How to Auto-Increment Non-Primary Key? - SQL Server - sql

CREATE TABLE SupplierQuote
supplierQuoteID int identity (3504,2) CONSTRAINT supquoteid_pk PRIMARY KEY,
PONumber int identity (9553,20) NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT ponumber_uq UNIQUE(PONumber)
The above ddl produces an error:
Msg 2744, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Multiple identity columns specified
for table 'SupplierQuote'. Only one
identity column per table is allowed.
How can i solve it? I want PONumber to be auto-incremented.

If SupplierQuoteId and PONumber are generated when a row is inserted, then the two "identity" columns would be assigned in lockstep (3504 goes with 9553, 3506 goes with 9573, 3508 goes with 9593, etc.). If this assumption is true, then you presumably could make PONumber a calculated column, like so:
CREATE TABLE SupplierQuote
supplierQuoteID int NOT NULL identity (3504,2) CONSTRAINT supquoteid_pk PRIMARY KEY,
PONumber AS (10 * supplierQuoteID - 25487)
I made supplierQuoteId NOT NULL, which ensures that PONumber will also be NOT NULL. Similarly, you no longer need the unique constraint on PONumber, as it will always be unique. (It is possible to build indexes on calculated columns, if you need one for performance.)

You can't have more than one identity column per table. I think your best bet would be to pull the PO data into a separate table, then relate the two with a FK column.
supplierQuoteID (PK/identity)
purchaseOrderID (FK to PurchaseOrder.purchaseOrderID)
purchaseOrderID (PK/identity)

You can't solve you - you can only have a single IDENTITY column per table. No way around that, sorry.
The only "hackish" solution would be to have a separate table for nothing more than having an INT IDENTITY field, and grabbing the newest value from that helper table into your entity upon insertion (e.g. with a trigger). Not very pretty, but it might work for you.

If there is only one PO id per supplier quote, then why not simply use the supplier quote id as the PO id?
If there can be more than one, you must have a sepapate table with a foreign key constraint. You can of course use cascade delete to delete from this table but this can be dangerous if you delete too many records (causing lockups) or personally I wouldn't want to delete a supplier quote if a PO number has been created as that means the item quoted was actually bought. You do not want to ever destroy records of things that were actually purchased. Since you will likely have multiple POS (I got a quote on six things and first bought three of them, then bought two others the next week) per quote and since it is likely you will want to store specific information about the purchase order, I recommend a separate table. To do anything else is going to cause you problems in the long run.

I think I'd use a trigger to fill the "second identity".

Circumvent auto increment in non identity column.(MS SQL) I don't think this is the best practice though! JUst a quick fix solution.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employee]
( (select top 1 EmpID from dbo.Employee order by EmpID desc) + 1
, 'name_value'
, 123456


How to ignore duplicate Primary Key in SQL?

I have an excel sheet with several values which I imported into SQL (book1$) and I want to transfer the values into ProcessList. Several rows have the same primary keys which is the ProcessID because the rows contain original and modified values, both of which I want to keep. How do I make SQL ignore the duplicate primary keys?
I tried the IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON but for rows with duplicated primary key, only 1 the latest row shows up.
CREATE TABLE dbo.ProcessList
Edited varchar(1),
Name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
Amount smallmoney NOT NULL,
CreationDate datetime NOT NULL,
ModificationDate datetime
INSERT INTO ProcessList SELECT Edited, ProcessId, Name, Amount, CreationDate, ModificationDate FROM Book1$
SELECT * FROM ProcessList
Also, if I have a row and I update the values of that row, is there any way to keep the original values of the row and insert a clone of that row below, with the updated values and creation/modification date updated automatically?
How do I make SQL ignore the duplicate primary keys?
Under no circumstances can a transaction be committed that results in a table containing two distinct rows with the same primary key. That is fundamental to the nature of a primary key. SQL Server's IGNORE_DUP_KEY option does not change that -- it merely affects how SQL Server handles the problem. (With the option turned on it silently refuses to insert rows having the same primary key as any existing row; otherwise, such an insertion attempt causes an error.)
You can address the situation either by dropping the primary key constraint or by adding one or more columns to the primary key to yield a composite key whose collective value is not duplicated. I don't see any good candidate columns for an expanded PK among those you described, though. If you drop the PK then it might make sense to add a synthetic, autogenerated PK column.
Also, if I have a row and I update the values of that row, is there any way to keep the original values of the row and insert a clone of that row below, with the updated values and creation/modification date updated automatically?
If you want to ensure that this happens automatically, however a row happens to be updated, then look into triggers. If you want a way to automate it, but you're willing to make the user ask for the behavior, then consider a stored procedure.
try this
INSERT IGNORE INTO ProcessList SELECT Edited, ProcessId, Name, Amount, CreationDate, ModificationDate FROM Book1$
SELECT * FROM ProcessList
You drop the constraint. Something like this:
alter table dbo.ProcessList drop constraint PK_ProcessId;
You need to know the constraint name.
In other words, you can't ignore a primary key. It is defined as unique and not-null. If you want the table to have duplicates, then that is not the primary key.

