How to insert Arabic characters into SQL database? - sql

How can I insert Arabic characters into a SQL Server database? I tried to insert Arabic data into a table and the Arabic characters in the insert script were inserted as '??????' in the table.
I tried to directly paste the data into the table through SQL Server Management Studio and the Arabic characters was successfully and accurately inserted.
I looked around for resolutions for this problems and some threads suggested changing the datatype to nvarchar instead of varchar. I tried this as well but without any luck.
How can we insert Arabic characters into SQL Server database?

For the field to be able to store unicode characters, you have to use the type nvarchar (or other similar like ntext, nchar).
To insert the unicode characters in the database you have to send the text as unicode by using a parameter type like nvarchar / SqlDbType.NVarChar.
(For completeness: if you are creating SQL dynamically (against common advice), you put an N before a string literal to make it unicode. For example: insert into table (name) values (N'Pavan').)

Guess the solation is first turn on the field to ntext then write N with the value. For example
insert into eng(Name) values(N'حسن')

If you are trying to load data directly into the database like me, I found a great way to do so by creating a table using Excel and then export as CSV. Then I used the database browser SQLite to import the data correctly into the SQL database. You can then adjust the table properties if needed. Hope this would help.


INSERT Statement in SQL Server Strips Characters, but using nchar(xxx) works - why?

I have to store some strange characters in my SQL Server DB which are used by an Epson Receipt Printer code page.
Using an INSERT statement, all are stored correctly except one - [SCI] (nchar(154)). I realise that this is a control character that isn't representable in a string, but the character is replaced by a '?' in the stored DB string, suggesting that it is being parsed (unsuccessfully) somewhere.
The collation of the database is LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AS so it should be able to cope with it.
So, for example, if I run this INSERT:
INSERT INTO Table(col1) VALUES ('abc[SCI]123')
Where [SCI] is the character, a resulting SELECT query will return 'abc?123'.
However, if I use NCHAR(154), by directly inserting or by using a REPLACE command such as:
UPDATE Table SET col1 = REPLACE(col1, '?', NCHAR(154))
The character is stored correctly.
My question is, why? And how can I store it directly from an INSERT statement? The latter is preferable as I am writing from an existing application that produces the INSERT statement that I don't really want to have to change.
Thank you in advance for any information that may be useful.
When you write a literal string in SQL is is created as a VARCHAR unless you prefix is with N. This means if you include any Unicode characters, they will be removed. Instead write your INSERT statement like this:
INSERT INTO Table(col1) VALUES (N'abc[SCI]123')

Insert text content into a blob in DB2 database using a simple SQL query

I am having trouble inserting in a BLOB field some text content (in fact it's an XML, I know there are field-types more suited than BLOB for this type of content, but I simply can't change it).
I have the necessity of inserting some values using simple SQL queries, I am using this syntax:
INSERT INTO XXX.MYTABLE (MY_KEY, MY_VALUE) VALUES(0, CAST('<some xml content here/>' AS BLOB) );
The command is executed, but it stores in the database some application/octet-stream content that converted back to text appears like
I guess it is an encoding issue, but the documentation says "BLOB does not have any Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) associated with the field", so I do not know how to work around this issue.
The DBMS is DB2 10.1

BULK INSERT is not working correctly

I used bulk insert into SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, 10 words from a text UTF-8 file, into single column.
However, the words do not appear correctly, I get extra space in front of some words.
Note: None of the answers have solved my problem, so far. :(
This issue may occur if you are not using the correct collation (language settings). You need to use the appropriate collation in order to display your data in the correct format.
See the link for more details.
You can also try using a different row terminator:
bulk insert table_name
from 'filename.txt' WITH (ROWTERMINATOR='\n')
Look at this post How to write UTF-8 characters using bulk insert in SQL Server?
Quote: You can't. You should first use a N type data field, convert
your file to UTF-16 and then import it. The database does not support
Original answers
look at the encoding of youre text file. Should be utf8. If not this could cause problems.
Open with notepad, file-> save as and choose encoding
After this try to import as a bulk
secondly, make sure the column datatype is nvarchar and not varchar. Also see here

Select VarChar with apostrophes

I have a SQL Server database that contains a VarChar(50) column. I am using ASP.NET/C# for this application.
I have protected my program from SQL injection so when I insert any text with an apostrophe in it, it will insert properly. I have confirmed this in the database.
However, now when I query the database for this varchar column, instead of getting apostrophes in the column, I am getting the unicode version of it (&#39 ;).
I use a SqlDataSource and bind it to a DataGridView. What could cause this conversion? How can I avoid it?
Seems that this problem is only occurs in textboxes, labels seem to be displaying them properly.
Thanks for your help. This community here is awesome!
To fix data in the database: Replace the ascii apostrophe with a real apostrophe in a sql database
And how to correctly insert:
How to insert a value that contains an apostrophe (single quote)?
-- Edit --
This thread seems to shed more light on this issue:
You could also try the HtmlDecode(string) method via

Why are my accented characters breaking in SQL Server 2005?

When I update my database with this command:
UPDATE myTable SET Name = 'Hermann Dönnhoff' WHERE ID = 123;
SQL Server actually puts 'Hermann Do¨nnhoff' in the field instead. Instead of faithfully inserting the o-umlaut (char(246)), I'm getting two characters ( char(111) + char (168) ).
This happens for all characters that have accent marks, not just umlauts.
Has anybody seen this?
Thank you.
You need to use the nchar, nvarchar, or ntext datatypes for Unicode data.
The issue is that your code page does not directly support those characters.
Read up on collations for more information: