Apple codes used in Applescript-able applications - objective-c

I read some examples of code necessary to make an application Applescript-able, but I still don't understand if the Apple codes used to identify a command, a class, a property can be any value I want (with the exception of the code for the application class), and if they must be registered in some site.
Is there a list of codes with a particular meaning for Applescript?

This is what you want: AppleScript Terminology and Apple Event Codes. More can be found in this Apple document.
Four-letter codes consisting solely of lower-case letters are reserved to Apple. Otherwise you're perfectly free to choose one.
You don't have to register them, as far as I know.

Choose your own. They must be unique. There is no way to know if they are unique, but they must be.
Love it.


Intellij IDEA SDK - How can I programmatically handle spellcheck 'typos'?

Wrote a plugin to handle some custom format stuff in yaml files that I've written for a huge project. It's a chat bot that can respond in a huge number of ways. There is a lot of slang and non-standard words in the yaml.
I don't want to disable spellchecking as I want to fix legitimate speeling errors. But the annotations under the "misspelled" slang words are conflicting with the annotations in my plugin, and causing issue.
One yaml file has 349 "typos". 10% or so are legit. The rest are slang and custom words.
I need to do one of two things. Either add those words to the dictionary (I've found the method to do that - SpellCheckManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect()) OR get a list of the words and create a custom dictionary from them. Both approaches require me to grab a list of all typos in the document/editor/project.
That's the part I can't find. Looked everywhere. (List of current Annotations? List of current Problems?) Googled my fingers off. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
This is not the IDEAL solution, but it worked for my means, and I'm leaving the answer in case this is googled.
In DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl, there is a method:
DaemonCodeAnalyzerImpl.getHighlights(Document document, HighlightSeverity minSeverity, Project project);
This returns a list of all highlights in the document. The method is Annotated with #TestOnly, and docs state that it should only be used in Test code because it breaks/shortcuts the normal way to access that. It still works in non-test code however.
Since the only thing I wanted was the strings of the typos, I pulled the list, then looped through the HighlightInfo's in the list, and pulled the .getText()s.
No danger of screwing anything up.
Then pushed all those strings into:
SpellCheckerManager.getInstance(project).acceptWordAsCorrect(word, project);
Viola! All current highlighted typos are now added to the dictionary.
Proper solution? No. Good enough for what I needed to accomplish? Yup.

Intelij extract method keeps trying to replace duplicate method signatures - please stop

Intellij has a really neat feature, that lets me seamlessly extract a block of code into its own method. I can then give this method a nice, descriptive name and move on with life.
However, intellij also tries to find other blocks of code that are similar, and then tries to perusade me that I should also refactor them too, to use this new method its made. And then, when I hit the oddly-named "cancel" button (which implies the whole operation is cancelled, but it's not, it just stops asking about any remaining blocks), it leaves me looking at whatever the block of code it last asked me about.
I really don't like this feature. Here's why: If I'm say comparing two ints - the naming of the code block will depend on the context of those two ints, but intellij will find any comparison between two ints anywhere in that file, and then insist that this is also a candidate for extraction.
Most times it is not, and to make it worse, when I ask intellij to stop it, in a fit of pique, leaves me wherever the last comparison was, so now I have to navigate back to where I was working.
How do I tell intellij just to extract exactly what I selected, and do nothing else?
Please follow/vote/comment the issue created for this usability problem at YouTrack:

Can Intellij IDEA (14 Ultimate) generate regex based TODO-comments?

