Insert text content into a blob in DB2 database using a simple SQL query - sql

I am having trouble inserting in a BLOB field some text content (in fact it's an XML, I know there are field-types more suited than BLOB for this type of content, but I simply can't change it).
I have the necessity of inserting some values using simple SQL queries, I am using this syntax:
INSERT INTO XXX.MYTABLE (MY_KEY, MY_VALUE) VALUES(0, CAST('<some xml content here/>' AS BLOB) );
The command is executed, but it stores in the database some application/octet-stream content that converted back to text appears like
I guess it is an encoding issue, but the documentation says "BLOB does not have any Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) associated with the field", so I do not know how to work around this issue.
The DBMS is DB2 10.1


Search and Replace a a partial string / substring in mssql tables

I was tasked with moving an installation of Orchard CMS to a different server and domain. All the content (page content, menu structure, links, etc.) is stored in an MSSQL database. The good part: When moving the physical files of the Orchard installation to the new server, the database will stay the same, no need to migrate it. The bad thing: There are lots and lots of absolute URLs scattered all over the pages and menus.
I have isolated / pinned down the tables and fields in which the URLs occur, but I lack the (MS)SQL experience/knowledge to do a "search - replace". So I come here for help (I have tried exporting the tables to .sql files, doing a search-replace in a text editor, and then re-importing the .sql files to the database, but ran into several syntax errors... so i need to do this the "SQL way").
To give an example:
The table Common_BodyPartRecord has the field Text of type ntext that contains HTML content. I need to find every occurance of the partial string / and replace it with / There can be multiple occurances of the pattern within the same table entry.
(In total I have 5 patterns that will need replacing, all partial string / substrings of urls, domains/paths, etc.)
I usually do frontend stuff and came to this assignment by chance. I have used MySQL back in the day I was playing around with PHP related stuff, but never got past eh basics of SQL - it would be helpful if you could keep your explainations more or less newbie-friendly.
The SQL server version is SQL Server 9.0.4053, I have access to the database via the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 12
Any help is highly appreciated!
You can't manipulate the NTEXT datatype directly, but you can CAST it to VARCHAR(MAX), then use the REPLACE function to perform the string replacement, then CAST it back to NTEXT. This can all be done in a single UPDATE statement.
update MyTable
set MyColmun = cast(replace(cast(MyColumn as nvarchar(max)), N'/', N'/') as ntext)
where cast(MyColumn as nvarchar(max)) LIKE N'%/'
The WHERE clause in the UPDATE statement below is used to prevent SQL Server from making non-changes, i.e. if the value does not need to be changed then there is no need to update it to itself.
The CAST function is used to change the data type of a value. NTEXT is a legacy data type used for storing large character values, NVARCHAR(MAX) is a new and more versatile data type for storing large character values. The REPLACE function can not operate on NTEXT values, hence the need to CAST it to NVARCHAR(MAX) first, do the replace, then CAST it back to NTEXT afterwards.

BULK INSERT is not working correctly

I used bulk insert into SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, 10 words from a text UTF-8 file, into single column.
However, the words do not appear correctly, I get extra space in front of some words.
Note: None of the answers have solved my problem, so far. :(
This issue may occur if you are not using the correct collation (language settings). You need to use the appropriate collation in order to display your data in the correct format.
See the link for more details.
You can also try using a different row terminator:
bulk insert table_name
from 'filename.txt' WITH (ROWTERMINATOR='\n')
Look at this post How to write UTF-8 characters using bulk insert in SQL Server?
Quote: You can't. You should first use a N type data field, convert
your file to UTF-16 and then import it. The database does not support
Original answers
look at the encoding of youre text file. Should be utf8. If not this could cause problems.
Open with notepad, file-> save as and choose encoding
After this try to import as a bulk
secondly, make sure the column datatype is nvarchar and not varchar. Also see here

HASHBYTES of varchar returning incorrect hash value

I currently have a database schema that contains a user's password in plain text. I've added a new column called password of type binary(16) with the intent of hashing the current plain text password via MD5. When I do this, I'm finding that the value stored in the password field is wrong. Here's my conversion query:
UPDATE my_table SET password=HASHBYTES('MD5', plain_text_password);
For one of my records, the plain text password is asdf. The correct MD5 value of this is 0x912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570. However, the record is being updated to 0xEC81AFD2DF2BDA47850F9182F4AC300D instead.
Has anyone every seen issues like this before? I'm using SQL Server 2008.
Thinking about this a little more, I converted the plain text password field from varchar(MAX) to varchar(50). It displays the same way within SQL management studio, but I'm wondering if the underlying encoding from when the data was in varchar(MAX) format somehow got copied over to the new varchar(50) format, causing the discrepancy.
So I figured out what was going wrong here. After I converted all the plain-text password fields (or perhaps this was true all along, I'm not sure) a bunch of \0's were appended to the end of the field. So instead of the word 'apple', it was 'apple\0\0\0\0\0'. SQL Management studio doesn't show these \0's, but the Visual Studio debugger did. After removing all the trailing \0's, my problem goes away.

How to insert Arabic characters into SQL database?

How can I insert Arabic characters into a SQL Server database? I tried to insert Arabic data into a table and the Arabic characters in the insert script were inserted as '??????' in the table.
I tried to directly paste the data into the table through SQL Server Management Studio and the Arabic characters was successfully and accurately inserted.
I looked around for resolutions for this problems and some threads suggested changing the datatype to nvarchar instead of varchar. I tried this as well but without any luck.
How can we insert Arabic characters into SQL Server database?
For the field to be able to store unicode characters, you have to use the type nvarchar (or other similar like ntext, nchar).
To insert the unicode characters in the database you have to send the text as unicode by using a parameter type like nvarchar / SqlDbType.NVarChar.
(For completeness: if you are creating SQL dynamically (against common advice), you put an N before a string literal to make it unicode. For example: insert into table (name) values (N'Pavan').)
Guess the solation is first turn on the field to ntext then write N with the value. For example
insert into eng(Name) values(N'حسن')
If you are trying to load data directly into the database like me, I found a great way to do so by creating a table using Excel and then export as CSV. Then I used the database browser SQLite to import the data correctly into the SQL database. You can then adjust the table properties if needed. Hope this would help.

Issues with Chr(0) in SQL INSERT script

We currently use the SQL Publishing Wizard to back up our database schemas and data, however we have some database tables with hashed passwords that contain the null character (chr(0)). When SQL Publishing Wizard generates the insert data scripts, the null character causes errors when we try and run the resulting SQL - it appears to ignore ALL TEXT after the first instance of this character in a script. We recently tried out RedGate SQL Compare, and found that it has the same issue with this character. I have confirmed it is ascii character code 0 by running the ascii() sql function against the offending record.
A sample of the error we are getting is:
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '??`????{??0???
The fun part is, I can't really paste a sample Insert statement because of course everything that appears after the CHR(0) is being omitted when pasting!
Change the definition of the column to VARBINARY. The data you store in there doesn't seem to be an appropiate VARCHAR to start with.
This will ripple through the code that uses the column as you'll get a byte[] CLR tpe back in the client, and you should change your insert/update code accordingly. But after all, a passowrd hash is a byte[], not a string.