Why Microsoft abandoned Notification Services in SQL Server 2008? - sql-server-2005

I invested quite a bit of time toying with NS introduced in SQL 2005 and found it to be excellent feature..
However , I hear MS has abandoned NS in 2008; Why ? and with what they are replacing it if any at all..

Deeply buried inside the readme file
for the July CTP of Katmai, Microsoft
quietly announced a departure from the
normal feature depreciation plan. The
readme stated that Notifications
Services would no longer be included
in the product. The following is an
excerpt from that ReadMe file.
"SQL Server Notification Services will
not be included as a component of SQL
Server 2008, but will continue to be
supported as part of the SQL Server
2005 product support life-cycle.
Moving forward, support for key
notification scenarios will be
incorporated into SQL Server Reporting
Services. Existing Reporting Services
functionality, such as data driven
subscriptions, addresses some of the
notification requirements. Features to
support additional notification
scenarios may be expected in future

As Mitch already said, the official replacement for NS is RS. But I suggest you have a look at StreamInsight.


SQL Server Profiler deprecation - Replacement?

I am developing ASP.NET and SQL Server applications, sometimes i am having trouble with a SQL Query, and i would like to see the SQL Servers "response" and not just the ASP.NET error message (Which is not always very helpfull)
The Profiler.exe tool in SQL Server is capable of this, but im reading on MSDN that Microsoft is planning to deprecate the tool.
We are announcing the deprecation of SQL Server Profiler for Database Engine Trace Capture and
Trace Replay. These features will be supported in the next version of SQL Server, but will be
removed in a later version. The specific version of SQL Server has not been determined. The
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Trace namespace that contains the Microsoft SQL Server Trace and
Replay objects will also be deprecated. Note that SQL Server Profiler for the Analysis Services
workloads is not being deprecated, and will continue to be supported.
They don't mention what tool will replace profiler.exe
Does anyone know anything about that?
And are there any alternatives to profiler if i want to see (recent?) unsuccessful queries?
While it is safe to continue using trace for the next few versions, Profiler is never the answer (some evidence here and also here). If you're going to use trace, use a server-side trace. Just don't write new code that will utilize trace and expect to live beyond a few versions.
The long-term answer is to use extended events. A blog you'll want to watch is SQL Server MVP Jonathan Kehayias of SQLskills.com. He has done a great job explaining extended events in laymen's terms and providing many, many ready-to-use examples. He also has great courses on PluralSight (which you can currently get for free through Visual Studio Dev Essentials):
SQL Server: Introduction to Extended Events
SQL Server: Advanced Extended Events
Another person to learn a lot from is Erin Stellato. She has since moved on to Microsoft but her blog posts at SQLskills remain, and they are rich with info.

Is It Possible to Add SQL Reporting Service to SQL Server 2008 Express?

I joined a windows host who runs SQL Server 2008 Express (Negative Surprise)! I think this is wrong since a host should expect some medium companies join them so they should put at least standard version. I don't know much about dba, but this is my suggestion. Am i right?
OK! Here is my question, the host has SQL Reporting Service as an extra feature added to the SQL Server 2008 Express. Does this Reporting Service suffice a small business reporting needs? Is the reporting service on Express is too limited comparing to the enterprise one?
The support team told SQL Reporting Service on Express has same settings as the one on Enterprise.
Any idea? Please advise ...
It does not have the same features as Enterprise. See the Reporting Services node in the edition comparison matrix here for some idea of the differences.
Unfortunately I don't have first hand experience of using RS on Express Editions so can't comment on exactly how limited it is.

Sql Server 2005 Express Edition Question

We have a Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition running on a Production website. We'd like to move to a cloud hosting but they only offer Sql Server Express Edition on there.
My question is, will there be any problems in moving over? We only use tables, views, stored procedures and a few user defined functions. And we also have a Backup Maintenance Plan in place. Will any if this change?
WHat other limitations/problems (if any) can we expect to have? And is it a good idea to run on Express in Production?
And I would like to add, will it be OK if we moved from SQL server 2005 Standard to Sql Server 2008 Express - what possible problems there could be with this move?
There are limitations for SQL Server 2005 Express as listed here
These include:
- max 1GB RAM only
- max DB size of 4GB
- 1 CPU
Theses restrictions may cause you a problem. See the full list in the link.
With regrd to moving from 2005 Standard, to 2008 Express, then I expect the limitations of Express Edition may be the main factor when you consider if it really is an option. The limitations for 2008 Express are similar, see here.
Hope this helps
The migration im unsure.
Express does not support triggers (fully), nor SQL scheudling.
Its size is limited to 4GB.
You can only ever have one instance with express.
It does however support Full Text and Reporting Services (in the express advanced edition)
We have plenty of clients running SQL Express due to cost. Only small pain has been the need to write a windows service for a job that could be easily run in proper SQL scheduling in the paid for the version.
Im sure there are many more differences but these are the ones im aware of, hope this helps.
I've used SQL Server Express for simple data persistence in production with no issues.
From the looks of your situation the only feature that will not be supported is backup maintenance. However, if you're hosted on a cloud, your ISP should take care of backup for you.

Approaches to building reports with Quickbooks 2008+ Data

I am looking to build some reports for Quickbooks data, without using Quickbooks built-in reporting, or through a third party library (like QODBC).
Quickbooks 2008 and newer are built on a SQL backend.. In looking around there seems to be several products and angles to do this from.
Ideally I would like to be able to do direct SQL hits on the database myself, or use something like Crystal Reports.
I wanted to ask here to gather any things to look at closer, and what to potentially avoid to save myself grief.
Thanks in Advance!
Update: It seems Quickbooks encrypts it's sql database so you can't read it directly with a reporting tool.. There are a few products on the market that can help.. more to come.
Your best bet is the QuickBooks SDK, it provides facilities to fetch data and also fetch reporting data directly from QuickBooks, formatted as XML for easy parsing and display however you want to display it.
You can see the data that's available using the qbXML/QBFC QuickBooks On-Screen reference (the requests you can send to QuickBooks are found in the 'Select Message' drop-down box at the top of the screen).
The QuickBooks SDK is a free download (registration required) from the Intuit Developer Network
If you're writing a desktop application, you can look into using QBFC, which is an API that talks to QuickBooks using COM/DCOM.
If you're using PHP, there's a popular QuickBooks PHP framework on the IDN forums.
If you're using ASP.NET, here's a QuickBooks ASP .NET framework too.
If you want direct SQL access, you should look at QODBC (which is an SQL wrapper which translates SQL queries to qbXML SDK requests) or AccessBooks (which uses the SDK to mirror QuickBooks data to an SQL database).
If its hosted on SQL 2005 or 2008 you can make use of Reporting Services (free) and the Report Builder that is bundled with it. If you use 2008 then I recommend downloading Report Builder 2.0
Here's some links to learn RS:
So are you on the 2008 edition (SQL Server)?
If so, you can use SSRS as SQLChicken posted, or you can use just about any other reporting tool, and connect via SQL Native Client (shipped with SQL Server):
- Crystal Reports
- Excel
- insert your favorite reporting tool here

What cannot be done in SQL Server 2008 Web Edition?

What can you do in SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition that you cannot do in SQL Server 2008 Web Edition?
I've seen the Microsoft feature lists, but I am wondering from a very practicle standpoint where I am going to run into limitations.
Have you seen this matrix as well?
From what I can tell Web excludes a lot of the more advanced features, especially those related to development and data mining, but nothing that would stop you from using it for a non-enterprise web site's data source. It seems to be between the Express version and Standard version.
One of the biggest limitations is that it can't be a publisher for SQL replication. If you want to have multiple database and replication data between them, then you need at least one SQL server to be Standard or Enterprise to act as the publisher.
Edit: Sorry, you've probably already looked at the above.