NSDictionary causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS - objective-c

I am trying to call objectForKey: on an nsdictionary ivar, but I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
The nsdictionary is created using the JSON-framework and then retained. The first time I use it (just after I create it, same run loop) it works perfectly fine, but when I try to access it later nothing works. I am doing this code to try to figure out what is wrong:
if (resultsDic == nil) {
NSLog(#"results dic is nil.");
if ( [resultsDic respondsToSelector:#selector(objectForKey:)] ) {
NSLog(#"resultsDic should respond to objectForKey:");
The dictionary is never nil, but it always crashes on respondsToSelector. any ideas?
These are the other places, besides above, that the dictionary gets interacted with:
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
[connection release];
//get the data in a usable form
NSString *jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:downloadedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
resultsDic = [jsonString JSONValue];
[self processResults];
NSLog(#"Success. Received %d bytes of data",[downloadedData length]);
[downloadedData release];
[jsonString release];
- (void)processResults
NSArray *resultsArr = [resultsDic objectForKey:#"results"];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = [self coordinateFromResult:[resultsArr objectAtIndex:0]];
NSLog(#"lat: %f lng: %f", coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude);
- (void)dealloc {
[resultsDic release];
[super dealloc];

After somethings retain count is decreased to 0, the object gets deallocated. This is not the same as setting it to nil. It will not be nil. Whilst you can send messages to nil, sending a message to a released object will result in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. If you post some of the code where it is created and used, maybe we can help you debug it. Try retaining it twice at the beginning. it's nit an elegant solution, but it might work as a quick fix.

Sounds like a classic zombie. Run it again with the environment variable NSZombieEnabled set to YES (or use the Zombies instrument in Instruments.app). That should give you much more information about what's going on.


AVAudioUnitSampler not deallocating resource

I have created an AVAudioUnitSampler, but after inspecting memory via the Instruments tool, it appears that when the scene is changed, even though the AVAudioUnitSampler object is nil, the resources it initially loaded the first time around are still in memory. When I recreate the sampler, it reloads the resource and now I have double the amount of memory used for the sampler. How can I force the resources to deallocate?
Here's the code:
-(void) loadSampler {
// Instatiate audio engine
_engine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init];
_mixer = [_engine mainMixerNode];
_sampler = [[AVAudioUnitSampler alloc] init];
[self loadSoundFontInstrument]; //sound font is the instrument that the sampler will use to play sounds
[self makeEngineConnections];
[self startEngine];
-(void) loadSoundFontInstrument {
if (_sampler != nil) {
NSString* instrument = [[GameData sharedGameData].settings valueForKey:#"instrument"]; //decides on what sound font file to use
NSURL *piano = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:instrument ofType:#"sf2"]];
[_sampler loadSoundBankInstrumentAtURL:piano program:0 bankMSB:0x79 bankLSB:0 error:nil];
NSLog(#"ERROR: Sampler has not been initialized");
-(void)makeEngineConnections {
[_engine attachNode:_sampler];
[_engine connect:_sampler to:_mixer format:[_sampler outputFormatForBus:0]];
-(void)startEngine {
[_engine startAndReturnError:nil];
I solved the issue, but I'm not entirely sure why my solution solved it. Upon looking at the Leaks instrument, I noticed that the retain count for the _sampler variable was 2. The class (that you cannot see called MIDIController owns the _sampler object. The _engine object also retains a reference to the sampler. Even when I make my midi controller object nil, the sampler still remains in memory with a retain count of 1. The weird thing is that there is no longer any reference to the _engine object since it's parent has been deallocated so I'm not sure why it still persists.
TLDR: In short, I made _sampler, _engine and _mixer nil and that solved it.

Calling Obj-C Code from JavaScript via Console: Arguments get dropped?

Having a heck of a time with this one.
I've got a super-simple Cocoa app containing one WebView, a WebScripting API defined in the page, and a single NSObject defined on that API. When I turn on the debugger tools (in the embedded WebView), I can see the API on the JavaScript window object, and I can see my "api" property defined on that -- but when I call the API's "get" method, the arguments aren't being serialized -- when the Obj-C method gets called, the arguments are missing. See below, which hopefully illustrates:
I've combed through the docs, I've (apparently) set the appropriate methods to expose everything that needs to be exposed, and I can see the method being called. There has to be something stupid I'm missing, but as a relative newbie to this environment, I'm not seeing it.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Have you set WebKitDeveloperExtras to YES in your default user defaults when you send -[NSUserDefaults registerDefaults:]?
Depending on what version of Xcode you're using you could be getting a known error. If you're using LLDB on anything but the most recent version, it might not be giving you the right variables in the debugger. The solution has been to use GDB instead of LLDB until Apple fixes the problem. But I think they fixed the problem in the latest version. I'd change the debugger to use GDB and see if you're getting the right variables in Xcode. (Product-> Edit Scheme...-> Run -> Debugger). I came across this problem in iOS, though, so I don't know its applicability to OSX. Worth a try anyway.
I originally came across the problem here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9485349/1147934
I process javascript in the main thread of my app from a local file stored in the apps directory. I check for beginning and ending tokens for the js functions I am executing and whether the function contains a variable.
Hopefully this can give you some good ideas for your issue. You could also do alerts in the js to see if the values post correctly as you run the app (I am sure you thought of that already, but it's worth mentioning.) Happy coding! I hope this helps!
in the .h file define:
NSMutableString *processedCommand;
NSArray *commandArguments;
In the .m file:
// tokens
#define kOpenToken #"<%%"
#define kCloseToken #"%%>"
// this will throw
-(void)executeJScriptCommand:(NSString *)aCommand {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(executeThisCommand:) withObject:aCommand waitUntilDone:YES];
// this will throw
-(NSString *)executeCommand:(NSString *)command {
NSString *aCommand = [[[command stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:kOpenToken withString:#""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:kCloseToken withString:#""]
if ([aCommand hasPrefix:#"="])
// variable. get value
[self getVariableFromCommand:aCommand];
else {
[self executeThisCommand:aCommand];
NSString *returnValue = [NSString stringWithString:processedCommand];
self.processedCommand = nil;
self.commandArguments = nil;
return returnValue;
-(void)executeThisCommand:(NSString *)aCommand {
BOOL hasError = NO;
// clear result
self.processedCommand = nil;
self.commandArguments = nil;
BOOL isFromJS = NO;
NSString *function = nil;
NSMutableArray *commandParts = nil;
#try {
// first, break the command into its parts and extract the function that needs to be called, and the (optional) arguments
commandParts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[aCommand componentsSeparatedByString:#":"]];
if ([[[commandParts objectAtIndex:0] lowercaseString] isEqualToString:#"js-call"]) {
isFromJS = YES;
[commandParts removeObjectAtIndex:0];
// get our function, arguments
function = [[commandParts objectAtIndex:0] retain];
[commandParts removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if ([commandParts count] > 0){
if (isFromJS == YES) {
NSString *arguments = [[commandParts objectAtIndex:0] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if ([arguments length] > 0) {
self.commandArguments = [arguments JSONValue];
else {
self.commandArguments = [NSArray arrayWithArray:commandParts];
// build invoke
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(function);
if ([self respondsToSelector:sel]) {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:sel withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
// using invocation causes a SIGABORT because the try/catch block was not catching the exception.
// using perform selector fixed the problem (i.e., the try/catch block now correctly catches the exception, as expected)
else {
[appDelegate buildNewExceptionWithName:#"" andMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Object does not respond to selector %#", function]];
#catch (NSException * e) {
hasError = YES;
[self updateErrorMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Error processing command %#: %#", aCommand, [e reason]]];
#finally {
[function release];
[commandParts release];
if (hasError == YES) {
[appDelegate buildNewExceptionWithName:#"executeThisCommand" andMessage:self.errorMessage];
// this can return nil
-(NSString *)getQueryStringValue:(NSString *)name {
NSString *returnValue = nil;
if (queryString != nil) {
returnValue = [queryString objectForKey:[name lowercaseString]];
return returnValue;

NSDATA writeToFile crashes without a reason

I am downloading images from a url using NSDATA and saving them to local file system using
NSData *dataForStorage = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(img)];
BOOL saveResult=[ dataForStorage writeToFile:jpegFilePath options:NSDataWritingAtomic error:&error];
NSLog(#"Write returned error: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
My app crashes randomly without even giving a message, though some files are saved (again randomly). When I run the app in Debug mode, I frequently see "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" but continuing execution succeeds in saving some of the files.
This code is executed in background from:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(loadImageInBackground:) withObject:arr];
Please suggest.
One of the problems in your code is that your running code in a thread without an autorelease pool but are using functions that would require one. Put the following code into the loadImageInBackground method:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// existing code
[pool drain];
This is probably just one of several problems. For further assistance, we need to see the stack trace of the crash.
Just a wild guess : arr is an autoreleased object, so, sometimes it gets deallocated before your selector gets called. Try using [arr copy] and release it after saving it.
I was having the EXACT same problem, but it turned out that the problem was something else: my URL was getting release prematurely. In the end this is what I did and it worked:
I made this call:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(downloadData:) withObject:nil];
And this is the method:
// URL - (NSString) URL for file
// filePath - (NSString) save location on device
-(void)download:(NSString *)URL
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URL]];
[data writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];
[pool release];
So I think that your download code is correct, but there is some other variable that is getting deallocated early (possibly your path).
Hope this helps! I know the other answers on this page worked for me.

