How different programming languages handle division by 0? - division

Perhaps this is the wrong sort of question to ask here but I am curious. I know that many languages will simply explode and fail when asked to divide by 0, but are there any programming languages that can intelligently handle this impossible sum - and if so, what do they do? Do they keep processing, treating 350/0 as 350, or stop execution, or what?

The little-known Java programming language gives the special constant Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY (depending on the numerator) when you divide by zero in an IEEE floating-point context. Integer division by zero is undefined, and results in an ArithmeticException being thrown, which is quite different from your scenario of "explosion and failure".

The INTERCAL standard library returns #0 on divide by zero

From Wikipedia:
The infinities of the extended real number line can be represented in IEEE floating point datatypes, just like ordinary floating point values like 1, 1.5 etc. They are not error values in any way, though they are often (but not always, as it depends on the rounding) used as replacement values when there is an overflow. Upon a divide by zero exception, a positive or negative infinity is returned as an exact result.

In Java, division by zero in a floating-point context produces the special value Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

i'd be surprised if any language returns 350 if you do 350/0. Just two examples, but Java throws an Exception that can be caught. C/C++ just crashes (i think it throws a Signal that can probably be caught).

In Delphi, it either throw a compile-time error (if divided by a 0 value const) or a catchable runtime error if it happens at runtime.
It's the same for C and C++.
In PHP you will get a warning:
Warning: Division by zero in
<file.php> on line X
So, in PHP, for something like:
$i = 123 / 0;
$i will be set to nothing. BUT $i is not === NULL and isset($i) returns true and is_string($i) returns false.

Python (at least version 2, I don't have 3) throws a ZeroDivisionError, which can be caught.
num = 42
for divisor in (1,0):
ans = num / divisor
print ans
except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Trying to divide by 0!"
prints out:
Trying to divide by 0!

Most SQL implementations raise a "division by zero" error, but MySQL just returns NULL

Floating point numbers as per the IEEE define constants NaN etc. Any continued operation involving thst value will remain unchanged until the end. Integer or whole numbers are different with exceptions being thrown...In java...

In pony division by 0 is 0 but i have yet to find a language where 0/0 is 1

I'm working with polyhedra and trying to choose a language that likes inf.
The total edges for a polyhedron {a,b} where a is edges per polygon and b is edges per corner is
E = 1/(1/a + 1/b - 1/2)
if E is negative it's a negative curvature, but if E is infinity (1/0) it tiles the plane. Examples: {3,6} {4,4}


Kotlin: Why these two implementations of log base 10 give different results on the specific imputs?

println(log(it.toDouble(), 10.0).toInt()+1) // n1
println(log10(it.toDouble()).toInt() + 1) // n2
I had to count the "length" of the number in n-base for non-related to the question needs and stumbled upon a bug (or rather unexpected behavior) that for it == 1000 these two functions give different results.
n1(1000) = 3,
n2(1000) = 4.
Checking values before conversion to int resulted in:
n1_double(1000) = 3.9999999999999996,
n2_double(1000) = 4.0
I understand that some floating point arithmetics magic is involved, but what is especially weird to me is that for 100, 10000 and other inputs that I checked n1 == n2.
What is special about it == 1000? How I ensure that log gives me the intended result (4, not 3.99..), because right now I can't even figure out what cases I need to double-check, since it is not just powers of 10, it is 1000 (and probably some other numbers) specifically.
I looked into implementation of log() and log10() and log is implemented as
if (base <= 0.0 || base == 1.0) return Double.NaN
return nativeMath.log(x) / nativeMath.log(base) //log() here is a natural logarithm
while log10 is implemented as
return nativeMath.log10(x)
I suspect this division in the first case is the reason of an error, but I can't figure out why it causes an error only in specific cases.
I also found this question:
Python math.log and math.log10 giving different results
But I already know that one is more precise than another. However there is no analogy for log10 for some base n, so I'm curious of reason WHY it is specifically 1000 that goes wrong.
PS: I understand there are methods of calculating length of a number without fp arithmetics and log of n-base, but at this point it is a scientific curiosity.
but I can't figure out why it causes an error only in specific cases.
return nativeMath.log(x) / nativeMath.log(base)
//log() here is a natural logarithm
Consider x = 1000 and nativeMath.log(x). The natural logarithm is not exactly representable. It is near
6.90775527898213_681... (Double answer)
6.90775527898213_705... (closer answer)
Consider base = 10 and nativeMath.log(base). The natural logarithm is not exactly representable. It is near
2.302585092994045_901... (Double)
2.302585092994045_684... (closer answer)
The only exactly correct nativeMath.log(x) for a finite x is when x == 1.0.
The quotient of the division of 6.90775527898213681... / 2.302585092994045901... is not exactly representable. It is near 2.9999999999999995559...
The conversion of the quotient to text is not exact.
So we have 4 computation errors with the system giving us a close (rounded) result instead at each step.
Sometimes these rounding errors cancel out in a way we find acceptable and the value of "3.0" is reported. Sometimes not.
Performed with higher precision math, it is easy to see log(1000) was less than a higher precision answer and that log(10) was more. These 2 round-off errors in the opposite direction for a / contributed to the quotient being extra off (low) - by 1 ULP than hoped.
When log(x, 10) is computed for other x = power-of-10, and the log(x) is slightly more than than a higher precision answer, I'd expect the quotient to less often result in a 1 ULP error. Perhaps it will be 50/50 for all powers-of-10.
log10(x) is designed to compute the logarithm in a different fashion, exploiting that the base is 10.0 and certainly exact for powers-of-10.

I want to make vhdl divider

i'm now using FPGA spartan3,
i want to calculate 'result' which is represented below formula.
and the 'result' should be returned as integer type. So i set up all the variables with integer type but it doesn't work.
result <=((a*b*7894*7)/(w*temp_constant));
i've set a,b,c,w,temp_constant as variables
variable a : integer range 0 to 99;
variable b : integer range 0 to 9999;
variable w : integer range 0 to 200;
variable temp_constant : integer range 0 to 99;
but the operator '/' doesn't work at this synthesis. the error msg was
'Operator '/' must have constant operands or first operand must be power of 2"'
The error message is almost (see the note below) 100% clear: divisions are not supported by your synthesis tool, except with constant operands (the result is computed by the synthesizer in the constant propagation phase) or with divisors that are powers of 2 (the division is a simple right shift).
One possible reason for this limitation of your synthesis tool is that there are many of ways to compute integer divisions in hardware and typing just / in a VHDL code is not enough to chose among them. There may be other reasons.
In your case where operands are not constants, and the divisor is not a power of 2, you must design this divider yourself at a lower level. If you have no idea about hardware implementations of integer dividers you will have to search a bit. This is a very classical topic, it should be easy to find good resources. Just a hint: pre-computing all inverses in fixed point representation, storing them in a read-only memory and using multiplications instead of divisions is an option.
Note: I find the error message you got (first operand must be power of 2) a bit surprising. Unless the term first operand is supposed to designate the divisor, which is not that common, it is probably a bug and the correct error message should be: second operand must be power of 2. Or, even better: divisor must be power of 2.

Not getting Tan (90) Value as undefined in objective-c

While running below statement it prints the wrong value in the console. I got stuck as I am a beginner.
Output displayed as : tan(90)=16331239353195370.000000
The result is correct. M_PI / 2.0 is a double that is quite close to π/2, but is not precisely π/2 (π cannot be precisely represented by a double). Therefore its tangent is very large, but not infinite.
schmitdt9's link to the tan docs are useful, but the important note is this one:
The function has mathematical poles at π(1/2 + n); however no common floating-point representation is able to represent π/2 exactly, thus there is no value of the argument for which a pole error occurs.
"Pole" means "input for which the function is infinite."
To your question "how i should print tan(90) as undefined in console," the answer is you'll need to special-case it. Normalize whatever you've been passed to 0-360, and check if it's 90 or 270. If so, print infinite, otherwise call tan.
tan is a C function, please refer to this page
Especially it is said:
If a domain error occurs, an implementation-defined value is returned
(NaN where supported)
So I suppose the number 16331239353195370.000000 means Infinity/error in this case
About Infinity printing
There is a special macro INFINITY and if you do
NSLog(#"%f", INFINITY);
the output will be

What is protected division? (in reference to genetic programming and cryptography)

I am getting references in a paper on genetic programming, to a "protected division" operation. When I google this, i get mostly papers on genetic programming and various results related to cryptography, but none that explain what it actually is. Does anybody know?
Protected division (often notated with %) checks to see if its second
argument is 0. If so, % typically returns the value 1 (regardless of
the value of the first argument).
In cryptography it doesn't seem to be well-defined, but the top google hit is for protecting against side channel attacks (in that case, via power use - you can guess what numbers are being used in the division by looking at the power consumption of the hardware doing the encryption)
In GP protected division is a modified division operator which does not signal "division by zero" error when denominator is 0 (zero). It typically returns 1 when denominator is zero.
It divides on threshold function of argument instead of argument.
Thres(x) = epsilon*Theta(x) if fabs(x)<epsilon.
Where Theta() is non-zero variant of theta-function.
Other threshold functions possible. Or sometimes it is just 'epsilon'.
When evolving programs with Genetic Programming (GP), every generated program is tested to get its fitness value.
The protected division is required when the evolved programs are mathematical expressions. In cryptography, the mathematical expression might be used to model a decision-making process.
In the evaluation step, the program may perform a division by zero, which would cause a crash. To avoid this, the protected division is set to return a specific value if the denominator equals zero. I've seen three settings:
If the denominator equals zero, return 1
If the denominator equals zero, return 0
If the denominator equals zero, return the numerator
The setting should be specified somewhere in the paper.
If not, the safest bet is to assume that the protected division returns the numerator.
Given that 1 is a multiplicative neutral and 0 is an additive neutral, they could cause some bias in the programs generated during the evolution but are still commonly used.

Comparing IEEE floats and doubles for equality

What is the best method for comparing IEEE floats and doubles for equality? I have heard of several methods, but I wanted to see what the community thought.
The best approach I think is to compare ULPs.
bool is_nan(float f)
return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000 && (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x007fffff) != 0;
bool is_finite(float f)
return (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned __int32*>(&f) & 0x7f800000) != 0x7f800000;
// if this symbol is defined, NaNs are never equal to anything (as is normal in IEEE floating point)
// if this symbol is not defined, NaNs are hugely different from regular numbers, but might be equal to each other
#define UNEQUAL_NANS 1
// if this symbol is defined, infinites are never equal to finite numbers (as they're unimaginably greater)
// if this symbol is not defined, infinities are 1 ULP away from +/- FLT_MAX
// test whether two IEEE floats are within a specified number of representable values of each other
// This depends on the fact that IEEE floats are properly ordered when treated as signed magnitude integers
bool equal_float(float lhs, float rhs, unsigned __int32 max_ulp_difference)
if(is_nan(lhs) || is_nan(rhs))
return false;
if((is_finite(lhs) && !is_finite(rhs)) || (!is_finite(lhs) && is_finite(rhs)))
return false;
signed __int32 left(*reinterpret_cast<signed __int32*>(&lhs));
// transform signed magnitude ints into 2s complement signed ints
if(left < 0)
left = 0x80000000 - left;
signed __int32 right(*reinterpret_cast<signed __int32*>(&rhs));
// transform signed magnitude ints into 2s complement signed ints
if(right < 0)
right = 0x80000000 - right;
if(static_cast<unsigned __int32>(std::abs(left - right)) <= max_ulp_difference)
return true;
return false;
A similar technique can be used for doubles. The trick is to convert the floats so that they're ordered (as if integers) and then just see how different they are.
I have no idea why this damn thing is screwing up my underscores. Edit: Oh, perhaps that is just an artefact of the preview. That's OK then.
The current version I am using is this
bool is_equals(float A, float B,
float maxRelativeError, float maxAbsoluteError)
if (fabs(A - B) < maxAbsoluteError)
return true;
float relativeError;
if (fabs(B) > fabs(A))
relativeError = fabs((A - B) / B);
relativeError = fabs((A - B) / A);
if (relativeError <= maxRelativeError)
return true;
return false;
This seems to take care of most problems by combining relative and absolute error tolerance. Is the ULP approach better? If so, why?
#DrPizza: I am no performance guru but I would expect fixed point operations to be quicker than floating point operations (in most cases).
It rather depends on what you are doing with them. A fixed-point type with the same range as an IEEE float would be many many times slower (and many times larger).
Things suitable for floats:
3D graphics, physics/engineering, simulation, climate simulation....
In numerical software you often want to test whether two floating point numbers are exactly equal. LAPACK is full of examples for such cases. Sure, the most common case is where you want to test whether a floating point number equals "Zero", "One", "Two", "Half". If anyone is interested I can pick some algorithms and go more into detail.
Also in BLAS you often want to check whether a floating point number is exactly Zero or One. For example, the routine dgemv can compute operations of the form
y = beta*y + alpha*A*x
y = beta*y + alpha*A^T*x
y = beta*y + alpha*A^H*x
So if beta equals One you have an "plus assignment" and for beta equals Zero a "simple assignment". So you certainly can cut the computational cost if you give these (common) cases a special treatment.
Sure, you could design the BLAS routines in such a way that you can avoid exact comparisons (e.g. using some flags). However, the LAPACK is full of examples where it is not possible.
There are certainly many cases where you don't want check for "is exactly equal". For many people this even might be the only case they ever have to deal with. All I want to point out is that there are other cases too.
Although LAPACK is written in Fortran the logic is the same if you are using other programming languages for numerical software.
Oh dear lord please don't interpret the float bits as ints unless you're running on a P6 or earlier.
Even if it causes it to copy from vector registers to integer registers via memory, and even if it stalls the pipeline, it's the best way to do it that I've come across, insofar as it provides the most robust comparisons even in the face of floating point errors.
i.e. it is a price worth paying.
This seems to take care of most problems by combining relative and absolute error tolerance. Is the ULP approach better? If so, why?
ULPs are a direct measure of the "distance" between two floating point numbers. This means that they don't require you to conjure up the relative and absolute error values, nor do you have to make sure to get those values "about right". With ULPs, you can express directly how close you want the numbers to be, and the same threshold works just as well for small values as for large ones.
If you have floating point errors you have even more problems than this. Although I guess that is up to personal perspective.
Even if we do the numeric analysis to minimize accumulation of error, we can't eliminate it and we can be left with results that ought to be identical (if we were calculating with reals) but differ (because we cannot calculate with reals).
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
Perhaps we cannot afford the loss of range or performance that such an approach would inflict.
#DrPizza: I am no performance guru but I would expect fixed point operations to be quicker than floating point operations (in most cases).
#Craig H: Sure. I'm totally okay with it printing that. If a or b store money then they should be represented in fixed point. I'm struggling to think of a real world example where such logic ought to be allied to floats. Things suitable for floats:
real world values (like from a ADC)
For all these things, either you much then numbers and simply present the results to the user for human interpretation, or you make a comparative statement (even if such a statement is, "this thing is within 0.001 of this other thing"). A comparative statement like mine is only useful in the context of the algorithm: the "within 0.001" part depends on what physical question you're asking. That my 0.02. Or should I say 2/100ths?
It rather depends on what you are
doing with them. A fixed-point type
with the same range as an IEEE float
would be many many times slower (and
many times larger).
Okay, but if I want a infinitesimally small bit-resolution then it's back to my original point: == and != have no meaning in the context of such a problem.
An int lets me express ~10^9 values (regardless of the range) which seems like enough for any situation where I would care about two of them being equal. And if that's not enough, use a 64-bit OS and you've got about 10^19 distinct values.
I can express values a range of 0 to 10^200 (for example) in an int, it is just the bit-resolution that suffers (resolution would be greater than 1, but, again, no application has that sort of range as well as that sort of resolution).
To summarize, I think in all cases one either is representing a continuum of values, in which case != and == are irrelevant, or one is representing a fixed set of values, which can be mapped to an int (or a another fixed-precision type).
An int lets me express ~10^9 values
(regardless of the range) which seems
like enough for any situation where I
would care about two of them being
equal. And if that's not enough, use a
64-bit OS and you've got about 10^19
distinct values.
I have actually hit that limit... I was trying to juggle times in ps and time in clock cycles in a simulation where you easily hit 10^10 cycles. No matter what I did I very quickly overflowed the puny range of 64-bit integers... 10^19 is not as much as you think it is, gimme 128 bits computing now!
Floats allowed me to get a solution to the mathematical issues, as the values overflowed with lots zeros at the low end. So you basically had a decimal point floating aronud in the number with no loss of precision (I could like with the more limited distinct number of values allowed in the mantissa of a float compared to a 64-bit int, but desperately needed th range!).
And then things converted back to integers to compare etc.
Annoying, and in the end I scrapped the entire attempt and just relied on floats and < and > to get the work done. Not perfect, but works for the use case envisioned.
If you are looking for two floats to be equal, then they should be identically equal in my opinion. If you are facing a floating point rounding problem, perhaps a fixed point representation would suit your problem better.
Perhaps I should explain the problem better. In C++, the following code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a = 1.0;
float b = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
if(a != b)
cout << "Something is wrong" << endl;
return 1;
prints the phrase "Something is wrong". Are you saying that it should?
Oh dear lord please don't interpret the float bits as ints unless you're running on a P6 or earlier.
it's the best way to do it that I've come across, insofar as it provides the most robust comparisons even in the face of floating point errors.
If you have floating point errors you have even more problems than this. Although I guess that is up to personal perspective.