Not able to add column value - sql

I have project which contain 4 tables among these shedule table Session column i am not able to add vaue,,this table contain
three foriegn key from two tables(in which single table has two foreign keys here) i added values here..Any one
has any idea about this..Actually my intention is to remove the error "the insert statement conflicted with the foreign key constraint sql server"
Table Shedule contains session number as primary key,,it is used as foreign key in Q&A table.Table Q&A contains Question num
as primary key .Table Employee contain Employeeid as primary key which is used as foriegn key in Q&A table two times foriegn
key as in Shedule table .Table Topic contain Topicid as primary key which is used forign key in Shedule table ans Q&A table
Here my problem is i cant add values for session column in Shedule table(which is a primary key)
second is whenever i insert values in Q&A table i am getting error like this
Error Message: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_QandA_Schedule". The conflict occurred in database "secon", table "dbo.Schedule", column 'Session_No'.
The statement has been terminated.

the insert statement conflicted with
the foreign key constraint sql server
Obviously, you're trying to insert some value into one of the foreign-key fields that isn't a valid value in the referenced table.
You say you have three columns - check each of those against the tables they reference - shouldn't be too hard to figure out which one is not valid - and then use a valid value instead. That's the whole point of referential integrity - make sure you don't insert invalid data into your tables!

The Error means what it says. That is, it doesn't have a column according to that id in a parent table.
To be more specific, please show us tables and INSERT statement.
UPDATE: If I got you right:
1) You try to INSERT a row into table Shedule, right?
If so, you need to have the Employeeid in table Employee and a Topicid in table Topic, that you're trying to INSERT.
I suppose, you don't have a valid Q&A foreign key value, according to error message. That means, the Q&A foreign key value you're trying to add in your INSERT statement must exist in Q&A Table.
2) You try to INSERT a row into table Q&A?
For this table you need to have valid Employeeid (2 of them?), Topicid and Session_number.
P.S. But I can't tell what's your problem if you don't show us INSERT statements.

I used a Cascade rule. It's working temporarily, but I don't know the consequences.


MSSQL Foreign Key Relationship and Null values

I'm having problems adding a foreign key to an existing table where the foreign key can be null.
Say I have a user table and a data table. The data table already has a working foreign key on the "createdBy" colum to the user table ID column. I've just added a second column to the data table "EditedBy" that allows for null values (meaning the data record hasn't been edited). So all the existing records have NULL as the value for this column.
I am trying to make a foreign key between Data.EditedBy and User.Id, but when I try to apply it, I get the following error.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Data_User_EditedBy". The conflict occurred in database "Test", table "dbo.User", column 'Id'.
It seems like its having a problem with the NULL values in the data table, but NULL is an acceptable value for a foreign key.
What am I missing?
Full statement is as follows
USE [Test]
REFERENCES [dbo].[User] ([Id])
Ok, I feel like an idiot. I was using Management studio to create the relationship, and after I posted the equivalent alter statement (which didn't work either), I realized I was trying to make a foreign key between the ID field of [data] and the ID field of [user].
Obviously that wont work.
I fixed the statement to use the correct field in the [data] table and all is well.

What would be the best way to link these two tables

I have two tables in a database, both of which are derived from official government reference tables originally supplied in spreadsheet form.
The structure of these two tables are illustrated below.
Table 1 (Species Codes)
Table 2 (Allowed presentation codes)
When I try and create a relationship between the first and the second (so as to make full use of the ability to look up values in the second table I get the following error when trying to link speciescodes.FAOCode to allowedstates.ErsSpeciesCodes).
'SpeciesCodeLookup' table saved successfully
'AllowedPresentationAndStateCodesLookup' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_AllowedPresentationAndStateCodesLookup_SpeciesCodeLookup'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_AllowedPresentationAndStateCodesLookup_SpeciesCodeLookup". The conflict occurred in database "FishTrackerPro", table "dbo.SpeciesCodeLookup", column 'FAOCode'.
Can anyone enlighten me as to
1) why is this error occurring
2) is there a way (by altering one or other table where such a relation might be established?
It seems you are getting this issue because referential integrity is not met. I.e Foreign key table must not have values which does not exists in primary key table.
Check these links :
Alter table conflicted with foreign key constraint
SQL conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

Why can't I add this foreign key?