Problem with AVAudioplayer or delegate getting dallocated prematurely

I am making a counting game for kids. At the start the child is asked find a number of items, for example: "Can you find five bikes". This is all randomly put together from seperate arrays of sounds with parts of the sentence: "Can you find" + "5" + "bikes" =three seperate mp3s. When the child starts clicking on the items, they disappear and the voice counts up. "1", "2", "3","4", "5", and in the end "bikes".
I use the audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying: delegate method to put the sounds together and that works out fine ... most of the time. But sometimes the app crashes, with a "bad_access" error. After using NSZombie I got: -[AVAudioPlayer performSelector:withObject:]: message sent to deallocated instance
I think this is because either the audioplayer itself or the delegate is released prematurely.
I always use this function to play the sounds:
-(void)spillVoice:(NSString*) filnavn{
NSString *audioFilePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:filnavn ofType:#"mp3"];
NSURL *audioFileURL=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:audioFilePath];
self.voicespiller=[[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:audioFileURL error:nil] autorelease];
[self.voicespiller prepareToPlay];
[self.voicespiller play];
NSLog(#"spiller lyden");
And here is the delegate (it performs different actions based on what sound has finnished):
-(void)audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:(AVAudioPlayer*)which_player successfully:(BOOL)the_flag{
NSLog(#"ny lyd?");
[self.jenteBilde stopAnimating];
else if(self.etterLyd==#"lesobjekt"){
[self spillVoice:[self.objektNedArray objectAtIndex: [self.objektnr intValue]]];
[self.jenteBilde startAnimating];
else if(self.etterLyd==#"introtall"){
[self spillVoice:[self.telleOppArray objectAtIndex: [self.tilfeldig intValue]]];
[self.jenteBilde startAnimating];
else if(self.etterLyd==#"introobjekt"){
[self spillVoice:[self.objektOppArray objectAtIndex: [self.objektnr intValue]]];
[self.jenteBilde startAnimating];
else if(self.etterLyd==#"ros"){
NSMutableArray *rosArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"TT_flott",#"TT_bravo",#"TT_fint",#"TT_du_er_kjempeflink",#"TT_hurra",#"TT_helt_riktig",nil];
int result=(arc4random() % (rosArray.count));
[self spillVoice:[rosArray objectAtIndex: result]];
[self.jenteBilde startAnimating];
It seems to me that the AVaudioplayers autorelease hits in too early, even though the sound has not yet finnished. I have tried not autoreleasing, and instead releasing explicitly in the delegate function. But the problem is that the sound doesnt always get to play to the end (when the child finds a new item before the voice has finnished reading)...
Can any of you shed any light on this. I would be very grateful!
You need to retain the AVAudioPlayer until you're done with it. The easiest way to do this would be to make your voicespiller property a retained property, and change your implementation to the following:
-(void)spillVoice:(NSString*)filnavn {
// stop any previous player
[self.voicespiller stop];
NSString *audioFilePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:filnavn ofType:#"mp3"];
NSURL *audioFileURL=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:audioFilePath];
[self setVoicespiller:[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:audioFileURL error:nil] autorelease];
[self.voicespiller prepareToPlay];
[self.voicespiller play];
NSLog(#"spiller lyden");
When you call the property's mutator ([self setVoicespiller:...]), the previous player will be released and the new one will be set. Then just make sure to call [voicespiller release] in your dealloc method.

Memory Leak when using for(object in array) with iPhone SDK

I am running into some serious memory leaks in one of my applications I am building. I have a UINavigatonController that is inside a UITabBarview. Inside the NavView is a MKMap view. When you click an accessory button on a callout a detail view is loaded. In that detail view I am trying to populate a table from a plist using a for(object in array) loop. The plist is an array of dictionaries. I am running though the dictionaries to find one with a key that is the title of the callout and then get an array from inside that dictionary. It all works fine in the simulaor but I am getting massive memory leaks doing it the way I am. Any Idea whats going on?
- (void)viewDidLoad {
self.title = #"Route Details";
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"stopLocation" ofType:#"plist"];
holderArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
[self getRouteArray];
routeDetails.delegate = self;
routeDetails.dataSource = self;
for (NSMutableDictionary *dictionary in holderArray) {
//NSString *stopName = [dictionary objectForKey:#"StopName"];
//NSString *stopName = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[dictionary objectForKey:#"StopName"]];
BOOL testString = [currentRoute isEqualToString:[dictionary objectForKey:#"StopName"]];
if (testString) {
routeArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[dictionary objectForKey:#"RouteService"]];
- (void)dealloc {
[routeArray release];
[routeDetails release];
[super dealloc];
holderArray is an ivar and so is route array. As you can see I have tried a few ways of allocating the nstrings and arrays but all seem to yield the same leaks. According to the performance tool I am leaking from NSCFString, NSCFDictionary, and the NSCFArry. I released the routeArray in the dealloc and it works fine, but if I release holderArray it crashes whenever I go back to my map from the detail view. I guess I am just really unsure as to how to deal with the strings and dictionary used in the for loop.
Just to add the detail view is being created like so:
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView annotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view calloutAccessoryControlTapped:(UIControl *)control{
NSString *selectedRouteName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",view.annotation.title];
RouteDetailView *rdc = [[RouteDetailView alloc] initWithNibName:#"RouteDetailView" bundle:nil];
[rdc setCurrentRoute:selectedRouteName];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:rdc animated:YES];
[rdc release];
Sorry if any of the above is unclear. Let me know and I can try to rephrase it.
Will testString be true for at most one key in holderArray? If so, you should probably break out of the loop after setting routeArray. If not, then you may be setting routeArray multiple times, and all but the last array you assigned to it would be leaked.
Also, I don't see you releasing holderArray.