Grouping a Core Data data result? - objective-c

I am prototyping an idea on the iPhone but I am at the SQLite vs CoreData crossroads. The main reason is that I can't seem to figure out how to do grouping with core data.
Essentially I want to show the most recent item posted grouped by username. It is really easy to do in a SQL statement but I have not been able to make it work in core data. I figure since I am starting a new app, I might as well try to make core data work but this part is a major snag.
I added a predicate to my fetchrequest but that only gave me the single most recently added record and not the most recently added record per user.
The data model is pretty basic at this point. It uses the following fields:
username (string), post (string), created (datetime)
So long story short, are these types of queries possible with CoreData? I imagine that if SQLite is under the hood, there has to be some way to do it.

First of all, don't think of Core Data as another way of doing SQL. SQL is not "under the hood" of Core Data. Core Data deals with objects. Entity descriptions are not tables and entity instances are not records. Programming with Core Data has nothing to do with SQL, it merely uses SQL as one of several possible types of persistent stores. You don't deal with it directly and should never, ever think of Core Data in SQL terms.
That way lies madness.
You need drink a lot of tequila and punch yourself in the head repeatedly until you forget everything you ever knew about SQL. Otherwise, you will just end up with an object graph that is nothing but a big spread sheet.
There are several ways to accomplish what you want in Core Data. Usually you would construct fetch with a compound predicate that would return all post within a certain date range made by a specific user. Fetched results controllers are especially handy for this.
A most straightforward method would be to set up you object graph like:
--Attribute username
--Relationship post <-->> PostEntity
--Attribute creationDate
--Attribute content
-- Relationship user <<--> UserEntity
Then in your UserEntity class have a method like so:
- (NSArray *) mostRecentPost{
NSPredicate *recentPred=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"creationDate>%#", [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(60*60*24)]];
NSSet *recentSet=[ filteredSetUsingPredicate:recentPred];
NSSortDescriptor *dateSort=[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"creationDate" ascending:NO];
NSArray *returnArray=[[recentSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:dateSort]];
return returnArray;
When you want a list of the most recent post of a particular user sorted by date just call:
NSArray *arrayForDisplay=[aUserEntityClassInstance mostRecentPost];
Edit: I just pass each post block of
data (content,creationDate) to the
post entity? Do I also pass the
username to the post entity? How does
the user entity know when to create a
new user?
Let me pseudo code it. You have two classes that define instances of userObj and a postObj. When a new post comes in, you:
Parse inputPost for a user;
Search existing userObj for that name;
if userObj with name does not exist
create new userObj;
set userObj.userName to name;
return the existing userObj that matches the name;
Parse inputPost for creation date and content;
Search post of chosen userObj;
if an exiting post does not match content or creation date
create new postObj
set postObj.creationDate to creation date;
set postObj,content to content;
set postObj.user to userObj; // the reciprocal in userObj is created automatically
else // most likely ignore as duplicate
You have separate userObj and postObj because while each post is unique, each user may have many post.
The important concept to grasp is that your dealing with object i.e. encapsulated instance of data AND logic. This isn't just rows and columns in a db. For example, you could write managed object subclasses in which a single instance could decide whether to form a relationship with an instance of another class unless a specific internal state of the object was reached. Records in dbs don't have that sort of logic or autonomy.
The best way to get a handle on using objects graphs for data models is to ignore not only db but Core Data itself. Instead, set out to write a small test app in which you hand code all the data model classes. It doesn't have to be elaborate just a couple of attributes per class and a reference of some sort to the other class. Think about how you would manage parsing the data out to each class, linking the classes and their data together and then getting it back out. Do that by hand once or twice and the nature of object graphs becomes readily apparent.

There are other considerations that might tip your decision in the direction of SQLite versus Core Data with a SQLite store. I found myself nodding in agreement while reading a good blog post on the subject. I've found exactly the same thing (and am consequently moving a high-performance app away from Core Data): "Core Data is the right answer, except when it’s not..."
It's a great technology, but one size definitely does not fit all.

If 'posts' is a NSSet of User, you could get the last post with a predicate:
NSDate *lastDate = [userInstance valueForKeyPath:#""];
NSSet *resultsTemp = [setOfPosts filteredSetUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"fecha==%#", lastDate] ];
The resultsTemp set will contain an object of type Post which has the newest date.


Returning objects on CQRS commands with MediatR

I have been reading about MediatR and CQRS latelly and I saw many people saying that commands shouldn't return domain objects. They can return values but they're limited to returning erros values, failure/success information and the Id of the newly created entities.
My question is how to return this new objetct to the client if the command can return only the Id of the new entity.
1) Should I query the database again with this new Id? If so, isn't that bad that I making a new trip to the database to get an object that was in the memory a few seconds ago?
2) What's the correct way of returning the entities created by the commands?
I think the more important question is why you shouldn't return domain objects from commands. If the reason for that seems like a valid reason for you, you should look into alternatives such as executing a query right after the command to fetch the domain object.
If, however, returning the domain object from the command fits your needs and does not impose any direct problems, then why not just do it and keep things simple and straightforward?

Retrieving records and manipulating them as Ruby objects

New to Sequel and SQL in general, so bear with me. I'm using Sequel's many_through_many plugin and I retrieve resources that are indirectly associated with particular tasks through groups, via a groups_tasks join table and a groups_resources join table. Then when I query task.resource on a Task dataset I get resource objects in Ruby, like so:
>>[#<Resource #values={:id=>2, :group_id=>nil, :display_name=>"some_name"}>, #<Resource #values={:id=>3, :group_id=>nil, :display_name=>"some_other_name"}>]
Now, I want to be able to add a new instance variable, schedule to these resource objects and do work on it in Ruby. However, every time I query task.resources for each task, Sequel is bringing resources objects in to ruby as different resource objects each time (which makes sense), despite being the same record in the database:
I had wanted to just put a setter in class Resource and do resource.schedule =, but since they're all different objects, each resource is going to have a ton of different schedules. What's the most straightforward way to manipulate these resource objects client side, but maintain their task associations that I query from the server?
If I am understanding your question correctly, you want to retrieve Resource objects and then manipulate some attribute named schedule. I am not very familiar with Sequel, but looking over the docs it seems to work similarly to ActiveRecord.
Set up your instance variable (I imagine using something like attr_accessor :schedule on the Resource class).
Store the records in a variable, you will be working with same instance each time, rather than the new instance Sequel returns.

Work with dto's to build an API with DDD

I'm starting to work with dto's (data transfer objects) and I have some doubts about the best way to build the system architecture of the API.
Imagine a domain entity 'A', with relations to 'B', 'C' and 'D'. We have a service 'S' that return a json list with all "A's". It's correct to create an 'ADTO' in that service, fill with "BDTO's", "CDTO's" and "DDTO's"? If then we have another service "S2", and we need to return an specific set of "B's", then we need to create another tree of "B2DTO's" with "C2DTOS's", "D2DTO's"... ? Is this the correct way to do it?
I see that this way, we'll have a huge and complex tree of DTO's, with an specific DTO's for each use case.
I forgot the assemblers part. Is necessary to implement a different assembler for every DTO? for example, for an entity A, we have two DTO's. Can I use the same assembler or is better to have A1Assembler and A2Assembler?
Your DTOs should represent a set of data that you want your client to have. Usually, you should never 'copy' your entities into DTOs because you may have fields that you don't want to share with the world. Let's supposed that you are creating automatically a 'tracking' column with the ID of who entered that data, or say that you have a Customer entity with password fields. You don't want that to be part of your DTOs. That's why you must be EXTRA CAREFUL when using AutoMapper etc.
When you design DTOs think about what your client needs from that endpoint specifically. Sometimes DTOs may look the same and that's ok. Also, your DTOs can be as simple or as complex as needed. One crazy example, lets say that a page where you show an artist, his songs, the voting rate for those songs and some extra data.
If your use case justifies it, you may very well put all of that into a DTO. DTO all they do is carry data.
YES, your services should return DTOS (POCO).
Also, DTO is just naming convention. Don't get caught up in the "dto" suffix. A 'command' coming from a client is a DTO, but in that case you would call it AddNewCustomerCommand for example.
Makes sense?
I think you mistake what your DTO's are. You'll have 2 kind of DTO's Roughly speaking
1) they can be your domain entities, then you can return ADTO, BDTO and CDTO. But those DTO's can be fairly consistent (why would B2DTO be any different from BDTO)
If you look at what your json would look at
Id: 1
name: "foobar",
$type: "A",
B: [ {
name: "b-bar",
$type: "B"}]
CIds: [ 2,23, 42]
Here you see 2 kind of objects, some (B's) are returned in full in your DTO as subobjects. Others (like C) are turned by Id and can be queried separately. If it's S2 which implements the C query or not you don't care about.
2) When you get to an architecture like CQRS then you do get different DTO's. (projections or commands) but then you would also see this in the naming of the DTO's. Forexample are
AListOnOverviewPageDTO, AUserEditDetailDTO, etc.
Now it makes very much sense to have different DTO's since they are projections representing very different usecases. (and not a full object as is common in DDD)
Update The reason you want different DTO's are twofold. First of all it allows you to optimize each call separately. Maybe the list needs to be faster so (using CQRS) you can put the right indexes on your data so your listDTO will be returned faster. It allows you to reason about usecases more easily. Since each DTO represents 1 usecase/screen (Otherwise you get cases ok in the userlistDTO i need to populate only these 3 fields in this case ..etc.).
Furthermore you need to make sure you API is honest. NEVER EVER return a "age" field with empty data but have some other call return the same user but with another call return the same user with a real age. It makes your backend appear broken. However if i had a call to /users/list and another call to /users/1/detail it would be natural if the detail calls returned more fields about a specific user

Getting specific Backbone.js models from a collection without getting all models first

I'm new to Backbone.js. I'm intrigued by the idea that you can just supply a URL to a collection and then proceed to create, update, delete, and get models from that collection and it handle all the interaction with the API.
In the small task management sample applications and numerous demo's I've seen of this on the web, it seems that the collection.fetch() is used to pull down all models from the server then do something with them. However, more often than not, in a real application, you don't want to pull down hundreds of thousands or even millions of records by issuing a GET statement to the API.
Using the baked-in connection.sync method, how can I specify parameters to GET specific record sets? For example, I may want to GET records with a date of 2/1/2014 or GET records that owned by a specific user id.
In this question, collection.find is used to do this, but does this still pull down all records to the client first then "finds" them or does the collection.sync method know to specify arguments when doing a GET to the server?
You do use fetch, but you provide options as seen in collection.fetch([options]).
So for example to obtain the one model where id is myIDvar:
data: { id: myIDvar },
success: function (model, response, options) {
// do a little dance;
My offhand recollections is that find, findWhere and where would invoke all models being downloaded and then the filtering taking place on the client. I believe with fetch the filtering takes places on the server side.
You can implement some kind of pagination on server side and update your collection with limited number of records. In this case all your data will be up to date with backend.
You can do it by overriding fetch method with you own implementaion, or specify params
For example:
collection.fetch({data: {page: 3})
You can also use find where method here

Doctrine2: fill up related entities after loading main

There are HotelComment and CommentPhoto (1:n) - user can add some photos to own comment. I'm loading slice of comments with one query and want load photos to this comments using other query (using WHERE IN).
$comments = $commentsRepo->findByHotel($hotel);
$comments->loadPhotos(); // of course comments is simple array yet
Loading comments needed on demand, not on PostLoad event.
So question is: how it possible associate loaded comments with objects of HotelComment? Using ReflectionProperty: setAcesseble() + setValue()? Is there simpler sollution? And I'm afraid that UoW detects HotelComment entities as modified and will send updates to db.
If you want to hydrate the related objects this one time only, and not every time the object is loaded, you need to use DQL:
$em->createQuery("SELECT comments, photos FROM HotelComment comments JOIN photos");
You can put this in a method on the repository.
This will issue a single SELECT statement, with an INNER JOIN to the comment photos table.
You have to configure your relation as "LAZY". See doctrine documentation:
Than you'll be able to load it lazily with $comments->loadPhotos(), at least documentation says so
UPDATE: I think you don't have to to something special to avoid your entities flushing to the DB. In fact, when you query your entries with DQL, they have managed state, so attaching them to other managed entity's collection does not change their states, so they are not flushed unless you have modified them.
Hovewer, that doesn't help at all, because associations are fetched before first usage, so adding an entity to the collection with the following code will result in an implicit database query:
//in Comment class
function addPhoto(Photo $photo){
//var_dump(count($this->photos)); //if you have any - they are already here
Maybe declaring your collection as public (or that tricks with ReflectionProperty) will help fool the Doctrine, but that's a dirty hack, so I haven't even tried them.
Detaching parent entity also doesn't help. I've ran out of ideas for now....