Can't send data via xmlhttp - xmlhttprequest

I could use xmlhttp and asptear or any other components to post data to external sites on WINDOWS 2003(iis 6).
not i am using 2008 server(iis 7) and i can't get worked that components to send data.
could you please guide me ?
(PS. components are tearing the pages but don't send post data, seems like tear as GET method)

You want to post from a server-side language running on IIS? ASPTear is for classic ASP so assuming that:
ASPTear supports POST, it just defaults to GET.
You could also use "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP" (example).


Jira V6.0+ creating a project over REST API

I've got a problem: I'm working on an external webinterface for my company and we use Atlassians JIRA as a project issue and tracking method. I am trying to connect our webinterface over the REST API. After a short research I found out, that Atlassian never implemented the possibility to create a new JIRA Project over their REST API. Well, that isn't that true, they've implemented it in the actual version (7.0) because they migrated their other two APIs to one REST API. Now comes my problem: We are currently unable to upgrade from version 6.4.4 to version 7.0.0. After a second search I found a workaround for this problem. You can find it here:
The real problem is that this workaround isn't working or I'm doing it wrong.
I've already tried it with a GET request and the given arguments as parameters and over the normal POST method with a JSON body in it.
What's my problem?
Here some more informations: When I try it over GET, I always receive the normal response for the URL (it returns a list with all available templates). When I try it over POST with a JSON body (this is by the way the normal method for the normal functions of the REST API) I get back a HTTP-Error 415 Unsupported media type.
it would be nice if someone could test this workaround with a 6.0+ version of JIRA
So after some months I got it by myself. You have to make a POST request with the following header fields:
Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Authorization=Basic {set your credentials as a Base64-String: "user:password"}
Once done you can set your POST-Parameters to the following:
name=Name of the Project
key=Key of the Project
lead=Leader of the Project
keyEdited=true (don't change it!)
projectTemplateWebItemKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
projectTemplateModuleKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
Hope that this helps someone, Jira is just weird in some cases :/

Is it possible to look at a URL and determine if it's using Struts?

will we be able to say if this website code is developed using Struts framework ? If so how, details please.
Not necessarily.
The HTTP headers sometimes include relevant information, but not reliably.

Send HTTP Requests (MEAN stack)

I am working with MEAN stack (MongoDB , ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS). I know how are GET,POST,DELETE and PUT handled in the server side but problem comes from the client side. For example - given a button "Register" I want to send a POST req but I don't know how. I only need explanation - not any code or something else. Help is greatly appreciated :)
Angular provides $http module which you can use in your client code to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operation.
On your html, you should have a listener(by using ng-click if you are using angular) for "Register" Button. In your function definition you can use $<url>, <data>) to make a request.
Here is the relevant video tutorial of probably what you are trying to acheive

Using Symfony php framework for uploading file

I'm developing a software using Symfony framework. This software contains two part: back end(server side) and front end(client side). In front end using a angular framework for UI and not using a twig (twig is a symfony UI framework). In back end me should create API for using a Front end .
user upload file in front end and using a post method for sending a file in back end. I should create a controller for post method (this is not problem). The problem that occuring is I want to get file with symfony framework.
I search in the web and read all things about upload file with symfony, but all of them using twig and not using a raw API.
Can any body tell me, how to get post data with symfony?
Your question is not very understandable.
You will find in the official documentation:
a cookbook about handling file upload with Doctrine
how to handle Post data from a form (can't post more than two links in my answer, but look at the Form chapter of the doc, and search more specifically about $form->getData() method)
how to manage Post data in a less specific context.
Hope it will help.

dojo ajax dropdownlist

I am trying to set a web application using ajax dojo technology. For this I need an exemple showing how to send and receive data with dojo library.I use also J2ee in my project.
Please if you have a constructive example show it to me.
Client side: JSP with ajax dojo its purpose is to send a selected item to the server side.
Server side:Servlet catch the data sent and construct sql query with it finally send it again to jsp
JSP receive the result of the query (xml file)
dojo construct the seceond dropdownlist automaticallt.
Just i need an exemple of send and receive.
Many Thinks.
Have you looked on Dojo's website? From your question, it sounds like what you want is The Dojo website has many examples of the uses of ItemFileReadStore, including one in which one FilteringSelect is dependently linked to another, which seems to be what you describe.
As to your request for examples of send and receive in JSP: a Google search for JSP tutorial turns up a site called as the first result. Have you looked there?