mysql error 1064 when inserting - sql

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(country,ping,order) VALUES (China,1,1)' at line 1
this is my code
(country, ping, order)
('China', '1', '1');

You're missing the Table Name. Try:
INSERT INTO MYTABLENAME (country,ping,order) VALUES ('China','1','1');

are ping and order text fields or numeric? if numeric remove the ticks from the 1's
INSERT INTO Tablename (country,ping,order) VALUES ('China',1,1)
could also be reserved word try:
INSERT INTO Tablename (country,`ping`,`order`) VALUES ('China',1,1)

Your insert statement is missing the table name:
INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_name,...) VALUES (expr,...)

you are missing table name. also make sure that those quotes are necessary


Missing select keyword in Oracle SQL

I am getting this error
SQL Error: ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
00928. 00000 - "missing SELECT keyword"`
when I am trying to insert like this
create table certf
certificate_id integer primary key,
certificate_name varchar(100) not null,
certificate_content varchar(300) not null
insert into certf (&certificate_id, &certificate_name, &certificate_content);
You are missing values actually:
insert into certf (certificate_id, certificate_name, certificate_content)
values (&certificate_id, &certificate_name, &certificate_content);
Notice that I also added the column list to the insert. This is a best practice.
If those are supposed to be values you're providing as substitution values, then you're missing the values keyword:
insert into certf values (&certificate_id,&certificate_name,&certificate_content);
But you need the string values to be in quotes:
insert into certf values (&certificate_id,'&certificate_name','&certificate_content');
and you should supply the column names too:
insert into certf (certificate_id,certificate_name,certificate_content)
values (&certificate_id,'&certificate_name','&certificate_content');
With you current code the parser is seeing that first list of - possible, but actually invalid in this case - identifiers, i.e column names; because it hasn't seen that values keyword yet. It's treated as something like:
insert into certf (42,some_name,some_content);
And having done that, and when it still doesn't see a values keyword or values list, it's expecting this to be an insert ... select construct instead. You could do it that way:
insert into certf (certificate_id,certificate_name,certificate_content)
select &certificate_id,'&certificate_name','&certificate_content' from dual;
But you aren't doing that. So it doesn't see the select either, and it throws the error you see.

ORA-00917: missing comma error, when column desc is having spanish words

insert into tab (ID, DESCRIPRION) values (1,'FARMACIAS PHARMACY´S');
getting following error.
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00917: missing comma
my description is in spanish language.
Please let me know, how to fix above error.
Try using the q-quote syntax for quoting a string...
insert into junk values ( 1, q'[FARMACIAS PHARMACY´S]' );
DESC is a keyword. Wrap it in double quotes
insert into tab (ID, "DESC") values (1,'ABC FRMACY´S');

mysql insert on different dbs

I have different databases and when I try inseret I get error 1064
here is my statement
Insert into (`database1.table1`.`column`) Value ('1');
what am I doing wrong
You need to use correct syntax
INSERT INTO database1.table1 (column) VALUES('1')
In mysql it would be something like
INSERT INTO `database1`.`table1` (`column`) VALUE ('1')

SQL Server Compact. There was an error parsing the query

I cannot figure out why this is not working. I get the same thing when I try to do an update query as well.
Here is the error " There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 43,Token in error = where ] "
Here is the actual Query INSERT INTO ads (title,price,body,enabled,where,interval,posted) VALUES('test','899','test',True,'Columbus',15,'11/25/2009 10:12:30 AM')
Where would be 'Columbus'
I am using visual studio express 2008 C#
WHERE is a reserved word, try wrapping it in brackets
INSERT INTO ads (title,price,body,enabled,[where],interval,posted)
VALUES('test','899','test',True,'Columbus',15,'11/25/2009 10:12:30 AM')
i think you should provide the value of the primary key in your insert statement,maybe SQL Server Compact databases are not generated automatically or you dont configure that.
I had the same problem this is the INSERT statement which was not working and got the same error:
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('Osama','Amman','656565')
this is the INSERT statement which was working fine:
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565')
also if you have in your table columns with names have spaces like (Customer Name)
you must use brackets in your sqlCe statement as:
INSERT INTO Customers([CustomerID],[Customer Name],[Customer Address],[Customer Phone])
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565')
also if you use SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get last record inserted in INSERT Statement
INSERT INTO Customers(CustomerID,CustomerName,CustomerAddress,CustomerPhone)
VALUES ('4564','Osama','Amman','656565') SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()
don't use it...

Inserting a null value into the database

Good Morning,
Say I have an insert statement:
Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo,fieldThree) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo','null')
This statement doesn't seem to want to insert a null value into the database... I have also tried to insert the word "nothing".
Has anyone any ideas how to make this work? I am using SQL server 2005.
First of all, instead of 'null', try null (lose the quotes)
Then check that the fieldThree column on TblTest doesn't have any constraint prohibiting the use of null values...
Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo,fieldThree) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo',NULL)
Check for fieldThree not to be NOT NULL.
If you're trying to INSERT 'NULL' string, then just check if fieldThree is varchar type.
Insert INTO tblTest (fieldOne,FieldTwo) VALUES ('valueOne','valueTwo').