How to launch Glassfish v3 without backgrounding - glassfish

Glassfish v3 is launched as follows:
./bin/asadmin start-domain <domain-name>
This script eventually runs:
exec "$JAVA" -jar "$AS_INSTALL_LIB/admin-cli.jar" "$#"
admin-cli.jar eventually launches another process, effectively putting itself into the background.
I would like to launch glassfish without putting itself in the background for the purpose of monitoring with daemontools (ie: svc). Is this possible?
The documentation talks about using inittab here which seems like it would also require a way to launch it without forking or backgrounding so some other process (eg: inittab, evc, etc.) can watch the process id and restart it if it crashes. However, in this inittab example, is it using the same backgrounding cmd line, so I don't know how inittab can possibly respawn the process when it doesn't know what process id to watch. Am I missing something?

You should be able to use asadmin start-domain -v...
Note: log statements are sent to the log file AND System.out/System.err.


Tomcat disable catalina.out

In our web application deployed on tomcat, catalina.out file keeps growing (it grows in GB's).
So to disable it I found solution where I set CATALINA_OUT=/dev/null.
This worked as expected but we also use kill -3 <PID> command to capture Thread Dump whenever it requires.
This thread dump gets written into catalina.out file but now I have disabled catalina.out so I cannot see thread dump.
How can I get thread dump?
Since it is a production system therefore we are using JRE and not JDK otherwise we would have used jmap/jcmd/jstack commands to capture thread dump.
So, I would like, tomcat should stop creating catalina.out file or do not write log4j statements in it. And if it is disabled then how to get thread dump?
Finally I found the solution which I was looking for. I added below lines of statement in tomcat/bin/ file
export CATALINA_OUT=/dev/null
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=thread_dump.log"
CATALINA_OUT set to /dev/null will stop writing log statements in catalina.out log.
JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=thread_dump.log configurations is used to write thread dump statements generated using kill –3 <PID> command. It will also print JVM-related configuration being used.
I hope this will help someone.

How to tell github action that the job had done successfully?

I use github action to deploy my website to my server. The last ssh cmd is npm run start. It will output ready - started server on http://localhost:4000(Since i use Nextjs) finally but it seems that github doesn't know what did it mean and print :
2021/01/09 14:24:14 Error: command timeout
err: Run Command Timeout!
Although the website is successfully deployed, it shows that the Github action failed to execute.
So how to tell github action that the job had done successfully?
You should find a way to start the application in a daemon process of its own, rather than as a process within the SSH session. Perhaps this tool (pm2) might solve your problem? This question and answer is somewhat related.
There are definitely other ways to start your app in a daemon process, or perhaps as a service, but this might be the most straightforward for you since it's a Node tool.

Dockerfile : RUN results in a No op

I have a Dockerfile, in which im trying to run a deamon that starts a java process.
If I embed the script in the Dockerfile, like so.
When I run /bin/bash on the resulting container, I see no entries from jps.
However, I can easily embed the script as CMD in which case, when i issue
docker run asdfg
I see the process start normally.
So, my question is, when we start a background async process in a Dockerfile, is it always the case that its side effects will be excluded from the container?
Background-processes needs to be started at container-start, not image build.
So your script needs to run via CMD or ENTRYPOINT.
CMD or ENTRYPOINT can still be a script, containing multiple commands. But I would imagine in your case, if you want several background processes, that using example supervisord would be your best option.
Also, check out some already existing Dockerfiles to get an idea of how it all fits together.

Jenkins SSH remote process is getting killed as soon as the Jenkins SSH plugin returns back

Jenkins version: 1.574
I created a simple job which performs the following:
Using "Execute shell script on remote host using SSH" as one of the BUILD steps, I'm just calling a shell script. This shell script performs stop and start operations on Tomcat to restart an application on the target machine.
I have a valid username, password, port defined for the target SSH server in Jenkins Global settings.
I saw this behavior that when I run a Jenkins job and call the restart script (which gets the application name as parameter $1), it works fine, but as soon as "Execute shell script on remote host using SSH" step completes, I see the new process dies on the remote/target application server.
If I run the script from the target/remote server itself, everything works fine and the new process/PID remains live forever, but running the same script from Jenkins, though I don't see any errors and everything works as expected, the new process dies as soon as the above mentioned SSH step is complete and control comes back to the next BUILD step in Jenkins job OR the Jenkins job is complete.
I saw a few posts/blogs and tried setting: BUILD_ID=dontKillMe in the Jenkins job (in various places i.e. Prepare Environment variables and also using Inject Environment variables...). When the job's particular build# is complete, I can see Environment Variables for that build# does say BUILD_ID=dontKillMe as its value (instead of the default Timestamp tag value).
I tried putting nohup before calling the restart script, i.e.,
nohup "${app}"
I also tried:
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe nohup "${app}"
This doesn't give any error and creates a nohup.out file on the remote server (but I'm not worried about it as the script itself creates its own LOG file which I'm "cat"ing after the script is complete. cat'ing on the log file is performed using another "Execute shell script on remote host using SSH" build step, and it successfully shows the log file created by the restart script).
I don't know what I'm missing at this point, but as soon as the step is complete, the new PID/process on the remote/target server dies.
How can I fix this?
I've been through this myself.
On my first iteration, before I knew about Jenkins ProcessTreeKiller, I ended up just daemonizing Tomcat. The Apache Tomcat documentation includes a section on running as a daemon.
You can also try disabling the ProcessTreeKiller for your whole Jenkins instance, if it's relatively small (read the first link for information).
The BUILD_ID=dontKillMe should be passed to the shell, and therefore it should be in your command line, not in Jenkins global configuration or job parameters.
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe "${app}" should have worked without problems.
You can also try nohup "${app}" & with the & at the end.
My solution (it worked after trying everything else) in Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) (Amazon AWS - Amazon EC2), Jenkins 1.601:
Exec command: (setsid COMMAND < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &);
// Example COMMAND=socat TCP4-LISTEN:1337,fork TCP4:
I created this Transfer as my last one.
export BUILD_ID=dontKillMe
I added the above line to the start of my script and the issue was resolved.

Start program via ssh in Jenkins and using it in Jenkins build

Hello people.
I'm using Jenkins as CI server and I need to run some performance test using Jmeter. I've setup the plugin and configured my workspace and everything works ok, but I have to do some steps manually and I want a bit more of "automation".
Currently i have some small programs in a remote server. These programs make some specific validations, for instance (just to explain): validates e-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc.
So, before I run the build in jenkins, I have to manually start the program ( I want:
I have to use putty (or any othe ssh client) to conect to the server and then run, for instance, the command
And the Jmeter test runs in a correct way, and when the test is done I have to manually "shut down" the program I started. But what I want is trying to start the program I need in Jenkins configuration (not manually outside Jenkins, but in "execute shell" or "execute remote shell using ssh" build step).
I have tried to start it, but it get stuck, because when Jenkins build finds the command
the build stops, it waits for the command to finish and then it will continue the other build steps, but obviously, I need this step not to finish until the test is executed.
Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks
Run your command as a background process by adding the & symbol at the end of the command and use the nohup command in case the parent process gets a hangup signal, e.g.
nohup /path/to/ &
If the script produces any output, it will go by default to the file nohup.out in the current directory when the script was launched.
You can kill the process at the end of the build by running: