How to make a command-line tool executable in OS X? - objective-c

I just finished writing my very first command-line tool in Objective-C, compiled it, and now I'm curious about how one would go about making it executable as a command.
For example, right now to use the program I have to type in ./filename -args into Terminal. I'd like to be able to only type in filename and execute the program.
I tried using sudo chmod a+x filename but no go.

sudo cp filename /usr/local/bin/
Or add the directory containing filename into $PATH. Like as all other UNIX-derived OSs.


How to automate commands on Cygwin

Hi I am looking to automate my file transfering to my Jailbroken iPhone over USB with a bash file. Which will launch the relay then do the file transfers
With this here I installed and successfully transfered files to my iPhone with cygwin but now I want to automate the file transfer.
First I need to start the relay with cygwin and those commands are required
cd pyusbmux/python-client/
chmod +x *
./ -t 22:2222
so I created a .sh file that does it but when I launch it cygwin gives me those errors
This is what should happen on the left and the result of the script on the right
How can I make cygwin open with thoses commands
In addition to be sure that has proper line termination with d2u of dos2unix package:
You should add a proper SHEBANG on the first line of your script
cd /cygdrive/e/Grez/Desktop
cd pyusbmux/python-client/
chmod +x *
./ -t 22:2222
You can use as base the Cygwin.bat and make a tcpON.bat batch file like:
chdir c:\cygwin64\bin
bash --login /cygdrive/e/Grez/Desktop/
Verify the proper cd command to be sure that you are always in the expected directory.
It is not the only way but probably the most flexible (IMHO)

Running .sh scripts in Git Bash

I'm on a Windows machine using Git with MinGW 64.
I have a script in C:/path/to/scripts/
How do I execute this script from my Git Bash instance?
It was possible to add it to the .bashrc file and then just execute the entire bashrc file.
But I want to add the script to a separate file and execute it from there.
Let's say you have a script To run it (using Git Bash), you do the following: [a] Add a "sh-bang" line on the first line (e.g. #!/bin/bash) and then [b]:
# Use ./ (or any valid dir spec):
Note: chmod +x does nothing to a script's executability on Git Bash. It won't hurt to run it, but it won't accomplish anything either.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
this is how git bash knows a file is executable. chmod a+x does nothing in gitbash. (Note: any "she-bang" will work, e.g. #!/bin/bash, etc.)
If you wish to execute a script file from the git bash prompt on Windows, just precede the script file with sh
if you are on Linux or ubuntu write ./
and you are on windows just write sh before file name like that sh
For Linux -> ./
For Windows -> sh
If your running export command in your bash script the above-given solution may not export anything even if it will run the script. As an alternative for that, you can run your script using
Now if you try to echo your var it will be shown. Check my the result on my git bash
(coffeeapp) user (master *) capstone
$ .
(coffeeapp) user (master *) capstone
(coffeeapp) user (master *) capstone
Check more detail in this question
I had a similar problem, but I was getting an error message
cannot execute binary file
I discovered that the filename contained non-ASCII characters. When those were fixed, the script ran fine with ./
Once you're in the directory, just run it as ./
If by any chance you've changed the default open for .sh files to a text editor like I had, you can just "bash .\", provided you have git bash installed and in path.
I was having two .sh scripts to start and stop the digital ocean servers that I wanted to run from the Windows 10. What I did is:
downloaded "Git for Windows" (from
installed Git
to execute the .sh script just double-clicked the script file it started the execution of the script.
Now to run the script each time I just double-click the script
#!/bin/bash at the top of the file automatically makes the .sh file executable.
I agree the chmod does not do anything but the above line solves the problem.
you can either give the entire path in gitbash to execute it or add it in the PATH variable
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/the/script
then you an run it from anywhere

Adding home-brew to PATH

I just installed Home-brew and now I'm trying to insert the home-brew directory at the top of my path environment variable by typing in two commands inside my terminal. My questions are these:
What is a path environment variable?
Are the two codes provided me correct?
echo "export Path=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
After this I am to type in brew doctor. Nothing is happening as far as I can see.
Can anyone offer me some advice or direction?
I installed brew in my new Mac M1 and ask me to put /opt/homebrew/bin in the path, so the right command for this case is:
echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
is what you want.
To answer your first question; in order to run (execute) a program (executable) the shell must know exactly where it is in your filesystem in order to run it. The PATH environment variable is a list of directories that the shell uses to search for executables. When you use a command that is not built into the shell you are using the shell will search through these directories in order and will execute the first matching executable it finds.
For example when you type: mv foo bar the shell is almost certainly actually using an executable located in the /bin directory. Thus fully the command is
/bin/mv foo bar
The PATH environment variable therefore saves you some extra typing. You can see what is in your PATH currently (as you can with all environment variables) by entering:
So in this instance:
echo $PATH
As I mentioned earlier, ordering is important. Adding /usr/local/bin to the beginning of PATH means that the shell will search there first and so if you have an executable foo in that folder it will be used in preference to any other foo executables you may have in the folders in your path. This means that any executables you install with brew will be used in preference to the system defaults.
On to your second question. What the command you have provided is trying to do is add a line to your .bash_profile and then source it. The .bash_profile is a text file stored in your home directory that is sourced (read) every time bash (your shell) starts. The mistake in the line you've provided is that only the first letter of PATH is capitalised. To your shell Path and PATH are very different things.
To fix it you want:
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
To explain
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
simply prints or echoes what follows to stdout, which in the above instance is the terminal. (stdout, stderr and stdin are very important concepts on UNIX systems but rather off topic) Running this command produces the result:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin
on my system because using $PATH within double quotes means bash will substitute it with its value. >> is then used to redirect stdout to the end of the ~/.bash_profile file. ~ is shorthand for your home directory. (NB be very careful as > will redirect to the file and overwrite it rather than appending.)
&& means run the next command is the previous is successful and
source ~/.bash_profile
simply carries out the actions contained in that file.
As per the latest documentation, you need to do this:
echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /home/dhruv/.bashrc
eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Now you should be able to run brew from anywhere.
When you type in a program somewhere and click enter, it checks certain locations to see if that program exists there.
Linux brew uses locations different from the normal linux programs, so we are adding these locations to the ~/.profile file which sets the paths.
Run this in your terminal, and it will place the correct code in the .profile file, automatically.
echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile
Don't use .bash_profile because when you use something different from bash, like zsh, it may not work. .profile is the correct location.

Command works in shell but not Objective-C or C

I want to run the following shell command in Objective-C
sshfs -C -p 22 ~/local/directory/path
using the command system("sshfs -C -p 22 ~/local/directory/path");
but I get sh: sshfs: command not found in NSLog.
If I copy and paste it into terminal however, it works.
The path used by an GUI application does not include any changes you have made in your shell files in your home directory (e.g. ~/.bashrc)
One way is to use the full path in the system call. (i.e. /Users/username/Projects - ~ are not automatically expanded) In a Cocoa app I would use NSTask to give more control

How to make shell script run by double-click?

I have a script which is executable from command line but I want to make it user friendly as I want to run this script by double clicking on it. How it is possible?
#! /bin/bash
cd Desktop/D_usman/
java -jar imageSynch.jar
You may need to add ".command" to the end of the name of your shellscript on Mac OS X.
You need to add execute permissions for the user, group, or rest of the world, depending on who should be allowed to execute it. Look into chmod for more information.
Example: chmod u+x myscript
Once you do this, you can also start the shell script like this ./myscript instead of sh
Note: You can also make your JAR start by adding execute permission, given Java is setup correctly on your machine.