FluentNhibernate dynamic runtime mappings - nhibernate

I am building a framework where people will be able to save items that the created by inheriting a class of mine. I will be iterating over every type in the appdomain to find classes that I want to map to nhibernate. Every class that I find will be a subclass of the inherited type.
I know how to create sub types in FluentNhibernate, but every sub type requires its own ClassMap class. Since I won't know these untill runtime, there is no way I can do that.
Is there a way that I can add mappings to fluent nhibernate?
Note, I know this is possible without fluent nhibernate using the Cfg class, but I don't want to manage the same code two different ways.

something along the lines
Type classToMap = GetClassToMap();
var subclassmap = typeof(SubClassMap<>).MakeGenericType(classToMap);
foreach(var item in classToMap.GetPropertiesToMapSomehow())
var expression = // build lambda of property
subclassMap.Map(expression).Column("col") ...
config.Add(subclassmap) // NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration

There was support for this at once time, and the api is still there, but it is now depricated.


Using Jackson to Serialize/Deserialize a Polymorphic Map with Properties

I am currently using Guava's ForwardingMap as a base class and have numerous types that extend it. I need to maintain the Map type because instances need to be treated as such in consumers. So, even though internally the ForwardingMap using composition the external interface still has to be a map.
As a map, deserializing just key-value properties using #JsonAnyGetter and #JsonAnySetter work fine but, I also need to take into account custom properties, using #JsonProperty, which may also be a part of the instance as well.
So, when serializing or deserializing I want all of the entries and any custom properties which may be a part of the extended class.
I have looked at numerous types of solutions, such as using the Shape.OBJECT and apply interfaces, but none of them seem to work properly for me. I believe I need to create a custom deserializer/serializer to handle the bean + map processing in Jackson but cannot find any examples as to how to do this.
These links help to explain what I am trying to do with no luck:
How to serialize with Jackson a java.util.Map based class (cannot change base of ForwardingMap)
Jackson - ignore Map superclass when serializing (cannot change base because it needs to remain a Map)
Ideally, I would like an example or pointer of how to serialize and deserialize an instance that extends ForwardingMap using #JsonAnySetter and #JsonAnyGetter and has custom properties using #JsonProperty as well.
I would want my output to look like
"modules": {
"MyModel": { <-- extends ForwardingMap<>
"domain": "typeinfo",
"property":"hello", <-- comes from #JsonProperty
"another": "GoodBye", <-- comes from #JsonAnyGetter
"another2": 50 <-- comes from #JsonAnyGetter

Include properties passing a string parameter

In ef6 using system.data.entity you could dynamically construct .Include queries as follows (very useful in a generic repository)
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet; //some instance of DbSet<TEntity>
query = query.Include("OrderItems");
However microsoft.data.entity as of ef7 RC1 doesn't have a .Include extension method that supports that. Is there another way to achieve this?
A generic repository without the ability to load related entities through navigation properties is not very useful.

Can I see nhibernate automapper mappings

Automapping in Nhibernate has been this wonderful magical thing, but now something strange is happening and I want to peel back this magical layer and see the actual mappings that are getting generated.
Is there a way to see the mappings generated by automapper and my overrides so I can see if it's doing what I think it's doing?
If you are using Fluent then you should be able to write the persistence model to the disk:
// In your fluent config code
// assuming config is of type FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfiguration
var model = new FluentNHibernate.PersistenceModel();
config.Mappings(m => m.UsePersistenceModel(model));

Can Ninject be instructed to apply context-based logic to all bindings?

We've begun using Dependency Injection recently, and we've chosen Ninject 2 (for now) as our IoC Container. As I refactor our solution to incorporate DI principles, I've run into something that bugs me a little, and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get around it.
For our data layer, we have a whole bunch of data-access classes that inherit the same generic class (EntityMapper). While in the past we've always constructed a new instance of these classes when we needed one, they really could all be changed into Singletons. We've overridden ObjectDataSource to use Ninject to instantiate its data-access object, so any time we create an ObjectDataSource that points to one of our EntityMapper classes, Ninject will use its default self-binding strategy to inject the necessary dependencies. Since there are so many of these classes, we'd rather not have to create an explicit binding for each of our EntityMapper classes, and we'd rather not have to put a special attribute on every one of them either. However, I would like to be able to instruct Ninject to make any instance of EntityMapper into a singleton class. Something like this:
Bind(t => typeof(IEntityMapper).IsAssignableFrom(t)).InSingletonScope();
Is there any way to do this?
You can use the conventions extension to do the following
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Scan( x=>
} );

Error mapping UserType from to property with NHibernate

I needed a way to trim strings within my persistent class because my legacy database is using char fields. I downloaded the nHhaddIns dll to use its TrimString class which is derived from IUserType.
Using their example I created a property in my mapping class as shown at the bottom.
uNHAddIns is added as a project within my solution. However, I received this error:"Could not determine type for: uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString, uNhAddIns, for columns: NHibernate.Mapping.Column(HSTAT)"
I tried running the example that is in the uNhAddIns project and receive the same error. Any ideas?
<property name="HSTAT" column="HSTAT" type="uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString, uNhAddIns" />
Don't know if you've managed to fix this already, but does your own uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString inherit from IUserType? My own pattern for user types in NHibernate involves the type implementation living in the DataModel, and the required IUserType interface living separately in my DataAccess layer. The IUserType implementation does the necessary marshalling between the database and my DataModel type implementation.
I just came across this same error when trying to use the DataModel class in my mapping file rather than the IUserType implementation.