Prevent sqlite INJECTION ATTACKS on your own iPhone? - sql

I always take precautions regarding SQL INJECTION ATTACKS when data is saved between someone's iPhone and a remote database on the cloud.
But is it also necessary to do the same... when just saving data (using sqlite) from someone's cell phone, to a database that's just on their own phone?
What's the worse they can do? Delete their own data (or tables) on their own phone?
(If they really try hard enough.)

Is it necessary? - Yes, its "necessary", i.e. its probably worth it. Even if you don't care much about security in this context (which may be valid), you should worry about correctness (at the very least, its matter of pride).
What's the worst that could happen?
User #1 Patty O'Brian enters her name into a field that gums up the SQL call and it fails. The program either doesn't handle it well or the user gets an ambiguous error message as to why it failed.
User #2 enters a name that gums up the SQL call and it succeeds! The program is now in an unknown state.
Either way, now the user contacts support and eats up time and energy (user #2 never admitting what they did, making it even more difficult to debug) and/or demands their money back.

Yes, it is necessary, IMHO.
The majority of injection attacks can be prevented by adherence to correctness
SQL placeholders and bound variables, for example, handle both unexpectedly formed input (e.g., the innocent apostrophe in "5 o'clock") and malicious input (e.g., "' OR 1=1 --").
So, be scrupulously correct in your data handling, and don't worry about most injections.
Injections might subvert application logic
SQLite has triggers, I think, but in any case the application might make decisions based on data pulled from the local db, attacking other facets of the environment, etc. If today's application isn't complex enough for this, tomorrow's rev will be.
Someone else might be using (attacking) the phone, not just an authorized user
True, this is generic risk of, say, the desktop authenticated to StackOverflow. However, I find that "smartphone" apps are more at risk of unintended operators: many phones have no passcode, many apps require no frequent re-authentication, and users may freely give their phones to people who just need to make a quick call.

If you are syncing an iPhone database with a remote database do not trust the content. It doesn't take SQL Injection to change the database. A jailbroken iPhone gives the user full access to entire file system which includes the sqlite database file, this can then be modified however the attacker wants. This isn't sql injection, this is a "Client Side Trust" vulnerability.
SQL Injection under sqlite is useful to an attacker. Unlike MySQL, Sqlite allows you to stack queries, so the attacker can always create/drop/insert/update/delete/select/etc no matter what query is affected by sql injection. Under MySQL its common to inject sub-selects or union-selects to obtain specific data, but for instance you cannot turn a select statement into an insert under normal conditions.


Multiple application on network with same SQL database

I will have multiple computers on the same network with the same C# application running, connecting to a SQL database.
I am wondering if I need to use the service broker to ensure that if I update record A in table B on Machine 1, the change is pushed to Machine 2. I have seen applications that need to use messaging servers to accomplish this before but I was wondering why this is necessary, surely if they connect to the same database, any changes from one machine will be reflected on the other?
Thanks :)
This is mostly about consistency and latency.
If your applications always perform atomic operations on the database, and they always read whatever they need with no caching, everything will be consistent.
In practice, this is seldom the case. There's plenty of hidden opportunities for caching, like when you have an edit form - it has the values the entity had before you started the edit process, but what if someone modified those in the mean time? You'd just rewrite their changes with your data.
Solving this is a bunch of architectural decisions. Different scenarios require different approaches.
Once data is committed in the database, everyone reading it will see the same thing - but only if they actually get around to reading it, and the two reads aren't separated by another commit.
Update notifications are mostly concerned with invalidating caches, and perhaps some push-style processing (e.g. IM client might show you a popup saying you got a new message). However, SQL Server notifications are not reliable - there is no guarantee that you'll get the notification, and even less so that you'll get it in time. This means that to ensure consistency, you must not depend on the cached data, and you have to force an invalidation once in a while anyway, even if you didn't get a change notification.
Remember, even if you're actually using a database that's close enough to ACID, it's usually not the default setting (for performance and availability, mostly). You need to understand what kind of guarantees you're getting, and how to write code to handle this. Even the most perfect ACID database isn't going to help your consistency if your application introduces those inconsistencies :)

Should I create separate SQL Server database for each user?

I am working on Asp.Net MVC web application, back-end is SQL Server 2012.
This application will provide billing, accounting, and inventory management. The user will create an account by signup. just like Each user will create some masters and various transactions. There is no limit, user can make unlimited records in the database.
I want to keep stable database performance, after heavy data load. I am maintaining proper indexing and primary keys in it, but there would be a heavy load on the database, per user.
So, should I create a separate database for each user, or should maintain one database with UserID. Add UserID in each table and making a partition based on UserID?
I am not an expert in SQL Server, so please provide suggestions with clear specifications.
Please inform me if there is any lack of information.
A DB per user is what happens when customers need to be able pack up and leave taking the actual database with them. Think of a self hosted wordpress website. Or if there are incredible risks to one user accidentally seeing another user's data, so it's safer to rely on the servers security model than to rely on remembering to add the UserId filter to all your queries. I can't imagine a scenario like that, but who knows-- maybe if the privacy laws allowed for jail time, I would rather data partitioned by security rules rather than carefully writing WHERE clauses.
If you did do user-per-database, creating a new user will be 10x more effort. While INSERT, UPDATE and so on stay the same from version to version, with each upgrade the syntax for database, user creation, permission granting and so on will evolve enough to break those scripts each SQL version upgrade.
Also, this will multiply your migration headaches by the number of users. Let's say you have 5000 users and you need to add some new columns, change a columns data type, update a trigger, and so on. Instead of needing to run that change script 1x, you need to run it 5000 times.
Per user Dbs also probably wastes disk space. Each of those databases is going to have a transaction log, sitting idle taking up the minimum log space.
As for load, if collectively your 5000 users are doing 1 billion inserts, updates and so on per day, my intuition tells me that it's going to be faster on one database, unless there is some sort of contension issue (everyone reading and writing to the same table at the same time and the same pages of the same table). Each database has machine resources (probably threads and memory) per database doing housekeeping, so these extra DBs can't be free.
Anyhow, the best thing to do is to simulate the two architectures and use a random data generator to simulate load and see how they perform.
It's not an easy answer to give.
First, there is logical design to be considered. Then you have integrity, security, management and performance (in this very order).
A database is a logical unit of data, self contained. Ideally, you should be able to take a database, move it to another instance, probably change the connection strings and be running again.
All the constraints are database-level. No foreign keys can exist referencing some object outside the database.
So, try thinking in these terms first.
How would you reliably prevent one user messing up the other user's data? Keep in mind that it's just a matter of time before someone opens an excel sheet and fire up queries on the database bypassing your application. Row level security in SQL Server is something you don't want to deal with.
Multiple databases mean that all management tasks should be scripted out and executed on all databases. Yes, there is some overhead to it, but once you set it up it's just the matter of monitoring. If a database goes suspect, it's a single customer down, not all of them. You can even have different versions for different customes if each customer have it's own database. Additionally, if you roll an upgrade, you can do it per customer, so the inpact will be much less.
Performance is the least relevant factor here. Of course, it really depends on how many customers and how much data, but proper indexing will solve these issues. Scale-out is much easier with multiple databases.
BTW, partitioning, as you mentioned it, is never a performance booster, it's simply a management feature, allowing for faster loading and evicting of data from a table.
I'd probably put each customer in separate database, but it's up to you eventually to make a decision for yourself. Hope I've helped some with this.

How to make VB.NET application work as Multi-user?

