How can I tell jaxb / Maven to generate multiple schema packages? - maven-2

What happened:
Maven executes the the first plugin. Then deletes the target folder and creates the second package, which then is visible.
I tried to set target/somedir1 for the first configuration and target/somedir2 for the second configuration. But the behavior does not not change? Any ideas? I do not want to generate the packages directly in the src/main/java folder, because these packages are genereated and should not be mixed with manual created classes.

I had to specify different generateDirectory (without this, the plugin was considering that files were up to date and wasn't generating anything during the second execution). And I recommend to follow the target/generated-sources/<tool> convention for generated sources so that they will be imported in your favorite IDE automatically. I also recommend to declare several execution instead of declaring the plugin twice (and to move the configuration inside each execution element):
With this setup, I get the following result after a mvn clean compile
$ tree target/
├── classes
│   ├── com
│   │   └── stackoverflow
│   │   ├── App.class
│   │   ├── package1
│   │   │   ├── ObjectFactory.class
│   │   │   ├── Shiporder.class
│   │   │   ├── Shiporder$Item.class
│   │   │   └── Shiporder$Shipto.class
│   │   └── package2
│   │   ├── BookForm.class
│   │   ├── BooksForm.class
│   │   ├── ObjectFactory.class
│   │   └── package-info.class
│   ├── dir1
│   │   └── shiporder.xsd
│   └── dir2
│   └── books.xsd
└── generated-sources
├── xjc
│   └── META-INF
│   └── sun-jaxb.episode
├── xjc1
│   └── com
│   └── stackoverflow
│   └── package1
│   ├──
│   └──
└── xjc2
└── com
└── stackoverflow
└── package2
Which seems to be the expected result.

You can use also JAXB bindings to specify different package for each schema, e.g.
<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="" xmlns:xjc=""
xmlns:xs="" version="2.0" schemaLocation="book.xsd">
<xjc:serializable uid="1" />
<jaxb:package name="" />
Then just use the new maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.8.0 <schemas> and <bindings> elements in the pom.xml. Or specify the top most directory in <schemaDirectory> and <bindingDirectory> and by <include> your schemas and bindings:
I think this is more convenient solution, because when you add a new XSD you do not need to change Maven pom.xml, just add a new XJB binding file to the same directory.

you should change that to define the plugin only once and do twice execution the following...and the generateDirectory should be set (based on the docs)..
It seemed to me that you are fighting against single artifact rule of maven...may be you should think about this.

This can also be achieved by specifying stale file name for schemas and not clearing output directory. The default out put directory is automatically included in classpath which is little convenient. If we specify different output directory one has to take care of classpath to use this code in IDE. For example -
Source:Generating Code with JAXB Plugin

i have solved with:
add this to each configuration ;)

This is fixed in version 1.6 of the plugin.
Quick note though, I noticed that the first iteration output was being deleted. I fixed it by adding the following to each of the executions.
Here is my full working example with each iteration outputting correctly. BTW I had to do this due to a duplicate namespace problem with the xsd's I was given. This seems to resolve my problem.
<!-- <schemaFiles>getOrderStatusResponse.xsd,quoteShippingRequest.xsd,quoteShippingResponse.xsd,submitOrderRequest.xsd,submitOrderResponse.xsd</schemaFiles> -->
<!-- <schemaFiles>getOrderStatusResponse.xsd,quoteShippingRequest.xsd,quoteShippingResponse.xsd,submitOrderRequest.xsd,submitOrderResponse.xsd</schemaFiles> -->

The following works for me, after much trial

I encountered a lot of problems when using jaxb in Maven but i managed to solve your problem by doing the following
First create a schema.xjc file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb=""
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="YOUR_URL?wsdl#types?schema1">
<jaxb:package name=""/>
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="YOUR_URL??wsdl#types?schema2">
<jaxb:package name=""/>
The package name can be anything you want it to be, as long as it doesn't contain any reserved keywords in Java
Next you have to create the wsimport.bat script to generate your packaged and code at the preferred location.
wsimport -keep -verbose -b "C:\YOUR\PATH\TO\schema.xjb" YOUR_URL?wsdl
If you do not want to use cd, you can put the wsimport.bat in "C:\YOUR\PATH\TO\PLACE\THE\PACKAGES"
If you run it without -keep -verbose it will only generate the packages but not the .java files.
The -b will make sure the schema.xjc is used when generating

There is another, a clear one (IMO) solution to this
There is a parameter called "staleFile" that uses as a flag to not generate stuff again. Simply alter it in each execution.


Findbugs Maven plugin - findbugs-exclude with multiple projects

I've got a multiple project setup, using Maven and the Findbugs plugin. I need to exclude some files in one of the child projects, so I added it to findbugs-exclude.xml. That works when I build in the subproject.
My issue comes when I try to build at top level. Maven is not finding the findbugs-exclude.xml in the subproject. So it doesn't ignore my errors and fails because of them. I can put my findbugs-exclude.xml in the top level directory, and the exclusion works. But that's polluting the top level, and would not be looked upon favorably.
Is there a way to get the Maven plugin to use the findbugs-exclude.xml file from a subdirectory? Preferably with little to no change at the top level?
One solution for this is to create a seperate project which contains the findbugs-excludes.xml and then use the dependency plugin to unpack and place it locally where it's required something like this:
<!-- other configurations here -->
<!-- Optional directory to put findbugs xdoc xml report -->
With this approach you can then share this exclusion file across projects if required which could be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it :)
Also, thinking about it, if you have a dedicated findbugs project you can create different flavours of exclusions using classifiers and the use a specific classifier depending on the context.
It's not perfect but it works for me.
Here is what I am doing in my current project, it puts findbugs-exclude.xml in the parent project (which I know you don't want), but it fixes the DRY problem of maintaining it in two places. It is simpler than unpacking, but requires that the full project structure be local. (I think the unpacking solution would be useful to use the same config across many projects, as in a corporate environment.)
I store my findbugs config in parent/src/main/resources/shared/findbugs-exclude.xml, but as long as it is in parent the specific directory doesn't matter.
I then use properties to describe the location of the 'shared' directory:
And reference these properties when configuring findbugs in the parent:
All direct child projects will now run findbugs, referencing the config file in parent. If you have multiple levels of project nesting, you will have to override the myproject.parent.basedir in the sub-parent. For example if you have parent <- sub-parent <- child, you would put :
I'm using spotbugs cause findbugs is deprecated and no longer support. I had the same issue in my project.
My maven project multi-module structure is similar to this:
-- sub-module-1
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- sub-module-2
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- ...
-- sub-module-n
| |
| -- ...
| |
| --pom.xml
-- ...
-- exclude-filter.xml
The spotbugs configuration of parent-module:
No you can do mvn test-compile from parent-project or any sub-project and it will check by spotbugs for source and test-sources code issues.
Consider example:
If you don't have a lot of files/packages to exclude, just suppress some warnings - try using #SuppressFBWarning annotations. That should work with even multiple module projects and annotation can be added in specific projects and files where needed.
dependencies for #SuppressFBWarning
A better alternative to the accepted answer is to use maven-remote-resources-plugin. I like James' approach but then you need to tweak the clean plugin to delete the unpacked files in the src folder.
As per James' suggestion create a seperate project which contains the findbugs-excludes.xml and add the following to its pom file:
Update the pom file containing findbugs plugin:
Don't forget to change com.myproject:myartifactid:version
maven-remote-resources-plugin copies your shared files to the target folder so no need to change the default behaviour of maven-clean-plugin.

Complicated Maven assembly

I'm trying to write a maven assembly and I'm not sure how to continue. It's fairly complicated, so the examples I google don't really help. This is what I'm trying to do:
Create an installation file using launch4j. This part works, assuming the jar file is correctly assembled (hence the need for a maven assembly.)
The installation program contains some dependencies. These are assembled (currently) using the jar-with-dependencies descriptorRef. This works as well.
I need to include a war file (from another project) into the big jar. This is my confusion.
How do I create an assembly.xml that will do both the jar with dependencies (unpacking all of those jar files) and include a war file from another project (which is not unpacked).
Any help would be appreciated.
How do I create an assembly.xml that will do both the jar with dependencies (unpacking all of those jar files) and include a war file from another project (which is not unpacked).
Assuming you have a project structure similar to the one below (I'm assuming a simple structure since you didn't mention anything particular about it):
├── pom.xml
└── src
├── main
│   ├── assembly
│   │   └── uberjar.xml
│   └── java
│   └── com
│   └── stackoverflow
│   └──
└── test
└── java
└── com
└── stackoverflow
With the following pom.xml:
<!-- this is the war we want to include in the assembly -->
<!-- and below, the other dependencies -->
As you can see,
We are not going to use the predefined jar-with-dependencies descriptor here, we are going to reuse it in our own custom assembly descriptor.
We have a dependency declared on the war with a runtime scope so that we'll be able to include it in the assembly.
And now, the custom uberjar.xml:
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
This is a little variation of the jar-with-dependencies descriptor that will create a jar:
the dependencies except the war, unpacked
the war of the webapp, not unpacked
the classes from the project itself
As shown below:
$ mvn clean package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
$ cd target; jar xvf Q3762049-1.0-SNAPSHOT-uberjar.jar
created: META-INF/
created: org/
created: org/apache/
created: org/apache/commons/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/builder/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/enum/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/enums/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/exception/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/math/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/mutable/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/text/
created: org/apache/commons/lang/time/
inflated: META-INF/LICENSE.txt
inflated: META-INF/NOTICE.txt
inflated: org/apache/commons/lang/ArrayUtils.class
created: META-INF/maven/
created: META-INF/maven/commons-lang/
created: META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/
inflated: META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/pom.xml
inflated: META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/
inflated: my-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
created: com/
created: com/stackoverflow/
inflated: com/stackoverflow/App.class

Maven: Packaging dependencies alongside project JAR?

I'd like Maven to package a project alongside its run-time dependencies. I expect it to create a JAR file with the following manifest:
Main-Class : com.acme.MainClass
Class-Path : lib/dependency1.jar lib/dependency2.jar
and create the following directory structure:
|-- ....
|-- my-project.jar
|-- lib
|-- dependency1.jar
|-- dependency2.jar
Meaning, I want the main JAR to exclude any dependencies and I want all transitive dependencies to get copied into a "lib" sub-directory. Any ideas?
I've like Maven to package a project with run-time dependencies.
This part is unclear (it's not exactly what you describe just after). My answer covers what you described.
I expect it to create a JAR file with the following manifest (...)
Configure the Maven Jar Plugin to do so (or more precisely, the Maven Archiver):
And this will produce a MANIFEST.MF with the following entries:
Main-Class: fully.qualified.MainClass
Class-Path: lib/dependency1-X.Y.jar lib/dependency2-W.Z.jar
and create the following directory structure (...)
This is doable using the Maven Dependency Plugin and the dependency:copy-dependencies goal. From the documentation:
dependency:copy-dependencies takes the list of project direct dependencies and optionally transitive dependencies and copies them to a specified location, stripping the version if desired. This goal can also be run from the command line.
You could bind it on the package phase:
Add the following plugins in pom.xml. Check the value at mainClass,classpathPrefix,addClasspath tags.
Create some-assembly.xml under src/assembly as below.
Note that useProjectArtifact flag to false, unpack flag to false. If root folder inside zip file is not required,then one can make includeBaseDirectory to false.
This will create file. Inside zip file, there will be folder name-version. Inside this folder, your executable jar and lib folder containing all dependency jars will be present. Check manifest.MF file of executable jar. It contains both main class and classpath information.
You can use the maven jar plugin, take a look on this page:

Maven2: How do I generate a file that contains the names of the project's dependencies?

I would like to place the names of the dependencies in a text file that is distributed inside a package that is built with Maven.
I am planning to use the maven assembly plugin to generate the tarball package, and use filtering to put the names in the text file.
The only problem is, I don't know how to reference the dependencies in the first place.
You don't need to use filtering for that, use the Maven Dependency plugin and its a dependency:tree goal to display the dependency tree for this project. Set an output file with the... outputFile optional parameter. So the configuration might look like:
Running the package phase would generate the dependency tree in target/classes/dep.txt and package it in the artifact. Adapt it to suit your needs.
You can use the maven-dependency-plugin dependency:tree to output the tree of dependencies into a file.
mvn dependency:resolve seems to be what you are looking for. Put following plugin configuration to your POM file:
It will produce file dependencies.txt with content similar to:
The following files have been resolved:

Maven copy project output into other project resources

There are two projects:
1) applet project that outputs jar file
2) web app project that should host the jar file.
After (1) finished building, the applet jar file should be copied into the webapp folder of (2). The purpose is that (2) will host the applet (1) on the Internet.
A lot of examples explain how to use another project as a library dependency. Other examples, show how to use ant plugin to copy files. I am unsure on how to properly set this up, so that 'mvn install' on the parent project will do the copying at the right time.
I would declare the applet as a dependency of the webapp, copy it to the webapp just before packaging using the Dependency plugin and its copy goal. The whole solution might looks like this:
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- we don't want the applet in WEB-INF/classes -->
Declaring the applet as dependency is for the reactor build order (but I'm not 100% sure it is required).