Cost of logic in a query - sql

I have a query that looks something like this:
select xmlelement("rootNode",
when XH.ID is not null then
xmlelement("xhID", XH.ID)
xmlelement("xhID", xmlattributes('true' AS "xsi:nil"), XH.ID)
when XH.SER_NUM is not null then
xmlelement("serialNumber", XH.SER_NUM)
xmlelement("serialNumber", xmlattributes('true' AS "xsi:nil"), XH.SER_NUM)
/*repeat this pattern for many more columns from the same table...*/
It's ugly and I don't like it, and it is also the slowest executing query (there are others of similar form, but much smaller and they aren't causing any major problems - yet). Maintenance is relatively easy as this is mostly a generated query, but my concern now is for performance. I am wondering how much of an overhead there is for all of these case expressions.
To see if there was any difference, I wrote another version of this query as:
select xmlelement("rootNode",
xmlforest(XH.ID, XH.SER_NUM,...
(I know that this query does not produce exactly the same, thing, my plan was to move the logic for handling the renaming and xsi:nil attribute to XSL or maybe to PL/SQL)
I tried to get execution plans for both versions, but they are the same. I'm guessing that the logic does not get factored into the execution plan. My gut tells me the second version should execute faster, but I'd like some way to prove that (other than writing a PL/SQL test function with timing statements before and after the query and running that code over and over again to get a test sample).
Is it possible to get a good idea of how much the case-when will cost?
Also, I could write the case-when using the decode function instead. Would that perform better (than case-statements)?

Just about anything in your SELECT list, unless it is a user-defined function which reads a table or view, or a nested subselect, can usually be neglected for the purpose of analyzing your query's performance.
Open your connection properties and set the value SET STATISTICS IO on. Check out how many reads are happening. View the query plan. Are your indexes being used properly? Do you know how to analyze the plan to see?

For the purposes of performance tuning you are dealing with this statement:
How does that query perform? If it returns in markedly less time than the XML version then you need to consider the performance of the functions, but I would astonished if that were the case (oh ho!).
Does this return one row or several? If one row then you have only two things to work with:
is XH.ID indexed and, if so, is the index being used?
does the "many more columns from the same table" indicate a problem with chained rows?
If the query returns several rows then ... Well, actually you have the same two things to work with. It's just the emphasis is different with regards to indexes. If the index has a very poor clustering factor then it could be faster to avoid using the index in favour of a full table scan.
Beyond that you would need to look at physical problems - I/O bottlenecks, poor interconnects, a dodgy disk. The reason why your scope for tuning the query is so restricted is because - as presented - it is a single table, single column read. Most tuning is about efficient joining. Now if XH transpires to be a view over a complex query then it is a different matter.

You can use good old tkprof to analyze statistics. One of the many forms of ALTER SESSION that turn on stats gathering. The DBMS_PROFILER package also gathers statistics if your cursor is in a PL/SQL code block.


How to improve query performance

I have a lot of records in table. When I execute the following query it takes a lot of time. How can I improve the performance?
,Sprovider.description as SProvider
FROM Stxn,Sprovider
WHERE Stxn.SproviderID = SProvider.Sproviderid
AND Stxn.SProviderid = ISNULL(#pSProviderID,Stxn.SProviderid)
AND Stxn.status = ISNULL(#pStatus,Stxn.status)
AND Stxn.CreatedOn BETWEEN ISNULL(#pStartDate,getdate()-1) and ISNULL(#pEndDate,getdate())
AND Stxn.CreatedBy = ISNULL(#pSellerId,Stxn.CreatedBy)
The stxn table has more than 100,000 records.
The query is run from a report viewer in c#.
This is my go-to article when I'm trying to do a search query that has several search conditions which might be optional.
The biggest problem with your query is the column=ISNULL(#column, column) syntax. MSSQL won't use an index for that. Consider changing it to (column = #column AND #column IS NOT NULL)
You should consider using the execution plan and look for missing indexes. Also, how long it takes to execute? What is slow for you?
Maybe you could also not return so many rows, but that is just a guess. Actually we need to see your table and indexes plus the execution plan.
Check sql-tuning-tutorial
For one, use SELECT TOP () instead of SET ROWCOUNT - the optimizer will have a much better chance that way. Another suggestion is to use a proper inner join instead of potentially ending up with a cartesian product using the old style table,table join syntax (this is not the case here but it can happen much easier with the old syntax). Should be:
FROM Stxn INNER JOIN Sprovider
ON Stxn.SproviderID = SProvider.Sproviderid
And if you think 100K rows is a lot, or that this volume is a reason for slowness, you're sorely mistaken. Most likely you have really poor indexing strategies in place, possibly some parameter sniffing, possibly some implicit conversions... hard to tell without understanding the data types, indexes and seeing the plan.
There are a lot of things that could impact the performance of query. Although 100k records really isn't all that many.
Items to consider (in no particular order)
Is SQL Server memory constrained? In other words, does it have enough RAM to do its job? If it is swapping memory to disk, then this is a sure sign that you need an upgrade.
Is the machine disk constrained. In other words, are the drives fast enough to keep up with the queries you need to run? If it's memory constrained, then disk speed becomes a larger factor.
Is the machine processor constrained? For example, when you execute the query does the processor spike for long periods of time? Or, are there already lots of other queries running that are taking resources away from yours...
Database Structure:
Do you have indexes on the columns used in your where clause? If the tables do not have indexes then it will have to do a full scan of both tables to determine which records match.
Eliminate the ISNULL function calls. If this is a direct query, have the calling code validate the parameters and set default values before executing. If it is in a stored procedure, do the checks at the top of the s'proc. Unless you are executing this with RECOMPILE that does parameter sniffing, those functions will have to be evaluated for each row..
Is the network slow between you and the server? Depending on the amount of data pulled you could be pulling GB's of data across the wire. I'm not sure what is stored in the "raw" column. The first question you need to ask here is "how much data is going back to the client?" For example, if each record is 1MB+ in size, then you'll probably have disk and network constraints at play.
I'm not sure what "slow" means in your question. Does it mean that the query is taking around 1 second to process or does it mean it's taking 5 minutes? Everything is relative here.
Basically, it is going to be impossible to give a hard answer without a lot of questions asked by you. All of these will bear out if you profile the queries, understand what and how much is going back to the client and watch the interactions amongst the various parts.
Finally depending on the amount of data going back to the client there might not be a way to improve performance short of hardware changes.
Make sure Stxn.SproviderID, Stxn.status, Stxn.CreatedOn, Stxn.CreatedBy, Stxn.StxnID and SProvider.Sproviderid all have indexes defined.
(NB -- you might not need all, but it can't hurt.)
I don't see much that can be done on the query itself, but I can see things being done on the schema :
Create an index / PK on Stxn.SproviderID
Create an index / PK on SProvider.Sproviderid
Create indexes on status, CreatedOn, CreatedBy, StxnID
Something to consider: When ROWCOUNT or TOP are used with an ORDER BY clause, the entire result set is created and sorted first and then the top 10 results are returned.
How does this run without the Order By clause?

LEFT JOIN vs. multiple SELECT statements

I am working on someone else's PHP code and seeing this pattern over and over:
result = SELECT blah1, blah2, foreign_key FROM foo WHERE key=bar
if foreign_key > 0
other_result = SELECT something FROM foo2 WHERE key=foreign_key
The code needs to branch if there is no related row in the other table, but couldn't this be done better by doing a LEFT JOIN in a single SELECT statement? Am I missing some performance benefit? Portability issue? Or am I just nitpicking?
This is definitely wrong. You are going over the wire a second time for no reason. DBs are very fast at their problem space. Joining tables is one of those and you'll see more of a performance degradation from the second query then the join. Unless your tablespace is hundreds of millions of records, this is not a good idea.
There is not enough information to really answer the question. I've worked on applications where decreasing the query count for one reason and increasing the query count for another reason both gave performance improvements. In the same application!
For certain combinations of table size, database configuration and how often the foreign table would be queried, doing the two queries can be much faster than a LEFT JOIN. But experience and testing is the only thing that will tell you that. MySQL with moderately large tables seems to be susceptable to this, IME. Performing three queries on one table can often be much faster than one query JOINing the three. I've seen speedups of an order of magnitude.
I'm with you - a single SQL would be better
There's a danger of treating your SQL DBMS as if it was a ISAM file system, selecting from a single table at a time. It might be cleaner to use a single SELECT with the outer join. On the other hand, detecting null in the application code and deciding what to do based on null vs non-null is also not completely clean.
One advantage of a single statement - you have fewer round trips to the server - especially if the SQL is prepared dynamically each time the other result is needed.
On average, then, a single SELECT statement is better. It gives the optimizer something to do and saves it getting too bored as well.
It seems to me that what you're saying is fairly valid - why fire off two calls to the database when one will do - unless both records are needed independently as objects(?)
Of course while it might not be as simple code wise to pull it all back in one call from the database and separate out the fields into the two separate objects, it does mean that you're only dependent on the database for one call rather than two...
This would be nicer to read as a query:
Select a.blah1, a.blah2, b.something From foo a Left Join foo2 b On a.foreign_key = b.key Where a.Key = bar;
And this way you can check you got a result in one go and have the database do all the heavy lifting in one query rather than two...
Yeah, I think it seems like what you're saying is correct.
The most likely explanation is that the developer simply doesn't know how outer joins work. This is very common, even among developers who are quite experienced in their own specialty.
There's also a widespread myth that "queries with joins are slow." So many developers blindly avoid joins at all costs, even to the extreme of running multiple queries where one would be better.
The myth of avoiding joins is like saying we should avoid writing loops in our application code, because running a line of code multiple times is obviously slower than running it once. To say nothing of the "overhead" of ++i and testing i<20 during every iteration!
You are completely correct that the single query is the way to go. To add some value to the other answers offered let me add this axiom: "Use the right tool for the job, the Database server should handle the querying work, the code should handle the procedural work."
The key idea behind this concept is that the compiler/query optimizers can do a better job if they know the entire problem domain instead of half of it.
Considering that in one database hit you have all the data you need having one single SQL statement would be better performance 99% of the time. Not sure if the connections is being creating dynamically in this case or not but if so doing so is expensive. Even if the process if reusing existing connections the DBMS is not getting optimize the queries be best way and not really making use of the relationships.
The only way I could ever see doing the calls like this for performance reasons is if the data being retrieved by the foreign key is a large amount and it is only needed in some cases. But in the sample you describe it just grabs it if it exists so this is not the case and therefore not gaining any performance.
The only "gotcha" to all of this is if the result set to work with contains a lot of joins, or even nested joins.
I've had two or three instances now where the original query I was inheriting consisted of a single query that had so a lot of joins in it and it would take the SQL a good minute to prepare the statement.
I went back into the procedure, leveraged some table variables (or temporary tables) and broke the query down into a lot of the smaller single select type statements and constructed the final result set in this manner.
This update dramatically fixed the response time, down to a few seconds, because it was easier to do a lot of simple "one shots" to retrieve the necessary data.
I'm not trying to object for objections sake here, but just to point out that the code may have been broken down to such a granular level to address a similar issue.
A single SQL query would lead in more performance as the SQL server (Which sometimes doesn't share the same location) just needs to handle one request, if you would use multiple SQL queries then you introduce a lot of overhead:
Executing more CPU instructions,
sending a second query to the server,
create a second thread on the server,
execute possible more CPU instructions
on the sever, destroy a second thread
on the server, send the second results
There might be exceptional cases where the performance could be better, but for simple things you can't reach better performance by doing a bit more work.
Doing a simple two table join is usually the best way to go after this problem domain, however depending on the state of the tables and indexing, there are certain cases where it may be better to do the two select statements, but typically I haven't run into this problem until I started approaching 3-5 joined tables, not just 2.
Just make sure you have covering indexes on both tables to ensure you aren't scanning the disk for all records, that is the biggest performance hit a database gets (in my limited experience)
You should always try to minimize the number of query to the database when you can. Your example is perfect for only 1 query. This way you will be able later to cache more easily or to handle more request in same time because instead of always using 2-3 query that require a connexion, you will have only 1 each time.
There are many cases that will require different solutions and it isn't possible to explain all together.
Join scans both the tables and loops to match the first table record in second table. Simple select query will work faster in many cases as It only take cares for the primary/unique key(if exists) to search the data internally.

Surprising SQL speed increase

I’ve just found out that the execution plan performance between the following two select statements are massively different:
select * from your_large_table
where LEFT(some_string_field, 4) = '2505'
select * from your_large_table
where some_string_field like '2505%'
The execution plans are 98% and 2% respectively. Bit of a difference in speed then. I was actually shocked when I saw it.
I've always done LEFT(xxx) = 'yyy' as it reads well.
I actually found this out by checking the LINQ generated SQL against my hand crafted SQL. I assumed the LIKE command would be slower, but is in fact much much faster.
My question is why is the LEFT() slower than the LIKE '%..'. They are afterall identical?
Also, is there a CPU hit by using LEFT()?
More generally speaking, you should never use a function on the LEFT side of a WHERE clause in a query. If you do, SQL won't use an index--it has to evaluate the function for every row of the table. The goal is to make sure that your where clause is "Sargable"
Some other examples:
Bad: Select ... WHERE isNull(FullName,'') = 'Ed Jones'
Fixed: Select ... WHERE ((FullName = 'Ed Jones') OR (FullName IS NULL))
Bad: Select ... WHERE SUBSTRING(DealerName,4) = 'Ford'
Fixed: Select ... WHERE DealerName Like 'Ford%'
Bad: Select ... WHERE DateDiff(mm,OrderDate,GetDate()) >= 30
Fixed: Select ... WHERE OrderDate < DateAdd(mm,-30,GetDate())
Bad: Select ... WHERE Year(OrderDate) = 2003
Fixed: Select ... WHERE OrderDate >= '2003-1-1' AND OrderDate < '2004-1-1'
It looks like the expression LEFT(some_string_field, 4) is evaluated for every row of a full table scan, while the "like" expression will use the index.
Optimizing "like" to use an index if it is a front-anchored pattern is a much easier optimization than analyzing arbitrary expressions involving string functions.
There's a huge impact on using function calls in where clauses as SQL Server must calculate the result for each row. On the other hand, like is a built in language feature which is highly optimized.
If you use a function on a column with an index then the db no longer uses the index (at least with Oracle anyway)
So I am guessing that your example field 'some_string_field' has an index on it which doesn't get used for the query with 'LEFT'
Why do you say they are identical? They might solve the same problem, but their approach is different. At least it seems like that...
The query using LEFT optimizes the test, since it already knows about the length of the prefix and etc., so in a C/C++/... program or without an index, an algorithm using LEFT to implement a certain LIKE behavior would be the fastest. But contrasted to most non-declarative languages, on a SQL database, a lot op optimizations are done for you. For example LIKE is probably implemented by first looking for the % sign and if it is noticed that the % is the last char in the string, the query can be optimized much in the same way as you did using LEFT, but directly using an index.
So, indeed I think you were right after all, they probably are identical in their approach. The only difference being that the db server can use an index in the query using LIKE because there is not a function transforming the column value to something unknown in the WHERE clause.
What happened here is either that the RDBMS is not capable of using an index on the LEFT() predicate and is capable of using it on the LIKE, or it simply made the wrong call in which would be the more appropriate access method.
Firstly, it may be true for some RDBMSs that applying a function to a column prevents an index-based access method from being used, but that is not a universal truth, nor is there any logical reason why it needs to be. An index-based access method (such as Oracle's full index scan or fast full index scan) might be beneficial but in some cases the RDBMS is not capable of the operation in the context of a function-based predicate.
Secondly, the optimiser may simply get the arithmetic wrong in estimating the benefits of the different available access methods. Assuming that the system can perform an index-based access method it has first to make an estimate of the number of rows that will match the predicate, either from statistics on the table, statistics on the column, by sampling the data at parse time, or be using a heuristic rule (eg. "assume 5% of rows will match"). Then it has to assess the relative costs of a full table scan or the available index-based methods. Sometimes it will get the arithmetic wrong, sometimes the statistics will be misleading or innaccurate, and sometimes the heuristic rules will not be appropriate for the data set.
The key point is to be aware of a number of issues:
What operations can your RDBMS support?
What would be the most appropriate operation in the
case you are working with?
Is the system's choice correct?
What can be done to either allow the system to perform a more efficient operation (eg. add a missing not null constraint, update the statistics etc)?
In my experience this is not a trivial task, and is often best left to experts. Or on the other hand, just post the problem to Stackoverflow -- some of us find this stuff fascinating, dog help us.
As #BradC mentioned, you shouldn't use functions in a WHERE clause if you have indexes and want to take advantage of them.
If you read the section entitled "Use LIKE instead of LEFT() or SUBSTRING() in WHERE clauses when Indexes are present" from these SQL Performance Tips, there are more examples.
It also hints at questions you'll encounter on the MCSE SQL Server 2012 exams if you're interested in taking those too. :-)

Is a dynamic sql stored procedure a bad thing for lots of records?

I have a table with almost 800,000 records and I am currently using dynamic sql to generate the query on the back end. The front end is a search page which takes about 20 parameters and depending on if a parameter was chosen, it adds an " AND ..." to the base query. I'm curious as to if dynamic sql is the right way to go ( doesn't seem like it because it runs slow). I am contemplating on just creating a denormalized table with all my data. Is this a good idea or should I just build the query all together instead of building it piece by piece using the dynamic sql. Last thing, is there a way to speed up dynamic sql?
It is more likely that your indexing (or lack thereof) is causing the slowness than the dynamic SQL.
What does the execution plan look like? Is the same query slow when executed in SSMS? What about when it's in a stored procedure?
If your table is an unindexed heap, it will perform poorly as the number of records grows - this is regardless of the query, and a dynamic query can actually perform better as the table nature changes because a dynamic query is more likely to have its query plan re-evaluated when it's not in the cache. This is not normally an issue (and I would not classify it as a design advantage of dynamic queries) except in the early stages of a system when SPs have not been recompiled, but statistics and query plans are out of date, but the volume of data has just drastically changed.
Not the static one yet. I have with the dynamic query, but it does not give any optimizations. If I ran it with the static query and it gave suggestions, would applying them affect the dynamic query? – Xaisoft (41 mins ago)
Yes, the dynamic query (EXEC (#sql)) is probably not going to be analyzed unless you analyzed a workload file. – Cade Roux (33 mins ago)
When you have a search query across multiple tables that are joined, the columns with indexes need to be the search columns as well as the primary key/foreign key columns - but it depends on the cardinality of the various tables. The tuning analyzer should show this. – Cade Roux (22 mins ago)
I'd just like to point out that if you use this style of optional parameters:
AND (#EarliestDate is Null OR PublishedDate < #EarliestDate)
The query optimizer will have no idea whether the parameter is there or not when it produces the query plan. I have seen cases where the optimizer makes bad choices in these cases. A better solution is to build the sql that uses only the parameters you need. The optimizer will make the most efficient execution plan in these cases. Be sure to use parameterized queries so that they are reusable in the plan cache.
As previous answer, check your indexes and plan.
The question is whether you are using a stored procedure. It's not obvious from the way you worded it. A stored procedure creates a query plan when run, and keeps that plan until recompiled. With varying SQL, you may be stuck with a bad query plan. You could do several things:
1) Add WITH RECOMPILE to the SP definition, which will cause a new plan to be generated with every execution. This includes some overhead, which may be acceptable.
2) Use separate SP's, depending on the parameters provided. This will allow better query plan caching
3) Use client generated SQL. This will create a query plan each time. If you use parameterized queries, this may allow you to use cached query plans.
The only difference between "dynamic" and "static" SQL is the parsing/optimization phase. Once those are done, the query will run identically.
For simple queries, this parsing phase plus the network traffic turns out to be a significant percentage of the total transaction time, so it's good practice to try and reduce these times.
But for large, complicated queries, this processing is overall insignificant compared to the actual path chosen by the optimizer.
I would focus on optimizing the query itself, including perhaps denormalization if you feel that it's appropriate, though I wouldn't do that on a first go around myself.
Sometimes the denormalization can be done at "run time" in the application using cached lookup tables, for example, rather than maintaining this o the database.
Not a fan of dynamic Sql but if you are stuck with it, you should probably read this article:
He really goes in depth on the best ways to use dynamic SQL and the isues using it can create.
As others have said, indexing is the most likely culprit. In indexing, one thing people often forget to do is put an index on the FK fields. Since a PK creates an index automatically, many assume an FK will as well. Unfortunately creating an FK does nto create an index. So make sure that any fields you join on are indexed.
There may be better ways to create your dynamic SQL but without seeing the code it is hard to say. I would at least look to see if it is using subqueries and replace them with derived table joins instead. Also any dynamic SQl that uses a cursor is bound to be slow.
If the parameters are optional, a trick that's often used is to create a procedure like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE GetArticlesByAuthor (
#AuthorId int,
#EarliestDate datetime = Null )
SELECT * --not in production code!
FROM Articles
WHERE AuthorId = #AuthorId
AND (#EarliestDate is Null OR PublishedDate < #EarliestDate)
There are some good examples of queries with optional search criteria here: How do I create a stored procedure that will optionally search columns?
As noted, if you are doing a massive query, Indexes are the first bottleneck to look at. Make sure that heavily queried columns are indexed. Also, make sure that your query checks all indexed parameters before it checks un-indexed parameters. This makes sure that the results are filtered down using indexes first and then does the slow linear search only if it has to. So if col2 is indexed but col1 is not, it should look as follows:
WHERE col2 = #col2 AND col1 = #col1
You may be tempted to go overboard with indexes as well, but keep in mind that too many indexes can cause slow writes and massive disk usage, so don't go too too crazy.
I avoid dynamic queries if I can for two reasons. One, they do not save the query plan, so the statement gets compiled each time. The other is that they are hard to manipulate, test, and troubleshoot. (They just look ugly).
I like Dave Kemp's answer above.
I've had some success (in a limited number of instances) with the following logic:
CREATE PROCEDURE GetArticlesByAuthor (
#AuthorId int,
#EarliestDate datetime = Null
) AS
SELECT SomeColumn
FROM Articles
WHERE AuthorId = #AuthorId
AND #EarliestDate is Null
SELECT SomeColumn
FROM Articles
WHERE AuthorId = #AuthorId
AND PublishedDate < #EarliestDate
If you are trying to optimize to below the 1s range, it may be important to gauge approximately how long it takes to parse and compile the dynamic sql relative to the actual query execution time:
and then execute the dynamic SQL string "statically" and check the "Messages" tab. I was surprised by these results for a ~10 line dynamic sql query that returns two rows from a 1M row table:
SQL Server parse and compile time:
CPU time = 199 ms, elapsed time = 199 ms.
(2 row(s) affected)
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 4 ms.
Index optimization will doubtfully move the 199ms barrier much (except perhaps due to some analyzation/optimization included within the compile time).
However if the dynamic SQL uses parameters or is repeating than the compile results may be cached according to: See Caching Query Plans which would eliminate the compile time. Would be interesting to know how long cache entries live, size, shared between sessions, etc.

What generic techniques can be applied to optimize SQL queries?

What techniques can be applied effectively to improve the performance of SQL queries? Are there any general rules that apply?
Use primary keys
Avoid select *
Be as specific as you can when building your conditional statements
De-normalisation can often be more efficient
Table variables and temporary tables (where available) will often be better than using a large source table
Partitioned views
Employ indices and constraints
Learn what's really going on under the hood - you should be able to understand the following concepts in detail:
Indexes (not just what they are but actually how they work).
Clustered indexes vs heap allocated tables.
Text and binary lookups and when they can be in-lined.
Fill factor.
How records are ghosted for update/delete.
When page splits happen and why.
Statistics, and how they effect various query speeds.
The query planner, and how it works for your specific database (for instance on some systems "select *" is slow, on modern MS-Sql DBs the planner can handle it).
The biggest thing you can do is to look for table scans in sql server query analyzer (make sure you turn on "show execution plan"). Otherwise there are a myriad of articles at MSDN and elsewhere that will give good advice.
As an aside, when I started learning to optimize queries I ran sql server query profiler against a trace, looked at the generated SQL, and tried to figure out why that was an improvement. Query profiler is far from optimal, but it's a decent start.
There are a couple of things you can look at to optimize your query performance.
Ensure that you just have the minimum of data. Make sure you select only the columns you need. Reduce field sizes to a minimum.
Consider de-normalising your database to reduce joins
Avoid loops (i.e. fetch cursors), stick to set operations.
Implement the query as a stored procedure as this is pre-compiled and will execute faster.
Make sure that you have the correct indexes set up. If your database is used mostly for searching then consider more indexes.
Use the execution plan to see how the processing is done. What you want to avoid is a table scan as this is costly.
Make sure that the Auto Statistics is set to on. SQL needs this to help decide the optimal execution. See Mike Gunderloy's great post for more info. Basics of Statistics in SQL Server 2005
Make sure your indexes are not fragmented. Reducing SQL Server Index Fragmentation
Make sure your tables are not fragmented. How to Detect Table Fragmentation in SQL Server 2000 and 2005
Use a with statment to handle query filtering.
Limit each subquery to the minimum number of rows possible.
then join the subqueries.
master AS
taxReturns AS
YEAR > 2000
FROM master,
WHERE master.ssn = taxReturns.ssn
A subqueries within a with statement may end up as being the same as inline views,
or automatically generated temp tables. I find in the work I do, retail data, that about 70-80% of the time, there is a performance benefit.
100% of the time, there is a maintenance benefit.
I think using SQL query analyzer would be a good start.
In Oracle you can look at the explain plan to compare variations on your query
Make sure that you have the right indexes on the table. if you frequently use a column as a way to order or limit your dataset an index can make a big difference. I saw in a recent article that select distinct can really slow down a query, especially if you have no index.
The obvious optimization for SELECT queries is ensuring you have indexes on columns used for joins or in WHERE clauses.
Since adding indexes can slow down data writes you do need to monitor performance to ensure you don't kill the DB's write performance, but that's where using a good query analysis tool can help you balanace things accordingly.
on microsoft stack, Database Engine Tuning Advisor
Some other points (Mine are based on SQL server, since each db backend has it's own implementations they may or may not hold true for all databases):
Avoid correlated subqueries in the select part of a statement, they are essentially cursors.
Design your tables to use the correct datatypes to avoid having to apply functions on them to get the data out. It is far harder to do date math when you store your data as varchar for instance.
If you find that you are frequently doing joins that have functions in them, then you need to think about redesigning your tables.
If your WHERE or JOIN conditions include OR statements (which are slower) you may get better speed using a UNION statement.
UNION ALL is faster than UNION if (And only if) the two statments are mutually exclusive and return the same results either way.
NOT EXISTS is usually faster than NOT IN or using a left join with a WHERE clause of ID = null
In an UPDATE query add a WHERE condition to make sure you are not updating values that are already equal. The difference between updating 10,000,000 records and 4 can be quite significant!
Consider pre-calculating some values if you will be querying them frequently or for large reports. A sum of the values in an order only needs to be done when the order is made or adjusted, rather than when you are summarizing the results of 10,000,000 million orders in a report. Pre-calculations should be done in triggers so that they are always up-to-date is the underlying data changes. And it doesn't have to be just numbers either, we havea calculated field that concatenates names that we use in reports.
Be wary of scalar UDFs, they can be slower than putting the code in line.
Temp table tend to be faster for large data set and table variables faster for small ones. In addition you can index temp tables.
Formatting is usually faster in the user interface than in SQL.
Do not return more data than you actually need.
This one seems obvious but you would not believe how often I end up fixing this. Do not join to tables that you are not using to filter the records or actually calling one of the fields in the select part of the statement. Unnecessary joins can be very expensive.
It is an very bad idea to create views that call other views that call other views. You may find you are joining to the same table 6 times when you only need to once and creating 100,000,00 records in an underlying view in order to get the 6 that are in your final result.
In designing a database, think about reporting not just the user interface to enter data. Data is useless if it is not used, so think about how it will be used after it is in the database and how that data will be maintained or audited. That will often change the design. (This is one reason why it is a poor idea to let an ORM design your tables, it is only thinking about one use case for the data.) The most complex queries affecting the most data are in reporting, so designing changes to help reporting can speed up queries (and simplify them) considerably.
Database-specific implementations of features can be faster than using standard SQL (That's one of the ways they sell their product), so get to know your database features and find out which are faster.
And because it can't be said too often, use indexes correctly, not too many or too few. And make your WHERE clauses sargable (Able to use indexes).