I am developing a VB.Net application. That application might be working on a LAN. MS Access as a back end will be used. I have developed many single user applications, but don't know of multi user , LAN, manage DB etc. How do I make the program as Multi user on LAN. Data will be accessed at the same time. How to manage such things.
Please give me some help and Guidance.
Your VB application does not care how many people run it.
Your database, with MS Access, has some serious issues with multiple users. Get away from it if you can. SQL Server has a free version called SQL Express. If you only plan on 2 people, you might be OK with Access for a while but be prepared to support it more.
That was all the easy stuff, now you have to think about how you are going to handle multiple users trying to access and update the same data (concurrency).
Imagine this, you are a user looking at employee record 1 and so is someone else. You change the birthday and save. The the other user changes thier suppervisor and saves. How do you know something changed? What do you do if something changed? These are questions I cannot answer for you, you must decide based on your situation.
There are 2 main types of concurrency, optimistic and pessimistic. See this link for a great explaination and discussion on them: optimistic-vs-pessimistic-locking
You can look at this on a table-by-table basis.
If a table is never updated, you dont have to worry about concurrency
If a table is rarely updated, like a table of states, you can decide if it is worth the extra effort to add concurrency.
Everything else, pretty much should have some type of concurrency.
Now, the million dollar question, how?
You will find as many ways to handle concurrency as you will find colors in the rainbow. Here are some of the ones I like:
Simple number that you increment with each save. Small and easy.
DateTime stamp - As long as you dont expect to ever have 2 people save the same record during the same second, this is easy. (I personally dont like it by it's self)
User Name - Pretty simple gives a little bit of an audit by knowing who last inserted/edited the record but doesn't handle an issue I have seen to often. Imagine the same senerio as above but you had 2 instances of record 1. Now you change the data again, maybe supervisor, and when you save, you overwrite the changes from your first save with those of the second save.
Guid - VB can create a guid, SQL Server can create a guid and so can Access. It is nice an unique and most important, you can create it on the client so you dont have to requery the database after you save the record to get a refreshed record.
Combination of these. I like 2 and 3 myself. Gives a mini audit and is unique to the user.
If you use a DataAdapter, by default, MS will assume concurrency checking means to compare EVERY field to make sure it did not change. This works, but is completely un-scaleable and should not be done.
All of this depends on the size of your application and how you see it being used. Definately do some more research before you settle on a decision.
There are a number of solutions here.
If I may suggest a drastic alternative, have you considered pairing the client running on the user's computer with a server component (through a web service)? A simpler alternative would be for the client to talk directly to a SQL Server (or other database) instance through the network?*
*I'm not a fan of having client side apps talk directly to the database. It will mean maintenance headaches in the future, but I
included it to give you options
I found this random example via Google so YMMV.

Executing untrusted SQL with SELECT only user

I am creating an application that allows users to construct complex SELECT statements. The SQL that is generated cannot be trusted, and is totally arbitrary.
I need a way to execute the untrusted SQL in relative safety. My plan is to create a database user who only has SELECT privileges on the relevant schemas and tables. The untrusted SQL would be executed as that user.
What could possibility go wrong with that? :)
If we assume postgres itself does not have critical vulnerabilities, the user could do a bunch of cross joins and overload the database. That could be mitigated with a session timeout.
I feel like there is a lot more than could go wrong, but I'm having trouble coming up with a list.
Based on the comments/answers so far, I should note that the number of people using this tool at any given time will be very near 0.
SELECT queries can not change anything in databse. Lack of dba privileges guarantee that any global settings can not be changed. So, overload is truely the only concern.
Onerload can be result of complex queryies or too much simple queries.
Too complex queryies can be ruled out by setting statement_timeout in postgresql.conf
Receiving plenties of simple queryies can be avoided too. Firstly, you can set parallel connection limit per user (alter user with CONNECTION LIMIT). And if you have some interface program between user and postgresql, you can additionally (1) add some extra wait after each query completion, (2) introduce CAPTCHA to avoid automated DOS-attack
ADDITION: PostgreSQL public system functions give many possible attack vectors. They can be called like select pg_advisory_lock(1) and every user have privilege to call them. So, you should restrict access to them. Good option is creating whitelist of all "callable words" or, more precisely, identifiers that can be used with ( after them. And rule out all queryies that include call-like construct identifier ( with an identifier not in white list.
Things that come to mind, in addition to having the user SELECT-only and revoking privileges on functions:
Read-only transaction. When a transaction is started by BEGIN READ ONLY, or SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY as its first instruction, it cannot write anything, independantly of the user permissions.
At the client side, if you want to restrict it to one SELECT, better use a SQL submission function that does not accept several queries bundled into one. For instance, the swiss-knife PQexec method of the libpq API does accept such queries and so does every driver function that is built on top of it, like PHP's pg_query. is a service dedicated to running arbitrary SQL statements which may be seen somehow as a proof-of-concept that it's doable without being hacked or DDos'ed all day long.
The problem with this, is i'm not sure if the sql itself will still continue to run in the background after a session timeout (can't really find much evidence either way via google and haven't had any real experience where I've attempted it myself either). If you're limiting to just select access, i think this is about the worst that could happen though. The real issue would be what happens if you got a hundred users trying to do complex cross joins? Session timeout dropping the query or not, it'll put a real heavy load on the database (could very easily be enough to pull the database down entirely)
The only way (from my point of view) to protect yourself against DoS on main server with crafted queries is to set up a read only replica of the Postgres DB and a special limited user on this replica DB. This way the main Postgres server wont be affected by queries on replica.
Also you will get hot standby / continuous replication DB for the case, when main DB fails for some reason.