New values into ID identity (1,1) column

Simplest example: I've got the following table:
create table test
( ID int identity (1,1) not null primary key,
text char(20) not null
I have already created 3 values:
Now I delete (2,b), and my rows are (1,a) and (3,c).
Is it possible to make it automatically (1,a) and (2,c)?
Or do I have to create a procedure?
No, and you shouldn't. There are too many ways that this can go bad - suppose you had related records in another table with 2 as a foreign key - instead of being orphaned (and easily identified as such) they would instead be related to a different (incorrect) record.
In addition, IDENTITY values are usually used as the clustered index (meaning they determine the physical storage location of the record). If you change the value, the data will have to be physically relocated -which wont hurt anything but will cause unnecessary I/O.
IDENTITY values are not guaranteed to be consecutive, they're guaranteed to be unique. If you need consecutive numbers, the best way is to derive that in your output by adding a ROW_NUMBER column:
FROM test
However note that RowNum will be DIFFERENT if records in the middle are deleted (as you could guess). So you can't build any relationships off of that value - you can just use it to show consecutive ordering.

SQL Server Constraint (Limit bit field based on a foreign key)

I need help with constraints in SQL Server. The situation is for each OrderID=1 (foreign key not primary key so there are multiple rows with the same ID) on the table, the bit field can only be 1 for one of those rows, and for each row with OrderID=2, the bit field can only be 1 for one row, etc etc. It should be 0 for all other rows with the same OrderID. Any new records coming in with 1 in the bit field should reject if there is already a row with that OrderID which has the bit field set to 1. Any ideas?
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON UnnamedTable (OrderID) WHERE UnnamedBitField=1
It's called a Filtered Index. If you're on a pre-2008 version of SQL Server, you can implement a poor-mans equivalent of a filtered index using an indexed view:
SELECT OrderID From UnnamedSchema.UnnamedTable WHERE UnnamedBitField=1
You can't really do it as a constraint, since SQL Server only supports column constraints and row constraints. There's no (non-fudging) way to write a constraint that deals with all values in the table.
You could more fully normalize the schema which will help you not have to hunt for the already set bit but use a join. You need to remove the bit field and crate a new table say X containing OrderID and the primary key of your table, with the primary key of X being all those fields.
This means that when you insert you need to insert into your original table and into X f and only if you would have set the bit to 1 on your table. The insert will fail if there is already a row in X which is as if there was already an original row with bit set to 1.
The downside is that this takes up more space than your schema but is easier to maintain as you can't get to the equivalent of having two rows with the bit set to 1.
The only way to do that is to subclass the parent table. You didn't mention it but a common reason for this pattern is to represent one unique active row from the set of all rows with the same common key value. Let's Assume your bit field represents the active Orders....
Then I would create a separate table called ActiveOrders, which will only contain the one row with the bit field set to 1
Create Table ActiveOrders(int Orderid Primary Key Null)
and the other table with all the rows in it, with it's own unique Primary Key OrderId
Create Table AllOrders
(OrderId Integer Primary Key Not Null, ActiveOrderId Integer Not Null,
[All other data fields]
Constraint FK_AllOrders2ActiveOrder
Foreign Key(ActiveOrderId) references ActiveOrders(OrderId))
You now no longer even need the bit field, as the presence of the row in the ActiveOrders table identifies it as the Active Order... To get only the active Orders (the ones that in your scheme would have bit field set to 1), just join the two tables.
I aggree with the other answers and if you can change the schema then do that but if not then I think something like this will do.
(#id INT)
FROM MyTable
WHERE FkCol = #id
AND BitCol = 1
ADD CONSTRAINT ckMyCheck CHECK (fnMyCheck(FkCol)<=1)
but there are problems that can come from doing using a udf in a check constraint, such as this
Edit to add comment regarding problems with this 'solution':
There are more straightforward issues than what you've linked to.
INSERT INTO YourTable(FkCol,BitCol) VALUES (1,1),(1,0)
followed by
UPDATE YourTable SET BitCol=1
succeeds and leaves two rows with FkCol=1 and BitCol=1

Constraint To Prevent Adding Value Which Exists In Another Table

I would like to add a constraint which prevents adding a value to a column if the value exists in the primary key column of another table. Is this possible?
Table: MasterParts
MasterPartNumber (Primary Key)
Table: AlternateParts
MasterPartNumber (Composite Primary Key, Foreign Key to MasterParts.MasterPartNumber)
AlternatePartNumber (Composite Primary Key)
Problem - Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table.
Here is an example:
MasterPartNumber Decription MinLevel MaxLevel ReOderLevel
010-00820-50 Garmin GTN™ 750 1 5 2
MasterPartNumber AlternatePartNumber
010-00820-50 0100082050
010-00820-50 GTN750
only way I could think of solving this would be writing a checking function(not sure what language you are working with), or trying to play around with table relationships to ensure that it's unique
Why not have a single "part" table with an "is master part" flag and then have an "alternate parts" table that maps a "master" part to one or more "alternate" parts?
Here's one way to do it without procedural code. I've deliberately left out ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON DELETE CASCADE, but in production I'd might use both. (But I'd severely limit who's allowed to update and delete part numbers.)
-- New tables
create table part_numbers (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null check (pn_type in ('m', 'a')),
unique (pn, pn_type)
create table part_numbers_master (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null default 'm' check (pn_type = 'm'),
description varchar(100) not null,
foreign key (pn, pn_type) references part_numbers (pn, pn_type)
create table part_numbers_alternate (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null default 'a' check (pn_type = 'a'),
foreign key (pn, pn_type) references part_numbers (pn, pn_type)
-- Now, your tables.
create table masterparts (
master_part_number varchar(50) primary key references part_numbers_master,
min_level integer not null default 0 check (min_level >= 0),
max_level integer not null default 0 check (max_level >= min_level),
reorder_level integer not null default 0
check ((reorder_level < max_level) and (reorder_level >= min_level))
create table alternateparts (
master_part_number varchar(50) not null references part_numbers_master (pn),
alternate_part_number varchar(50) not null references part_numbers_alternate (pn),
primary key (master_part_number, alternate_part_number)
-- Some test data
insert into part_numbers values
('010-00820-50', 'm'),
('0100082050', 'a'),
('GTN750', 'a');
insert into part_numbers_master values
('010-00820-50', 'm', 'Garmin GTN™ 750');
insert into part_numbers_alternate (pn) values
insert into masterparts values
('010-00820-50', 1, 5, 2);
insert into alternateparts values
('010-00820-50', '0100082050'),
('010-00820-50', 'GTN750');
In practice, I'd build updatable views for master parts and for alternate parts, and I'd limit client access to the views. The updatable views would be responsible for managing inserts, updates, and deletes. (Depending on your company's policies, you might use stored procedures instead of updatable views.)
Your design is perfect.
But SQL isn't very helpful when you try to implement such a design. There is no declarative way in SQL to enforce your business rule. You'll have to write two triggers, one for inserts into masterparts, checking the new masterpart identifier doesn't yet exist as an alias, and the other one for inserts of aliases checking that the new alias identifier doesn't yet identiy a masterpart.
Or you can do this in the application, which is worse than triggers, from the data integrity point of view.
(If you want to read up on how to enforce constraints of arbitrary complexity within an SQL engine, best coverage I have seen of the topic is in the book "Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals")
Apart that it sounds like a possibly poor design,
You in essence want values spanning two columns in different tables, to be unique.
In order to utilize DBs native capability to check for uniqueness, you can create a 3rd, helper column, which will contain a copy of all the values inside the wanted two columns. And that column will have uniqueness constraint. So for each new value added to one of your target columns, you need to add the same value to the helper column. In order for this to be an inner DB constraint, you can add this by a trigger.
And again, needing to do the above, sounds like an evidence for a poor design.
Regarding your edit:
You say " Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table."
This itself is a design decision, which you don't explain.
I don't know enough about the domain of your problem, but:
If you think of master and alternate parts, as totally different things, there is no reason why you may want "Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table". Otherwise, you have a common notion of "parts" be it master or alternate. This means they need to be in the same table, and column.
If the second is true, you need something like this:
table "parts"
id - pk
is_master - boolean (assuming a part can not be master and alternate at the same time)
description - text
This tables role is to list and describe the parts.
Then you have several ways to denote which part is alternate to which. It depends on whether a part can be alternate to more than one part. And it sounds that anyway one master part can have several alternates.
You can do it in the same table, or create another one.
If same: add column: alternate_to, which will be null for master parts, and will have a foreign key into the id column of the same table.
Otherwise create a table, say "alternatives" with: master_id, alternate_id both referencing with a foreign key to the parts table.
(The first above assumes that a part cannot be alternate to more than one other part. If this is not true, the second will work anyway)

SQL One-to-One Relationship Definition

I'm designing a database and I'm not sure how to define one of the relationships. Here's the situation:
An invoice is created
If the product is not in stock then it needs to be manufactured and so a work order is created.
The relationship is one-to-one. However work orders are sometimes created for other purposes so the WorkOrder table will also be linked to other tables in a similar one-to-one relationship. Also, some Invoices won't have a work order at all. This means I can't define these relationships in the normal way by using the same primary key in both tables. Instead of doing this I've created a linking table and then set unique indexes on both fields to define the one-to-one relationship (see image).
Is this the best way?
EDIT: I just realised that this design will allow a single work order to be linked to an invoice and also to one of the other tables I mentioned via 2 linking tables. I guess no solution is perfect.
Okay, this answer is SQL Server specific, but should be adaptable to other RDBMSs, with a little work. So far as I see, we have the following constraints:
An invoice may be associated with 0 or 1 Work Orders
A Work Order must be associated with an invoice or an ABC or a DEF
I'd design the WorkOrder table as follows:
WorkOrderID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
/* Other Columns */
InvoiceID int null,
ABCID int null,
DEFID int null,
/* Etc for other possible links */
constraint PK_WorkOrder PRIMARY KEY (WorkOrderID),
constraint FK_WorkOrder_Invoices FOREIGN KEY (InvoiceID) references Invoice (InvoiceID),
constraint FK_WorkOrder_ABC FOREIGN KEY (ABCID) references ABC (ABCID),
/* Etc for other FKs */
constraint CK_WorkOrders_SingleFK CHECK (
CASE WHEN InvoiceID is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END +
/* + other FK columns */
= 1
So, basically, this table is constrained to only FK to one other table, no matter how many PKs are defined. If necessary, a computed column could tell you the "Type" of item that this is linked to, based on which FK column is non-null, or the type and a single int column could be real columns, and InvoiceID, ABCID, etc could be computed columns.
The final thing to ensure is that an invoice only has 0 or 1 Work Orders. If your RDMBS ignores nulls in unique constraints, this is as simple as applying such a constraint to each FK column. For SQL Server, you need to use a filtered index (>=2008) or an indexed view (<=2005). I'll just show the filtered index:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_WorkItems_UniqueInvoices on
WorkItem (InvoiceID) where (InvoiceID is not null)
Another way to deal with keeping WorkOrders straight is to include a WorkOrder type column in WorkOrder (e.g. 'Invoice','ABC','DEF'), including a computed or column constrained by check constraint to contain the matching value in the link table, and introduce a second foreign key:
WorkOrderID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
Type varchar(10) not null,
constraint PK_WorkOrder PRIMARY KEY (WorkOrderID),
constraint UQ_WorkOrder_TypeCheck UNIQUE (WorkOrderID,Type),
constraint CK_WorkOrder_Types CHECK (Type in ('INVOICE','ABC','DEF'))
CREATE TABLE Invoice_WorkOrder (
InvoiceID int not null,
WorkOrderID int not null,
Type varchar(10) not null default 'INVOICE',
constraint PK_Invoice_WorkOrder PRIMARY KEY (InvoiceID),
constraint UQ_Invoice_WorkOrder_OrderIDs UNIQUE (WorkOrderID),
constraint FK_Invoice_WorkOrder_Invoice FOREIGN KEY (InvoiceID) references Invoice (InvoiceID),
constraint FK_Invoice_WorkOrder_WorkOrder FOREIGN KEY (WorkOrderID) references WorkOrder (WorkOrderID),
constraint FK_Invoice_WorkOrder_TypeCheck FOREIGN KEY (WorkOrderID,Type) references WorkOrder (WorkOrderID,Type),
constraint CK_Invoice_WorkOrder_Type CHECK (Type = 'INVOICE')
The only disadvantage to this model, although closer to your original proposal, is that you can have a work order that isn't actually linked to any other item (although it claims to be for an e.g INVOICE).
What you have looks to be a perfectly normal way to construct your tables.
If you think you might like to use only one link table between your WorkOrder table and whatever other tables that may have WorkOrders, you could use a link table like:
OtherId (Could be InvoiceId, or an ID for SomethingElse that may have a WorkOrder)
OtherType (ENUM - something like 'Invoice', 'SomethingElse')
So the issue is that you can have invoices that don't have work orders and work orders that don't have invoices but the two need to be linked when there is a link. I would say based upon that description that your database diagram is pretty good. This would open you up to allowing more than a one-to-one relationship. This way down the road you can consider having two work orders for one invoice. You might also have one work order that handles two invoices. This opens you up to a lot of possibilities that you may not need now but that you might in the future.
I would recommend your current design. In the future, you may want to add more information about the link between invoice and work order. This middle table will allow you to add this information.
In the interest of fairness to the other side of the coin, you do need to consider speed/number of tables/etc. that this will cause. For example, you have now created a third table which increased your table count by 50% in this example. Look at the rest of your database. If you did this everywhere, you would probably have the most normalized database but it might not be the most performant because of all the joins that are necessary. Basically, this isn't a "one-size-fits-all" solution. Instead it is a design choice. Personally, I hate nullable foreign key fields. I find they don't give me the granularity I usually want with my database designs.
Your schema corresponds to a many-to-many link between the 2 tables. You are de facto opening here the possibility to have one work order for multiple invoices, and multiple work orders for one invoice. The model offers then possibilities far above the rules you are setting.
You could use a simpler schema, that will reflect the (0,1) relation between work orders and invoices, and the (0,1) relation between Invoices and Work orders:
a Work Order can be independant from
an invoice, or linked to one specific
invoice: it has a (0,1) relation to Invoice table
An invoice can have no work orders, or one work orders: it has a (0,1) relation to Work Orders Table
Such a relation can be translated by the following model and rules
id_Invoice, Primary Key
id_WorkOrder, Primary Key
id_Invoice, Foreign Key, Nulls accepted, unique value
With such a structure, it will be easy to add new 'dependants' to work orders table. If, for example, you want to open the possibility to launch work orders from restocking orders (where you want to have minimal quantities of some items in stock), you can then just add the corresponding field to the WorkOrder table:
id_RestockingOrder, ForeignKey, Nulls accepted, unique value
You'll be then able to 'see' from where your WorkOrder comes: an invoice, a restocking order, etc.
Seems it corresponds to your needs.
as noted by #mark, SQL Server will not allow multiple null values, in contradiction with ANSI specs (check here for some more details), As we do not want to wait for SQL Server 2011 to have this rule implemented, there is a workaround here, where you can build a view excluding the null values and set a unique index on this view. I must admit that I did not like this solution ...
There is still the possibility to implement the 'unique if not null' rule in your code. It will still be simpler than implementing the many-to-many model (with the Invoice_WorkOrder table) you are proposing and manage all additional unicity rules that you'll need to implement.
There is no real need for the link table, just have them linked directly and allow for NULL in the reference field of the work order. Because a work order can be linked to multiple tables what I would do is add a reference id on every work order to every table that can link from it. So you would have:
FK - WorkOrderID
FK - WorkOrderID
FK - InvoiceID (allow NULL)
FK - SomeOtherTableID (allow NULL)
To make sure a WorkOrder is linked to only one item, you have to use code to validate the row (or perhaps a stored procedure which I cannot come up with right now).
EDIT: PS, if you want to use a link table, give it a generic name and add all the linked tables with the same sort of construct I just described allowing for NULL's. In my eyes adding the extra table makes the schema larger than it needs to be, but if a work order contains a lot of big text fields it could increase performance slightly and reduce database size with all the indexes flying around. In anything but the largest applications, I would consider it over-normalization though, but that is a matter of style.