Smalltalk exotic features - smalltalk

Smalltalk syntax (and features) can be found pretty exotic (and even disturbing) when you come from a more C-like syntax world. I found myself losing time with some
I would be interested in learning knowing what you found really exotic compared to more classic/mainstream languages and that you think helps to understand the language.
For example, evaluation with logic operators :
(object1 = object2) & (object3 = object4) : this will evaluate the whole expression, even if the left part is false, the rest will be evaluated.
(object1 = object2) and: [object3 = object4] : this will evaluate the left part, and only will evaluate the right part if the first is true.

Everything is an object, and everything above the VM's available for inspection and modification. (Primitives are part of the VM, conceptually at least.) Even your call stack's available (thisContext) - Seaside implemented continuations back in the day by simply swizzling down the call stack into a stream, and restoring it (returning to the continuation) by simply reading out activation frames from that stream!
You can construct a selector from a string and turn it into a Symbol and send it as a message: self perform: 'this', 'That' will do the same thing as self thisThat. (But don't do this, for the same reasons you should avoid eval in both Lisps and PHP: very hard to debug!)
Message passing: it's not method invocation!
#become: is probably a bit of a shock to anyone who hasn't seen it before. (tl;dr a wholesale swapping of two object pointers - all references to B now point to A, and all references to A now point to B)

<primitive 14122 wtf>
"fail and execute the following"
[self] inlineCopyInject: [:t1 | self].

My first wrestling session with Smalltalk was the metaclass implementation.
Consider this:
What is the class of 'This is a string'? Well, something like String.
What is the class of String? String class. Note: this is a class, but it has no name, it just prints itself as 'String class'.
What is the class of String class? Metaclass. Note: this is a named class.
What is the class of Metaclass? As you might expect (or not) this is Metaclass class. Of which, again as you might expect, the class is Metaclass again.
This is the first circularity. Another one which I found rather esoteric at first (of course, now I eat metaclasses for breakfast) is the next one:
What is the superclass of String? Object (eventually, different implementations of Smalltalk have different class hierarchies of these basic classes).
What is the superclass of Object? nil. Now this is an interesting answer in Smalltalk, because it actually is an object! nil class answers UndefinedObject. Of which the superclass is ... Object.
Navigating through the superclass and instance of relations was a real rollercoster ride for me in those days...

How about selective breakpointing (which I actually use at times):
thisContext sender selector == #bar ifTrue:[ self halt ].
will debug itself, but only if called from bar. Useful, if foo is called for from zillion other places and a regular breakpoint hits too often.

I've always been fond of the Smalltalk quine:
^thisContext method getSource
(Pharo version.)


implementing "this" / "self" in a custom interpreted programming language

I'm working on a custom interpreter for fun ;)
What I have so far is assigning variables, defining and calling functions, arrays, loops, if blocks etc...
I've started adding OOP elements to my language and I'm having trouble implementing the "this" / "self" keyword.
I just cannot figure out a solution to this problem.
I've thought about a few solutions:
a class stores it's instances (as a dictionary) and when the "this" keyword appears, the interpreter ignores "private" and "public" keywords (to call a private method from a public one), creates a call to the method referenced by "this" and returns.
the "this" keyword is a reference which under the hood is the instance itself, but the method access modifiers are dropped for that call. this is similar to the first one, but I cannot think of anything better.
Also it would be nice if you knew C# (primarly) or C++, since I'm heavily relying on OOP to create my interpreter.
heres a small sample of code that I would like to implement:
struct Dog has
pub prop age;
prv def bark() do
println "woof woof";
pub def run(dist) do
loop 0 to $dist with "d" do
println ("the dog ran " + string $d) + " meters";
def main(args) do
new Dog -> $dog;
7 -> $dog.age;
println $dog.age;
$ 30;
notice that the bark() method is "prv" (private). I would like to know how can I make the struct be aware of it's instances so I can make the dog bark each time it runs (calling a private method from a public method).
Thanks in advance
Your interpreter is going to need to keep an execution stack and environment (otherwise you wouldn't know where to return to after a method is finished, etc.).
In this execution stack/env, apart from a function pointer/signature, you'd also keep the object the method is being invoked on (if any, remember about static-like functions).
This reference that you'd store would then be also accessed when de-referencing $this. And actually this is both part 1 and 2 of your idea - you could put some kind of checks like visibility of methods etc. there.
Good luck, sounds like a fun project!

