you would have hoped for, but it should do the trick. If anyone has better ideas, I would also like to hear them, as I've faced this sort of issue as well.

How to convert Ant project to Maven project

How to convert a Ant project to Maven project? A sample project that would link (a Wicket project)
The nice part of using maven is that most standard stuff works automatically once you do things the maven way. For a simple webapp:
Create a pom with groupId, artifactId and version (packaging: war)
Add the required dependencies to the pom
move the
java sources to src/main/java,
resources to src/main/resources,
webapp content to src/main/webapp,
test content to src/test/java and src/test/resources
set the compiler compliance version using the maven compiler plugin
That should get you up 'n' running.
I don't know what your ant script looks like, but assuming its a basic script for building, you will need to create a pom.xml file for your project, add your dependencies, and then build it via maven.
For anyone who lands here in future, there is an easier way to find dependencies for maven using the file hashes. So, you won't have to guess artifact versions.
As per the below article, the idea is to generate a SHA1 checksum of the dependency that you want to find the information, then do a reverse search in Nexus repository manager using that hash. For the checksum generation, you can use Microsoft's FCIV (free) utility.

How to display a list of available goals?

I'm rather new to Maven and I often find myself wanting to see what's actually there in terms of goals.
So, is there a command which lists all available goals for e.g. a given prefix?
Since Maven is an open system of plugins, the best answer is probably "Google" ;-). If you mean all build lifecycle phases, they are static, and can be found at and at other places.
Then, for a given plugin, the help plugin can be used to get the possible goals and all their parameters:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins \
-DartifactId=maven-war-plugin \
But this doesn't really answer your question, especially the "for a given prefix" part. For this, the best solution might be to use **auto completion with BASH (**not sure it will be exhaustive though). See for example the Guide to Maven 2.x auto completion using BASH. To get bash completion working under Windows, you'll need CYGWIN. See Maven Tab Auto Completion in Bash for detailed setup steps (and a "better" working auto completion script).
A shorter way
As an alternative, you can also use the -Dplugin parameter to display the list of available goals.
mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin\
See Maven help plugin.
More and more Maven plugins propose an help goal as alternative to the verbose
mvn help:describe command.
You can read from the Maven doc:
Recent Maven plugins have generally an help goal to have in the
command line the description of the plugin, with their parameters and
That is really more natural and pleasant to use.
It works of course for Maven core plugins.
Some examples :
to list goals of the dependency plugin :
mvn dependency:help
to have detail about the javadoc goal of the javadoc plugin :
mvn javadoc:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=javadoc
And it works also for third party plugins.
For example, to list goals of the spring-boot-maven-plugin :
mvn org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:help
[INFO] Spring Boot Maven Plugin 2.0.0.RELEASE Spring Boot Maven
This plugin has 6 goals:
Generate a file based the content of the
current MavenProject.
Display help information on spring-boot-maven-plugin. Call mvn
spring-boot:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal= to display
parameter details.
Repackages existing JAR and WAR archives so that they can be
executed from the command line using java -jar. With layout=NONE can
also be used simply to package a JAR with nested dependencies (and
no main class, so not executable).
Or to get detailed information about the build goal of the dockerfile-maven-plugin :
mvn com.spotify:dockerfile-maven-plugin:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=build
[INFO] Dockerfile Maven Plugin 1.3.6
Adds support for building Dockerfiles in Maven
Available parameters:
- archive
The archive configuration to use for the Docker info JAR. This can be used
to embed additional information in the JAR.
You could note that the syntax to get a detailed output of the help and to focus on a specific goal (-Ddetail -Dgoal=myGoal) is exactly the same as this used for the core maven plugins.
Of course some esoteric plugins may not provide the help goal but in most of well designed plugins this is present.

Disable Maven SCM

Could I disable SCM integration option in Maven? I want it to build a local checked-out project without SCM integration ?
is there some settings or some how??
thanx in advance
You should check if you're using Buildnumber Maven plugin.
By default and recommended configuration it is set to be invoked on "validate" phase of every build and will fail the build with this message.
If it is the case you have two options:
Disable the use of this plugin (by removing it from POM or moving it into special profile)
Add scm section as described above.
Hope this helps!
SCM integration is only used when you want to release a new version of software or generate changelog. When build a local checked-out project SCM integration is "ignored".
There is also scm-plugin but it isn't binded to none of the default lifecycles.
According pom reference if you declare scm section it must be valid otherwise remove scm section.
Please paste your scm section or maybe scm plugin is used in pom.

Maven plugin executing another plugin

I'm trying to create a new plugin to package my latest project. I'm trying to have this plugin depend on the maven-dependency-plugin to copy all my projects dependencies.
I've added this dependency to my plugin's pom, but I can't get it to execute.
I have this annotation in my plugins main Mojo:
#execute goal="org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:copy"
I've tried a few other names for the goal, like dependency:copy and just copy but they all end with a message saying that the required goal was not found in my plugin. What am I doing wrong?
Secondary to this is where to I provide configuration info for the dependency plugin?
Use the Maven Mojo executor by Don Brown of Atlassian fame to run any other arbitrary plugin.
The Mojo Executor provides a way to to
execute other Mojos (plugins) within a
Maven 2 plugin, allowing you to easily
create Maven 2 plugins that are
composed of other plugins.
Have you tried to create your own packaging type? Then you can define your own lifecycle mapping, i.e. bind goals to phases. In this case you can bind the dependency:copy-dependencies goal to your packaging phase and you don't have to wrap the goal into your own Mojo.
See also: How do I create a new packaging type for Maven?