What is the proper way to align UITableViewCells when only some have an imageView? - iphone-sdk-3.0

I am new to iPhone programming and working on my first real application (i.e. one not written in a book or online) and I've run into a small problem which I could solve a multitude of ways, but feel like there should be a good solution that perhaps I am just missing.
Here is the scenario: I have a UITableView with a bunch of standard UITableViewCells in it. What I want to do is toggle a green check mark when the cell is selected and I have that part working (note: I'm already using the accessoryType for something else, so I can't use it for the checkmark...besides, it's not as pretty). Unfortunately, when I toggle the checkmark like so:
if (...) {
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"checkmark.png"];
} else {
cell.imageView.image = nil;
It makes the cell's label bounce back and forth depending on whether it is checked or not. What is the proper way to align the cell's text (set via cell.textLabel.text) regardless of whether or not it has an image set? The solutions I have come up with are:
Create a blank 40x40 png image in Photoshop and set the unchecked to that
Create a blank 40x40 image solely in code
Set some setting that I don't know about that will align it for me
Create a subclass of UITableCellView that does what I need (which would be stupid, I'd just go with option 1...)
Suggestions? Thoughts? Comments? Thank you very much :-)
P.S. I'd like the solution to work with OS 3.0 and 4.0 if that makes any sort of difference.

Option 1 is the way to go for a standard cell.
Strictly speaking, you do not have to subclass UITableViewCell to customize the layout. You can add any views you wish to the contentView. So you can add a UILabel and UIImageView to the contentView instead of using the imageView and textLabel properties.


How to set a background color for NSTableCellView?

I've made an NSTableCellView in my nib, which has the textField occupying the entire space, and it works great for displaying text, and tracking the size of the column.
Now I want to be able to set a solid background color for it, in a specific case (i.e., not for all cells). How do I do this?
I think it's like this question, except the solution there didn't do anything for me, and I can't come up with anything close to it that works, either.
I've tried making my -tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: method...
set the cellview.layer.backgroundColor
set cellview.wantsLayer=YES (and confirming that there's a layer)
set cellview.layer.opaque=YES and cellview.layer.opacity=1.0
set the cellview.textField.backgroundColor
set cellview.textField.drawsBackground=YES
in the nib, for the Table Cell View's Text Field, checked "Draws Background", and set the Background popup (which would be permanent for all table cells, not just for the ones I want in -tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:, but if this worked it would demonstrate to me that at least something here is capable of painting the background)
Since my text takes up the entire cell view, being able to set it on either the textField or the whole cell view would be fine.
This seems like it should be a simple setting somewhere, but nothing works. Do I need to subclass NSTableCellView just to have a background color?
I will recommend to create a subclass of NSTableCellView. It helps in creating a re-usable component(you can even add a gradient to make it look different) and segregating the responsibilities.
You can use this simple code and change the class in NSTableCellView.
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
[[NSColor redColor] set];

How to disable touch detection on a UIImage?

I am working on an app, which actually works like MSPaint (something to draw lines, etc...).
I got a white UIView, basically where the user draws. On top of this UIView I set up a UIImage, which is gray, with a 0,4 alpha. I want this UIImage to be used as a blotting paper. The idea is to disable touch when the user put the palm of his hand on this area, so it's more comfortable to draw (multitouch is disabled, and with this "blotting paper" you won't draw something accidentally with your palm...)
Even if I bring the UIImage to the front, on top of the view, and even if I disable user interactions on this UIImage, it is still possible to draw on the UIView. , behind the UIImage (kind of strange!)
I do not understand what's happening, because, it seems that the image is transparent, and that the UIView "behind" is still active, even if she's overlaid by the UIImage?!
Any help/indication/idea would be much appreciated! Thank you :-)
Have you set the "userInteractionEnabled" property of the UIImage to "NO" ?
You may actually want to do the opposite. When you disable user interaction or touches, the view basically becomes invisible to touches and they are passed on to the next view.
In your case you do want userInteractionEnabled because you want the view to catch those touches.
You have to disable the user interaction on the UIImageView not the UIImage and it should work.
Or you could be sneaky and just add an empty view over it. Use the same frame size so it overlaps perfectly and thats it. You'll be able to see everything you need and it's not a subview of it so there will eb no interaction and touches will get registered but won't have any effect. :P
No better ideas unless you post some of your code...
OK, so I managed to do what I wanted to! YAY!
I got 3 different classes :
StrokesViewController (UIViewController)-the view controller
StrokesView (UIView) - the view where the user draws the strokes.
BlottingPaper (UIView) - the blotting paper.
I got a XIB file "linked" to all three.
I created this new class, called "BlottingPaper", typed UIView. the .h and .m file are actually empty (I do import #import < Foundation/Foundation.h >)
User interaction is enable on BlottingPaper.
I do not use the exclusive touch on this class.
On the XIB file, I just put a view on top of StrokesView. I link it to BlottingPaper (modify the alpha as I want, blablabla...)
And that's it! When I put the palm of my hand on it, it doesn't draw anything on the area where my hand is, but I still can draw with my finger on the rest of the StrokesView!
In addition to Dancreek's response, you should be setting buvard.userInteractionEnabled = YES; so that it captures interaction.
You should also set buvard.exclusiveTouch = YES; so that buvard is the only view which will receive touch events.
When you remove buvard you should set buvard.exclusiveTouch = NO; so that other views will regain their ability to receive touches.

