Inserting a null value into the database - sql

Good Morning,
Say I have an insert statement:
Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo,fieldThree) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo','null')
This statement doesn't seem to want to insert a null value into the database... I have also tried to insert the word "nothing".
Has anyone any ideas how to make this work? I am using SQL server 2005.

First of all, instead of 'null', try null (lose the quotes)
Then check that the fieldThree column on TblTest doesn't have any constraint prohibiting the use of null values...

Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo,fieldThree) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo',NULL)
Check for fieldThree not to be NOT NULL.
If you're trying to INSERT 'NULL' string, then just check if fieldThree is varchar type.

Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo').


is it possible to insert data where null value is locating by using insert into keyword

Insert into table_name
values('hyd') where col1 isnull;
INSERT syntax can't have WHERE clause. You can use INSERT INTO command for this type of use case.

Insert Operation Failed for SQL Server

I tried to insert some rows into SQL server database and throws an error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'null' to data type bit
Could anyone explain what is this for?
This is not in a program.
What you might be trying
What should it actually be..
If you want to insert a null value into a column, you need to write NULL, and not 'NULL' (wrapping it in quotes indicates that it is a VARCHAR containing the letters N, U, L L - not a null value).
That is what the error message is telling you: you're trying to insert the VARCHAR value 'NULL' into a column that will only accept bit data.
Change the 'NULL' in your insert query to NULL.
You need something like this:
INSERT INTO TableName(ColumnName) VALUES(NULL); --this is the right way
Instead of this:
INSERT INTO TableName(ColumnName) VALUES('NULL'); --this is the wrong way

Insert empty string into INT column for SQL Server

A SAMPLE table has only one column ID of type int, default null.
In Oracle when I do:
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values ('');
the new record is added with blank value. But in SQL Server 2008, when I run the same insert statement, the new record has the value of 0.
Is there a way to force SQL Server 2008 to default blank string to NULL instead of 0 (for numerical type of columns)?
Assuming that your INSERT statement is part of a stored procedure re-used in many places of your application (or, perhaps, is a batch always constructed by the same part of the client code) and that the inserted value is a number passed as a string argument, you could modify the INSERT like this:
Use NULL instead.
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (NULL);
How about another idea - define an INSTEAD OF INSERT Trigger.
Despite the fact that you're trying to insert a string, with this the operation is "intercepted", empty string is replaced by NULL, and the insert succeeds.
If you define this trigger on your table, then you can continue to insert empty string as before, with no other changes.
Edit: As Martin Smith points out, this effectively is a comparison to 0 (the equivalent of empty string as an int) meaning you won't be able to store 0 in this table. I leave this answer here in case that's acceptable to your situation - either that or re-do all your queries!
CREATE TRIGGER EmptyStringTrigger
FROM inserted
SQL Fiddle example
You can't insert a 'string' into a int column. Oracle must be just handling that for you.
Just try inserting NULL if that's what you need.
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (NULL);
One more option
insert into SAMPLE (ID) values (DEFAULT)

How to input the value 'NULL' into nvarchar column in SQL Server?

I have a requirement to insert the literal value 'NULL' into a nvarchar column as a default value. But when I insert records the default is going as db NULL instead of the literal 'NULL'. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
So you want the actual string of "NULL" to be inserted? Try something like this:
create table NullTable
nvarchar(100) not null default 'NULL',
.... -- your other fields
EDIT: Here is a full solution
create table InsertNull
Nullfield nvarchar(100) not null default 'NULL',
someint int not null
insert into insertnull(someint)
select 20
select *
from InsertNull
Note the quotes:
INSERT INTO yourtable (varcharfield) VALUES ('NULL'); // string null
INSERT INTO yourtable (varcharfield) VALUES (NULL); // actual null
If set the default in code instead of the designer is should work.

mysql error 1064 when inserting

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(country,ping,order) VALUES (China,1,1)' at line 1
this is my code
(country, ping, order)
('China', '1', '1');
You're missing the Table Name. Try:
INSERT INTO MYTABLENAME (country,ping,order) VALUES ('China','1','1');
are ping and order text fields or numeric? if numeric remove the ticks from the 1's
INSERT INTO Tablename (country,ping,order) VALUES ('China',1,1)
could also be reserved word try:
INSERT INTO Tablename (country,`ping`,`order`) VALUES ('China',1,1)
Your insert statement is missing the table name:
INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_name,...) VALUES (expr,...)
you are missing table name. also make sure that those quotes are necessary