I'll post only the main part. I have two tables, each one has to have the PK of the other as a FK.
CREATE TABLE apartment
cod_offer INT NOT NULL
cod_apartment INT NOT NULL
First I inserted the values on both tables and it was working, I could even search using "select * from...". But then I tried to add the foreign key:
This worked.
ADD FOREIGN KEY (cod_apartment ) REFERENCES apartment;
And this not.
ALTER TABLE apartment
This is the error message:
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__apartment__cod_offer__6383C8BA". The conflict occurred in database "kleber_apartment", table "dbo.offer", column 'cod_offer'.
The problem is, every time I try to execute, the FK name changes. And this FK actually doesn't exist. I already dropped both tables and tried to insert the values again, but the same happens.
What could be?
That means you're trying to add a foreign key when existing data doesn't obey that constraint. So you have a record in your apartment table where the cod_offer column does not match any value in the cod_apartment table.
Adding a foreign key not only constrains future data, but it requires that any existing data must also follow the rule.
And regarding the 6383C8BA, whenever you add a constraint without giving it a name, SQL Server picks one for you. Personally, I'd recommend something like:
alter table dbo.apartment
add constraint FK_apartment__cod_offer
foreign key (cod_offer) references dbo.offer (cod_offer);
This lets you define names the way you want, and is a little more clear about what you're actually building.

SQL Insert values into table

I am trying to insert a row into my database table, but I keep on getting a SQL error.
I have a table called tbl_template_log, it has 3 Forgain Keys, user_id, temp_id, savedtemp_id, at the moment I only want to Insert a row with user_id and set temp_id and savedtemp_id to 0.
INSERT INTO tbl_template_log (user_id, temp_id, savetemp_id, send_date, send_to, email_send) VALUES (user_id=77, temp_id=0, savetemp_id=0, send_date='2013-10-10', send_to='', email_send='hello')
INSERT INTO tbl_template_log (user_id, temp_id, savetemp_id, send_date, send_to, email_send) VALUES (user_id=77, temp_id=0, savetemp_id=0, send_date='2013-10-10', send_to='', email_send='hello')
MySQL said: Documentation
#1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`admin_boltmail`.`tbl_template_log`, CONSTRAINT `tbl_template_log_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_user` (`user_id`))
From What I understand there is some sort of issue with user_id that the ID of the user has to be existing in tbl_user and ID 77 is an existing user id.....
Could some one point out a mistake I am doing. Thx
You can't add a row to this table unless the other tables specified in your foreign key constraints already have a record with the field value you're trying to insert. That's what a foreign key constraint means.
You're trying to break the rule you defined on your table. No, the database won't let you break the rule. You'll either have to add records to the foreign key tables or disable the constraints.

Adding Constraint with multiple foreign keys

I have a SQL database opened with visual studio, and I need to add some constraints to a table already created. I need a foreign key, which already has a foreign key from a third table. To explain better ,
Table ANIMALI needs a foreign key from table GABBIA, which has already a foreign key from table STANZA. This was the code I came up with:
This gives me an error, n_stanza is a column id not valid. I think it's about the fact that the ID for the class GABBIA is taken from joining n_gabbia and n_stanza, the latter being a key in class STANZA.
Can anyone help me out?
In order for your ALTER TABLE statement to work as written, both tables (not classes) "ANIMALE" and "GABBIA" must include the columns "n_stanza" and "n_gabbia".
In addition, in the table "GABBIA", there must be either a primary key constraint or a unique constraint on the pair of columns "n_stanza" and "n_gabbia". That is, you need something like either primary key (n_stanza, n_gabbia) or unique (n_stanza, n_gabbia) in the table "GABBIA".