Obtaining the SQL Server 2005 Report Builder XSD - sql-server-2005

I've managed to obtain the report definition schema for SQL Server 2005, but cannot find the xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner" schema anywhere.
Is it part of the 2005 install buried somewhere? The reason I ask is because I've recently started writing RDL files for SQL Reporting Services. I'd like to be able to validate both schemas and get autocompletion working (I'm using Eclipse mostly). Any Ideas on how I can get ahold of this xsd?

That's just an XML namespace - there's no physical representation of that, really. The rd namespace is part of the report definition stuff - should be in your XSD already.


XML schema for XML reports on SQL Server reporting services

This may be a newbie question, and I have done quite a lot of searching for an answer but have had no luck.
I am using SSRS on SQL Server 2008 R2 (Standard edition) to generate XML reports. I have developed my report in Report builder 3 and uploaded the report to the Report server.
So far so good
Now I want to have a subscription that generates the reports in XML format and deposits it into a folder
No problem with this straight forward enough
How do I install an XML transform or specify the actual XML schema for the rendered document as I don't want to manually handle the generated report.
In the Report Builder software there appears to be a report property where I can specify as path which would have to be to a file on my local desktop but nothing on how to supply a similar file to the reporting server to use.
How do I do this?
And I thank all of you kindly stackoverflow souls in advance for your collective wisdom.
The answer to this is Read the Manual !
However finding information through the myriad of MS pages is an excercise in Google-foo
and old fashioned primary school collage.
You upload XSL through the Report Manager UI using IE and make sure that you have a server side path specified in the DataTransform field in Report Properties in ReportBuilder 3 for your RDL file
The essential confusion that I suffered from was that I thought the XSL transform would be incorporated into the RDL file for publication to the report server. It isn't
For the DataTransform property:
1 A local absolute file path with a drive letter will not work
2 Use a path that makes sense on the report server
3 Either a relative path to the XSL file from the location of the RDL file
OR an absolute path from the Report Server should be used

Store PDF or image in SQL Server database with navicat or sql management studio

This one's going back to the basics but I haven't been able to find a simple explanation anywhere. I just started working with databases and I'm using a SQL Server database managed mostly with navicat (but I have SQL Server Management Studio as well) and I need to store a PDF or image in the database.
I'm using Entity Framework to interface the database with the C# app I am building. A simple explanation assuming little knowledge of database management would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the help.
The database size will grow exponentially if you start storing images and PDF's.
A better approach would probably be to store the path of the file in the database and then load the item by referencing the proper path.
It's going to depend on the file structure of your application really. A simple version of retrieving a PDF could be the following:
Example Path:
You store the path of the PDF in the DB, maybe under pdfPath. Then when you retrieve the path from the database direct the user to the correct link using the path you got from the query.

Visual Studio 'SQL Server 2008 Server Project' vs. 'Sql Server 2008 Database project'?

I can't see to find a quick explanation of the differences so I can figure out which to use.
One is for a server one is for a Database? Im not sure what that means..
Basically we are doing a new web app and I want to see what these project types can offer me in terms of tracking the DB code/schema etc..
SQL Server 2008 Project: this is used to create a SQL-CLR module, e.g. create a stored proc, a function, an aggregate etc. in C# (or VB.NET), that will be run inside SQL Server.
When you create such a project, and you click "Add New Item" in Solution Explorer, you're given the choice of creating a stored procedure, a trigger, an aggregate, a user-defined function, a user-defined type or a helper class. These will all be compiled into a .NET assembly, which will be deployed to SQL Server and be executed inside SQL Server in the SQL-CLR runtime environment.
SQL Server Database Project: that's only a collection of SQL scripts to be run against a database, to create and manipulate database objects
In a SQL Server Database Project, you basically only get to add SQL scripts - .sql files. Nothing else, really. So it is indeed quite different from the SQL Server 2008 Project type!
The answer here doesn't seem to actually answer the posted question. "SQL Server 2008 Server Project" "SQL Server 2008 Database Project" are both things that exist in Visual Studio 2008 Database Edition, but sadly while there isn't one named "SQL Server 2008 Project" as the answer suggests, there is one "SQL Server Project" that matches the description. Moreover, there isn't a project type anymore called "SQL Server Database Project" (at least not in Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite), although the description given above seems to describe the much older database projects that were at one point available in VS.
After thinking about it further, I'm going to guess that marc_s doesn't have the Database Edition (otherwise known as Data Dude or DBPro) installed. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sql Server 2008 Database Projects and Sql Server 2008 Server Projects seem to do basically the same thing. I would have hoped that the Server projects would be used for the installation and configuration, and change management of a Sql Server instance, while Database Projects would be used for individual databases inside them...but this doesn't seem to be the case. Has anyone actually been able to determine the differences between them?
After playing around for a bit, the only difference I've been able to find is that Sql Server 2008 Server Projects will always deploy to the master database on the server you deploy to, regardless of what kind of database you import (master or otherwise) when you create the project. So in that case, Database Projects are for your business databases while Server Projects are specifically for the master database on the server that houses your business databases.
Edit: After scouring the VS2008 documentation a little harder, I came across this specification:
"Deploying Server Projects
A database project can contain definitions for database objects, for server objects, or for both. In most environments, developers can change database objects, but only the database administrator can change server objects. You can enforce this restriction by putting server objects in a separate project (known as a server project). You can then restrict version control so that only your administrators can change the server project. In a staging or production environment, the server project and its objects will most often be deployed separately from the project that contains the database objects.
You deploy a server project by using the same procedures that you use to deploy a schema project."

References/walkthroughs for maintaining database schemas with Visual Studio 2010?

I have Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and SQL Server 2008 installed. I'm working with a populated database and want to modify various column types. SQL Server Management Studio requires me to drop tables to do this, and get pretty finicky given my moderate level of knowledge of SQL Server.
However, I heard the new database project type supports changing the database schema to the desired format and it will handle creating and running all the scripts to implement the changes.
I've created a VS2010 database project using the existing database as the source, but so far haven't had much luck figuring out the appropriate method to make the changes without getting an error.
As a result, I'm looking for any reference info I can find on using VS2010's capabilities in this area. Any suggestions?
write scripts instead of using the gui. You can use alter table for instance to change a column. Never use a GUI of any kind to create a change to a database table.
Here's a walk through of the new VS2010 "Deploy-SQL" tab in the properties page of web application projects.

Moving from Microsoft Access 2007 to Sql Server 2005

I have MS Access 2007 Databases and VBA modules associated with it.
I Now want to upgrade my project so as to use Sql Server 2005 and Vb.net using visual studio.net.
Can any one suggest Complete details on the transfer without much hassle or data loss.?
Thanks In Advance
Per RBarry's answer...the data migration to SQL Server is easy using the SQL Server Migration wizard. Then you will have a working microsoft access application (probably but maybe it will require polishing and tweaking).
To convert the front end (ui) to vb.net there might be a converter but even if there is one you would likely have to do a lot of it manually anyway. So you treat the access version like a prototype and you start building your app in vb.net by hand.
Start with the Ms-Access SSMA site: http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2005/en/us/migration-access.aspx
I am not aware of a migration guide specifically for Access -> SqlSever, however, there is a very extensive Oracle -> SqlServer Migration Guide that you could easily cherry-pick for a project plan.
I use SQL Server to import data from Access databases. Be aware that it won't import your keys or relationships- you'll need to recreate those.
Your VBA code is specific to Access. You'll need to rewrite it in VB.NET.
The Access queries are probably going to cause you the most trouble. Simple ones can be converted with the Upsizing Wizard, but the more complex ones will have to be rewritten in SQL.
Also note SQL Server objects follow different naming conventions. An Access table is typically prefixed with tbl, SQL tables typically aren't named with a prefix.