Display horizontal grid lines in nstable view using cocoa

hi i am working with NSTableView in my app.
I want to display grid lines depending on the number of rows but it shows many lines even when the number of rows are very less.
Is this a usual behavior?
Or am i doing something wrong?
I have checked the horizontal grid lines option from xib.
cannot understand how to achieve this using code.
What I found to work best for me so far is the following code.
Just fool the original grid drawing code to draw only on populated rows.
Subclass NSTableView, if needed and override drawGridInClipRect:(NSRect)clipRect as following:
- (void)drawGridInClipRect:(NSRect)clipRect
NSRect lastRowRect = [self rectOfRow:[self numberOfRows]-1];
NSRect myClipRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, lastRowRect.size.width, NSMaxY(lastRowRect));
NSRect finalClipRect = NSIntersectionRect(clipRect, myClipRect);
[super drawGridInClipRect:finalClipRect];
If I understood your issue I may say: "YES". It's expected from the NSTableView to be fulfilled of stripes even when empty if you set it so.
I realize that you want also to manage those lines programmatically. Consider check out this method setGridStyleMask: on the NSTableView Class Reference.
Good luck.

Changing UITableCellView appearance before it is highlighted (from UITableView)

I may have taken a million wrong turns to get to this question, so I'm happy to revise if someone can spot where I went wrong.
I am trying to build a tableview that looks the same as the Contacts app. My first issue is that an entry will have both a bolded and unbolded string in a given row like "John Appleseed" or "Martin Luther King". I figured I need have two UILabels within my UITableViewCell (possible my first mistake).
All I want to do is simply add that second UILabel so instead of subclassing I just add another UILabel in UITableViewCell (possible my next mistake).
However when a row is highlighted (but not yet selected) the default UILabel text switches to white, but my ad-hoc UILabel remains black. I can only force the UILabel text to change to white in the UITableViewDelegate methods which occur AFTER the highlighting. This cause I noticeable flash of white -> black.
Now I see the UITableViewCell method 'setHighlighted:animated:' which I could override if I subclassed, but I was hoping the were another way to approach it.
I think you're going to find it difficult to keep the last name proportionally spaced from the other portion of the name in a separate view, especially given that the views may be resized by the table view in a number of situations (for example, to accommodate controls when the table view is in editing mode).
It should be a lot easier to create a custom subclass of UITableViewCell and override its -drawRect: method to draw the text itself. Take a look at the UIStringDrawing category on NSString for a list of messages you can send to an instance of NSString to tell it to draw itself either at a given point, or within a given rectangle.

UILabel inside a UIToolbar using IB is invisible on run, how fix?

I want to show a total inside a toolbar. I put in IB the UILabel on top of the toolbar .
However, when I run the app, the UILabel is totally invisible (but can set values on code fine).
The most bizarre thing is that in other form, all work fine. I don't see why in one form work but not in another...
Any idea in how fix this? Or why is this behaviour happening?
Don't use a UILabel.
Use a UIBarButtonItem. Then set it to style: plain. It looks like a label, but it actually borderless button. This is the general practice of displaying text on a bar.
You can also create UIBarButtonItem with a custom view in code. You are simple "wrapping" the UILabel in a UIBarButtonItem allowing you to add anything you want to a tool bar.
To add in response to comment:
Either way, you make the button "inactive" and it doesn't respond to touches. Even though it is a button, it doesn't appear to be one. This is how Apple expects to add views to a toolbar/navbar as apposed to "float things on top of it". It violates no HIG guidelines, much the opposite, it is a reccomended design technique.
To stop the glow:
Create the button programmatically, make sure it is disabled, add it to the bar, it should then be disabled, but not dim.
In IB, have you tried to select the label and use the "Bring to Font" menu item (under Layout)? It seems like you are trying to do something pretty standard.
When you try to set values, is the label coming up as nil or at address 0x0? It's possible that the label is there, but its text cannot be set because its instance is faulty (not properly connected in IB to the IBOutlet).... Just put a breakpoint on the line where you are trying to set the value(s) for the label, and verify that the label variable is not nil (or 0x0). If it's not, try setting the text and verify on the next line that its text was set properly.
drag a UIButton into your UIToolBar. Then uncheck User Interaction Enables for this button.
Customize your UIButton so that it will look like a UILabel. Hope this will help you.