Is it possible to Update an SQL Server Database and an Informix Database at the same time?

I was wondering if it is possible to add/update/delete an SQL Server database table, as well as an Informix database table at the same time.
Both databases will have the same table (data and all), so the query would only change just based on which database it is going to. For some reason, we need the data inside both databases and kept up in real time.
Is it possible to do this with a SQL Trigger or maybe a SProc?
Any insight of how to do this, or a push in the right direction would be very much appreciated.
Doing a synchronous update, ie. a distributed transaction by using a linked server, possible for a trigger, while technically possible, I would definitely advise against it. Aaron brings the issue of how reliable XA in general is, but my point is different: availability. Your update in SQL Server will fail if it cannot connect and update in Informix. Downtime (patching, maintenance, not to mention disasters) of the Informix site will imply downtime of the SQL Server site, driving your five 9's toward nine 5's quite fast... This is why I strongly advocate decoupling the application of updates. Transactional Replication is such an example of decoupling and it supports heterogenous environments (ie. Informix client downstream to accept the changes).
You will have a delay of update visibility (state in SQL Server will be reflected in Informix after delay that can be milliseconds, seconds, minutes, even hours in a bad day). And the updates are one way, nothing flows back from Informix to SQL Server. But doing master-master replication in an heterogeneous environment is something that not even Chuck Norris would attempt, just saying.
Maintaining two different DBMS with a single transaction requires a transaction monitor such as the XA system to coordinate the transactions. There are such systems. The XA specification is typically the underlying standard. Both Microsoft's SQL Server and IBM's Informix work with such systems, and it is possible to have SQL Server and Informix controlled by the same transaction monitor. I have fewer qualms about the technical competency of such systems than the others who've answered; I share their concerns about whether it is appropriate for you.
Such systems are very heavyweight. If you want consistency, all transactions that modify the single table described in the question will need to use the same XA services (plural; likely one for insert, one for update, one for delete) to do so. Further, if the same transactions need to manage any other tables too, then you need to add and use services for those tables as well. It is this aspect that tends to make such systems difficult to manage.
Using a replication system with the potential for delay before the sites are consistent is probably better than trying for absolute synchronicity, unless there are cogent demands for such synchronicity.
If there really is a demand for absolute synchronicity, then use a transaction monitor.
Do not roll your own.
They are hard to get right. Handling all the special cases is tricky. And (under the hypothesis that you need absolute synchronicity) doing it wrong is costly but easy.
That depends on your definition of "possible". Technically, you can use a technique called "two-phase commit."
The idea is you send the data to both databases and then a "prepare commit" command which does everything necessary to commit the data except for committing it. If the prepare fails, the commit would fail too. If prepare succeeds, then commit must succeed.
Brilliant idea, doesn't work in practice. One common case is that you send the commit to both databases and one of them gets lost on the way (network outage). Happens rarely but when it happens, you have an inconsistent state and, since this step must not fail, no good way to clean up.
So my solution works like this:
You load the data into a new table which has two extra columns where you can say "server X has seen this record"
You add a job which copies all jobs for server X to server X and updates the respective column. Write the job in such a way that it can be aborted and restarted at any time (i.e. it must be able to cope with cases where data already exists on the target side).
That way, you can distribute the data to any number of servers in a consistent, fault tolerant way.