Error mapping UserType from to property with NHibernate - nhibernate

I needed a way to trim strings within my persistent class because my legacy database is using char fields. I downloaded the nHhaddIns dll to use its TrimString class which is derived from IUserType.
Using their example I created a property in my mapping class as shown at the bottom.
uNHAddIns is added as a project within my solution. However, I received this error:"Could not determine type for: uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString, uNhAddIns, for columns: NHibernate.Mapping.Column(HSTAT)"
I tried running the example that is in the uNhAddIns project and receive the same error. Any ideas?
<property name="HSTAT" column="HSTAT" type="uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString, uNhAddIns" />

Don't know if you've managed to fix this already, but does your own uNhAddIns.UserTypes.TrimString inherit from IUserType? My own pattern for user types in NHibernate involves the type implementation living in the DataModel, and the required IUserType interface living separately in my DataAccess layer. The IUserType implementation does the necessary marshalling between the database and my DataModel type implementation.
I just came across this same error when trying to use the DataModel class in my mapping file rather than the IUserType implementation.


NopCommerece => Moving Mapping folder of Data Access Layer in Seperate Project

In NopCommerece MVC version, I am trying to move the mapping folder out of the DAL project to a seperate class library project, I am trying it to make the DAL more generic, so that it can be used in other projects as well.
But when I run the application, for every entity it says that "The entity type [EntityName] is not part of the model for the current context."
I think its happening because autofac is not finding IRepository for injection, any tips or ideas that where and what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
OK! I found the solution to this issue, in the ObjectContext file, there is an overridden method named OnModelCreating, which was basically creating instances of mapping type objects in the assembly through reflection.
I have asked this method to look into a specific dll for those mapping entries and it started working.

difference between class and instance structure

I'm currently trying to learn how to use GObject and there's a point I absolutely don't understand: What's the difference between the class and the instance structure (like "MamanBarClass" and "MamanBar") resp. how do I use them? At the moment I'd put all my object attributes into a private structure (like "MamanBarPrivate"), register it with "g_type_class_add_private" and define properties/getters/setters to access them. But when I leave the class structure empty I get the following error at "g_type_register_static_simple":
specified class size for type `MamanBar' is smaller than `GTypeClass' size
And why are all object methods defined in the class structure (like "GtKWidgetClass")? Probably I'm just screwing up everything, but I only worked with Delphi for OOP yet (I know, nothing to be proud about :D)
I'm currently trying to learn how to use GObject and there's a point I absolutely don't understand: What's the difference between the class and the instance structure (like "MamanBarClass" and "MamanBar") resp. how do I use them?
The class structure is only created once, and is not instance-specific. It's where you put things which are not instance-specific, such as pointers for virtual methods (which is the most common use for the class struct).
At the moment I'd put all my object attributes into a private structure (like "MamanBarPrivate"), register it with "g_type_class_add_private" and define properties/getters/setters to access them.
Good. That's the right thing to do.
But when I leave the class structure empty I get the following error at "g_type_register_static_simple":
You should never leave the class structure empty. It should always contain the class structure for the type you're inheriting from. For example, if you're trying to create a GObject, the class structure should look like this (at a minimum):
struct _MamanBarClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
Even if you're not inheriting from GObject, you still need the base class for GType:
struct _FooClass {
GTypeClass parent_class;
This is how simple inheritance is done in C.
And why are all object methods defined in the class structure (like "GtKWidgetClass")? Probably I'm just screwing up everything, but I only worked with Delphi for OOP yet (I know, nothing to be proud about :D)
Those are virtual public methods. As for why they're defined in the class structure instead of the instance structure, it's because the implementations are the same for every instance.

FluentNhibernate dynamic runtime mappings

I am building a framework where people will be able to save items that the created by inheriting a class of mine. I will be iterating over every type in the appdomain to find classes that I want to map to nhibernate. Every class that I find will be a subclass of the inherited type.
I know how to create sub types in FluentNhibernate, but every sub type requires its own ClassMap class. Since I won't know these untill runtime, there is no way I can do that.
Is there a way that I can add mappings to fluent nhibernate?
Note, I know this is possible without fluent nhibernate using the Cfg class, but I don't want to manage the same code two different ways.
something along the lines
Type classToMap = GetClassToMap();
var subclassmap = typeof(SubClassMap<>).MakeGenericType(classToMap);
foreach(var item in classToMap.GetPropertiesToMapSomehow())
var expression = // build lambda of property
subclassMap.Map(expression).Column("col") ...
config.Add(subclassmap) // NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration
There was support for this at once time, and the api is still there, but it is now depricated.

BlazeDS - Conversion from ArrayList <BaseClass> on java side to Actionscript

So we have a java class with two ArrayLists of generics. It looks like
public class Blah
public ArrayList<ConcreteClass> a;
public ArrayList<BaseClass> b;
by using [ArrayElementType('ConcreteClass')] in the actionscript class, we are able to get all the "a"s converted fine. However with "b", since the actual class coming across the line is a heterogeneous mix of classes like BaseClassImplementation1, BaseClassImplementation2 etc, it gets typed as an object. Is there a way to convert it to the specific concrete class assuming that a strongly typed AS version of the java class exists on the client side
thanks for your help!
To ensure that all of your DTO classes are marshalled across AS and Java, you need to define each remote class as a "remote class" in AS by using the "RemoteClass" attribute pointing to the java class definition like this [RemoteClass(alias="com.myco.class")].
BlazeDS will perform introspection on the class as it is being serialized/de-serialized and convert it appropriately (see doc below). It doesn't matter how the classes are packed or nested in an array, as long as it can be introspected it should work.
If you need special serialization for a class you can create your own serialization proxys (called beanproxy) by extending "AbastractProxy" and loading them into blazeds using the PropertyProxyRegistry register method on startup.
You will find most of this in the Blaze developers guide
Creating your own beanproxy class look here: //

Applying Spring .Net Advice to HibernateTemplate object

I have an class for auditing:
public class AuditAfterAdvise : IAfterReturningAdvice
This is applied to a Dao class in my Spring.Net configuration, using a RegularExpressionMethodPointcutAdvisor.
The Dao class implementation calls HibernateTemplate.SaveOrUpdate(object entity) to commit changes.
I would like to be able to apply AuditAfterAdvise class to the HibernateTemplate SaveOrUpdate() method used in my Dao, rather than the methods on the Dao itself.
The NHibenate/Spring setup is to use a LocalSessionFactoryObject for the Dao. Is this possible?
It certainly should be possible.
Instead of configuring the Dao, add the advice to the object definition for the LocalSessionFactoryObject. The RegularExpressionPointCutAdvisor should continue to work -- just applied to a different object.
I'm assuming the HibernateTemplate is retrieved from a Spring.NET object factory...