How to calculate the number of pairs in an Excel spreadsheet? - excel-2007

I have two columns of integers between 1 and 16 in an excel file. I'd like to count the number of pairs of integers in these columns. There are 256 cases and I'd like to have a column which tells me how many pairs exist for each case. For instance, I have a table like below:
1 2
1 1
1 3
1 4
1 1
1 8
1 1
16 16
1 2
And I'd like to calculate a column like this:
3 (number of 1 1s)
2 (number of 1 2s)
1 (number of 1 3s)
1 (number of 1 4s)
0 (number of 1 5s)
0 (number of 1 6s)
0 (number of 1 7s)
1 (number of 1 8s)
1 (number of 16 16s)
I'd appreciate if someone can help me with the calculation.

First you need to create two columns with all possible combinations:
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
16 16
Let's assume these are in columns C,D and your data are in columns A, B, in rows 1 to 1000. Then you can use an array formula:
You must press Shift+Ctrl+Enter when entering array formula.


How to sum values of two columns by an ID column, keeping some columns with repeated values and excluding others?

I need to organize a large df adding values of a column by a column ID (the ID is not sequencial), keeping some columns of the df that have repeated values by ID and excluding column that have different values by ID. Below I inserted a reproducible example and the output I need. I think there is a simple way to do that, but I am not soo familiar with R.
ID spp effort generalist specialist
1 a 10 1 0
1 b 10 1 0
1 c 10 0 1
1 d 10 0 1
2 a 16 1 0
2 b 16 1 0
2 e 16 0 1
"), header = TRUE)
The output I need:
ID effort generalist specialist
1 10 2 2
2 16 2 1

iterrows() of 2 columns and save results in one column

in my data frame I want to iterrows() of two columns but want to save result in 1 column.for example df is
x y
5 10
30 445
70 32
expected output is
points sequence
5 1
10 2
30 1
445 2
I know about iterrows() but it saved out put in two different columns.How can I get expected output and is there any way to generate sequence number according to condition? any help will be appreciated.
First never use iterrows, because really slow.
If want 1, 2 sequence by number of columns convert values to numy array by DataFrame.to_numpy and add numpy.ravel, then for sequence use numpy.tile:
df = pd.DataFrame({'points': df.to_numpy().ravel(),
'sequence': np.tile([1,2], len(df))})
print (df)
points sequence
0 5 1
1 10 2
2 30 1
3 445 2
4 70 1
5 32 2
Do this way:
>>> pd.DataFrame([i[1] for i in df.iterrows()])
points sequence
0 5 1
1 10 2
2 30 1
3 445 2

Compute element overlap based on another column, pandas

If I have a dataframe of the form:
tag element_id
1 12
1 13
1 15
2 12
2 13
2 19
3 12
3 15
3 22
how can I compute the overlaps of the tags in terms of the element_id ? The result I guess should be an overlap matrix of the form:
1 2 3
1 X 2 2
2 2 X 1
3 2 1 X
where I put X on the diagonal since the overlap of a tag with itself is not relevant and where the numbers in the matrix represent the total element_ids that the two tags share.
My attempts:
You can try and use a for loop like :
for item in df.itertuples():
element_lst += [item.element_id]
element_tag = item.tag
# then intersect the element_list row by row.
# This is extremely costly for large datasets
The second thing I was thinking about was to use df.groupby('tag') and try to somehow intersect on element_id, but it is not clear to me how I can do that with grouped data.
merge + crosstab
# Find element overlap, remove same tag matches
res = df.merge(df, on='element_id').query('tag_x != tag_y')
pd.crosstab(res.tag_x, res.tag_y)
tag_y 1 2 3
1 0 2 2
2 2 0 1
3 2 1 0

how to calculate the specific accumulated amount in t-sql

For each row, I need to calculate the integer part from dividing by 4. For each subsequent row, we add the remainder of the division by 4 previous and current lines and look at the whole part and the remainders from dividing by 4. Consider the example below:
id val
1 22
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 1
6 6
7 1
After dividing by 4, we look at the whole part and the remainders. For each id we add up the accumulated points until they are divided by 4:
id val wh1 rem1 wh2 rem2 RESULT(wh1+wh2)
1 22 5 2 0 2 5
2 1 0 1 (3/4=0) 3%4=3 0
3 1 0 1 (4/4=1) 4%4=0 1
4 2 0 2 (2/4=0) 2%4=2 0
5 1 0 1 (3/4=0) 3%4=3 0
6 7 1 2 (5/4=1) 5%4=1 2
7 1 0 1 (2/4=0) 2%4=1 0
How can I get the next RESULT column with sql?
Data of project:!18/9e18f/2
The whole part from the division into 4 is easy, the problem is to calculate the accumulated remains for each id, and to calculate which of them will also be divided into 4

if statement in excel, adding 1 if cell with text but

I am creating an excel sheet that has three columns. Detail, month and month count
1 -- I would like for the formula to look at the detail column and if there is text add the previous cell number plus 1 to new month count, if not insert 0
2-- I would like the formula to add the previous cell before the cell with 0 and for the cell with 0 not to impact the other cells or reset the cells back to 1 witch is the problem am having
3-- I also need the formula to reset for every month from what ever number it was back to 0 or 1 depending if the new month first cell has text or not. for this I need the formula to look at the month column
This is what I have so far:
=IF(ISTEXT(G95), I94+ 1, 0)
The formula for the count column should be as follows.
Breakdown of how this works:
A2<>"" Will check if the detail column is populated
COUNTIF($B$1:B2,B2) will figure out how many entries are above this row that reference the same month.
COUNTIFS($A$1:A2,"",$B$1:B2,B2) Will find how many cells are blank provided that it also matches the month. This subtracted from the previous section gives you how many are not blank.
The IF will return 0 if the detail is empty.
Which returned the following data
Orderly Random
Det Mon Count Det Mon Count
X 1 1 2 0
X 1 2 X 1 1
X 1 3 X 1 2
1 0 2 0
X 1 4 X 2 1
X 2 1 X 1 3
X 2 2 X 1 4
2 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
2 0 2 0
3 0 3 0
X 3 1 X 3 1
3 0 1 0
X 3 2 3 0
X 3 3 X 1 5
3 0 X 2 2
X 3 4 X 3 2
3 0 3 0
X 3 5 3 0
X 3 6 2 0
It sounds like you want to keep a running total for the month count in the column and put a 0 if there is not text. If that is the case, you can put this formula in I95.
=IF(ISTEXT(G95),MAX($I$2:I94)+1, 0)