Kotlin syntax issue

Sorry for the terrible title, but I can't seem to find an allowable way to ask this question, because I don't know how to refer to the code constructs I am looking at.
Looking at this file:
I don't understand what is going on here:
override fun update(entity: GameEntity<out EntityType>, context: GameContext): Boolean {
val (_, _, uiEvent, player) = context
I can understand some things.
We are overriding the update function, which is defined in the Behavior class, which is a superclass of this class.
The update function accepts two parameters. A GameEntity named entity, and a GameContext called context.
The function returns a Boolean result.
However, I do not understand the next line at all. Just open and close parentheses, two underscores as the first two parameters, and then an assignment to the context argument. What is it we are assigning the value of context to?
Based on IDE behavior, apparently the open-close parentheses are related to the constructor for GameContext. But I would not know that otherwise. I also don't understand what the meaning is of the underscores in the argument list.
And finally, I have read about the declaration-site variance keyword "out", but I don't really understand what it means here. We have GameEntity<out EntityType>. So as I understand it, that means this method produces EntityType, but does not consume it. How is that demonstrated in this code?
val (_, _, uiEvent, player) = context
You are extracting the 3rd and 4th value from the context and ignoring the first two.
Compare .
About out: i don't see it being used in the code snippet you're showing. You might want to show the full method.
Also, maybe it is there only for the purpose of overriding the method, to match the signature of the function.
To cover the little bit that Incubbus's otherwise-great answer missed:
In the declaration
override fun update(entity: GameEntity<out EntityType>, // …
the out means that you could call the function and pass a GameEntity<SubclassOfEntityType> (or even a SubclassOfGameEntity<SubclassOfEntityType>).
With no out, you'd have to pass a GameEntity<EntityType> (or a SubclassOfGameEntity<EntityType>).
I guess that's inherited from the superclass method that you're overriding.  After all, if the superclass method could be called with a GameEntity<SubclassOfEntityType>, then your override will need to handle that too.  (The Liskov substitution principle in action!)

Smalltalk: How primitives are implemented?

I know that everything is an object and you send messages to objects in Smalltalk to do almost everything.
Now how can we implement an object (memory representation and basic operations) to represent a primitive data type? For example how + for integers is implemented?
I looked at the source code for Smalltalk and found this in Can someone explain this piece of code?
+ arg [
"Sum the receiver and arg and answer another Number"
<category: 'built ins'>
<primitive: VMpr_SmallInteger_plus>
^self generality == arg generality
ifFalse: [self retrySumCoercing: arg]
ifTrue: [(LargeInteger fromInteger: self) + (LargeInteger fromInteger: arg)]
Here is the link of above code:
Conceptually speaking primitive methods are pieces of behavior (routines) implemented by the Virtual Machine (VM), not by regular Smalltalk code.
When the Smalltalk compiler finds the statement <primitive: ...> it interprets this as an special type of method whose argument (in your case VMpr_SmallInteger_plus) indicates the integer index of the target routine within the VM.
In this sense a primitive is a global routine not bound to the MethodDictionary of any particular class. The primitive logic is intended for a receiver and arguments of certain classes and that's why it must check that the receiver and the arguments (if any) conform its requirements. If not, the primitive fails and in that case the control flows to the Smalltalk code that follows the <primitive: ...> statement. Otherwise the primitive succeeds and the Smalltalk code below is not executed. Note also that the compiler will not allow for any Smalltalk code other than temporary declaration occurring above the <primitive:...> sentence.
In your example, if the argument arg is not of the expected class (presumably a SmallInteger) the routine gives up trying to sum it to the receiver and delegates the resolution of the operation to the Smalltalk code.
If the argument happens to be a SmallInteger, the primitive will compute the result (using the routine held in the VM) and answer with it.
I haven't seen the code of this primitive but it could also happen that the primitive fails if the result of the sum does not fit in a SmallInteger, in which case both the receiver and the argument would be cast to LargeIntegers and the addition would take place in the #+ method of the appropriate class (LargePositiveInteger or LargeNegativeInteger).
The other branch of the Smalltalk code allows for the implementation of a polymorphic sum between a SmallInteger and any other type of object. For instance this part of the Smalltalk code would take place if you evaluate 3 + 4.0 because in this case the argument is a Float. Something similar happens if you evaluate 3 + (4 / 3), etc.

Is it OK to leave the [ and ] out for messages like at:ifAbsent: if you don't need a full block?

In Smalltalk (and specifically Pharo/Squeak) I want to know if it is OK to leave out the "[" and "]" for the argument to messages like at:ifAbsent: if you don't need a block, like this;
^ bookTitles at: bookID ifAbsent: ''.
^ books at: bookID ifAbsent: nil.
the code works because (in Pharo/Squeak) Object>>value just returns self. But I want to know how accepted this use is or if you should always type the [ and ] even when you don't care if the argument is evaluated quickly or more than once.
The signature:
at: key ifAbsent: aBlock
declares an intention of using a block as a 2nd parameter...
But Smalltalk is not a strongly typed language, so, what kind of objects can you pass there? any kind that understand the message #value, so, be careful about each particular meaning of #value in each case, but take advantages of polymorphism!
Not all Smalltalk dialects implement #value on Object out of the box, so your code might not run on other Smalltalk dialects, IF you hand in an object that does not understand #value.
It is okay to pass objects of whatever kind as long as you know that what #value does is what you expect,
Your code may look strange to people who come from other smalltalk dialects or are new to Smalltallk, because they learned that what you pass in here is a Block, but so does sending messages like #join: to a Collection of Strings...
In the end, I'd say don't worry if portability is not a major issue to you.
This is what Pharo’s Code Critics say about similar situations:
Non-blocks in special messages:
Checks for methods that don't use blocks in the special messages.
People new to Smalltalk might write code such as: "aBoolean ifTrue:
(self doSomething)" instead of the correct version: "aBoolean ifTrue:
[self doSomething]". Even if these pieces of code could be correct,
they cannot be optimized by the compiler.
This rule can be found in Optimization, so you could probably ignore it, but i think it is nicer anyway to use a block.
at:ifAbsent: is not triggered by this rule. And it is not optimized by the compiler. So optimization is no reason to use blocks in this case.
I would say that it is not a good idea to leave them out. The argument will be evaluated eagerly if you leave out the parens, and will be sent #value. So if "slef doSomething" has side-effects, that would be bad. It could also be bad if #value does something you don't expect e.g. the perhaps contrived
bookTitles at: bookID ifAbsent: 'Missing title' -> 'ISBN-000000'
If your code works and you are the only person to view the source, then its ok. If others are to view the source then I would say a empty block [] would have been more readable. But generally speaking if you really care about bugs its a good idea not to venture outside standard practices because there is no way to guarantee that you wont have any problem.

Smalltalk type system

I'm very new to Smalltalk and would like to understand a few things and confirm others (in order to see if I'm getting the idea or not):
1) In Smalltalk variables are untyped?
2) The only "type check" in Smalltalk occurs when a message is sent and the inheritance hierarchy is climbed up in order to bind the message to a method? And in case the class Object is reached it throws a run time error because the method doesn't exist?
3) There are no coercions because there are no types...?
4) Is it possible to overload methods or operators?
5) Is there some kind of Genericity? I mean, parametric polymorphism?
6) Is there some kind of compatibility/equivalence check for arguments when a message is sent? or when a variable is assigned?
Most questions probably have very short answers (If I'm in the right direction).
1) Variables have no declared types. They are all implicitly references to objects. The objects know what kind they are.
2) There is no implicit type check but you can do explicit checks if you like. Check out the methods isMemberOf: and isKindOf:.
3) Correct. There is no concept of coercion.
4) Operators are just messages. Any object can implement any method so, yes it has overloading.
5) Smalltalk is the ultimate in generic. Variables and collections can contain any object. Languages that have "generics" make the variables and collections more specific. Go figure. Polymorphism is based on the class of the receiver. To do multiple polymorphism use double dispatching.
6) There are no implicit checks. You can add your own explicit checks as needed.
Answer 3) you can change the type of an object using messages like #changeClassTo:, #changeClassToThatOf:, and #adoptInstance:. There are, of course caveats on what can be converted to what. See the method comments.
For the sake of completion, an example from the Squeak image:
Integer>>+ aNumber
"Refer to the comment in Number + "
aNumber isInteger ifTrue:
[self negative == aNumber negative
ifTrue: [^ (self digitAdd: aNumber) normalize]
ifFalse: [^ self digitSubtract: aNumber]].
aNumber isFraction ifTrue:
[^Fraction numerator: self * aNumber denominator + aNumber numerator denominator: aNumber denominator].
^ aNumber adaptToInteger: self andSend: #+
This shows:
that classes work as some kind of 'practical typing', effectively differentiating things that can be summed (see below).
a case of explicitly checking for Type/Class. Of course, if the parameter is not an Integer or Fraction, and does_not_understand #adaptToInteger:andSend:, it will raise a DNU (doesNotUnderstand see below).
some kind of 'coercion' going on, but not implicitly. The last line:
^aNumber adaptToInteger: self andSend: #+
asks the argument to the method to do the appropriate thing to add himself to an integer. This can involve asking the original receiver to return, say, a version of himself as a Float.
(doesn't really show, but insinuates) that #+ is defined in more than one class. Operators are defined as regular methods, they're called binary methods. The difference is some Smalltalk dialects limit them up to two chars length, and their precedence.
an example of dispatching on the type of the receiver and the argument. It uses double dispatch (see 3).
an explicit check where it's needed. Object can be seen as having types (classes), but variables are not. They just hold references to any object, as Smalltalk is dynamically typed.
This also shows that much of Smalltalk is implemented in Smalltalk itself, so the image is always a good place to look for this kind of things.
About DNU errors, they are actually a bit more involved:
When the search reaches the top class in the inheritance chain (presumably ProtoObject) and the method is not found, a #doesNotUndertand: message is sent to the object, with the message not understood as parameter) in case it wants to handle the miss. If #doesNotUnderstand: is not implemented, the lookup once again climbs up to Object, where its implementation is to throw an error.
Note: I'm not sure about the equivalence between Classes and Types, so I tried to be careful about that point.