the '.htaccess' file won't work on my apache server - apache

I have an Apache server installed on my windows machine using XAMPP. Now I'm trying to use a premade .htaccess file for one of my projects, but it doesn't seem to be seeing it. The project just totally ignores it, even though I've enabled mod_rewrite.
Any idea how I can troubleshoot this? I can't fix it if it just doesn't work and doesn't show me any errors.
Appreciate your help.

In your httpd.conf file, you must enable .htaccess overriding with AllowOverride for the directory where the .htaccess file is (or parent thereof). If it is set to 'None', the .htaccess files will be ignored.


Difference between httpd.conf, php.ini and .htaccess

I am about to start learning Apache. All resources I am looking into, mention either php.ini, or .htaccess or httpd.conf files for setting configurations and stuff. But none of them are clear on the difference between these 3 files. Can anyone explain the difference and their usage?
httpd.conf (it can actually be named differently on some platforms, but that's the default) is the master configuration file for Apache. You can use Include statements to pull in external configuration files. httpd.conf is read in when Apache starts or if you run a 'reload'.
.htaccss is a per-directory configuration file for Apache. You can enable or disable the use of .htaccess files in your httpd.conf file. Where possible its been recommended to me to turn .htaccess use off, as Apache will check the file every time a request causes it to read the directory.
PHP is, as you probably know, separate from Apache, although often used with it. php.ini is the configuration file for the PHP engine.
Every daemon or application has it's own configuration files. On linux these are often located in the /etc directory. You will have to learn to edit each one according to the program. the /etc/php5/php.ini is different from the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and so on.
Think of them like different types of files. a Word document is not the same as a JPEG Image or a AVI video.
The PHP.ini controls PHP's settings
The .htaccess controls apache settings for a given folder (and all child folders)
The httpd.conf controls apache's settings.
php.ini is a configuration file where you specify options for things
related specifically to php, for instance CURL
.htaccess is where you specify options for URI routing and folders
options on your server
httpd.conf is a configuration file where you specify options for
things related specifically to apache

cannot locate .htaccess file in tomcat/apache configuration

I have installed tomcat and apache on my ubuntu machine for development of a jsp-based website. I need to configure a url_rewrite and therefore need access to the .htaccess file. Can you please help me locate it?
It doesn't have to exist already. You can make it yourself in the document root. Make sure AllowOverride All is set in your conf file :)

Apache (on OS X Lion) isn't reading .htaccess file

I'm using OS X Lion's built-in Apache server. I placed a .htaccess file in my personal Sites directory, but Apache isn't reading it. My username is tophtucker, so the file is in /Users/tophtucker/Sites/. But whether I make .htaccess valid or gibberish or just test or whatever, it has no effect. If .htaccess contains just "test", I should get an error when I go to localhost/~tophtucker/, but I don't.
.htaccess works in other directories (like subdirectories of Sites). AllowOverride is set to All in httpd.conf, and AccessFileName is set to .htaccess. It's just something about the Sites directory. Does Apache give it weird special treatment or something?
OK, I figured it out:
When you're using personal sites with Apache, an additional configuration file is created in apache2/users/tophtucker.conf (or whatever your username is). AllowOverride in that configuration file was still set to None. I set it to All; problem solved!

apache - how to override index of /icons?

I wasn't aware of this, and it is kind of funny; when you name a directory icons in the root of your host, then if you point your browser to, apache does not read from that directory and shows you a listing of Public Domain Icons.
I added an icons directory to the root and placed a key.png file in that directory, yet accessing that image results in 404. I tried to find if/where this has been documented and how it could be turned off. I found nothing. Could someone provide a pointer?
P.S. I am using XAMPP 1.7.3 which basically is a WAMP and has Apache 2.2.14
Aparently lots of live servers have this turned on and index of /icons could be seen lots of places.
Open this file: %XAMPP_PATH%\apache\conf\extra\httpd-autoindex.conf
and change :
Alias /icons/ "X:/xampp/apache/icons/"
<Directory "X:/xampp/apache/icons/">
to this:
Alias /icons/ "./icons/"
<Directory "./icons/">
Restart your Apache Server.
I'd assume that you have an alias within your httpd.conf.
I'm not familiar with XAMPP's config files or their location (google suggests it's probably in \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) but I'd suggest you're looking for a line like the following:
Alias /icons/ /usr/local/apache/icons/
See for more info.
According to XMAPP site, you need to check \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and the extra subfolder.
I would look in either your apache config file (\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) or your .htaccess files and see if there is a redirect going on.
EDIT: I think Grhm is correct in that an Alias is in your config file somewhere, per the XAMPP site:
The main configuration file for Apache. It's including other files from the subdirectory "extra".
See if there is a directory called extra in the \xampp\apache\conf\ directory and then go through the files in there and see if that Alias is present.

Clean URL's not working, mod_rewrite module installed

I just installed a fresh copy of Drupal 6.19 to get to speed on how to write modules. But for some reason the rewrite module isn't working for Drupal.
What I have checked:
$ apachectl -M >> it is installed
php_info() on current server >> says rewrite is installed also
I also double-checked the .htaccess file in my Drupal root folder
UPDATE: checked httpd.conf for AllowOverride All
I'm out options here. Looked everywhere but the Drupal settings aren't letting me to enable the settings and their test is simply visiting a site that should work if the rewrite module was there.
My specs:
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Using built-in Apache with PHP5
Last but not least, you must authorize your virtual host or directory to use .htaccess.
AllowOverride All
I can't figure out your exact problem but it's always worth testing that Apache is actually parsing your .htaccess file. Make a syntax error on purpose and see if you get a 500 Internal Server Error message. Also, test mod_rewrite with a simple redirection rule that doesn't involve Drupal.
Two more things to check:
Verify that your .htaccess is readable for your apache processes (Yes, I read that you double checked it, but did that include the file permissions?)
Enable rewrite logging - this might give you some hints on where it fails. Start with a log level of 5 and increase/decrease as needed. (Don't forget to turn it off again later, as it is a huge performance hog ;)
Also, I'd try to simplify the test scenario - start with a simple rewrite directive in a vhost configuration. Once that works, move it to a .htaccess in the top-level of the vhosts document root, then to sub directories (if needed/used).
Make sure that if the install is in a sub-directory that the username is part of the rewriteBase
# Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory or in a
# VirtualDocumentRoot and the rewrite rules are not working properly.
# For example if your site is at uncomment and
# modify the following line:
RewriteBase /~username/drupal**
If you running your Drupal installation in a sub-folder like:, then enable "RewriteBase /" in your .htaccess file, it might help you.
A clean url could be something like instead of
Some installations of apache have clean URL functionality out of the box. There are 2 steps that need to be configured correctly for it to work.
Enable rewrite module
Allow .htaccess file overrides
Both steps require SSH root access to your server. So if you are on shared host this probably won't work for you. Open your terminal:
Enable rewrite module
To enable the rewrite module, you can type the following command
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Now type
sudo service apache2 restart
to enable the changes. You can check if it’s working by typing
sudo apache2ctl –M
A list will appear. Look for “rewrite_module”.
Look for this Line in your httpd.conf file
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
If commented
Just uncomment it restart apache server then try enabling in drupal administer Clean URL Section
I added the following to my .htaccess file and it was solved. My problem was specifically hapening with Rackspace / CentOS image
Options -MultiViews
As Álvaro G. Vicario mentioned, the first thing to do is at the top of the .htaccess file add something like ghfdiddfdjf which should throw an internal error. If it doesn't, you know the .htaccess file isn't being read. Mine wasn't, and I found the following fix:
In the etc/apache2/sites-enabled folder, there was a file called default-000. It was in this file that I changed AllowOverride All in 2 places in the file.