A few years back i worked in a company where i could press CTRL+T and a TODO-comment was generated - say my ID to be identified by other developers was xy45 then the generated comment was:
//TODO (xy45):
Is something available from within Intellij 14 Ultimate or did they write their own plugin for it?
What i tried: Webreserach, Jetbrais documentations - it looks like its not possible out of the box (i however ask before i write a plugin for it) or masked by the various search results regarding the TODO-view (due to bad research skills of mine).
There is no built-in feature in IntelliJ IDEA to generate such comments, so it looks like they did write their own plugin.
Found something that works quite similar but is not boundable to a shortcut:
File -> Settings -> Live Templates
I guess the picture says enoth to allow customization (consult the Jetbrains documentation for more possibilities). E.g. browse to the Live Template section within the settings, add a new Live Template (small green cross, upper right corner in the above picture) and set the context where this Live Template is applicable.
Note: Once you defined the Live Template to be applicable within Java (...Change in the above image where the red exclamation marks are shown) context you can just type "t", "todo" and hit CTRL+Space (or the shortcut you defined for code completion).
I suggest to reconsider using that practice at all. Generally you should not include redundant information which is easily and more reliably accessible through your Version Control System (easily available in Idea directly in editor using Annotate feature). It is similiar to not using javadoc tag #author as the information provided with it is often outdated inaccurate and redundant. Additionaly, I don´t think author of TODO is that much valuable information. Person who will solve the issue will often be completly different person and the TODO should be well documented and descriptive anyway. When you find your own old TODO, which is poorly documented, you often don't remember all the required information even if you were the author.
However, instead of adding author's name, a good practice is to create a task in you issue management system and add identifier of this task to the description of the todo. This way you have all your todos in evidence at one place, you can add additional information to the task, track progress, assign it etc. My experience is that if you don´t use this, todos tend to stay in the code forever and after some time no one remembers clearly the details of the problem. Additionaly, author mentioned in the todo is often already gone working for a different company.
Annotated TODO with issue ID

Detect USB - Insert/Remove - VB.NET on Windows CE 6.0

I'm becoming mad trying to figure out how to resolve this task. My goal is pretty easy, copy a file on the USB stick every time that it is inserted and then release the USB stick turning off the LED. What is the best way to solve it?
1) I found this article
but I can't translate it on VB.NET project.
2) Then I read that is enough to use RequestDeviceNotifications for block devices. But How can I do that in VB.NET?
I would like to avoid OpenNetCF if possible.
Thank you
Since you don't want to "use OpenNETCF" I assume that you don't want to use any libraries or capabilities not built in to the CF. We'll skip the argument of that silliness and the "value of your time" discussion and take that as a requirement.
What you need to do is:
Use P/Invoke to call CreateMsgQueue. That's going to give you back a Handle. You'll probably want to do CloseMsgQueue as well for completeness
P/Invoke RequestDeviceNotifications and pass it the handle returned from #1 above along with the DEVCLASS GUID value for the device notifications you want - probably STORE_MOUNT_GUID. Again, adding StopDeviceNotifications for completeness is a good idea.
At that point you'll get a message on the queue whenever a insert or remove happens. You then call ReadMsgQueue to get the DEVDETAIL data in the message.
Parse the DEVDETAIL and look at the fAttached member.
It'd take me a while to write that for you, so you'll need to do this on your own.
Start writing the project, find P/Invoke routines for the calls you need (like FindFirstFile and CreateProcess). On SO, have a look at Storage Card Problem In windows mobile and How to register form for WM_DEVICECHANGE message in windows mobile.
You are only going to be dead in the water if you can not find a particular call that you can't make.
As you work through your project, post (or search for) the actual problems you run into.
Otherwise, it sounds like you are asking someone to write the project and hand it to you.

Hexadecimal numpad

The project I am currently working on requires a lot of hexadecimal numbers to be entered into the code.
I once saw a pic of an old keyboard with a hexadecimal numpad (has A-F letters on it also) replacing the normal numpad. Anyone know where I can get one of these?
IPv6 Buddy -keypad should work well for hexadecimal input.
If you can get your hands on one of the retired space shuttles, they have one!
I have an old Heathkit learning toy with a hex numpad because the only way to program it was to assemble code by hand (it came with a 6800 manual and some notepads) into the online monitor. This was actually fun!
Mine is missing the 'D' button however.
Great idea with the programmable keypad. I think i am going to pick up one of these: DX1 input system. Works for any reconfiguring I might want to do.
Is this the one you're talking about?
While this has a lot of "gee whiz" appeal, I have to say:
You have two hands. Use them. A-F are all reachable with the left hand on a standard keyboard while your right hand is on the num-pad. Instead of putting muscle-memory time into some arcane Hex-pad, you'll be learning to touch-type with your left hand, which has application outside your current project.
Better yet, come up with a smarter way of getting the hex codes into your code. Write a script that extracts them from your data-source and into your code as symbolic variables... or whatever.
Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets assume you're working on a hardware project and need to provide a specialized interface for your user. Maybe a programmable keypad would fit the bill?
Not sure of the specifics right now, but I'm pretty sure you can easily write a keyboard remapper. You could remap the QWASDF keys to ABCDEF in order to type them more quickly. That way you could use 2 hands to type. Or if you are in control of the program they are being typed into, you could just translate the keys in code on the fly. You also might want to try out the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator